4 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, February 11, 1976 BLACKAýSTOCK Welcome back to snowy Blackstock is extended to bot h Mr. and Mrs. Cecil'Gibson, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marlow wbo each en joyed a holiday in the Sunny Sýouth. A warmi welcome is extend- ed to Dennis Romeril who bas moved into the apartment in the Martyn Block recently vacated b y Mrs. Aima Fowler. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane on the recent passing of Ivan's, sister. Mrs. Ruth Wilson attended a family party at the home. of Mr. ans Mrs. Lloyd Wilson and girls of West Hill to celebrate Valerie's fourthP r birthday. P Please note that due to the Special Events, in connection 1ith the opening of teTw Hall, Port PerryteCn cordia Concert at Blackstock bas been postponed from that date to Sunday, April il. Let's hope that our snowy and blocked roads will just be a memory by then. ,Men's Curling Bonspiel On Thursday, February 6, the Blackstock Curling lub held its annual Men's Bon- spiel. Caretaker Bob Strong had the ice in excellent condition which contributedÀ greatly to the success of the d ay. The fine, new score boards so ýenerously donated by Jim Grieve of Port Perry IGA. was greatly appreci- ated. The comnpetition was very keen - in several in- stances the game was decided by the final stone in the play-off end. ALL PRICES SHOWN When the tallies were all scored, President Ernie Swain presented, the following ý rizes: lst - Cartwright Hign ECLEN O chool team made up of Paullme"Là D E Larmer, Colin Asselstine, Tom Wotten and Jack Gunter. Van Camp, Dalton Dorrell Jim Gray, Flogd Beatty and David Petrie, Roy Werry,~~. Ralph Larmer and Danny. WETPCKE Moore took third place while WEPIKE Gerald Kelly, Harb Swain, John Goss, Harvey Graham,:Backc Bacg John Larmer and George PRUDE 0F CANADA Bryant won fourth prize. N Consolation team was-Ivan Thom pson, Neil Malcolm, ' jT eners Harold Martyn, Roy Turner PRUDE 0F CANADA and Neil BaiIy. opmu In all ways the day was 401lqw o Blackstock 4-H News BURNS-STORE PACUK Blackstock 4-H groups 1 and PMd 2 met at the United Cburch for ' a s ww their second meeting on Fe- BURNS-STORE PACK ruary 3. This Unit is called Cloth for Leisure. We started off the meeting with the G a % ciriic , Sai1 Pledge. Then Mrs. Martyn PRIDE 0F CANADA-OUNNER and Ms. Wygerde showed us bow to get ready to cut out our pattern and Mrs. ML aughli fl o els and Mrs. McDonald sbowed usà how to eut, and mark our material. -Marlene Parsons, Press Secretary. 1A speedy recovery is wished littie Julie Corden who had ber tonisils removed on Thursday and to Allan Ferguson who bad the misfortune to break bis collar-bone while playing, hockey on Saturday morning. Blackstock Womnen's Institute At 12:30 p.mr. on Wednesday, February 4tb 17 members of the Blackstock W.I. met in the Community hall for their montbly meeting. An array of temting desserts prepared by t -e group, maàe choosing dîfficuit, bowev er everyone went back for seconds. Witb the -theme Education and convened by Mrs. L. Thompson, the programme being-held first began by the making of Valentines, the material having been sup- plied. These interesting. cre- ations were later judged and ,prizes given. M auf 1Roll C ail - Name an author or columnist and tell some- FACIAL TISSUES-WHTE-PII thing hie or she has written. oi Two minutes of silence iie e foliowed by the Lord's Prayer le ë was participated in by al in ORIOL memoyfMrs. Oga Hill, au ar n me member.S f on 't r0Maritgarni Te minte, hank-you's and the treasurer's report Il VARUETIES wepre n]aiiven.1 n - _ skating. A very pleasant phase of the Physical Educa- e k t tionrrograrnmne.K.h ck f andMrs K.Wyatt. of JANE P ARKER-SLICED Brooklin spent several 'days witb their granddaughter and OLDFASHION or busband, Mr. and Mrs. George ITALIAN STYLE Bryant and famnily. W. ners at the Senior Citiens Card Party on Tues- day eveningwih1tals BK A A were lst - Wlma VanCamp 85,- 2nd - Irene Cox 84, 3rd - Reid JANE PARKER Cook 75, 4th - Hazel English 74, 5tb - Margaret Watson 72, 6th - Ho Percy VanCýamp 72, Low Mot Cross Bum Edna Larmer. JANE PARKER Angel Caké JANE PARKER Senator - A man who is a ppe Pe FL busy talking he hasn't the time ta think about it. This week A&;P pride i4e 15 featuring a big0. We'reProud of the Beef we sel! at A&P!1 IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY I4TH, 1976 BRAISING\ f CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF OO ICROSS RIBn OO< OAST 701 L5 lb LR CENTRE CUTS-LB $1.88 'Ofl END CUTS lb $1 .68 1-lb Vac Pac 78' logna 16zVacPac98n Beef &Pork lb68 W~ u1sage l 1.09 tSTYLE-VAC PAC l 20 INK-YELLOW ACTION PRICEDI 3boxes of 100 sheets $1.00 ACTION, PRICEDI àe 1-lb tub 49W ACTION PRICIEDI M5 5 /2-tins $.00% PREPRICED 1-lb box.5 9< ACTION PRUCEDU 1-lb jar 7W9< r Suie NO W! Priced for sauvia~gs!, WHITE, YELLOW, AQUA, PUMPKIN BARC FRUIT BOTTOM-ALL FLAVOURS L E TOw E LS O U 6-OZ bîese Money-Saving Bakery Values! BUY 2 LOAVES-SAVE 9c, JANE PARKER-SLICED BUY 2 LOAVES-SAVE 19c P 24-OZ f MIJII1 16-OZ LOAVES 8 B E DLOAVES 's 8-INCH, 2ý PKG 0F 12-$1.19 pkg of 669 SAVE 14c large sîze cake75 SAVE 14c 20Z PIE 75<' SAVE 1Oc pkg of 9 69W Cut -front Canada Grade "A" Beef BEEF REl REGULAR CUT-BLADE BONE IN Blade Rloast REGULAR CUT-BIONE IN Short Rib Roast lb BONE IN-POT ROAST Shoulder Roast STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE HI1N DQ UART E RS 90 TO 120 LES AVERAGE cul & WJRAPIOAT YoUR FRUE.Y AAP AT ?4O EXTRA CNB*E Cut to Vour Sp.cifications Roasts, Steaks, lb Stewing Cuts, Ground Beef, etc. PLEASE ALLOW TIME FOR PROCESSING 9 PREVUOUSLY FROZEN-SLUCED Calves Liver' 198 DEEP SUTTERED Libby's Corni Jel-O iPowders FABRIC SOFTENER SHEETS Cling Free LUQUID JAVEL javex Bleach KRAFT PROCESS Cheez Whiz ACTION PRICEDU 212-fl-oz tins 89< ACTION PRICEDI 2 6-oz plcgs $1,00% PKG OF 12-9* pkg of 24$l1095 ACTION PRICEDt 64-f l-oz plastic btl6 5< 16-oz jar $1 .19 4AmonPrJ 17l3 VARUETUlES TU'rON PRUCEDI H ' a flSCAKE r ulc D N A HUNE MIXES 19-OZ PKG 69< Frozen Foods! Su nsqueeze Frozen-Unsweetened-Cancentrated 0'R A NGoiE 3 $00 III I 2Y-FL-OZ- JUIOru TIN 3 FROZEN-FANCY PEAS-1 2-OZ PEAS & CARROTS-1 1-OZ "MIX 'N MATCH" A PVegetables 3 pkgs $1.00 McCAN-FROzEN-STRAIGHT CUT Frozen French Fries 2-lb pkg 75< STOUFFERS-FROZEN-BEEF-TURKEY-CHICKEN Frozen Meat pies 10-o-pie85< >ASïs CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF BONE'LES S Blade Roast $ 089 Short RI Roast ___ SHOtJLDER CUTS-BEEF FOR ,Stewing l 801NELESS Cross Riïb Steaks lb sl.3 8 Budget MeaI Suggesti*on EXTRA BROAD-BROAO-FINE-MEDIUM 12-OZ MK Lancia Noodies 39% BYE THE SEA-U;GHT CHUNKS Tuna Fish 3/.Zi99 ROSE-PLAN-WITH GARUIC-POLSKI 24-FL-OZ JAR Dii8i1pickles 59i 7 VARIETUES INCLUDiNG CHOCOLATE CHIPA.-LB TUE BAG colonial Cookies 88& Fresh Produce Values! eALIFORNIA-SWEET-SEEDLESS NAVEL SIZE 113 ONTARIO FRESH DAILY 12-OZ PKG CANADA NO. 1 GRADE ONTARO-RICH UN VITAMIN A, 10W IN CALORIES CARROTS 3-LB CELLO BAG 3 9ý CANADA NO. 1 GRADE ONTARO-YELLOW COOKING ON IONS 2-LB PKG 49ý~ FOR YOUR VALIENTINE POTTEDTULIPS 6" POT $2. 59 COORSI-SMOKED Corned Beef .~~ FEARMAN'S-STORE PACK-HOT OR SWEET Italian -Sausage" b99, SHOPSYS W ieners Ail Beef 1-16Vac Pac ;8 9ý GOLDEN SKILLET-FROZEN-HEAT & SERVE C'hickcen Cutiets lbÎ 3 BLUE WATER-FROZEN1-TNR.IFT PACK Fmish & kChiýps 32ozpkg ,23 SCHNEDERS-FRIOZN-BIEEF M eatPe 13-oz pkg $1e,15 ORANGE FLAVOURED ACTION PRICER! Tang rystls pkg; of 4, 3V/2-oz envs'1.0 FANCY SLUCED ACTION PRICEDI Libby's Peaches 14f I oz tin 4 7 UN TOMATO SAUCE ACTION PRUCED Libby's Spaghetti 2L9fI ztns89 CHAMPON-8EEF-CHUCKEN-KIDNEY-LIVER ACTION PRICEDI Dr. Ballard'S Dog Food 4l5 oz tins 8 9 BLACK DIAMOND-REGULAR Cheese Suces 1-lb pkg $1 .29 JANE PARKER-PLAIN OR SUGAR Famiily Donuts JANE PARKER SAVE lo0 PU 1mpkin, pie FULL 8-INCH, 24-OZ PIE 89W JANE PARKER SAVE l10 Glazed, Donuts pkg of 859 -------------- ýo . - ma »mrAý 1 mmm..- 1 mumm" -J