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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1976, Supplement, p. 9

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Supplement of The Canadian Statesman, Feb. 18, 1976 T-TCMÉ IMPROVEMERNT '76 ideas for the, heart of everyone's home.., how to "thilnk thin"q in the kitChen: Good eating habits can be reinforced if you prae- tice positive thinking about food. And what better placeý thanj in the kitchen? Picture al the beautiful fruits and vegetables. and other foods that are bath good ta look ut and, good for yau: a bowl of luscions oranges, a polished red ap- pie, a wedIge af cheese, a glass af. Siender diet food from Carnation. This de- liciaus mini meai, designAed ta let you "drink thin," coni j- tains oniy 225 caloieýs mixed with 6 ounces of whoie milk and supplies 4' af the Rcomede aily Alowance of essenitial1 pro- tein, vitamiÂns anidmieas As a reinde-(lr ta think thîn in thiekthn a c ould use the aId tric2k af pasting a c-andid of yourseif an the refrigerator door, but there's a mare positive approaeh. Create a "think thin" wail in the kitceni that wiil inspire cveryane ta eat right. Find photos in whîch you look the way you want ta look. Scatter these over the al.Nowasemlepic- turics of yauir faý7(ritc nuI- tritiaus andlo-aoi foods, 1using the imnaglin-li tion an cre.aWve talents ai the eniefamiiy. Cet oult the atecolrsand dIo a smal pantig o anorch- ard in ioom. Add a cil1d's drawing af fruits and veg-e- tables. Persuade the family carpenter and handyrnan ta make a wood picture with whittled food abjects glued into place.-> Needlework is a natural technique for sho-wing foods ta artistie advantage. The family crcwei worker eau embroider a study in green - a stili life composi- tion of artichokes, aspara- gus and icafy vegetables. A teenage daughter could cross-stitch sampiers with suitable mattocs: THTINK THIN, FAT IS NOT WHERE IT'S AT, or AN APPLE A DAY. Miniature neediepoint pictures of a single lemon or a handfui of strawberries add a qharm- ing note. Framing can be rather expensive, s0 why not Mount some ai the photos and pictures on heavy card- board or masanite and tack them dîrectly ta the wali? Do the mounting yourseif, foilowing directions an the spray adhcsive container. Monigis mucb casier if you. att.achi the pictuire toaa largeýrpic of backing ratheýr tlhan utring ta match the edges. The trim the b'ac-king to fit thie picture as a ist S'ep. Wh)cn y our wall is fin- ishcd, the total effect -wil 1be uiu warm and personal reminder that it's easy ta maintain good cat- ing habits when you "drink thin" and "think thin." good kichen windows' save energy:,. yours, home's -No matter how you slice Research inidicates that, with wood wno units it, the cost of energy is tak- when quality-built, wood even though jthe size of the in g a larger bite out of the. windows with însulatfing glass area blas beén famiiy budget of the aver- s1 9 anso lss duld age homeowncr. To keep glass w ae fgasduld utilitycosts within bounds,1 ew n nltng- i r pe i- There are othtings ta some builders are fallowing bete -areoperlyf in- consider besides economies the path of ieast resistance stwadte aunt ofvewin- when window shopping. by iimiting both the num- zdoe inan average-e Certain roomis reqjuire more ber and size of windows size be do ' ubledtia windows thian oflhers, In the that go into their hanses. inthe anysoutanIaf kitchlen for injstance, plenty But neither the size nor ehied th act of fel.If of light anvniaini number of windows is aseqipd itfaoy-n essential for thie psycholog- important to energy con- stalled weatherstripping ta ical well-being of, home- seratin a hoe as the reduce heat-robbing air in- makers who spenid a good saera'iond owame filtration,- it may actuaily deal of their waki"g hours of. cost less ta licat a borne- in the kitchen. That's why Fine draperies are custom made to fit the windows of any room in your home. Choose from our selection of antique satins, sheers, boucles, velvets and colorful prints co- ordinated to complement your furnishings. HOWARD'SDraperies 926 Simcoe St. N.' Oshawa Phone 725-3144 4 y s J' I. r PAGE NINEýý units with insulat:iiing glass are ideal for itchený ýiu s. Thecy heip conserve, energy, vut provide plenty Àofrfeshi air and cheerful sunlîlit. Besides reducing heat loss and heat gain through glass areas, insulating las on- serves ,a homeowneri's ene gy by puttinig an en,,d to the seasanai core'ofpuittinig up and tainlownl stormi sash. Casernent win)dowvs are ideai for kthesbecause they open out 90 degrees at the turn of aneayt-ah handie for top-to-b)ottomII ventilation ito cdispel heat and hurnidity. For thiose, who prefer the dividcd- Iight look wtotthe bother, -wood casernený2-,it windows can be purchased

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