The CanadianStatesman, Býowmanville, January 21, 1976 3 Firemen Battie $ 7,000 Blaze Early Mondczy Morning 6DgCýc-îU ~dQ "We've been married a year and neyer quarre!. If a difference of opinion arises and I'm right, my hiusband gives in." "But what if he's right?" "That neyer occurred." CLOTHES CARE HINT: Your personal appearance is greatly improvedi in freshly cleaned clothes. Plan to Attend the DISNEY WORLD CONCERT Sunday, February 1, 1976 8:00 p.m. B.H.S. Auditorium Bowmanvi*lle ~?t1Cleaners Ltd. 84 King St. W. 62U '~-~L~J1« - We Specialize in Shirt CEANER Laundering", example- above, a request were made to change the year end from June uintil some time uin the flu or winter, they oudproba bly be receptive and approve the change. Needless to say, once chan- ged, the new fiscal year end would again apply year after year. Next week: Registered Retirement Savings Plans Q - Does the 10 cent per gallon refund apply to gasoline purchased in the U .S.? A - No. Sinice only gasoline sold in Canada includes the 10 cent tax, then only Canadian purchases quali fy for the refund. The Ontario March' of Dimes, in its 25th year of service to the province's estimated 750,000 physically disabled adults. Please give generously when your canvas- sers cails. High Single Diane Ogden 288. Hiâg bTriple Diane Ogden 665. Team Standings I. Wright 5576 pins, 6_points; B. Wilbur 5489,,4; K. Ralston 5361, -4;,,A. Burgess 5140,'4: M. Trimble 5304, 3; M. Bates 5280, Top 10 Games D. Ogden 288, P. Pingle 286, M. Bates 250, B. Smith 254, A. Lorusso 246, J. Rowe 242, 1. Hughes 241, L. Burgess 238, 1. Wright 230, B. Wibur 231. 3-5520 Bowmanville Firefiihters are seen here -in the early hours of Monday mornng battling tire which caused an estimated $7,000 damage to a garage and contents at the rear of 138 Queen Street about 4:46 a. m. TE Olymi by John Squirrelly I was in Toronto visiting an uncle of mine wbo is a third deputy undersecretary to the ministerial assistant in charge of alloting parking spaces at Queen's Park, when a worried looking civil servant came into bis basement office. "I hope you don't mind me interrupting you like this," be said, "but I've just got to, get out of my office for a wile." 11e sat down and began wiping bis forebead. 'Good heavens," my uncle exclaimed, "wbat's the prob- Ail Winter Merchandise Pri * Coats *Dresses Ail Sales Final * Sportswear, * Gowns" Alterations Extra OSHAWA Bond Towers Shopping MaS 44 Bond St W. Downtown Oshawa 576-7152 SQ UARE lem? You look like you've seen the ghost of Mitch Hepburn. " "Worse than that," our visitor answered. "1've seen the gbost of Jean Drapeau." 11e waved a sheaf of papers in bis hand. "Can you guess what this is?" he a5ked. "No, I can't," my uncle said. "What is it? " "These are ahl applications from centres that vvant to, hold the 1980 Summer Olympies." hie cried. "Why, that's wonderful," my uncle said. "Such a spirit of' nationalism! Sucb civic pride! Wbere are they from? Toronto? Winnipeg? Van- couver?" "Would you believe Ban- croft, Orangeville and Elmira9" bis visitor replied. "You're kidding.," my uncle said. "o'ekiJd1in.-".Iechoed. "okat îthem,' ou: yisitor said ,ith a groan."Tet applications and alo them in Po itically sensitive rid ings. My deputy minister told me to bandle them witb kid gloves or be'd be appointing me super- Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glasbergen held open bouse for their familles follow-, ing the baptism of their infant son, Dwayne Stirling, in Bowmanville Christian Re- formed Cburch. A turkey dinner wasen oed ytoei attendance. o'dbytsei Miss Lynn Moore, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Oý-am Moore, 'underwent a tonsilectomy in Port Perry Hospital thîs week. The transportation of pupils this week to Grandview Public Scbool was a comedy of errors. Bus service was can- celled on Wednesday a.m. following the blustery, wîndy, Tuesday nigbts storm. Quite logical. Not so logical was the cancellation of bus service on Tbursday a.m. with not a snowflake in sigbt and a cool bright crisp day ail day. On Friday.a.m. the very opposite - snowing and blowing like felines and canines, the child- ren were bussed to scbool wbere buses were not even unloaded and eildren return- ed home again post-baste. They must flip a coin - if it lands on its edge tbey bave scbool - heads they stay home and tails tbey don't go. Speaking of canines our Mama Heinz female dog contributed an even dozen puppies this week to the cause - canine over-population that, 's. Mail service reacbed a new peak of efficiency in this area. A card maiied by our next door neighbor several days before Christmas, reacbed Malconia early this week - about tbree weeks later. In ail fairness, mail service in this area bas been and is excellent normallv. Deepest sympathy is ex- tend-edto Mrs. Ronnie Jack- son and daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson in the passing of their husband, iattier and son after a long painful illness. Ronnie faced bis, illness with aîn amazing fortitude and courage rigbt to the end. His passing wîll be a source of sadness to a very broad circle of friends and relatives.', Mr. an 'd Mrs. Terry Mal- colm are scbeduled to leave on Tbursday. January 22 for a cou ple' of weeks in Hawaii. Lucky ducklings! The Harvey Malcolms ap- peared to be the only residents of Manvers present at the retirement banquet. beld in honor of. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Brown at' O ps Community Centre oh Wednesday evening, in bonor of Leroy's retîrement as Agr. Rep. after 27 years of dedîcated service to the area of Victoria-Haliburton. PiCs visor of lîtter collection in Algonquin park." H1e went on. "Just listen to some of these'suggestions, " he said, almost with a sob. He read from a random applica- tion. "It is proposed that the track and field events be held at the Hiram Jones farm on Concession 3. Hiram has a lot of rail f encing on b is land that could be used for the hurdies, And since hie sold bis livestock last year, he's got no use for bis barn which is where we figure we'll bold the boxiný and wrestling matches."ý He selected another. "This one wants to dam up a small creek to provide a la ke f or the regatta races and swimming' meets. Dear me, I feel like taking early retirement." H1e buried bis face in bis bands. "But wby would these places want to stage the Olvynpic,-?" 1 asked incredu- lously. Our visitor looked up in surprise. ""Haven't you heard about how well off Montreal will be after the Olympics are over?" hie said. "A new stadium, a couple of swim- migpos, a big new bousing "But the deficit for the '76 Olympics will be enormous, " I pointed out. "Sure," our visitor said, "'and who do you think is, going topray for most of it? Motreal wil1 only kick in about $200 million for facilities that are worth over a billion. Anyway you look at it, they corne out ahead. Besides-, they bad thousands employed at the Olympic site and every busin- essman in the city bad a finger in the p le. Just think of what that did to the local economy. " H1e shook the clutch of applications again. "That's why these places want to put on the '80 games. They can make a town rich." Our visitor slumped down in bis chair and stared morosely at the floor. I tried to offer some words of consolation but hie didn't seem to hear me at ail. I sighed in sympathy and then headed for the door. I waved good-bye to my uncle. "What, going sb soon?" hie asked. "Yes," I said, "it's been a long day and V've 9uite a drive ahead of me. Besides, I want to catch our town, 'council before they break up for the nigbt." I know a good thing when I see it. corner By John Manuel, C.G.A. Choice of a Fiscal Vear End This column is directed primarily to the small busi- nessman who started a new' business during 1975. For and employee who receives a T-4 or T-4A, the calendar year must be followed. RentaI income must similarly be based upon the calendar year. The first fiscal year of a new business, must contain no more than 53 calendar weeks. Within that time, any con- venient day may be chosen to "close" the books. Once this date is chosen, it will, apply every year thereafter (except as explained below). We will consider only two major areas of importance to the selection of a fiscal year: firstly, the business cycle, and secondly, the possible tax consequenses. The "business cycle" ap- proach means looking at the business from a seasonal point of view. The most convenient year end will generally be the quietest time of the year when inventories are lowest, and the accounts are in such a condition that one can afford the time to do the necessary year-end work. A garcien centre, for example wbich opened in June of 1975, would flot likely select June, 1976 as its year-end because of the higb ctivity in summer. A convenient year end might be November 3th. As far as taxation is concerned, there could be some advantage to closing the books of your business early in 1976, before the new season begins. Wben completipg a tax return, business income is included for the fiscal year wbich, ends in the calendar year. If a new business began in June, 1975 and ends in, say, February of 1976, the income from, the business would be taxed as 1976 income and included in the return filed in April, 1977. If, on the other hand, there were losses sustained in the early months, and November, 1975 were selected as the year end, then these losses would go towards reducing taxable income in 1975. Once a fiscal year is selected, it will generally apply every year thereafter. I t is possible, owever, to apply to the De artment for a change, so long as it is for good reason, and they are satisfied that it is flot simply a way to evade taxes. If, in the 1971 Pint-jo 2-Do -ýor 4 cyl., radio, white sidewall tires, bright colorn Lic. EBF921O 1975 Pinto 3-Dr. Runabout Maroon with Black interior, automatic transmission, radio, detroster, white sidewall tires. This car is stili on warranty. Lic. JSL403 1974 Firebird Trains-Arn -This one owner car cornes equipped- with air conditioning', stereo, tilt wheel, electric windows, automatic transmis- sion, console, defogger, radial tires, mag wheels. Dark blue with blue interior. Lic. HZT416 1973 Chevrolet Wagon British Racing Green with tan interior, air conditioning, V-8,ý automatic trans- mission, power steering, power brakes, radio. Lic. E BD1 40 1972 Datsun 610 2-Door 4 cyl., radio, radial tires, white Iwith black interior. Lic. EZN410 191Pontiac Grand Prix Copper with white interior. Cornes equipped with air conditioning, bucket seats, vinyl roof, console, electric windows, Michelin radiais. Lic. EBF814 1973- Plymouth Satellite Sebring 2-Door Hardtop ,Charcoal grey with cloth interior. V-8, automatic, power steering power brakes, vinyl roof. Lic. A F F599 1968 Ford Customn 2-Door Dark blue, V-8, automatic, radio. jLic. E BD921 1973 Ford' Explorer Pick-Up 2 ton, V-8, autornatic, power steering, power brakes. Lic. D39615 623-4481 L 219 King Street East -Flowers with Feeling" For Any Occasion CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS during the month of January 133 Church Street Bowmanville Fresh Fîower and Dried Flower Arrangements for FUNERALS - WEDOINGS HOSPITAL and HOME If your organization is interested in a Free Floral Demonstration, please contact us. Januaryý and February SPECIAL YOU JUST CAN'T AFFORD TO COOK AT HOME! P-resent this coupon and receive 1 O F F any purchase of $5.00 or More Mary Brown's FriedChicken 7ý51/2 King St. E. Bowmanvîlle OFFER EXPIRES FEBRUARY 29, 1976 1 623-4481