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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1976, p. 5

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 4,1 976 5 N Mrs. Wilfred'Vine spent a few days during the week with hrsster, Mrs. Dorothy Chapman and family in North Bay. She returned home with her sister also Jeff and -Ryan Chapman, on~ Friday evenrng. The Chapmans remained until Sunday and visited with Mr. Earl Bowers, the Arnold Williams and Wilfred Vine familles. Miss Janice Willams who is employed as teller in one of the Toronto-Dominioni Banks in Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sameils, Peterborough, were supper guests on Sunday of lastpweek with her mother Mrs. barmen Hyland. 'In the afternoon they visited Mr. Hlyland in the Community Nursing Home, Port Perry. Mrs. Lawrence Cooledge spent Tuesday to Sunday with hfer datighter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris and family at Sealey's Bay. Mr. andMLrs. Gordon Cool- edge, of Caesarea were week- en5 guests. On Saturday they attended the wedding of Miss Mariene Hunter and Mr. Christopher Allan Lyons at Sealey's Bay United Church and the reception at, the Legion Hall. Mrs. Florence Thom pson, Toronto, greatý aunt of the bride, who will be seventy-nine February 4,,was honored by having her birthday announced. Being young at heart, she partici- pated in a couple of polkas. Word has been received frorn Florida vacationers. They report, that -they had many nights of frost during January. According to other news the citrus crop has not heen darnaged. Even though the weather is not very favorable they are spared the work of getting rid of that white flufi material that we- have in abundance this year. Recreation Committee Meeting' On Sunday at 2 p.m. the Nestieton- Recreation Corn- mittee held a meeting in the Community Centre. It is their desire to have residents in the area becorne more involved in recreational activities. Another meeting is planned EAR PIERCI1NG *P Steri-Quik Method 0 Pre-Sterilizgd * Painless 0eSurgical Steel Studs] * Takes OnIy Seconds &CIasps *Non-Allergenic '0 By Appointment HOO PER'S JEWELLERS 29 King St. East, bowmnanville 623-5747 Also Specializing in *Cuto -BultHomes *Alterations and *Repairs 4John -L. McEwen Construction 2 Martin Road' Bowmanville Phone 623-3984 for Saturday, February 7 at 8 p.m. Everyone is most wel- corne. They are interested in haigparents and their teenage family come as a group. Plans will be discussed re organizing dances and other activities at the Centre. Young adults without families are also included. They miay become interested and involv- ed and be able to assist in organizing. SFree coffee and doughnuts will.be served. The Nestieton Hall is there for your enjoy- ment. Corne and support your committee., They have given of their time Most freely but they need your assistance. 0 f Humnan Interest Those who f eed their feath-' ered friends are richly re- warded by watching them crowd around the feeder. There are the grosbeaks, the bluejays, juncos, chickadees and nut-hatch. No tanagers have been seen here this year. A cou ple of red squirrels also help themselves. They have a tunnel in the snow in which they can hide if danger appears. One venturesome beautiful black squirrel climb- ed up on the window sili to feed on seeds spilled. from the feeder. 'One day last week tragedy struck. A loud bang was heard. One of the bluejays flew against the window. When te gentleman of the house brought it inside it succumbed in a few minutes. Not wishing top ut it in with the garbage a nfot wanting to cremate it, a littie black box provided a miniature coffin. When weather permits it will be buried with dignity. Ed's Note: Arn sending you several hundred starlings that mess my windshield from any angle. Sunday Services United Church In the United Church Rev- erend Victor Parsons spoke on th e subject, "Which Direction are We Going?", reading Kings 3: 1-15, Ephesians 5: 1-20. More scientific develop- ments have been successful in the last two generations. When Nuclear power was first announced a typographical error appeared in t, e news- papers. It was written as Nunclear Power. That per- haps is its true meaning as it is unlear to what that power is related (good or evil). Quote -. -Yes, you can run downhill, or, you can run up, and either wili take you as far - But only a fool will bog down in the mud, when he can latch onto a star! Progress is not measured in speed but in which direction we go. The choir sang, "Let The Whole World Know'". Presbyterian, On Sunday thirteen teen- agers and their minister Miss Marjorie. Macbeod, Deacon- ess at Knox Presbyterian Church, Dundas-, were over- night guests of Miss Dorothy Bulmer, Deaçoness. In, the evening Miss MacLeod, Miss Bulmer and the young people 'oined with the young people of Sonya Presbyterian Church for a social evening and skating party. Lake Scugog was their rink and ail enjoyed the freedom and exhilaration of the outdoors. They returned to the church where hot dogs, doughnuts and beaverage were served by the hosts and a social time followed., For Sundav. the services Mr. and Mrs. George Crump, of Bridgenorth were supper guests, recently, with Mr., and Mrs. Roy Best. Mr. and Mrs. ýAnthony Ton received word, iast week, of the death of their cousin, Mr. Joe Webster in Grand Rapids, Michigan.1 Mrs. Bea Jones and Mrs. Madeline Buckley, of New- castle, attended the dinner honorîng the Ontario Federa- tion of Retired Teachers, at Simcoe St. United Church, Oshawa, last Wednesday. About seventy were in atten- dance. Glad to hear Mrs. Leta Samis is abie to be home, again, from Port Hope and District Hospital, where she underwent surgery recently. Our U.C.W. met in the Sunday School Hall, Wednes- day evening, with about twenty-two ladies in atten- dance, and Mrs. Carol Gard- ner chaired the meeting, in the absence of President Inez Boughen. It was a busy evening for Carol, as she also played. the piano for - the singing in the absence of Violet Gilmer and Jessie Best. Unit Leader Carolyn Gilmer presented the Devo- tionai, assisted by Bernice Milligan,. Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Bougerie, while Mrs. Bey. West, of Bowrnanville, was guest speaker. She entertain- ed the group with a talk on Floral Arrangments, demon- strating haif a dozen very attractive ones. There were lucky draws for these, won by the following - Mary Skelding, Acey Farrow, Mary Jones, Olive Henderson, Margaret Elliott and, Amelia Lancaster. Appreciation was expressed to Mrs. West after which lunch was served by the group. Mrs. Acey Farrow attepded a Retirement Party, in honor of Mrs. Mary Cann, at Centennial Hall, Bowman- ville, Thursday night. Mrs. Cann retires, after twenty- eight years of nursing un Memorial Hospi tal. There were about one hundred in attendance at the party. Owing to an unfortunate misunderstanding, some of our "regulars" were not at our Senior Citizens' meeting Thursday afternoon, but those who attended heard an inter- esting talk from our speaker, Mr. Don Morris, of the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville. He represents the fourth Seneration of that family, who ave been in this business, in Bowmanville, ninety-seven years. His son, who has taken a similar. course, and is presently working in Toronto, us the fifth generation to do so. We learned that up to one hundred duties are involved in were conducted in NesiJçton and Sonvya by this enthlisiastic and dedicated Youth Group.- They based their message on the Beatitudes reading John 6: 35-58. Accompanied by two guitars and a trumpet con- temporary anthems were sung Dy the group and a soloust also assisted in the service of song. 1This was an unique exper- ience for the churches here. More involvement by the young people is needed in al the churches today, Miss Bulmer and the young people are invited to a return visit to Dundas. preparing for a funeral, and that the Director is on cali twenty-four hours per day. He very obligingly answer- ed ail questions regardîng the varlous types of funerals and the necessary arrangements, supplies, etc., required, ~ unusual situations. Mr. Morris was thanked for taking the time to corne and address us, having just left a Rotary meeting, after which hie joîned us in pur usuai "1coffee break" at the close. This coming Thursday, Feb. 5, our speaker will- be Mrs. Murphy, of the Library Board. Mr. Raymond Gilmer. of Islington, was a supper guest, Thursday, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer.% 1The Pastoral Relations Comnmittee of the Oshawa Presbytery, met in Newton- ville Church, on Thursday evening, with Rev. Victor Parsons, of Blackstock presid- ing, and an attendance of about twenty-eight, from the three congregations on this charge. Rev. Jack Lougheed and' Mr. Vernon Cooper, of Osh- awa, represented Presbytery. Two members from each of our three churches, were named 'on the Committee, to obtain a minister for this charge, namely: - I'Newtonville - Margaret Elliott, Frank Stapieton,- Kendal - Keith Wood and Ron Frank, and Shiloh - Bernice Stark and Brian Caswell. A list of, ministers availabie, is to be provided. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Local people attendîng the TaiRO014E Senior Citizens Congratulations are in order for the grant the senior citizens received recently. It wili aiiow them to buy tables and chairs for euchre and other cai J games, dishes, cutlery, stove, refrigerator, kitchen utensils, two dart- boards, assorted table games. quiltinig frames and supplies, oiu painting equipment and supplies, other assorted crafts, three ,shuffleboards installed and equipped', stor- age cabinets, horseshoe pitch- es and a swingbail game. It's ail there, and lots of it. Al that's needed now are others totjoin the club.i Everyone within a, 15 mile radius of Tyrone is welcorne if he or she is over 55<?ears of age. Anyone interested to hear more,.can meet most of the directors et the weekly euchre arties in the new Tyrone dlIal on a Friday night at 8 p.m. or f>hone one of the following: resident - Lionel By arn, Treasurer - Pauline Alldread, Secretary - Ann Park, Direct- ors - Earl Prescott, Dick 1,Gibbs, Grace Smith, Lorna Richards, Meta Read, Mary Harrison, Walter Park. Ail activities will be held in the Hall or the Park. A meeting has been arranged for Wed- nesday, February 5th at 2 p.rn. Corne-on down and introdluce yourself. Tyrone Sports Association A prelirnînary meeting was held on Sunday evening of al coaches of teams operating out of Tyrone. At this meeting it was decided to have another one on Sunday, February 8th at 7 p. m. in the old hall to form a sports association for the purpose of co-ordinating ahl sports and fund raising activi- ties. Anybody interested in coaching a team, or in organizing the activities re-- late d to the teams is welcorne to attend the meeting. Euchres' 62 present at the euchre last Friday and the winners were - Woodley 88, Francis Thomp- son 83, C. Gimblet, 81. Low score -Lance Phare 46. The, 50-50 draw was won by Ethel Gibbs. The A nual meeting. of Tyrone curch congregation was held Jan. 28 with 25 people present. The reports of each organization were distributed and reviewed. The nominating C omittee report was gciven Menès Major Bowling High tri le: Dale Terry 813 (319), Bob? Burly 811 (301). High single: Russ Oke 338, Jack Bond 313, Bob Laird 305, Ron Good 305. High teami singWe Colliss Electric 1290, high triple: Colhiss Electrtic 3573. ig 'vârge: Larry Piper 261, Daeerry 258, Bob Buriy 255. Coliss Electric on top with 9, with Pepsi Cola second with 8 points and' Lander Hardware 712 points.1 Oyster Supper at Garden lifi Thursday evening, included 'Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones and Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Montgomn- ery.' Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Mattin- son, of Mississauga, were weekend visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. Roy Best., Mrs . Amelia Lancaster and Philip Gilmer greeted the congregation at the church doors, Sunday, morning, and handed out Bulletins. Rev. Montgomery's themie was, "The Supply Lines", and the choir sang "Leaning on The iiverlasting Arms", with Mrs. Jessie Best at the organ. Frorn now on, one of the maie parents, of the Sunday Schoo? members, is to go downstairs each Sunday, to assist those in charge, and Frank Stapleton took, his turn,, Sunday, in this volunteer help., A memorial service for the late Mr. Thos Stevens was being held at Keàdal, Sunday afternoon, ail members, from the other churches, on the charg e. being invited, to attend. Shiloh service was cancell3,d,t to allow the memý- Sers and the minister to join the one at Kendai. .Visitors on Sunday, with Mr. Raymond Bruce included Mrs. Isabel Waters, Toronto, Mrs. Marlon Gibson, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Elliott, Oshawa, anid Mrs. Winnifred Eiliott, heiping him celebrate his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones, accompanied by Mrs. Bea Jones,, and Mrs. Leone Lan, were a mong those attending the Memorial Ser- vice at Kendai, Sunday after- noon, then went on to Orono, where they were, supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer, and family. Our felicitations to ail the local people celebrating birth- days, this weekend: Mrs. Mary Wade, Sunday, Mr. Raymond Bruce, Monday, Mrs. Leone Lane, Grant Wade and Cliarlene Hall, on Tues- day. We won't go into details on the number of years - the standard age, here, is 39! Sorry to hear of the death, in Toronto, of Mrs. Frank McMullen, whose husband was a teacher here some years ago. Also Miss Hattie Mason, of Newcastle, whom so many remember. q. ~ DELUXE Chocolate Assortment BOXED$36 MINUET Maraschino Cherries Smiles 'n Chuckles, Fancy Gift Boxes, ,40 14 oz. Box Turties Light or Park Chocolate scnm o Assorted Chocolates 71Lb. BOXE D Cherries in Liqluid, * I NOTICEà *If you have been t>h*nking of purchasing a Used- Cari I this message is for you! Roy Nichols Motors Ltd., has a large inventory of Used Cars that ore in amnazing condition many of them one-owner cars and with very Ilow mileage. I We don't have large indoor showroomsi sao oulrcars are I on display on our spacious lots. We feel sure, however, you will' find the low prices and ou'r reputat ion for integrity, reasons *enough f0 find stand'ing'outsideý, weIl worth your w hile. IHere ore Iust a few examples:I * 1973 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan 1970 Pontiac Stationwagon I * One owner automobile. Equipped with V-8, auto- Blue with matching trim, power steering, power matic transmission, power steering, power brakes, brakes, automatic transmission, radio, white walls, I radio, rear window defogger. Maroon in color and ifl discs, roof rack. Good Condition. Clean Car. I *excellent condition. Lic. HDC862 Lic. EBH719 * 1973 Chevrolet Imnpala 1975 Monza Demonstrator * Custom Coupe V-8, automatic transmission, power steering, power Cornes equipped with 8 cyl. engine, automatic brakes, radio, cruise control. Green in color with transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, I matchinq interior. Lic. DZZ500 buc ket seats. Red with matching cloth interior. Ii.H D5 * 1973 Chevrolet lmnpaIâ 4-Door H.T. I V-8, àutomatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, and more. One owner automobile in real good ~I shape. Blue in color with white vinyl/2 roof. LEA ING VEILS IN Lic. H DW95 TOP CONDITION * 1972 Chevrolet WagonI I One owner. Cornes equipped with V-8 engine, 1975 Oldsmobile Cutlass 2-Door automatic transmission, power steering, power wt35V-eniauo tctr sm so, brakes. Saddle brown with matching interior. Green wt 5 - nie uoai rnmsin ILic. EBH662 power steering, power brakes, discs, side OIds obil Dela 88mouldings,, white walls, radio. Lic. J LU630 * 1971 lsnblDet88I' 4-o. Sedani 1975 Oldsmobile Cutlass 2-Door Beautiful bronze car with V-8, automatic transmis- Blue with 350 V-8 engine, automatic transmission, I I sion, power steering, power brakes, radio. A power steering, power brakes, discs, side *one-owner car in beautif ul conditi on. Lic. EBD255 mouldings, white walls, radio. Lic. JLU627 j Roy Nicho1à Mo,,torJLms Ltd.e * Authorized Chev - Olds Dealer' * SerVing the Motoring Public Since 1922) * 623-2556 728-6206* I Bowmanville Courtice I *MM M a u lu a ÉSTLETON. N EWTON VI LLE EXCLUSIVELY AT, FREDERICK'S PHARMACY WHILE THEY LAST...- Vour own copy of the fa mous weAth informaiNon a wARME Rof'info manAneather, astrology etc. .a digest of wit and wisdom!

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