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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1976, p. 7

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. JanuiarV 28, 1976 7 Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Battama, R.R. 6, Bowmanville on Sat- urday for Mr. Austin Larmer 10:00 a.m. - Aduit, in Upper Room 10:Oam. -Classes for ali ages, 9and up 11.Oa.m- Nursery Baby Care,Toddlers and Kindergarten 11:15a.m. -Primary Dept.,aceS4to8 lla.m.-WORSHIP SFPVICE INDUCTION SERVICE for newly appoînted Stewards and Eiders A WARM WELCOME FOR EVERVONE Wednesday, 10Oa.m., Bible Study Group ini Church Parlour Sunday, Feb. 8, Baptismn Service St PuI's United Churchi Minister Rev. N. E. Schamnerhorn, B.A.,M. Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess 11:00 a.m. -Morning Worship Fourth in a special series of sermons on ""MAN AND HIS RELIGION" Sermon i "*LIKE A MIGHTY RUSHING WIND"r GOLDEN YEARS CLUB meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month COUPLES CLUB meeTs lst Sunday evenîng of each month. SUNDAY SCHOOL Primary Children wiII attend first part of Church Services with their parents. 9 :45 a.m. Senior Classes (9 Years and Up) NURSERY Parents are invited to bring their pre-school children to our play and Iearn nursery while they attend Church. PenecotalChurch 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sunday Services 9:55 a-M .......... Sunday School Il .OOa...... orship Service 7: 00 P. , .Evange-listic Service 'Mid Week Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Youth Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. Bible Study A WeIcome for You in rid ly churc h ItemsofItrt Wed., Feb. 4th Lions Communiity Centre - Beech Avenue 1:30 p.m. to 9?00 p.m. to the ClIinlc- wilII ho provùided on the day of the, Cli*nlc by telephoning Baby-Sittig5 sies wiII b. supplied at the Clinic. THIS MESSAGE PROVIDED BY THE KINSMEN CLUB 0F BOWMANVILLE IN THE COMMUNITY INTE REST Celebrates Fîrsi Birthday A surprise family dinner party waa held at the home cf bis daughter and son-ii-law, in. honor cf his 8th birthday, January 23rd. Attending were his wif e Phoebe, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Larmer and daugh- ters, Patti, Jedi and Tracy, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Larmer and sens, Stephen and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Rici Connelly, Messrs. Kevin and Brian Battams and Miss Kathy Allen, BoWmanville. A pleasant time was had by ail. t was announced teday that Stephen Lewis, MPP, Leader cf Her Majesty's Loyal OPpo- sition in Ontario, the N.. will be the keynote speaker on Saturday, February 7, 1976 at the East Central Ontario Regienal Pelicy Conjerence on the Tyendinaga Indiar Reserve. Mr. Lewis will be accempanied te the Confer- ence by Donald MacDonald, MPP, York South, George Samis, MPP, Storment, Gill Sandeman, MPP, Peterbo- rough, Deug Moffatt, MPP, Durham East, al cf wbem wil be takine îpart in the varieus workshops. Saturday evening, February 7, 1976 Federal NDF Leader, Ed Broadbent, wii] attend the Conference as the Banquet Speaker., The' centract fer a new extension on the Applied Arts wing cf Durham College hbas been awarded te H. M. Brocks (Oshawa) Ltd. Construction is tc begin immediately. Cern- pletien isý planned for August 1, ready fer classes in the faîl. The new Applied Arts\ exten- sion wiiI be approxîmately 13,000 square feet and will c oss f laboratories and shepa as wellas classroom space and staff offices. t will be te the west cf the present Applied Arts facility, behind the lecture theatre. The struc- ture will be a single sterey building witb a mezzanine at the western end. Located on the first floor, is a weod working shep, ceramies and sculpturing labs, and a silk acreen area.JIhere will aise be a graphics and drafting area, asel1 as a graphic werkshop, including a photographic dark reom for useb y graphics students. The mezzanine level, will include staff offices, an interior desi n iabcratory and a free hans drawing lab. The Consumers' Gas Ceom- pany anneunced Jan. 20th that aragements have been maete raise $50 million tbrcugb the issue cf 107/s per cent Firat Mertgage Sinkîng Fund Bonds, Series K. The underwriters for the issue are Dominion Securities Corpora- tion Harris and Partners Limited and A. E. Ames and Co., Limited.- Mrs. Annie Darch has returned home frojn a very enjoyable six weeks holiday in The Golden Leàionnaires weuld like te intro uce their entire group as ever the past five years there has been auite Y, ..e S. id à id ;S ýy it it ýo ýe n ýe [S y Dl p s :S S 1- ;t is Cha nging. " Closing wif h prayer, follow- ed b y the hymn "Take Time te be Holy. " A general discus- sion period fcllowed concern- ing cur projecta and catering for future montha. We were bighly privileged te have as a guest one cf our ceuncillors cf our region, Mrs. Ann Cowrnan, frorn Courtice who was introduced by one cf the scuth unit leaders Marga- ret Stainton. Mrs. Cowman's informai talk was most infor- mative. She first explained bier reasens fer becerning inVolved in politics at the Municipal level and told ber listeners a little about herself and bier training and now one cf bier special duties is acting as member cf the Planning Advisory Committee which involves bier in many areas and prejects e.g. Fine Protec- tien, Sewage, Developments, Bell Telephene, and Hydre, Conservation, etc. Mrs. Ccw- man believes firmly in deme- cracy as well as tcuring in p erson te obtain first band knowledge cf the area over whîcb she and bier confreres bave jurisdiction. Spicing bier interesting talk with touches cf humour she continued te say that she encouraged eniquiries and sougbt solutions te problema for the people who elected bher and te whom she is litenally a paid servant. A brief question perîod followed bier enlightening dis- course and for these she had answers at bier finger tips. Mns. Cowrnan intimated that she was net a Weman's Lib prernoter as she enjcys being a home maker but sbe is aise concerned about public affaira and was happy to serve in that capacity. Pleasing te both eye and ear it was a genuine pleasure te have Mrs. Cow- man as oun special guest. Doneen Lamb, greupleader, read "A Perfectly Marvellous Recipe," and other verses witb a geed philosopby for living. The Feb. l8th meeting will bie beld at the Church when Mrs. David Ryan, iormer teacher, at Tyrone and Zion will give pictures of bier round the world trip. The meeting closed with the therne prayer, and a social heur, lunchean, tea and coffee, served by the seuth group. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Greene- veld, Courtice were Suniday visitera with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Groeneveld and family and thein father Mn. Paul Groeneveld Sr. wbo lirnprov- ing eacb day. Mr. and Mrs. David Cee- chetto, Misa Debbie Werry, Mna. Dennis Serafini, Sudbury were week-end visitera with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry and family, Misa Heather Perigoe, Brooklin was Sunôay guest. Mr. and Mlrs. Allan Werry attended the funeral ofte late Miss Lyle Stainton, of Hillsdale Manor, at the Mac- kintosh-Anderson funeral home, Oshawa, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Port Perry were Tuesday visitars wit Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Miss Lynne Naylor,, Osha- wa, Mrs. L. Griffin wereSat. evening S'uper guests cf Wallace adVemHeather and Dale to help celebirate Velma's birthday. Congratu- lations. Mr. and Mrs. David Stainton and family,, Cobourg, were Sunday guests with the L. Stainton's and the A. Niel- sen's. Master Brooke Clemens, Hampton, was week-end guest cf grand-parents, -the E. Wright's. Miss Winnîfred Cole, R.N., Willowdale was Wednesday guest with sister and brother- in-law Berta and Ernest Werry. Mr. Cecil Milis, Maple Grove, Mr. and M4rs. L. Stainton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope, Nestleton, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Clark, Miss Cindy Clark, Oshawa were Sun avisiters cf Mgr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater, Tom and Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- gomery, Hampton were Tues- dlay supper guests cf Mr. and Mrs. .R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs.' B. Wanna- maker, Seagrave, were Wed- nesday evening dinner guests cf Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, spent a littie tim~e on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb, Bailieboro. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Haàne- wich, Oshawa, were Sat. nlght supper guest s cf her parents- Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dick- son, Bewdley,- Mrs. Donald Tordiff, Newcastle, were Sun- day visiters with Mr. and Mis. R. Howe and family., We wish to express aur deepes simp te toMrs. Rob deepests--.aipatonthe sudden passing cf- the late Rab Roy, This happy young lad is Jeffrey Michael McDonald who celebrated his first birthday Jan. 23rd. His parents are Gerry and Susan McDonald, Bowmanville. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van Camp, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Milford McDonald, Bowmanville. a turnover., Included are: Conductor - John Crooksbank; lat Tenors - R. Abernetby, E. Bragg, K. Mayberry, R. Swan; 2nd Tenons - A-. Brinklow, S. Cbisbolm, J. Connally, C. Evans, J. Fair, J. Ford, J. McScrley, R. Perfect, R. Willatts- lat Basa - T.' Black, J. Colvîlle, G. Jones, C. Piper, H. Rowe, M.Yeo- 2nd Basa - H. Balson, J. Mantie, A. Mavin, W. Van Boxtel, J. Welsb. We would appreciate bearing from aey- memben wbo woutd lîke te join the club, especially anyonlew.,o can singefirat tenor- If .-yjeu np't si ng yojur-self, n mybïe y-ou know a friend wb an.Ycou don't bave te be a Legion member te jein. In case you werc wondering, you den't have te be able te read music, you juat have te be able te open your mouth and sing. The Octaneo Seciety cf Crippled Children's 1975 Eaat- er Seal appeal reacbed ita $2,000,000 objective in the closing days cf the'year. In reporting a final rèturn 6f $2,022,685, campaîgn chair- man W. D. Whîtaker said that a late sunge cf corporate and ,employees' charitable fund year-end' contributions plus individuala' donationa delayed by the necent postal dispute enaured the succescf tbe carnpaign. The Royal Canadian Leion Bnancb No. 178 bas tentatively set the firat week cf Marcb for an "Ope House", with hopea cf holding a second Open House in the faîl before thein Anniversary Year ends. The extensive renovations bave made tbe Legion Hall a moat attractive centre. Hi gh Point Lola Pearl, a purebred Holstein cow bred by Smitb Bros., Port Penny, Ontario and now owned by High Poinît Farma, Port Penny, Ontario bas won a Silver Seal Certif icate for a total cf 5 lactations on twice a day milking, yielding 152,716 Iba. milk, testing 3.64 per cent for 5,557 iba. fat. Pearl was also an Honour List Producer in 1970 for bier 4-year-old record. In 1970 she aise received recognition at the Peterborough Clasa Show as abe was 3rd Aged Dry Caîf. She was sired by Rosaf e Sbamrock Perseus, classified Excellent and Extra. Her dam ia Higb Point Lochie Trulune a Very Good and 2 Star Brood cow. Bethany Ski Club announces the results cf tbe club's ski races held recently. In the Nancy Greene League (13 and under) Bethany L.US. obtained 120.6 pointa and Bethany Club 104.3. A tbree way race it was won by David Perry, L.C.S. (70.8 seconds), Patrick Upper, Betbany Club (71.0 seconds) and Peter Bassel, LCS. (71.,4 seconds) third. In the Alpine Race (14-18 years) L .C.S. obtained 136-p oints and Devii's Elbow 88. Rick Brown,(62.3 seconds) was first, Davidon Gordon (63.5 seconds) second, and Duncan Lewis (63.9 seconds) third. In Nancy Greene and Alpine, Betbany LCUS. is undefeated this season. .The regular montbly meet- ing cf thbe Durham Region Federatice cf Agriculture was beld in Brock Township Hall, in Sunderland on Tuesday evenieg, January 27th. A $1,500 grand pnize will be awarded in the new Pcetry Competition sponsored by tbe World cf Poetry, a montbly newsletter for peets. Poems cf ahl styles 'and on any subject are eligible te compete for the grand pnize or for 49 other cash or merchandise awards. TELEPHONE. 623-6555 JOHIN MANUEL, CaGaAa Income Tax Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 B'owmanville, Ontario. LiC MN AsteCburch bell tolled its step s for the Installation cf warm invitation te "Corne teofficers cf tbe U.C.W. execu- Cbunch" about 55 folks p aid ne tive for 1976-1977. il of these attention te the inclement members wene present le weatber and gathered for persen. wonsbip at the Sun. a.m. The complete siate is Cbunch service. Prea.-Shirley Pollard, Vice Mrs. Meta Read was acting Pres.-Hazel Bigby, 2nd V. organiat. Jr. Churcb waa in Prea.-Margaret Ashton also charg e cf Gladys Asbton. The auditor, Secretary-Ella Bow- Sr. Ch ins anthem was a new man, Treasurer-Joyce Virtue, Hyme No. 498. Programme Convener-Diane The Cb-ildren's story was cf Werry, Ui Leaders South- a1 Ki!ig,ýir bis tgo 5QI1$xs Margare-t ,ai-d Dqeen ha1 te)ïnfkakechoice , Our LambUnit edeYNriîs-Vel- ministfer's sermon1 was aý ma Gniffin, Denrothy Sharp, q uestionii n "Why Did Jesus Dinner Comr.-Annie Wright CMore" which was anawered Rubv Trewin. Meta Read and by Rev. Bigby who said He Merle Avery. Stewardship came not to save the Rigb- Elva Onchard. Citizenshfp- teous but Sinners. Mrs. R. Sten1ger, Manse Rep.- Our mînisten conducted the Ruth MeGil, Board cf Ste- ceremony fromn the chancel ward-Mrs. Hobbs, Pianiat-Vel- ma Stainton, Carda-Marie Second place is $500. Says Sharp, Flowers-Joyce Virtue, Conteat Chairman, Joseph Correspondent Sec.-May Mc- Mellon, "We are encouragin Gil, Supply-Jeasie Slernon, peetie talent cf every kin&, Social events convenera-Ei- and exDeet our conteat to leen McLaughlin, RuthSten- produce exciting disco- ger, Kîtchen Con-Doreen veries." Relea and officiai en- Lamnb. tny forma are available from: Flowers were placed by World cf Poetny, 801 Pontola Dianne and Allan Wenry in Dr, Dept. 211 San Francisco mnemcny cf a great Aunt the CA 94127. ëontest closes late Miss L. Stainton cf Manch 31 1976. Oshawa. Some Ïaciliti:es that1 have Sympatby la extended te been made available b y0Ot- Ella and Wilfrid Bowrnan in anco Hydre wil ne lon)ger the deatb cf an Aunt, the late apply as cf Manch 1 . These Mrs. R. Beat cf Orono. include the rentai cf automa- Past events are: tîcally operated security 1. The Annual Congrega- iigbts for, farm, commercial tional Meeting was Sun. even- and reaidêntial rural preper- ing. Rev. Bigby was chairman ties. Service will, however, be with acting secretary Keith continued te existing custo- MeGili. The pantially cern- mena.. Ln future, cuatomers pleted Annual Report was in wili be required te purchase the banda cf tbe 18 folks in secunity ligbts from 1private attendance who were able te contractera. In addition,,Ont- read the annual reports. Few anco Hydre will ne longer sell changes were necessary le the or rent Cascade waten heaters members cf the varices de- for new installations. Custo- partments. A social followed. mers wishing te obtain these 2. The second Mid-week wiIl be nequîned te purebase Prayen Meeting and Bible them privately. Custornera Study teck place at the borne preaeetly renting water hea- cf Mrs. Edna Philp, Tyrone on ters can continue to do se with Wed. at 10 ar. fu service maintained until 3. The inaugural meeting cf satîsfactory alternative an- the newly organîzed Youth rangements can be made. Gnou p was. Wed. evening at These policy changea apply the Ch urch. More details only te the 720,000 cuatomers later. served directly by Otaneo Future events are: ýHydre in its rural and local (A) A neminder cf tbe Men'a systeins and do flot apply te Rally at St. Stepben'a U.C. the approximately two million Oshawa, ce Feb. 14 with noaat custemhers served by muniçi- beef dinner and guest speaker pal uitilities. The estimated Dr. Jim Seunanine cf the capital reduction by the with- Division cf World Outreach. drawai cf tbe facilities is (B) Next Sunday the regulan expected te exceed $5 million Churcb service will be in annuaily, and is part cf charge cf some lay members Ontaro Jiydro's prograrn te viz: Ella Bowman-cbîldnen's et coats in _sup port cf the sermonette, Edgar Wright- current anti infation camf- aduit sermonette witb assis- paign. 'tacts Rutb McGill and some An increase cf $11.45 million youtbs and ipaidens. This in, the 1976-77 budget ef the arrangement is due te the fact Octarie Student Assistance tbat cen minister is part cf a Program (OSAP) was an- team cf theogn ana wbo are neunced today by Dr. Hanry C. reqeested by Presbytery te Parrott, Minîster cf Colleges direct a Youtb Conference at and Universities. Grants te Tweed Jan. 30-Feb, 1. studenta wbe cani demonstrate Tbe Enniakillen U. C.W. need will total $61 million, up were welcomed by Rev. and frorn $4955 million, in the Mrs. L. Bigby at the Manse for cernent year. The Mnistry la the January 2lst meeting witb preparing a descriptive bock- attendance cf 24. Our 1976 iet, Ontarie Stedent Assis- President Shirley Pollard,,, tance Program, 1976-77, which welcomed everycce, expres- will be destnibuted in Mancb te sed appeciation te the boa- higb schools and post sen es n pendwiha om dary educational institutions "Smile."-eo-tsadopndwt om threugheut the province. Acting secretary, Ruth M- Twenty-aix loceai gnou p s Gi read the Dec. minutes, in were repreSented b y f ifty the absence cf Ella Bowrnan. ladies cf the Oshawa Pnesby- A number cf thank-you notes terial United Cbunch Women. were read, for Chbristmas at a meeting beld at St. Paul's remembrances, including ver- United Churcb in Ajax, wben ses cf poetry composed by the year'a work was reviewed., Sheryl and Karen Bigby frorn. Many intenesting reports were the Manse famiy. Thbe Trea- beard and aise a presentatice sune's report for 1975 was by Miss Kay Brown and Miss given by Joyce Virtue, wbo Ruth Latulipe cf the Mental aise was in charg e cf a, New Health Departmnent. Year's devotional"The Year 1 Bowmanvillie 5 King St. West 6359 Bowmanville, R.R. 4. Deepest sympathy to the, Chant families un the passing of the late Mrs. Molley Chant, Hampton. ; -Lt was in regret we learnied of the death in a neighbouring community cf the late Dennis Paft ampton. Sincere syptyis extended te his sorrcwing families. Richard and Elisabeth Wor- den were week-end guests cf their grandparents* Margaret and jrviile Ashton. Minor Atom Tol-ros Add 5-O ViCtory Over Markham Young Canada Day cern- re titions at the Bawmanville rena Saturday held in con- nection witlh Miner Hockey Week,' saw the local Bob Beers Tores squad retain five cf the 10 trophies presented, one being the County Chrysler trephy for Miner Atoms. Te local group kept the trephy un heme ground by defeating their visîting cern- ,jetitors from Markbamn by a satisfying 5-0 score. Scoring for the Teros opened learly in- the first period witb Chuck Nash counting from Jeff Jacques and Glen Owens at 1: 50. A second goal frem Scett Masters at 2:36 with assist- ance from Scott Heard and Kelly Mathews, plus a third from Masters wîtb Jacques and Nash asslsting, ended the çeriod with the Tares leading Masters added te his bat- trick, unassisted, at the 9:27 mark of the second peniod while Darren Knight picked up the assist on a third period geal by Kelly Mathews at 7:30, concluding the 5-0 win. A total cf four minutes in penalties were sustkined by each club. Bawmanvilie liei ng called twice for elbewng while Markham had ce -elbowing andi one interference eall. We have in stock a c omplete line of Baby Care Products Pampers Daytime Extra Newborn 30's Absorbent Overnight, Toddler 12"s 12»«s 1 .39$1.5' *Wide Selection of Quolity Cas metic's e Expert Photo-Finlishing and of course Headquarters For Ail Your Farrily'sDrug and Health Needs Alex McGregor Drugs YOUR LOCAL I.D.A. DRUG'STORE 623-5792

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