HOME IMPËOVEMENT '76 Supplement of The Canadian Statesc~ian, Feb. 18, 1976 rec ommnddreadîngfor.everygore Nothing beats the flavor ofgrilled meats . .. steaks, chops, hamburgers seared on the outside and tender and juicy inside. Unfortu- nately, sumnmer's gone and with it those fanitastic meals cooked outdoors. But don't despair, now you needn't wait until summer again for grilled foods. You can enjoy those quick, juicy, and deli-, cious dîshes, al year-long, right in your own kitchen, with a unique new appli- ance. . . . the Broil-R-Grill (as shown) by General Electric. The Broil-R-Grill is a "whole new wayý to cook' ... you get fast, two- sided broiling, with quick, searing -on both sides s0 none-of the flavorful mneat juices are lost. Trhe grids are ribbed and slanted so, grease drains away duirinig cooking - a big pius for the dieter and cholesterol con- Scions. You can prepare many of your favorite meats, fish and vegetables, quick hors d'oeuvres for parties, eand ail sorts of snacks and grilled sandwichies. H fere are two great sauce recipes to serve withi your winter grilled foods. Tomato Button S auce 3tablespoons butter ,- 1 6-oz. can button mush- rooms, drained 1 cup dry white wine 1 tablespoon tomato paste 2 teaspoons chives 1 teaspoon oregano 1In saucepan, saute mush- rooms in butter. Add re- maining ingredients. Cook over low heat for 15 min- utes. Serve with fish, beef, or chicken. Yields: 1,32 cups. Cheese Sauce 4 tablespoons butter 2 teaspoons dry mu stard 2 tablespoons flour i cup milk, 2 cups grated ligt Cheddar cheese 34' teaspoon monosodium glutamate M6teaspoon pepper 36 teaspoon sait Over low heat, melt butter in small saucepan. Stir in mustard, flour until well blended. Add remaining in- gredients'and, simTper for 5 minutes or until sauce thickens 'and cheese melts. Serve 'over fish or vege- tables. Yields: 133 cups. frying pan. When the oul is hot, start frying broccoli pieces, turning them to make sure ail sides get cooked. Be careful not to overcook the broccoli or the pieces rigbt faîl apart. -Drain fried broccoli on a f ew pices of paper towel- in g -.. -an d it's ready for the dinner table! RAINY DAY 1IDEA: Keep muiid tracks in the kitchen at a minimum on rainy days byI having plas- tic mats handy by the door. They' re easy to wash off when- the sun cornes ont, ready to use again when it pours. Have them by the front door, too, to proteet your rugs and floor. It's nlot surprising that the' hamburger originated in the town of Ijamburg, Germany. But tourists or- dering a hamburger in its hometown would be sur- prsdto be served raw meat. That's how it was originally served, and is stili served through1ont Europe. ýissing don't last'; cookery do! -George Meredith A LITTLE PLANNING GOES A LONG WAY 1Buidget experts recom- iuend planning shopping excursions in advance, as well as menus. Once-a- ATrTENTION I PAGE FIVE week shopping is less wasteful than frequent trips to, the supermarket, and lets you take ad(vanitage of the weekly shopping specials offered in youir local paper. Once you've planned the. week's shioppin-g, after consulting thie supermark- et'ads, you can then plan menus iicorporat;ing the bargains y ou've checked, adding aniy needed items to your Shopping list. By careful planin.g you can thus make food dollars go further, save shopping time as well. HOME OWNERS BINSTALLING SAVE'BYUSL ALUMINUM PRODUCTS ,J'~-~./ Seamiess Eavestroughs- Facia Boards Kaiser Direct Factory Branch -7% INSTALLATION IF REQUIRED. WINDOR & DOOR PRODUCTS SUPREM EOshawa Limited Warehouse and Showroom 894 Simcoe Street N. Phone 723-9843 There 's no" better way, to improve the a ppearance, of your, home 0ea. f riedl foods are favorites anywhere Crispy friçed foods are loved the world over: southern fried chicken with French fried potatoes are an American favorite; the British are credited with "inventing" fish. 'n chips; and theni there's the famous Italian veal cutet... if you love preparfing your farnily's favorite fried up afterward, there's a sol- uition - that greasy cooking residue can be quickiy and eaiyceaned with Grease, relief degreaseýr. For fast frying fpan lean-ups, just squir;lt thec degreaser direct- ly iinto the pan and wash wvith warm xater. It can also danup ges pat- ters on He stove( rangçe anid bood; anid somec degreaser added to y-our regular dishwashling dterigent Nwill boost its grease - cutting strength and make dishes easier to wash. Frying foods'is also a way of getting your family to try new foods they might flot otherwise eat. For ex- ample, if your children are unwilling to eat green veg- etables cooked 'the tradi- t ionait ways, they May try them- if the vegetables are prepa red with, pizazz. Hiere's one recipe for crispy fried broccoli that's sure to please both you and them: inse fresbl broccoli thor- oughily in cool wate-r and cýut inito largce pileceIs. Becat an egg and season àt wvit saýit and pepper or any other si vs on may prefer. Dip eachi piece of broc- coli in egg and theni coat thlem with bread cruimbs. Preheat oil in a shallow .than by parking, a 976-,FORD out in 'the front!' L 21 9 King St., East ENJOY MOUTH-WATERING GRILLED FOODS ALL YEAR LONG with this versatilenew Broil-R-GriIt by General lectric. It's a "Mhole new way to cook." Grill he, Year 'Round', Now 623-4481 loi, ommumo