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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1976, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. Februarv 4 1976; 13 .. .D.ADL.N. FOR 7CLASSIFIED Tues*, 12 anoïon BELLMV - ReeccCa Janit is happy to announce the safe arrivai of hen wee sister, Robenta Joanne, weighing 7 lbs. 111/2 ozs. on January 28, 1976 at Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville., Pro ud parents are David and Danla. Grand- parents are Mns. Marlon Saght, Bowmanville, Mr. Wil- liam Sîaght Jr. and Mrs. Bessie Bel lamy boih of Orono. Special thanks to Drs. Hub- bard and Sylvester and mat- ennity staff. 5-1 HANCOCi( - John and She- lagh (Murphy) are pleased f0 announce the birth of their daughter Kristi Ellen ai Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on ianuary 24, 1976. A sister for Karen. 5-1 PINGLE - Hi! My name is Tanya Lisa. My proud parents are Peter and Sheila -(nee Crombie)k i1 arrived on Fni- day, January 30, 1976, weigh- ing 7 Ibs. 9V/2,ozs., on my Uncie Gary's birthdlay. Proud grand- ,parents are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crombie.and Mr. cind Mns. Stanley Pin gle. Special ihanks fo Dr. Sylvester and materniiy staff. 5-1 x VANDERMEER --Jake and Karen (nee Stec) are pleased fo' announce the binth of Jennifer Karen 8lbs. l4ozs. on Januany 26, 1976. Proud gnandpanents are Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stec, Orono and Mn. and Mns. Genit Vanden- meer, Port. Hope. 5-1 RICE-COYNE - Mrs. Jean Rice, Ham pton, Mn, Jack Rice, King ston and Mr. and Mrs. ArnolId Coyne, Pickering are pieasedi to announce the marniag e of their childnen, Jacqueline Elizabeth and Ron- ald Joseph. The marniage took place in Santa Barbara, Cali- fornia, January 2, 1976. 5-1 x Mr. and Mns. Harold Jebson invite thein friends and rela- tives to an open house in honon of their golden wedding anni- versary. It will be held on Saiunday, February l4th at their home in Beayerton fnom 2 - 4 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. Best wishes oni"% 5-2 ADAMS, Verna-At Memorial Hos pitaI, Bowmanville, on Fr1 day, January 30, 1976. Verna Cochrane of 67 Tem per- ance St., Bowmanville, in hen 59th year, beloved wife of Henry Adams, dear mother of Bruce, Bian and Joan (Mrs. Bruce Therteli) of Orono,-also survived b y f ive grandchild- ren. Rested at the Nothcutt Eîîiott Funerai Home, Bow- manville. Funeral service 2 o'clock Monday afternoon., $Pring 'interment Hampton Cemetery. In lieu of f lowers, donations to the Peitecosta i Church or. Canadian Cancer Society in her memony would be aporeciated. 5-1 BOTHWELL '! At Bowman- ville Hospital, Monday, Feb- ruary 2nd, 1976, David Both- well'Sr., R.R. 6, Bowmanville, aged 87 years, husbànd of the laie Elizabeth Nixon, dean father of, David, Norman, Douglas, Robent, Abert, Roy, Wallace and John. Service and committal was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manv'ille on Wednesday after- noon. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 5-1 MASON - At Bowmanville Hospital, Saturday, January 3lst, 1976, Hattie A. Mason, Newcastle, aged 89 years, daughten of the late Mn. and Mrs. Samuel Mason. Service and committal was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel,'Bow- manvilie, on Monday after- noon. Interment Bowmanville Cemeteny. -5-1 McMULLEN, June - ýAt Women's College Hosptl Sunday Feb. 1, 1976, beloved wife of Frank, dean daughten of William and Winifned Hanna, Port Hope, mothen to Wayne, Bob, Glenda (Mns. B. Neil ), Don and Barry. Grand- moihen b Gregory, Christy and Bradley. Private famiiy burial. Memorial service at Washington United Chunch, Kinasion-. Rd- a nd. Egtinton Ave., Scarborough, Friday, Feb. 6th ai 8:00 p.m. V)ona- tions in lieu of flowers to Women's College Hospital, Grenville Sf., Toronto would be appreciated. ADAM, Robert - In loving memony of a dear friend Robent Adam who passed away on Feb. 9, 1974. Gods Golden Gaies stood open With farewells left unspoken You quietly slipped away. - Sadly missed, youn ioving friends Ken, Bennice Rahm and childnen, Mike Adams. 5-1 x LUXTON- In loving mem- ony of a dean husband Pency who passed away Febnuany 5, 1974. I nemem ber the day I met you And the day God made, you mine, I nemember the day I losi you And wili to the end of time. Among my teans and heant- aches. There is one thing makes me giad, -" That you chose me f0 spend 1with you The ha ppy yeans we had. ,Tiiiwe meet again. - Lovingly remem bened and sadly missed by his wife Teenie. 5-1 GIBSON - In lovinq memony of Raquel Ginger Gibson, who passed away Febnuary 7, 1975. - Missed greati y by grandma and gnandpa Battams and aunts and uncles. 5-1 BI LLINGS- Cari Wilfred. At Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, February 2, 1976 Carl Blliîngs, Orono, Ontario in his 79th year. Beloved h usband of Elleen and dear father of Audrey (Mrs. William McNaui), Oshawa. Resting at the Barlow Funeral Home, Onono until Wednesday morn- ing n to Orono United Chrch for service at 2:00 p.m. Interment Orono Cerne- tery. In lieu of flowers kindly donate to the Ontario Heart Foundation. 15-1 SHORT - Richard McCailum (Mac) (Works Commissioner of Hamilton Township) sud- deniy at Cobourg Genenal Hospital on February 2, 1976 Richard M. Short of R.R. 4, Cobourg (formerly of 94 Albert S t., Lakefield). Belov- ed husband of Margaret Maniey. Loving son of Mrs. Jean Shrt of Bowmanvilie. Dear father of Mrs. Earle Bell Çp~onna> of Ottawa, Mrs. Jmes Rû\Wan, {Arietqe),of Tyrone. Beloved by four ,grandchiidren. Bro ther of Mrs. Alfred Godfrey- (Irene) of Toronto, Mrs. Arnold Nel- son (Isabel) and Mns. Henry Skill (Iva) both of Keene. The late Mr. Short is resting at the Hendren' Funeral Home, Lakefield. Funenal Service will be conducted on Thurs- day, February 5 at 1:30 p.m. Rev. Jack Patterson wil officiate. Interment Keene Cemetery at a later date. If desîred the family would appreciate memorial dona- tions to the Ontario lIýeart Foundation or the cniarTy Oi your choîce. 5-1 CARNATION ( For Ali Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND SIEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 ti 'I'Flowers Say it B est"l VAN BELL OAILY Delivf Oshawa - Bama Phone 62, - S. - -e CLAYTON - In loving mem- )rv of my husband, fath en and inandfathen, Alan 'W., who ?assed away Feb. 9, 1970. God saw you getting weany, So he did what he thought best, He came and stood beside you, And whispered corne and rest, You wished no one a last faneweil , Non even said goodbye And only God knows w,,hy. - Sadly missed by wife Mary and family. 5-ix OSBORNE - In loving mem- on y of oun dean mothen Erie Ellien Osborne, who passed away Febnuany lth, 1963. In oun hearts youn memony lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true, Thene's not a day dean mothen, That we do not think of you. - Lovingiy remembered by the famiiy. 5-1 x GIBSON - In 1loving memony of a darîing littie daughten Raquel Ginger Gibson, who ýassed away Febnuany 7, 1975. he teans ln my eyes can be wiped away. But the heartache and love for you Are with me every day. - You are missed so veny much by youn mommy, Debbie Gibson (Battams) 5-1 Im Manus and Aenne van der Heul would like f0 thank their family and friends for ail the flowers, cards and gîfts ne- ceived on their 4th Wedding Anniversary. 5-1ix I wish to thank neighbors, friends and relatives and the Liberty Belles Bowling team for the cards, f lowens and acts of kindness shown me in the passing of my mother. Helen Piper and family. 5.1 x A sincere thank you is extended to Dr. Westgarth, Rev. Amacher, the ph ysio- thenapy department and the staff and nurses of floor two for their kindness and care tor me, while i was in Memorial, Hospital. Also to Women's Institute, eiderly citizens and women of Trinity United Church especially Unît 3 of the U.C.W. and f0 ail who sent me get Weîl and Christmas wishes, thank you. Winnifned Cryderman 5-1 We wish to thank ail our friends, relatives and neigh- bons for their kindness and gifts to Ronnie Jackson during his long illness. A special thank you to the staff at Civic Hospital, Dr. Van Loon, Rev. Ficko and Bethan y U.C.W. for lunch served following the funera.- Sadly missed by his wife Vaneta, daug hter Col leen and parents F rances and Vincent Jackson. 5-1 I would like to thank Dr. McKenzie, Dr. Long, nurses and staff for good- care and kindness to me durîng my stay in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Aiso for cards and f lowers from friends and loved ones, thanks so m'uch. Special thanks to Rev. Robert Hayn.e. Mrs. A. Ritchie 5-1 The family of the late Olga Hill wish to thank èveryone for their thoughtfulness and kind- ness shown duing our recent bereavement. The floral tri- butes and donations were greatly appreciated. Stan and Marlon Rahm Paul and Ann Rahm Cameron and Carol Porter 5-1 The famil y of the late Rob Roy wish to express 'their sicre appreciation for t he during the loss of their loving »E hsban an fater.To Rev. ery f0 ..-. words, and to Morris Funenal nvillo Area Chapel for fhein thoughtful !3-4441 assistance. To neig hbors and 4f fiends for ail the cards, 3 f fflowens and donations to the Heart Fund. A special thank you to ail the neighbons who Since 1912 helped wiih barn chones, brought food to the house and vîsited with mother. F-lowers by JACKMAN ... ...say it best! DHON E 623-3365 162 King St. E., Bowmanville 5-1t Concern for the'demands upon yo. . . our first considerai'ion. To ensure you the, helpfuîness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-566851 Durhamn Coijnty's Cidest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. Uq.mmuii APPEARING AT Th Co FRID Fe FREE removal of fnesh, dead or disabled large animais. There will be a $5 charge on small calves and pigs. Caîl Margwill Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721. 46 tf Take notice that the Annuai Meeting of the producer members of The Durham County Pork Producers Association will be convenëcd at the houn of 10 a.m. on the eighteenth day of Febnuary, 1976 at the Agricultural Office in the Town of Bowmanville for the purpose of the propen business of the annual meet- ing - the election of officens and the election of substitute, delegates. 5-1 Kut Wn KurI Beauty Shop - attention Senior Citizens- 10 percent off aIl hair-do's (perms, colons, etc.) Monday, luesday, Wednesday only. )pen 6 days a week. Thurs. and Fnl. evenings by appoint- ment. "Appointment not ai- ways necessany '. Cali 623-5019, 71 King St. E. 3-6 Horse drawn sleigh rides by 'the hnby appointment. Phone 728-8090, 3-6 Euchne Party, February 6, 8: 15. Admission .50 cents, 50-50 draw, prizes. E verybody weicome. Ladies bring lunch. Newtonviile Hall. 5-1 MONSTER BINGO New Sfarting Time THURSDAY-7:30 P.M. Sponsored by, Oshawa Minon Softbail JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HAWA' 50-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONST ER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf Florida Tour Mar. 1 -20 ESCORTED BUS TOUI We have a number of pec planning f0 go on this tour1 need moretf0filI the bus. %A riof loin us for 20 days? S lours and places of inter are incîuded. For furfher information: Phone Na nce Col mer 623-3265 R ople but Nhy ide rest 4-2 DANCE ST. JOSEPH'S HALL Sat., Feb. 7th 9- 1 p.m. TED KOSS& THE CAVALIERS Admission $4.00 per Couple 4-2 CA NAD IAN CANCER SOCIETY Monthly Meeting Mon., Feb. 9, 1976 8 P.m. COMMITTEE ROOM, OId Town Hall1 Temperance Sf., Bowmanville 5-1 A BIG TWO DAY IIADASSAH FABRIC SALE Wednesday & Thursday Februa ry 1llth - 12th 9 a.m. - 9p.m. 144 King Streef East Osýiawa, Ont. Lange suppiy of lovely uphol- stery fabrics. New men's and boy's suits and slacks, cheap. Good rummage sewection. e Queenl:Hotei Newcastle Club Annrene Dance and Banquet Hall available fon iunitry GoId your group's fundnaisng AY-SATURDAY year's dates now while choice dates ane still available. bruary 6 - 7 Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. Dancino Q- 1 5-1 48tf Newcastle jRecreation Department ORONO COUNTRY JAMBOREE Orono Youth Centre Town Hall Sunday, Februa rya-2: 00 p. m. 1HOUSE BAND Fay Adams and The Country Hits with Fay, Glony and Don Adams, Len Somenscaies on steel guitan, Joe Howe on lead guitan. GUEST ARTISTS Venna McMahon - Local Country Singer Mel Clingman - Singer from Lindsay Anea Melanie Clingman - 12-yean-old daughten of Mel Clingman Mary Bunting - Sheiburn Fiddle Contestant from Onono Ad u 1ts -$1.25 C hld ren .50c Door P r izes Im A'11.,i+(h0A -M~ HAY- horse hay. Phone 263-2650. 3-tf HONEY, unpasturized, white in standard containers. Edgar James, 2 miles east of'Liberty Street on Taunton, Road. Phone 983-5827. 4-2f USE D piano, best of-fer. Phone 728-1675. 1 3-tf Swimming Pool Sacrifice Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground aluminum pools Ieft over from 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaran- teed installation and ternis. Cali Credit Manager, collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 5-tf Oshawa TV Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Colored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired R EPAIRS Workmanshi p Guaranteed Ail priced f0 SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf GRAIN fed beef sides, 90 cents a lb. Leland Payne, Newton- ville, phone 786-2512, NI1 N E piece dining room suite, set of nesting tables, antique dressers, halIl tree, two wicker stools, portable bar, dressing table, desk, bed chesterfiel c, coffee and end tables, baby carniage, stroller. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St. Bowmanville. 5-1 '71 SKI-DOO0, 640 TNT, twin carbs, tach and speedometer,- new track. Phone 987-4954. FILM P ROC ES S ING EIWJMI CHILDREN'S PHOTOS Cameras and -Photogrephi# Supplies 78, King Sf. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 51-10 r'72 MASTER Coach, 23 foot, fully equipped. $4,500. Phone 623-4911. 5-1 TWO Alouette snowmobiles. 1973 - 295 Snowdustar. Good condition. 1975 - 440 Freeain. New engine. Excellent condi- tion. Phone 623-5069. 5-1 x INTERNATIONAL double disc, 10 ft. on wheeis. Excel- lent condition. Phone 723-1657. 5-1 NEW and used tires, summer and winter. Dariington Auto Centre. Phone 623-6900. 5-2 WILLOW wood, four bush cord, excellent for fireplace. $25. ea. Phone 263-2786. 5-1 HAY, 300 bales, good quality, Timothy, Broome. Alfalfa. first cutting. $1 .25 a bale. Tom Pleasance, Tyrone, phone 263- 2719. 5-1 VALENTINE'S Day and are you ready? House of Amber, located Hampton Village has just the right gift for your sweetheart. Corne out this Saturday -10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and purchase your heart's desire. LÇal 263-2981. 5-1 SPY and Delicious apples. Roy Orchards 263-8430. 5-1 x 1973 TNT Skidoo 440, with speedometer and tack. Phone 623-2740. 5-1 x COM PR E SSO RS,. generators. electric motors, grinders, drill presses, heavy duty power tools, etc. Saws shanpened. We seil, buy and trade. Open Saturdays. Ace Machineny,, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 46-tf COLO STORAGE APPLES Mac Intosh, Delucious and Spy Frank Hiemstra R.R. 1, Enniskillen 263-2260 OjS HAW A SCREENED SAND GRAVE!.& STONE LIMESTONE PRODUcTS AIL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & IRT FL DELIVEREO OR REMOVEl TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL CALL 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH OF HIWAY 2.' Phone 576-5606 TEAK Wood, Scandhavian Danish, bednoom, complete; dininanoom. 9 vlece; livinq noom; wail unit; bnand new funnitune, veny neasonable. Phone 1-247-4377, 4-tf HAY for sale. Phone 987-4328. 5-1 WHITE binch, fineplace wood. Phone 1-786-2459. 5-4x QUI LTE Dtwin bedspread and liied drapes 65" wide x 47" long, dlean, good condition. Synthetic sheen in stripes of blues, mauve and green. $20 set. Phone 623-5041. 5-1 x 640 ELECTRIC Nondic, 1100 miles and caboose. $425. Phone 263-2101. 5-1 x '69 NORDIC skidoo, 24 h.p., in good condition, M. H. Pedwell, 987-4331. 5-Ix ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Partsavallable for most anti. que dlocks, pocket watches and modern watches and dlocks. Our repairs are done with modern up-to-date equipment and quaiified Swiss trained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf INSTALL AN D FURNACE SQHUMIDIFIER HEATER AIR CONDITIONER AIR CLEANER Financing Available FURNACES CLEANED PARTS AND SERVICE POLICY CA LL HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES, Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service SAND & GRAVEL SUPPL Y 1961 CHEVY 1/2 ton pickup. Radio and wooden cap. Good runner. Best offer. Orono 983-9462. 5-3x 1972 CHEV. pickup, 1 ton, 4 speed, V-8, certified. Asking $2400. Phone 623-3621 affer six. 5-1 '69 DODGE Coronet 440, as is, best offer. Phone 623-4656. 5-1 1966 PONTIAC V-8 automatic, power steering and, brakes, radio, qood tires. Uncertified, as is $250. Phone62-4. 53 '69 CHEVELLE stationwagon, 307, runs well,, $500. Phone 623-3060. 5-3x '74 FIAT X19, immaculate condition, leather upholstery, AM-FM radio, custom cas- sette, radiais, good mileage. 623-4824. 5-1 '70 PONTIAC, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear window defroster. $1195. or best offer. Phone 623-3130. 5-1 r-'AKvlwIrl gurou ouse and parn on house and barn only, \Nithin 10 miles of Bowman- ville. Phone 623-5674. S4-2x Workable land by responsible farmer. Write Advertiser 594, c-o The Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, uniar- io,L1 C3K9. 2-4x ÇenrManager POSITION WANTED Qualified manager with 17 years business experience seeks G.M. position in small to miedium sized company 'in local area. Wrife Advertiser 597, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.. Box 190, Bowmnanville. PADDY'S Market now ha$, new furniture, appliancesý T.V.'s and stereos and ais~ ,jsed furniture and appliancesi Will accept trade-ins. Paddy'~ Market, Hampton, phone 263î 2241.3-t USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf Fuller Brush SProducts CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 1A saiesman in Danlington Township. f WH ITE'S T.V. TOWERS) Toeras, UHFrVHF Repairs A oeras, Rotons, Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guara nfee ih rD urham vvomen's Movement will stant a Con- sciousness Raising Gnoup in your anea. If intenested or for more information caîl 728- 2111. 46tf Volunteers needed for driv- ing and to wonk with chiidren and families, mileage paid. Phone Mns. Worden 723-5211 at Family and Childnen Services. 5-1 EAR PIERCING S ERV I CE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. >,Regular Pnice $12.00 1NOW $10.00 wifh studs Special IlQper-cent neducion. on first purchase of earrigs with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointment ANN BRADLE' Permanent Hair Removi 90 Si mcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEXI SEVERAL ladies dresý new and used, assorted si and styles. $10.00 and IE Phone 623-2484 or 623-7872. LADIES winter coat ý mink collan, beige, size $10.00. Phone 623-5718. NEW blendette Proctor-Sil mixes egg nog, fruit jI drinks. Only $10.00. 623-741 TWO 15", Ford pickup rims. Like new. $5.00 each. Phone 263-2057. 5-1 GOOD used summer, tires. Mounted on G.M. rims. Vani- ous sizes. $5. - $10. Phone 623-5364 afternoons only.~v 5-1 TRUNK 40" long x< 22" wide x 14" deep. Very sound. $10.00. Phone 623-5016. 5-1 GI RLS' Bauer figure skates, size one, very good condition, $ 10.00. Phone 623-2905. 5-1 FUR fabric monkey, hand made, $10-00. 623-3945. 5-1 SMART brass and walnut table lamp two feet high like new. No shade. Only $5.00. 623-7011. 5-1 ýIttIAN, apartment size, good 48-tf condition. Phone 623-2468. GOOD used furnitune, cribs, playpens, highchains, dishes, othen articles. Phone Towne Used Furnitune, 623-4681 Bowmanville for instant cash and service.' 5-4 URGENTLY REQUIREO! ! We have cash buyers for, homes in the Bowmaniville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'll be pleased f0 appraise it for you and help you locate, the nome ot your dreari . For friendly efficient sale of youn home, caîl P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd, and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- v il le 576-6120. 17-tf - B=ý PUREBRED Yorkshire boars for sale. Serviceable age. Phone Tom Pleasance 263-2719. 5-1 Stables1 EQUESTRIAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE\ INDOOR -ARENA BOAROING instruction in Equitation Jumping Dressage Scliooling of Hunters & Jumpers Hunters &. Jumpers Bought & Sold 1ER 3 BOWMANVIL-L 623-7336 tt SANITARY PRODUCTS CO. LTD. SCARBOROUGH is pnoud f0 announce the appointment of Frank Barnes as Sanitation Consultant and Representative for the Oshawa - Bowmanville Cobourg and surrounding areas. TWO bedroom apartmnent,_ Marianna Villa, 206 Simpson Ave., $240. per month includ- ing heat, hydro, cable T.V. and two par kiný spots. Avail- able March . Phone 623-4697 or 623-5573. 4-2 BOWMANVILLE, one and two bedroom apartments avail- able. Telephone 623-4697. 5-1 TWO bedroom apartment, ideal for quiet, married cou- ple, one child welcome, no pets, $175 monthly with dryer $5 extra. Fn g and stove included. Aval lable immed- iatel y Write Advertiser 599, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 5-1 ONE bedroom apartment, available immediately. Phone 623-7540, after 6. 5-1 A HOME in, Newtonvilie at $225 per month olus heat and flydro. 3 bedrooms, avaliable now. Phone Bayside' 1-613-394- 3023. 5-2 TWO bedroom apartment, on Lambs Lane, $170, includes, heat, hydro, fridge and stove. Phone 623-5888. 3-tf Furnished Bedroomns by month, week or day, shower and bath, Iicenced premises, reasonable rates. CASTLE HOTEL Bowmanville 623-7072 1 -tf GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN CLASSIFIED Rutter Granite Company Limited ANNUAL WINTER DISCOUNT We respectfully wish f0 announce a SPECIAL REDUCTION on ail cemnetery Memnonials and Markers ordered and paid for between now and April 1sf for Spning erection. This offer is made annually. We have an excellent selection of domesfic and foreign granites in many colors and designs from which f0 choose your Monument or Marker. If we can be of service to you in any way, please do flot hesitate f0 visit our indoor display at 73 Ontario Sftreet, Port Hope, ortephn us at 885-5216. 45-tfINVIÏATION TO TENDER- SEALED TENDERS for the prolects or services listed below, ýY addressed to the Regional Manager, Finance and Administra- al tion, Public Works Canada, Ontario Reg ion, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, (6th Floon) Toronto, Ontario M4T 1IM3 and endonsed with the pnoject Name and Numben, wili be received until 11:00 a.m. on te specified closing date. Tender documents can be seen or obtained through the office of the Regionai Dinecton, Public: Wonks Canada, Ontario Region, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario. 44-tîPROJ ECTS No: 641057DRO06 - lnterion Repains and Painting, Federal Building, 412 Chunch Street, Bowmanville, Ontario CLOSING DATE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1976 Enquiries. 966-5687 ýses, izes INSTRUCTION~S less. To be considened each tender must be submitted on the fonms supplied by the Depariment and must be accompanied by the 5-1 Security specified in the tender documents. Nith The iowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B. R. Warren 5-1 Regional Manager - Finance & Administration lex, Ontario Region 90. Toronto, Ontario 5-1 January 30, 1976 DRUM LESSONS Alil Privote Instruction by, FuIIy Qualified Drummer! CO0NT ACT: c7lchael 'Eq'ood .PERCUSSION IST and, DRUMMER POPU LAR PIANO LESSONS 623-2697 USED Furnitune and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns,' cloc' s, jewellry, dishes, furnitune, cnocks, paintings, sealers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles, Snowmobi les For Wreckinig Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGMEST PRICE PAID ACKEIIMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5156 Resldence -623-7112 623-6407 GUITAR LESSONS Beginners nr advarad. Span._ ish, elecfnic, bass or rhyfhm. Leamn f0 play in jusf a few easy lessons. Any age, any style desired. $3.00 per lesson only. Insfruments can be supplied. Phone Orono 983-9593 FINE QUÀ~LiTy MONUME -S ANDO MAR RS F OTAFORD BROS. LTD, Staifforci Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundos St. E. - Whifby Phone Whlfby 668-35521 '69 MAUSTANG, r uns good, needs some work and '71, 440, T.N.T., new track, new suid- ens. $400 each or $750 for both. Phone 623-2793. 5-1 V-UPPI ES, border collie type. Phone 623-2730. 1 -tf

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