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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1976, p. 1

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Dnurhamr Police Present MVP Trophy aMaia uior C's Expece b y Doug Tayl vor Aýccordinie to Twhatayo r 'a Monda y smeting of town cnc there is to be no increase in the municipal tax miii rate in 1976. Mayor Rickard made the comment when advising that the town budget should be completed by the end of March. a far eariier date than to Io LieOrXs, last year. Council will, however, have to buckle down to brass tacks ini the next few weeks if they are to meet the anticipated March 31 deadline for the completion of the budget, as they are already somewýhat behind the original schedule which Mayor Rickard sug- gested.. Chairman of the Finance committee, Coun. Ken Lyall explained following a finance committee mneeting on Friday that council wili have to use sharp scissors to bring the preliminary budget figures being submitted by depart- ment heads down in order to prevent any increase in the taxk rate. Figures which were briefly studied at Friday's meeting were those submitted by department- heads which will likely faîl prey to some hard cuts before the budget is finalized. Coun. Lyall advises that the town had a surplus of some $221,980 from the 1975 opera- tion, which would if it iÉ used in '76, help in keeping the taxes in line for the town. Another, chéerful piece of information made note of by Coun. Lyall was -that the town's assessment has gone from $32,713,710 to $34,216,282, an increase of $1 502,572. Director of Pubfic '*orks for the town, Jack Dunham com- mented that restraints would have to corne into effect tue the works department around the end of Febîruary in order to (Turn to page two) ' Volume 122 15e Per Uopy BOWMANVILLE, ONT1ARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1976 24 Pages1 Number 5, G.overnment Approves MtofAsmsNwRI Lennox-sawa Route For Transm ission L ine Lat ight, at the Darlington Sports Centre, the Durham Regional Police hockey team played the Port Darlington Ma9rina- Junior C's in an exhibition tilt and lost 9 to 6. It was anybody,s game until the third when the boys in blue tired. They'd played an earlier game in the morning against Belleville. Between the second and third periods, when the score was 4-3 for the Marina's, Police Assn. President,Dale Allan, left, presented a trophy to Bill Simpson, President of Bowmanville Hockey Assn. It wih be held for annual competition and presented to the Marina's Most Valuable Player at the end of the season. Durhm'sOf ficiai Plan Presented in Draf t Form To People Of Newcastle by ShaWn Marshall Over 200 peopfle attended the fourth presentation in the JAMBORtEE Another entertaining Counitry, Jamboree wI be held on Sunday in Orono Town H-all, wih Fay Adams &ad the Country ilits, plus many other guest, artists. The program begins at 2 pm development of an Official Plan for the Region of Durham on Thursday night, Jan. 29 at the Bowmanville High School. Tehe meeting marked the end of public presentations g iven, by the Planning and Development Conimttee for the region. Duri>ig the first three stages presented by the committee, an Offiiai Plan has been- Canvassers in Hunt For More*Mem beors Members of the Waverly Community Ascainwere faced with freezing temper- atureS onMon04dayFeb. 2, as they beýan ,a wçeek of can- vassig in Bowmaninville., The association plans to knock o)n 800 doors in Bow- manville in a caiùpaign to increase membership in the The canvassers will be on the look-out for potential directors in their youth recre- ation and aduit social p-ro- grams. Thle association as will be sacrgfor streetý represenutaives ',o work î their area rpeettvs The BowmanIlle drive is to be f inished b y the end of the week and the association's first membership meeting has been pianned for Feb. 18 at 8 p.m, in the ,Bowmanville counicil chambers. YoungScottish Dan cer Six-year-old Michelle Marner unfortunately got missed in a photo that appeared in the Dec. 31 edition of the Statesman. Michelle was also one of the group who performed a number called "Little Scotch" at the Dec. 17 concert of the Recreation Department's Dance and Baton classes at the Bowmanville Town Hall, developed and the fourth presentation was an, attempt to explain the fourth stage, a draft prop osai. Couniior Alex Robertson (Pickering) told the audience that the committee Was searching for innîit into the Put New Clutch In OId Truck Although it bad been de- cided at Friday's Finance Committee meeting to pro- ceed with the calling of tenders for the sale of the old animal control. department truck. that decision was re- versed by Council Monday night. in adopting the report of the (Turn to page two), The Ontario Government' has approved the Slandt Commission's recommended route, for the high voltage transmission of electricity between Lennox and Oshawa, the Honourable Donald R. Irvine, Provincial Secretary for Resources Development, announced today. The Government also approved Dr. Omond So- landt's recommendations on the site of the Oshiawa Area Transformer Station and on measures to protect property owners along the right-of-way. 111 doubt if any- other transmission corridor has benefited from so many- studies or so much public' participation," Mr. Irvine said, noting the route lias undergone three separate evaluations since 1971. In his report, Dr. Solandt (Turn to page two) Village WÎill Need V 'ote To Permit Liquor Sales by Doug Taylor .1 A meeting Tuesday evening of the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board, MPP Doug, Mottatt anl' IRussel Mayor Taking Vacation Hobbs Filling the'-Chair Council agreecl Monday night that Coun. Ivan Hobbs should act in the Mayor's capacity during any lengthy period of the mayor being absent from the town. The decision is a reenact- ment of council's former resolution whiceh was effective for only a one year period. Mayor Rickard called on council for ýuch a decision Monday as he plans to vacate the chair for the period of one week, next week, for a vacation. Coun. Ann Cowman thought Coun. Hobbs should be asked if he wished to assume such duties, but Coun. Ken Lvall suggested that as former Bow- manville Mayor Coun. Hobbs has had lots of practice at it he would willingly accept, provi- ded he could wear the chain of office. Miniature Golf Approval1 Pre audie., was told thatFa e Zoi (Tmflpage two) WH1AT A, JOLT - Receinly, ý,ian atractive young lady, Janiet Seatarrived fromn New. Zealand to spend a year- here as an exchanige stuadent with Rotary families. She had seen very littie snow at homne so was eager 'o see some in Cainada. They tell us ;she couldn'tbeee the great piles of it that welcomred lher. Adto top it off, the temperature dr'1opped but of sight. No doubt she has some unforgettable pýitres to send home. It'ssummer in -New 'Zealande right now, butit sure isn't here. Jane Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Morris leaves this week for that nice, warm country. We enivy lher. STILL TIME - Don't forget, the Red Cross Blood Donor Cliniec will be -ope-ratAing at the Lions Centre until 9 'clock tonight, so hop over there and do yourself a favor. There's stili time if this edition bits the street at the regular time. At the moment, one typesetting machine is act- ing up but we hope to have it back in shape early in the niorning. SCHOOL ACTION - Students at Bowmanville High School will be busy for the next few days as they recover from the exams. They are staging a Dance Marathon, with pledges, to raise money for the band's trip to Florida, this event starting on Feb. 6th at noon. Spectators will be welcoMed at 50 cents a head. Those who can still walk will canvass the town, house to house, from Feb. 9th to 13th to raise money for the Heart Fund. They'll be wearing identity buttons and will give receipts 50o you'Il know they are legitimate. B OTH SIDES 0F, PICTURE - Tonight, J. Page Wadsworth,' Chairman of the Canadian Imperial Bank of fommerce wil be speaking to the Men's Canadian Club a.t St. John's Great Hall and tomorrow, Ontario's NDP Leader Stephen Lewiýs will be addreïssing the Chamber of Commerce annual meeting at The Flying Dutchman. Mr. Wadsworth, in recent speeches-, bas been an outspoken critic of Prime Minister Trudeau and bis plans for more government intervention in Canada 's economy. For once, Mr. Lewis probably agrees with him in bi s dislike of Mr. Trndeau's policies-, but for different reasons. Both men should be well worth bearing. SWEET ADELINE - That well known old song, will probably get a workout or two this Saturday when the barbershoppers come here for a contest sponsored by the Bowmanville Business & Professional Women's Club. It's being held at the Bowmanville High School auditorium, with entries from all around the country and some special guests. Don't miss'it, if you like good harmony. It gets underway at 8 p.m. HOTTEST TOWN- For many years, Port Hope prized itself as being "the friendliest town in Canada." AU thle sitgnboards proclaim- ed this theme, but it is inotýed that a new one bas appeared-between Bailieboro and Bewdley on Highway 28. It says in a quite timely fashion, "Beautiful Old Port Ho pe, the Town tbat, Radiates Friendliness." Ai too true! iig, AmnendIl Irent S by Dou -Taylor eveini-g's council sessioi develeprment of aMnau~ Counc-îl onjan.r 9a Golf aýnd Driving R ala feno eso in the Hî'ghwny 2 and Maple dGrove castie Villag'e Commi Rond will be permaitted to Hall when Gordion and, Droceed doesn t look too Reici appeared to prot( hopeful following Monday (Turn to page two) it the, unity Ernieu ýest a Cooper, Executive Director of the Liquor Licencîng Board of' Ontario has resulted in a requestcoming forth fromn the ha I board for an extension in the deadline of the new act being imposed on themn. It is hoped, if the extension' beyond the end of Feb. is i ranted that it will allow time or a public vote on the liquor question in the village to be taken. (Turn to page two) Set Date, for Sa,-n ta P a raod e Perhaps the town fathers could take a lesson from those persons serving on the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Commitîce with respect to advance plan- ning. It has been learned that the committee for the 1976 event has already held one meeting. The proposed date stemming from the meeting is November 20 with an anti- cipated theme of "Story Land Cornes Alive". Th-e4 ommittee-, for whlch George Stephený- and Johin Pogue are co-chairmen, are hoping for an even bigger event this'year, particularly in regard to the number of bands participating. Ask fr Extension Couci To Prepare Repl On? Wrks Report Goin NOVICE TOURNAMENT Exetto yteRgo If youwul ie ose for Newcastle Councîl to______________ hocke t is best, corne 10 the resppnd by Feb. lSth with BUKE PSLW ON Area IisSatrda aytine opinions on a Works Commit- Remember, *the new lnw between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. tee report, referred 'to by regarding the wenring of sent when the 8 and 9 year olds wiîî Mayor Rickard as "thenew, beits is now in effect and could bie cornpeting in the 6th Eatons catalogue", due to its cost you money if the police Anual Novice tournarnent. ýsize, received strong objection catch you Sitting on them Eight tearns from ns far from council Monday night. insteadof wenrinthr.Is away as Kingston and Brant- Coun. Kirk Entwisle spear- fo yurpr t hetis ford will bie taking part, headed the council's ob-1 Also, the speed limits bave hoping to win The, Canadian jection, n h euiting been lowered on the highways Tire charnpionship trophy and re et for- an extension, by 10 miles an hour. So, it's 60 The Canadian Statesman con- stating that it is "preposterous -nthhfeeayln d 5 solation award. There's also- to expctu to reply by Feb. eosethe re ewasgansou0 an Atima tournarnent at Orono l5th' , as the document, which tell the story. Save'rony Arena, starting at 10 a.m. (Turn to page tw'o) slow down. Ross Metcalf extols the virtue oif 'Breakf ast in Bed on Sunday morning' for an estimated 40 people îin autendance -at teBowmanville High Sehol ad concert. Thugh hte may havehad a relax'i n ealdearfier in the day, he %was Inful 1oc0fo the artyShow On Sutiday eeig Other photos off t1he concert appear on pages 6 and 10 of this section. Regardless ot what findings BýYLAW AMENDED mgt be in regards to Council on .Feb, 2' voted in contaminated fi from Port favor of anni*ending a, zoning Hope being dumped at the bylaw tatpi7events holding a Port Granby site, Newcastle nursery svihooî in the Bow- councîl is sending a request manvilleBait Church. forward to the Mistry of the Coun.ý,,adAl td Environment for a full in- council Donald r Alu no vestigation of the matter. reason' to prevent hlding a Council recentiy became nursery se7ool;n the church. concerned on rumor that the A moin 0aiedte bylaw fill which is being remnoved_ that would poii holding from sites in Port Hope, was- nursery sehool cleîàsilui the being shipped to the Port church was then pased y (Turni to page two) couneil. Region's Draft 4 Proposais Presentedat Public M.-,.-eeingz Stage Four of the draft proposal for, Durham's Officiai Plan was presented to the public last Thursday at a meeting in the Bowmanville High Sehool Auditorium. A very polished slide presentation and explanation by regional planners started the meeting off and then questions were invited from the audience. Interested partiesý included Newcastle Village lawyer Dick Lovekin, left, who criticized the plan for being inflexible. One of the problems, he argues, is that a zoning by-law not in agreement with the official plan wifl require an amendment to the document after it bas been îînalizeu. As the plan now exists, "it puts land in our area in a strait-jacket of almost unbelievable severity. " Though he didn't raise any questions at the meeting, devel oper Cam M filani, centre, wasý an interested spectator at the preetto.Hiiomnil West project may hang in thebne of a decision by planners to retain or change the agriý.cul-,tural zoning west of Martin Road. Among those fielding ques---tions on behaîf of the region was Dr. Mofeed Michael, righit, who is Durham's planning director. March 1 is the deadine for subiîtting written'briefs on the proposal and any person who wîshes to appear b.,efore the department must have a request to the Department of Planning and Development in Whitby submitted by February 2th. -htsb i rsrn qui

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