extended to the Charles E liot family, of Shaw's, in the loss of his mother, on the week-end. Mr. Elliot flew to Lacombe, Alber- ta, on Monday, to attend fuserai services. Bowmanville Drama Work- shop meflibersare liard at work to bring you their gresenta tion of 'How the 9ther Half Loves," by Alan Ayckbourn. Director is Wynn Wonnacott and the cast in- cludes John Amesbury, Helen Nelles, Peter Sobil, David Schwalm, Margie Grey and Cathy Godfrey-. To be present- ed the end of February in the Bowmanville Hi gh School Theatre, Senior Citizens are invited to attend on Thursday evening as guests of the Workshop. The lOth Anniversary of the opening of the Library of Frliament was marked b y a secial ceremony on Tuesday, February 3, 1976, at 1:45 p. in the main entrance ofhe library. The Honourabie Jean- Pierre Goyer, Minister re- sponsible for the Royal Cana- dan Mint presented Parlia- mentary Librarian Erik Spic- er with a commemorative 1976 silver dollar. The coin carnies a special design depicting a replica of the building which houses the iibrary. John Bradshaw, CFRB Ra- dio's farm editor for over 25 rers,is now the producer and stofa new agribusiness programme calied 'This Busi- ness of Farming" broadcast weekly on CFRB, Sundays from 8:10 to 9:00 a.m. Brad- shaw created ."This Business of Farming," which replaces his "Weekend Farm Review" show, to communicate the news of Canada's agriculture industries not only to the farmer, but to the consumer eventuaily affected by agi- business trends. Bradshaw wiil interview farmers, indus- try spokesmen, and govera- ment officiais, and report on woridwide prices. Feder al Agricultural Minîster Eugene Whelan and Ontario Minister of Agriculture and Food William Newman will make frequent appearances on "This Business of Farm- ing,"as well as officiais from te US. Department of Agri- culture. _____ ___ Mlr. and Mrs.Donald Bishop and family, spent the week- end with his brother Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop, and family, North Bay. Winner of Lion's N.H.L. tickets for February are John Logel, John Luffman, J. Michelson J. Cornish, L. Flett, D. éross, J. Hancock and R.W. Johnson. Toro games, B. Lockhart and H. Webster. The current exhibit on display at'the Whitby Arts Incorporated is made up of some 60 objects of wrought iron featuring European household untensils from the 17th-l9th century. There are grills toasters, trivets, lamps candie holde'rs, decorated forks, ladies and fireplace implements. Springmu5t be on the way, although its hard to convince anyone with this old fashioned winter we are having, but we just received a release that the annual Sportsman Show will take place at the Cana- dian Exhibition, Toronto, March l9th-28th. On February 4, at 8 p.m., The Robert MucLauohlin Gai- lery will have their officiai opening of the "Spring in February" exhibition, featur- ing Canadian paintings by James Fenwick Lansdowne and Robert Holmes. Opening this exhibition will be John Bradshaw, Canada's formost agribusiness and horticulture journalist. The guest of honour for the opening will be Mr. Donald H. McPherson, presi- dent and general manager of General Motors of Canada Ltd. Mr. McPherson was born in Wayne, Alberta and is presently moving to Ashburn, Items oflInterest Phone 623-3303 TELEPHONE 623-6555, JOHN MANUEL.) C.G.A. Incarne Tax Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowrnanville, Ontario. LIC MNJ Telephone 725.3144 ,~ draperies BROADLOOM DRAPERIES BY THE YARD- VENETIAN & CLOTH- BLINDS CUSTOM MADE DRAPES - DRAPERY ROOS & TRACKS INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE HOWARD VICE 926 Simcoe St. N. Proprietor Oshawa, Ont. 1:00 a.m. -Aduit, in Upper Room Io: 00 a.m. - Classes fora Il ages, 9 and Up 11:00 a.m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kindergarten 11:15a.m. -Primary Dept.,ages4to8 lla.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE Sacra ment of Baptism A WARM WELCOME FOR EVERYONE Wednesday, 10Oa.m., Bible Study Group in Church Parlour CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS Starts Feb. B at 3 p.m. Please register at Church Office. The Session will meet in Board Room Tuesday, Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m., Jack & JilI Spaghetti Supper April110, 5to 6:30 p.m. BOWMANVILLE BAPTIST (CHURCH 14 Nelson Street PASTOR R. FE LLOWS, Welcome to Our FamiIy Sunday School 9.45 a.m. - Classes for Alil Ages lncluding Aduits Sunday Services 11:00 a.m. - at Ontario Street scnool 7:'p.m.- Church Building Mid - Week Wed. 8:00 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study Thursday 6:'3p.m. - Pioneer Girls Friday 8:00 p.m. - Youth Fellowship Celebrate 5Oth Wedding Anniversary Ontario, General Motors of Canada Ltd. Oshawa, has ver y kindly cionated the nine bird charts by Lansdowne in this exhibition. The royal Commission on Violence in the Communica- tions Industry will be holding the first five of its Toronto hearings from February 9th to l3th. Among those being heard will be: John Bassett (Presi- dent, Baton Broadcasting), Dr. Marshall McLuhan (Di- rector, Centre for Culture and Technology, University of Toronto), Martin Gooman (Toronto Star, Editor-in-Chief aind Director), Sam Snider- man, (Sam the Record Man), Brian Garfield (author of Death Wish). The meetings will begin each weekday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. in the theatre of The Royal Ontario Museum 100 Queen's Park: they wi adjourn at about 5:30 p.m. The Commission, o inted to invesigate the efic0t of increasing media violence on society, is com- posed of three Commission- ers: The Honourable Judy LaMarsh, His Honour, Judge Lucien Beaulieu and writer, Scott Young. The Commission lias already announced that it wîll make a final report to the Provincial Governmeflt by December 3lst of this year. TheS p ring hllow-er and Garden Show will be held this year in the airy, spacious Automotive BuildigExhibi- tion Park from Wednesday to Sunday, March l4th. Held in this setting for the first time, the show will include foir acres of gardeng filled wit? flowers and vegetables, herbs and leafy trees, waterfalls and, p ools, hundreds of flower bouquets, housepiants and ideas for using them; garden for balconies; a wild flower wood; three theatres of live programs and award-winning films, how-to demonstrations lots of space for seeing and sitting;, restaurants; music in a flowery park; gardening thnsand plants to take hm;specal ticketing and entrance for bus groups; convenient street cars, bus- ses, Go Train; lots of parking. In a recent letter from Felicity Langstaff to the editor, she suggested 'the paper should carry a "Wo- man's Column." The editor asked for reader's suggestion but to date, none have been received. Also while Felici!y told us what she didn't want in such a column, we note she also didn't tell what she would like. Any suggestions? Acute respiratory infections alone accounted for 100,678 cases in Canadian hospitals in 1972 for a total of 634,702 patient days a startlingly, statistic the Durham Region TB and Respiratory Disease Association is fighting to reduce through research and the çommrnunity prograins pro- vided b y Cbristmas S eal dollars. ruinous wa rs, aiec Poverty and tyrany BA HA 1 Wrifigs nfurehiformationi P.. Box 36. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers, 54 Cburcb St., Bowmanviile, beld an open bouse Jan. ltb 1976 from 2-4 p.m. in their home to' help celebrate their 5tb wedding anniversary. Many beautiful floral tri- butes and loveiy gifts were received from their many friends, neigbbors and rela- tives. The cbildreng ave them a gîft of a tri p to Florida and the grandchildren and great- grandcbild gave tbem match- watcbes. The couple excbanged gold rings. Doug Moffatt MPP, attend- ed the afternoon tea and presented the couple witb a plaque witb best wishes signed by Premier Davis and him-, self. The happy couple also' received many best wisbes and greetings fromn others, încluding thbeir eldest son Water and wîfe in Florida, the Governor General and Mrs. Leger, Alan Lawrence M.P. and Robert Stanfieid, M.P. May or and Mrs. Garnet Rick- ard of Newcastle also attend- ed the tea. SAf ter the open bouse, the cbildren took their parents to the Centennial Hall, Queen St., for dinner wîtb tbeir children, grandcbildren, and one sister of, Mrs. Rogers, and ber husband, Stewart of Oshawa. Also two brothers (and a niece and nephew) of Mr. Rogers,_ Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers, and a niece and nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson iail of Toronto. After a lovely dinner everyone went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rogers at Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers' sons, daughters and grandchildren attending this occasion came from Vancouver, London., Whitby, Maple Grove New- castle and Bowmanvilie. The honored ýcouple have eight children, 21 grandchild- ren, and 12 great grandchild- ren. 'They have resicled in Bowmanviile ail of their married life. Ex,,cillepnt Progress Reports Received at Congregational Miýeeting of St. Paul's Church By Mrs. W. Teeple The annual Congregationai Meeting of St. Paul's United Cburcb, Bowmanville, was beld on Sunday evening, January 25tb f oliowin g a weil-attended famiiy pot-iuck uper in the Cburcbbail. The meeting w as preeeded soutd presentýation of -This is Your Lie - St. Paul's'1975' wbicb sbowed pictures of the many activities during the year with suitable background music and narration. Tbis fprogram, ' the resuit of the efots of Ray Bryson, photo- g rapher, and the Rev. and Mrs. Scbamerborn as prod- ucer and narrator, was mucb enjed and appreciated. Te business part of meet- ing was held in the Churcli wbile the cbildren were enter- tained la the recreation bal, A devotional period led by the Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn and a memorial tribute to St, PauI'isUnte ËI Rev, N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A.'M.Div.- Organist: Gerald K. Burgess 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Fourth in a special series of sermons on "MAN AND HIS RELIGION" Sermon "1WHAT 15S THE CHURCHV' Rise, Shine and Dine with the minister a? bis EARLY SERVICE SERMON 8:15 a. m. Hear the sermon and thon discuss if with the minister over breakfast. GOLDEN YEARS CLUB meets '2nd and 4th Wednesdays 0f each monfh. COUPLES CLUB meets 1sf Sunday evening of each month. SUNDAY SCHOOL Primary Children wiIl attend first part of Church Services wîfh their parents.' 9:45 a.m. Senior classes (9 Years and Up) NU RS ERY Parents are invited fa bring their pre-school children f0 our play and learn nursery while they attend Church. members and adherents wbo bad passed away during the jyear, opened tbe meeting. Minutes and ail reports were printed in an attractive bookiet which also included a message from the Minister 'and were adopted as printed. 1 All departmnents sbowed an acieand Éprogjressive year adcarrieýd out varied pro- jcsto mark the 5Oth Anniversry of the United Cburcb of Canada. Theý Churcb membersbip was in- creased. Two new groups were organized during tgbe year--Tbe Golden Vears Club for Senior Citizens and the Cou ples Club. The financiai report for 1975 was weii received and mucb entbusiasm was expressed since this year bad ended witb no outstanding debts. The Budget for 1976 was accepted as presented as was the increased allocation for the Mission and Service fund as suggested by Presbytery. Tghe dedicated and untiring efforts of the leaders of the orgnizations and groups witbin the Cburcb framework were noted witb appreciation as was the music' and contri- butions of the Senior and Chancel cboirs under the leadership and direction of the orgýanist, Mr. Geraid Burgess, and Mrs. Allanab Coles. Officers and represent- atives were elected and plans made for the forth coming yea under tbe ministryiof the Rev N. E. Scbamerhorn and ,Mrs. Scbamerhorn wbose ieadersbip and assistance are ins îrîag.' flec ted as Members of Session were: A. Wmn. Eby, Mrs. A. Thiessen, Don MacArthur, Mel Samelîs, Harold Yeiiowlees, Mrs.' D. Kennedy,; To the Committee of Stewards: John Morris, Rob Bryson, Ray Harding, Duncan McPberson, Miss Mary Tomkins, Bob Storey, Wmn. imes, Don Gillespie, Mrs. R. Warkman, Carl Zînn, Ted Robertson, Ken Bragg. Ray Bryson was appointed as representatîve to Presby- tery and Mrs. J. Welsh as, representative from the Unit- ed Cburcb Women on the Officiai board. The meeting was concluded witb the feeling that 1975 had been a good year, and that St. Paul's is continuing to be a centre of Faith and Service in Bowmanvîiie and District. Li*berty Belles, BoW lng Team Standings Alldread- 7813 - 10, Roberts - 7420 - 10, Coombes - 7569 - 9, Partner - 7149 - 8, Nickerson - 7450 - 6, Spear - 7388 - 5, Bons - 7214 - 5, MacDonald - 7054 - 5, Foran - 7190 - 3, Lewis - 6776 - 2, Forsey - 6994 - 1. High Single - 279 - Marion Aiidead. Higb Double - 445 (279, 166) Marion Aildread. To p Averages May Al rea 'd 225, J. Spear 219, L. Nickerson 213, M. Pearce 196, E. Bragg 194, 1. Davis 193, J. Pbillips 191, B. Lyle 191, D'. Foran 191, C. Roberts 190, H. Cook'188, M. Gibson 188, M. Henning 188. 4 ... ,..Sunday School .....Worship Service ...Evangelistic Service Mid Week Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Bible Study A Welcome for You in a Friendly Church Con tracti At Legioi 0f $ 1,50<so Branch 178 Royal Canadian, Legion bas cbanged the name of its montbly draw to Br,. 178 Legion Lottery under their new iottery licence witb a new list of fprizes wbicb will now give fIve prizes- and five sellers' prszes montbly. The Ilrst monthly draws were made on January 28tb, 1976 at the Ladies Auxiliary Bingo, and after a short ta2 about the new format and the 10- prizes, Stan L.' Dunn president of Br. 178 and cbairrnan of the monthly lottery cailed on Mrs. L.P. Micbaud of 114 Parkway Crescent, Bowmanville, a win- ner of the jackpot bingo, to make 'the first draw for the $1,500 prize. Mrs. Micbaud reached into the drum with a comment of "I hope I draw my on ticket,' but she drew out a ticket owned by Mr. Don R. Brooks of 211 Clarke Street, Oshawa. (~Don Brooks is the contractor wbo recenlty com- pleted the renovations and added construction at the Legion Hall--be is presentiy bolidayingd in the southern States and Mexico, so, no cloubt wiil be ver y pleasedto hear of bis 6ood fortune), The remaîning four prizes were drawn by members of the Ladies Auxiliary and Harold King who was assist- ing witb the bingo. These win- ners with amount of their prizes_ are as follows: 2nd prize- $150 - Geo. Kopyiciw, 2028 Rossland Road E., Whît- by; 3rd prize-$100-Cathy Wright, Newcastle, (wbo is aiso bolidaying in Fiorida); 4th prize-$50-J. Wm. Scott, 113 Kaiser Cres., Oshawa; 5th e-$50-Chas. Hone, 17 Hunt ~t.,Bowmanville. The chairman reports that the total sales of 3,500 'was higher than an y month since April 1975 and hopes with the new list of prizes tht the draw will continue to have interest to the public wbicb will enable the Branch to carry on with their many commitments of financial support in the com- munt= nd surrounding area. Selr' prizes of the win- ning tickets are listed beiow: lst - $150 - Allan Brown, Ham pton, (he dlaims he actually exchanged Ihe ticket in bis book >vith Don Brooks The Canadian State'sman, Bowmanville, February 4, 1976 7 or for Reà%-novati*ons wn Hall Big Winner > i*nB ranch Lottery 1(the winner) for one of his 5th - $5 - Walter Park, Ty- tickets), 2nd - $15 - Eli. Du- rone. mas, 124 Baldwin St., Osha- The next draw will be wa; 3rd - $10 - J.C. Tamblyn, Wednesday, February 25thi, Orono; 4th- $5 - Lyndon 1976 - with five chances of White, R.R. 5, Bowmariville; being a winner for your dollar. LET US HELP YOU TO STOP SMOKING SMOKER'S WITHDRAWAL COURSE Sponsoredby the Durham Region TB and Respir atory Disease Association at Dr. F. J. Donevan Col legiate 250 Ha rmony Rd., South, Oshawa Beginning Monday, February 9th, 1976 7:30 - 9:30 (Six evening sessions) Mon. Tues. Wed. Februa ry 9, 10, 11lth Mon. Thurs. February 16, l9th Mon. February 23rd Mail pre-registration form below ta: Durham Region TB-RD Association 757 Grierson Street, Oshawa, L1 G 5J8 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "CÇOUNTDOWN ON SMOKING"I Narme ....................... .............. s rn Address ........................ *............... Telephone..................... Postal Code .. Registrat ion Fee enclosed $5.00 LI Students and Senior Citizens Free Senior CitizenW StudentLI AnotherChristmnas Seal Service Alex McGreg'or Drugs ý 5 King St. West 623-5792 -,J Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rogers -MeobiCft PI-otograpny 9:55 11: 00 a. m. 7: 00 p. m. Pe tecestal Curch 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sunday Servces Il ý1, or,