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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1976, Section 2, p. 10

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iThe Canadian Statesman, Bawmanvîlle, January 21, 197r,6 Section Two Fire Dept's. Porto-Tank Gets Tryout A Jan. ioth barn fire at, R.R.2. Bowmanville, gave firefighters an Ôýpportunity to try out the recently acquired porto-tank. The collapsible unit which is carried on top of the department's 1,500 gallon tank truck can be quickly set up allowing the water in the truck to be dumped, freeing the tanker to return to town for another load. From left, firemen Ray Kichko tanker driver) Wayne Harrison, Brian Smith and Bruce Smith observe as one'of three ioads used to fight the blaze is dumped into the portable tank. It is then pumped in the usual fashion from the tank, by the pump truck, feeding the hose lunes. Sandy Moore, Shirley Road, Cartwright, ta Toronto toaa rccept ion for the 9th birthday of Mrs. L illian Brownridge held at the United Church, 1slinqton. We understand this lady is very smart for bier age, so ýcongratulations ta, her! Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Scarbaraugh, were Sat. vîsi- tors with parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Jîm McLaugh- lin, Union were Sat. evening callers at the Allan, Werry's., Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor, R.R. 1, Enniskillen, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor. Miss Betty, Wright was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wright and baby Jeffrey, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stain- ton visited Mr.,Claude Smith and Mr. Daug McFarland, at Oshawa HosDital. 'and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wlber7Smith, Oshawa. Our U.C.W. ladies have been kept real busy an the week- ends at the Conservation Area serving hot drinks, doughnuts and hot dogs. The E. Wright families and the J. Buma familles attended a pot luck supper and miscel- laneous shower in hanour of the forthcaming marriage of Leslie Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright, Bowman- ville and Miss Trixie Buma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Buma, Enniskillen R.R. held at the Ma ple Grave United Church hall on Sun. Jan. l8th. During the evening congratu- lations were also extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright on their approaching 33rd wed- ding anniversary. 1Mr. Frank Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry were lun- chean guests- of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Allen's, Oshawa. Miss Karen Malley, Toron- Answer Questions On Rent Controls Rent controls affect virtual- yall tenants and landiords in the province, but there's considerable confusion about how and where they apply. If rent was increased by more than eight per cent in the five-mont h period from July 30 to Dec. 31 without a written agreement signed by both tenant and landiord (not a, lease) then the tenant is entitled to a rebate if he applies by Feb. 16, 1976. If the landiord refuses to rebate the amount over eight per cent, the tenant may apply to a rent review officer for an order requiring payment. The saine applies for the period from Jan. 1, 1976 ta. July 31, except landiords can a ppy for an increase above thýe eight per cent. But hikes a bove that figure must be justîfîed by increased costs in operating the build- ing. Until a decision is reached to, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wright and Jeffrey, Pontypool were Wed. supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Berta and Ernest Werry were-among the guests'enter- tained to a dessert luncheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Moffatt, Oshawa, when they entertained a group of cousins to, visit with Mrs. Wilfrid Werry who has recent- ly returned from the Canary Islands, and is making hier, home now in Ottawa. They later were dinner guests of their daughter and son-in-law Gary and Betty Jane Hane- wich, Oshawa. by a rent review officer, the tenant need pay aMly the eight ~er cent over his rent last Some- of the most-asked questions about rent contrais are: What is ,flot covered by the legislation? Certain non-profit co-opera- tiehote, motel and vaca- tion unts, buildings first occupied after Jan. 1, 1976 and commercial premises are not affected by t h e act. What is covered? Apartments, houses, tawn- houses, multiplexes, raoming houses, mobile home sites, and rent -g eared - ta - incarne sites, A faîl under the legislatian. Can the landlord evict a persan making trouble over an increase? The Landiord Tenant -Act acts as a protection by stating a challenge ta a rent increase and a demand for a rent refund are nat grounds for eviction. Is there a reduction for substantial rent increases that were made before last duly 30? During the termi of the leasei the tenant has ta pay the quated amount. However, if tlhe landiord seeks another increase then the tenant can ask for a review and a rent review officer' will decide what increase, if any, will be allowed., How does a persan get his rent increase justified if lie doesn't knaw wba bis landiord is? Under the Landiord Tenant Act, a landiard must past his name and address in a praminent place in the build- i ng. Failure ta do so can result, in afn llow do 1 find out what the previaus tenant paid when 1 moved into the building after July 30? The landiord should be asked haw much the previaus tenant paid. If he'refuses ta answer or provides informa- tion that seems incorrect, the tenant may request justifica- tion for an increase. If the landiord increases rent in 1976, may the increase be a ppealed?, A landiord may, subject ta appeal by the tenant, increase rent between July 30, 1975, and Jul 31, 1976. no more than e gh per cent over the rent before Aug. 1, 1975. A further increase may be made after July 1, 1976, subject ta a tenant appea. Should a lease be signed when notification has been given about a large rent increase? The interests of the tenant should be protected by signing the lease. 1 May a landiord increase rent by eight per cent during a six-month lease and then again for a second six-month lease? Increases above eight per cent are not allowed during a, r ear because unless the land- lord can justify them. May a landlord start charg- ing for use of the swirnming pool and other facilities when he didn't charge for themn before? If these services were in- cluded in the rent before, the landiord cannot demand extra payment for them now. An increases in the parking fee, for instance, is considered a Discussion, Fellowshi'p At Jaycees Dinner Meeting by Dougy Taylor present' for the purpose af Aside from thie usual riatous retrieving their gavel which fining session which had the somehow attached itself ta the added fury af seven Whitby sticky fingers of a Bowman- members fin attendance, the ville Jaycee last month. Bowmanville Jaycees dinner Guests at the mieetîng meeting dan. 7 at the Darling- included Town of Newcastle tan Marina Hotel was a fairly Planning Directar George casual, quiet session. Howden who was- bro.ught T'he discussion which took along by Jaycee Jim Robin- place following the dinner son. rrtian of the meeting, dealt Mr. Rabinson explained fol- briefly with the Saper Creek lowing the meeting that Mr. Pa k, membership and other Howden suggested more co- ac tivities the club might operatian from the town might possibly engage in. be expected in the develop- There was ta have been an ment of the park. induction ceremony, accord- Other guests were Barry ing ta the agenda for the Virtue, brought by Jaycee meeting, however that was President Larrv Pooler and cancelled ta the next dinner Antan Trejbal brought 'by meeting on Feb. 4 because of, Jaycee Harry Moroz. the inability of those jaining, The next Jaycee meeting, a the club ta be present last business session, will be held week. in 'Court Roam Two of the A Chinese Auction was won Bowmanville Police Building by Steve Galpîn, Regional on dan. 21 at 8 p.m. Il is daycee Treasurer. advised- that new members The, Whitby Jaycees in are always welcame. attendanice hast week were rentapply tae.ReduceRegion a building constructed in 1976? Spe cd.Limit If the, building was nat, Bylaws are supposed ta be accupied at all until dan. 1, introduced today (dan. 21) at 1976, the Iegislation doesn't the Regional Council Session apply. calling for 50 mph speed limit 1 arn a landlord, and My signs -ta be erected 'on aperating expenses are mare Regional roads., than the incarne derived from The move, which is in an eight per cent increase in concurrence with recent pro- rents. May 1 seek a higher vincial legisiation, will involve increase? some 88 miles of rgoa Landlords have the right ta roads presently posted f or 60 apply for increases greater mph at a cost o f $2,3Ô0. than eight per cent if they can , t is expected the task will supply documents ta show the take about three days working justification. time to complete. What Weight Watcherse memibers are saying about the new Personal Action Plan- modules: "WEIOHT W ATCHERS Gloria Satoski Medical Assistant LOST 29 pounds_ "They teach you how Ï ta appreciotey ou food more- and ta enjoy it." Skip Gladstonýe Adminisrator _______________ LOST 70 pounds ENROLL AT ANY CLASS- Enroll ot on y class. First meeting Fee $7. Ali other meetings $3- speciol senior citizen & student rate jfirst meeting. $4. Ali other meetings $1.50. FOR CLASS INFORMATION CALL Toronto 275-5222 AREA CLASSES NEW CLASS- STARTS JAN. 22ndU Memoriaol Park Clubhouse Liberty Street South Thurs. - 1:30 p.m. __ and 7:30 p.m. ~f EACH MONTH Yes Epch monfi nh ,bers of 0cr classes recere i ~ h Watchers magazine ubsolutely FREE. Donit delay loin todoy. Join us today. We've got so much that's new ta help you reach your goal. NEW PERSONAL ACTIO PLAN e WoI o E,n ono - d Lndei. onoiie lh od. -ok Wight ,In c,, n genfl de -à- n,1976 ENNISKILLEN The Enniskillen U.C.W. meeting will be held at the Manse on Wed., full reports next week. The annual Congregational meeting of aur church will be Sun. dan. 25th at 7:30 p.m. at the church. A Bible Study will be held at the Manse on Wed. morning 10:00 'a.m.. please plan to attend. Marjorie and Harry Worden of R.R. 2, Bowmanville and Russell Ormiston accompan- led Margaret and Orville Ashton when they attended the annual Shouldice Re-union Banquet at the Royal York Hotel, Tornto, on Saturday, a1so attended the Suniday a.m.1 service at Timothy Eaton Memorial Church. Russell Ormîston visited with his sister Verna Farsyth, Toronto. Mr. and, Mrs. Bill, Dol, Waterford, Mr. and Mrs. Paul,. Graeneveld Jr. Simcoe, were visitors with Mi.r. and' Mrs. Gary Groeneveldand family. Pleased ta report Mr. Paul Groenveld Sr. is home from the hospital feeling much bettt. Mr. a.- Mrs. ýAllan Werry were Wednesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sabils', Taunton.. Mr. Joe McGill and 'son Dean, Mississauga spent the weekend with his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill and i enjoyed snawmobiling here. Miss Elva Orchard is visi-,, ting with Mrs. Aima Perigoe, Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and James were Thurs. evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. Angus King's, Little Britain. Miss Aleta Steele, Oshawa, was Sat. af ternoon visitor with Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm, Orano, Mr. Rabert Griffin, Lindsay, Mrs. John Griffin, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. ,Wal- lace Griffin, attended the funeral last Tuesday af the late Sherman Davis of Powas- son. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Slack and Joanne, Oshawa, Miss Jan Bartlett, Mr. Locki McNair, Toronta, Mr. and Mrs. DrewAlmand, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair attended the christening of baby Holly Slack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Slack of Oshawa and grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McNair. Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin accampanied Mr. and Mrs. 161 BASE LINE ROAD E. BOWMANVILLE 24- HOU R S ERVI1C E - 623-6281 Specialists In: Furnace Cleaning,Intlaos AUTHORIZED COI'SUMERS' GAS DEALER MaintenanceCotas and Applianice Sales

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