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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1976, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Februany il, 1976 OENNISKILLE Ona Iovely winter's morn- temptations, difficulties, ing, 60 folks gathered for opposition. worship at the Sun. a. m.A basket of flowers was Service. Meta Read led the 14 placed by Shirley and Clar- members Sr. Choir in their ence Stainton in mernory of beautiful Anthem "IGod So their Grandfather the late Mr. Loved the Wold". The lesson David Bothwell Sr. of Bow- from the Bible Luke 8:22-26 manville. We extend our was read by Fila Bowman. sincere sympathy to Shirley Rev. Bigby, from the and Clarence and to ail Chancel ste ps told a most members of their family. timely Cildren's Story on To Ariene and Jîm Rowan sbaring so necessary for many and little sons, Tyrone, we areas especially the terrible wish to express our deepest devastation in Guatemala. sympathy in their time of Our Minister's sermon title sorrow over the death of a was "Christ Gives Peace in dear father and grandfather the Storms of Life" and was the late Mr. Mac Short, based on the Bible lesson of Lakefield, also to Mrs. Short the stormy boat tri p witb a and ail other family members. fear experienced by t he people Some years ago Mrs. Short aboard and Jesus attitude of was our popular Road Super- surrise and composure.. intendent of whom we Tis is parallel to our Life treasure fond memories. Story wît h its danger of We are haopv to sav that Dr. .DE LUXE Chocolate Assortment BOXED $3-69 Smiles 'n Chuckles Fancy Gift Boxes $.40 to$75 R B.Green our former Minister (1955-58) is at bis home following surgery recentiy. His address is R.R.4, Norwood. A very warmf welcomne was extended by Rev. Bigby at the morning service also Thanks to Lay folks for last Sunday's Service. 1The Mid-Week Prayer meet- ing and Bible Study was at Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Taylor's home on Wednesday. The Youth group beld its meeting on Wed. evening at Linda Sharp's home. Rev. Bighy conducted tbe Instal- lation of Officers viz: - Pres. - Brian McGill, Vice Pres. - Wayne Bigby, Sec. and Asst. - Linda Sharpe an d Susan Werny, Treas. - Don Rowan. He gave a bief reporton the Youth Confenence at Tweed. Economy Box Assorted Chocolates $ jý 771Lb. EXCLUSIVELY ATFREDERICK'S PHARMACY WHILE THEY LAST .. Your own copy of the fa mous awealth of information on weather, astrology etc. .a digest of wit and wisdom! MINUET 14 oz. Box Turtles BOXED Maraschino Light or Dark Cherries Cherries ChoclateinLud OnIy .79 FOR 10 DAYS ONLY! -AN EXTRA DISCOUNT OFF OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICES ON ALL PHOTOFINISHING AND DEVELOPING OFFER EXPIRES FEBRUARY l4th Some future plIansI wene discussed. The Cbunsellor led in the Initiation Ceremony of the new members. The hostess, her mothen and sister served a delicious lunch. In the future, the guest speaker will be Dr. Jim Seunarine of the Division of World Outreacb of the United Church of Canada at the Men's Rally at St. Stephen's U.C. Oshawa next Sun. at 6:15 p. m. SSunday, Feb. 22nd is Tbink- ing Day for Scouts and Guides. A parade and special service wiIl he beld at our Cburch at 9:45 a.m. Evenyone welcome. U.C.W. will meet on Wed- nesday Feb. l8th at 1: 30 at the Church when Mns. David Ryan a former teacher at Tyrone and Zion will show pictures of her round the world trip. Everyone wel- corne. The Jr. Enniskillen 4H girls met in the Sunday School room on Feb. 3rd. We started with the 4H pledge, then we had the roll cal. Judy Virtue and Shelly Morton read the minutes. We started to work on our material. Our meeting closed at 9 p.m. Next meeting will be Feb. 8th.1 The Sr. 4H1 girls held their 2nd meeting at the home of our leader Mrs. R. Howe. Minutes were read by Nancy Wright. Officers for this unit "Clothes* of Leisure" were elected; Pres. - Marion Naum, Vice' Pres. - Jackie Powell, Treas. - Gwen Jonah, Press Reporter - Susan Werry. Mr. Darly Sanderson, Mill- brook, was a Saturday visitor with the A. Leadbeater's. Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Susan and Fred, Hayclon, were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Scarboro were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Petbick. Clare Ashton, Prescott, spent the week-end with bis parents the H. Asbton's and grandfather, S. Kersey. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Draper were recent guests witb tbeir daughter Mrs. Marie Tobin, Miss ElvaOrchard was a recent caller at Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick's. Sorry to report Master Cory Sweet was a patient last week in hospital for Surgery but bas returned to school this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moore, Shirley Road on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dor- land were Wednesday evening dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. C. Avery. The occasion was Mrs. Dorland's birtbd -ay. Congratulations Gertie. Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, is spending a few days witb Mr.. and Mrs. Fanl Trewin. Margaret and Orvîlle Ashton, accompanied June and Bill Bragg, JanetBragg, Arlene and Lloyd Ayre to enjoy the Disney World Concert at Bowmanville Higli Scbool. Margaret and Orville Ash- ton,' bad a pleasant visit on Sunday p.m. with Mn Bert Stevens at StrathavenNursing Home, Bowmanville. D & R Defeats Brooks BP W. Frank Takes Spencer In Commercial Playoffs by L. Burns D & R Sports took a two point lead over Brooks B.P. in their semi-final round last Sunday. Brooks looked like tbey migbt wîn wben tbey jumped into a two goal lead eanly in tbe first period witb tallies from Bob 'Howes and Ken Holmes. D & R tied the match before the first ended with goals from Joe Balson and Bruce Osborne. The second saw D & R take the lead witb the only goals of the period wben Bruce Os- borne picked up bis second and thîrd of the game. The third period saw Brooks corne within one as Rick Shackleton stuffed one home. But al bopes died wben Joe Balson picked up bis second goal to give D & R a 5 to 3 victory. The second match saw W. Frank Real Estate corne out ontop of Spencer Real Estate 3 to 2. Spencer took the lead early wben Jim Baker talled. Bsroadloom Bantam Continue Winning Ways Broadioom Bantams bave won four more games in their regular scbedule by beating Markbam tbree times an Uxbridge once. It was a busy week for the local Bantam No. 2 team. It started Sunday, Feb. 1 in Markbam wben our boys bad to corne from bebînd to score a 4-3 win. Bowman- ville started the scoring with a nice back bander from Andy Paton wbo bad received the Suc k from Scott Clifton. Mark- amcame back witb two unanswered goals in the first period. The second period botb teams traded goals witb Bowmanville sconing first. The goal was earned by Brad Hockin wbo bad been set up by, tbe ood forecbeckîng of Demns Simpson and Darrel Jones. Bowmanville bad to work bard in tbe third period to earn tbe win. At tbe 5:25 mark, it was Kevin Ward wbo bad been set up b y Nick Gibbs tying tbe score. A minute later Bow- manville's bard working Garry Eeuwes scored the winning goal witb a bard snap sbot from just inside the blue line. On Wed., Feb. 4 Bowman- ville again bad to travel to Markbam. This time the boys won bandily witb a 6-0 score. Tbe boys ail played well. Brook Cole bad an outstanding nigbt in goal earning the shutout. The defensive pairs of Bruce Scbouten, Jim Braun, Bnian White and Russ Car- ruthers were a pleasure to watcb. Scott Clifton scored a bat trick for the nigbt Kevin Ward, Nick Gibbs, anc1 Garry Feuwes accounting for 1 goal eacb. Assists for the evenings work were earned b y tgbe following layers Cbuck Welsh 2,iBraun,1 Andy Paton and Garry Eeuwes 1 eacb. On- Sat., Feb. 7 the Mark- hamboys paid a visit to Darlington S ports Centre, but again were to experience another loss. The boys from Bowmanviile bad to work extra bard to earn tbis win. It was another corne from be- hind win as Markbam opened the scoring with 2.14 left in the first peniod. Bowmanviile came back witb just tbree seconds left on the dlock witb a p ower play goal from Garry Feuwes who bad been set up bythe excellent passing of Chuck Welsh and Scott Clift on. Markham took the iead again with the oniy goal scored in the second period. Bowman- ville scored two goals in the last peniod to give the boys a 3-2 win. The goals were scored by Nick Gibbs wbo let go a low bard shot between the goalies skate and the pipe. The goal Save Paul Desrocbes a well 5eserved assist. The last and winning goal was sconed by the persistent play of Kevin War . Sunday, Feb. 8 found our team in the Uxbridge Arena ready to play a fired up Uxbridge, team. Uxbrîdge' opened the scorîng in the first period. Bowmanville cameý back to tie the score before tbe peniod ended with an unassist- ed goal by Scott Clifton who skated tbnougb the Uxbridge team. Bowmanville started the sconing in the second period witb an excellent goal from Paul Desroches unassisted and anotber goal from the stick of Andy' Paton with assists on tbis one going to Dennis Simpson and Scott Clif ton. Uxbnîdge not to be Conadian Forest ors Team Standings R. Hall 31, 17627; J. Luffman 31, 17202; A. VanGoor 28, 17128; H. Pollard 27, 17844; H. Rogers 23, 16952; G. Prout 20, 16310; C. Duguay 19, 16907; D. Shetier 18, 16563; P. Wand 17, 16720; G. Smith 14, 16626; B. Smitb 13, 16316; M. Rozema 11, 16901. Legion Bowling Team Standin gs Joan Sutcliffe 10 p oints, 14,019 pinfall; Mary Gray 9, 13,663; Diane Howantb 6, 13,747: Nybi Sheeban 5, 12,875. Higb Single Denise Annaent.......... 287 Hi ghbTriple Joan Sutcliffge.......... 682 Higb Averages Joan Sutcliffe 224, Nyhi Sheeban 208, Anne iPlazek 203, Diane Howanth 202, Denise Annaent 200, Vinginia Fairey 196, Mary Gray 193, Irene Wbitney 193, Mary Bates 185, Jean Burton 182. outdone came back to tie the score wîth two quick goals. Garry Eeuwes put Bowman- viile back out in front witb the help of Brad Hockin whose play. bas been steadily im- proving over the last 10 games. Just before the teams left for the dressing roomnat the end of the second, Ux- bridge tied the score again leaving tbe ice witb 4-4 sToengun the sconeboard. Tetbird period proved to be ahl Bowmanville's witb goalie Dan Reefke stopping everytbing witbin stick length and the defence controllhng the Bowmanville zone. The forward, lines swung into action in the Uxbridge zone. Garry Feuwes scored firFs4 the assis t going to Brad Hockin. Dennis Simpson scored next witb 2.35 left in the game, set up by Scott Clifton and Andy Paton. Kevin Ward was set up by Paul Desrocbes for the last goal making the final tally 7-4 Bowmanvil le. Tbe Broadloomn boys still bave thnee more league games left in negular season P la. Thbe next hnorne game eb 14 at D.S.C. The team is undefeated so far in negular season play witb 15 wins and 2 ties. Franks tied the game before the first ended wben Steve Barns pîcked up one. The second started with Spencers taking the lead when Bob Hellam scored. Franks tied it again when Paul Forsey drove one home. The third period was fast and rough as Franks pulled it out wben Paul Forsey scored bis second of the game. NextSunday it's Franks and Spencers in the early game and Brooks and D &R in the late match. Bowmacnville Sports Win 2'Playoffs Last week, the Bowmanville The second game saw the Sports Major Midgets opened saine Bowmanville team their first series of playoffs corne out very flat in tbeir own against Markham, and now nink. They were not fore- lead the best-of-five series 2-0. cbecking or bitting effectively In the opening game in at all, and almost- blew tbe Markbam, a tenacîous two-- encounter. The turning point way checking game and a came wben Bowmanville tougb stand-up defence en- quickly ignited and scored abled the spirit filled team to three goals witbîn 1:58 to beat Markbam 3-1. The spirit ovencome a 2-0 deficit and which they bave been lacking bead to a 5-3 win. p ropelled the team, and witb a Goal scorers were Jerry fine goaltendine effort from Jobnston witb 2 and Jerry Bob Koczulab, they controiied Leddy, Brent Badou, Terry the game througb-out. Scoring Sarginson eacb getting-one. for Bowmanville were Terry Don Farrow bad four assis ts, Sarginson, Don Farrow and Mark Lavigne earned two and John Conboy. Assists were Jerry Leddy and big Kim credited to Mark Lavigne (2), Storgaard eacb were credited John Hogarth Jerrý John: with one. ston, Jerry Le(y nSargin- Their next game is in SOn Markham on Feb.11l. rCarnaction Flower and Seeds Ltd. -,i (SERVING THE AREA FOR NEARLY 50 YEARS) 33 Division St. 623-5577 or 623-7141 Bowmanville WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THIS SPRING! Consider these features when planning your garden: 1. We seli only Top Quality Seed.q 2. Packaging is done here, So You Save. 3. Most of our Seed wiII be ready to buy in early February. 4. We do our utmost to give you Friendly, Cour teous, Personal Service. 5. Our shop is dAose to you, so you can get what you want, when you want with no minimum purchase. Our Price List Follows .. . Compare our Pri'esý and Clip for Future Reference, ,"HAPPY GARDENING"I Asparagus-Viking Beef- Defroit Il Little Bail Broccoli-De Cicco Brussel Sprouts Cabbage-Danish Ballhead "Golgen Acre "Early Jersey "Savoy "Red Rock "Chinese Carrot-Coreless "Chantenay "Gold Pak Cauiiflower Early Snowball Late Celeriac Ceiery - Utah Chicory Citron Cress Cucumber-Tablegreen Straight Eight "Pl ing Ch ina Long "Burpiess Hbrid Eggpiant- Herbs-Sage "Savory "Diii Thyme Ka le Kohl Rabi Leek Lettuce - Iceberg Grand Rapids "New York "Bibb "Buttercrunch "Salad Bowl "Prizehead Endive Beans - Yel low Wax "Tender Green "Bush Lima "Kentucky Wonder "Windsor Broad "Scarlet Runner "Brown (Dry Podding) White PF (Dry Podding) Corn - Golden Bantam Hybrid Corn - Sunnyvee 1/2oz loz 1/2 1b iIb - .90 5.25 9.50 .40 .65 2.00 3.00 - .90 - - - .90 - - - 1.30 - - 1.25 - - 1.25 - 2.00 - - 1.25 - - 1.25 - - .70 - - .75 3.75 6.75 .75 3.75 6.75 1.10 4.50 8.00 3.50 22.50 40.00 2.50 15.50 29.00 - 2.25 - - 1.15 - - .70 - 4.00 4.00 3.25 17.50 - 65 - - .75 - .70 - - - l..75 - - 1.00 - - 1.75 - - .175 - 1.75 - - 1.75 - - 1.75 - - .85 - Pkg. 1/4 Lb. 1/2 Lb. iý Lb. .35 .50 .90 1.60 .35 .50 .90. 1.60 .40 .65 1.00 1.75 .40 .75 1.25 2.10 .35 .60 1.00 1.75 .40 .75 1.25 2.25 - - 1.00 1.75 Price Not Yet Available .30 .50 .80 1.40 .40 , .60 1.00 1.75 Muskmelon-Delicious 5i Honey Dew Onion - Yellow Globe Utah Spanish Silverskin "Red Parsn.ip-Hollow Crown Parsley - Curled Il Rooted Peppers-Red Chili "Sweet Cal. ""Wonder Sweet Banana Pumpkin- Field IlSmall Pie Radish - Champion French Breakfast Sparkler Icicle Chinese Rose Rhubarb - Ruby Sas if y Spinach - Bloomsdale Squýash - Gr. Hubbard Zucchini "Buttercup "Butternut "Pepper (Acorn) "Veg. Marrow SwissChard Tomato - Bonny Best "Beef stea k "Stokesdale "Glamour "Tiny Tim "Firebal San Marzano Turni p - Laurentian Reg'd. Laurentian (Boxed) "Purple Top Wafermelon -Peerless "Early Canada Corn - Morning Sun Gold Cross Bantam "Earliking Seneca Chief Peaches & Cream Tastyvee (Bulk Only) Peas - Homesteader Laxton's Progress Thomas Laxton Litt le Marvel Edible Pod Pkg 1/2oz .25 - .25 - .25 .75 .25 .85 .25 1.00 .25 .70 .25 1 oz 1/2Ib 1llb .85 - 6.00 .85 - 6.00 - 7.00 12.50 1.50 - 16.00 1.75 - - - .65 1.25 2.10 - .70 - .70 - .40 .60 .90 .60 .90 .60 .90 .45 .65 .55 .90 - 1.75 - 2.00 - 1.75 - 2.00 - 2.50 - 5.50 .25 - .70 - 2.50 - - - 3.50 .25 - - - 25 - .85 4.00 6.75 .25 .8.5 4.00 6.75 1/4 Lb. .60 .60 .60 .90 .90 1/2 Lb. 1 Lb. 1.00 1.75 1.00 1.75 1.00 1.75 1.40 2.25 1.35 2.25 - 1.95 -- We'l Also Have Dutch Set Onions, Multiplier Onions, Cert. Seed Potatoes, Bulk Mixed and Packaged Lawn Seed and Flower Seeds, Peat Mass Fertilizers and Insecticides. ý - -icz- ouecI cne, would really appreciate a Portable CoIorTV Component Stereo Eureka Vacuum Cleaner or a ... Morse Sewing Machine for Valentine's Day! Take Advantage of Our LOW, LOW SALE PRICESI kool Enterprises Air Conditioning Soles and Service 24 Division St. 623-3221 Bowmanville 77 P' lqj 0 uk

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