The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, FebruAar, 18, 1976 13 ~ DEADLINE FRCLASSIFIE Tes.,12noon BALL- Keith and Linda (neE Boddy) are pleased tc announce the birth of a son, Steven Norman, 9 ibs. 12 ozs. born February 10, 1976. A brother for Karen. 7-1 BROWN - Heath er is pleaseci to announce the arrivai of hei new baby sister, Wendy Mnn, born Sunday, February 8, 1971 at 2:36 a.m., her weight was é ibs. 61/2 ozs. Proud parents are Jack and Gloria. Grandpar- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery and Mr. and Mrs. Ait Brown, ail of Bowmanvilie. Special thanks to, Dr. H. B. Rundie and ail matern.ity staff. 7-1 GIBSON- Douglas and Barbara are pieased to an- nounce the arrivai of their daughter Heather Lyn on Saturday,,Feb. l4th, 1976 at Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville. A sister for Carey and Kathryn. Special thanks to Dr. Siemon and maternity staff. 7-1 JOHNSON - Jerry and-Linda (nee Fallis) are very proud to announce the safe arrivai of their son, Geraici (Jerry) James, 8 lb. 8 oz., born on February 11, 1976 at Oshawa Generai Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Spear and the maternity staff for, their excellent Ca re. Jerry is the first grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Geraid Johnson and first grandchild of Mrs. Jean Failis. He is the first great grandson of Mrs. Gwen Heèard and 2th great grandchiid of Mers. Gertrude Adams. 7-1 Crispin and Margaret ha ppily announce the births'of NMigel Patrick and Desmond Alan on rhursdlay, February 12, at the 'Oshawa Generai 1Hospital. Twin brothers for Jeremy. Very proud grandiparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herb Finley, Bridgenorth, Ontario' Mr. and Mrs. Brent Davies, Cherry- wood, Ontario, and great g randiparents Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Davies, Toronto, Ont- ario and Mrs. Marjory Pem- berton-Pigott, Farn harn, Sur- rey. 7-ix PRYBICH - Gene and Katfly (nee Jones) are happy to arnnounce the arrivai of Anl Lynn, 8 lbs. 5 ozs. at te Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville at 11:52 a.m. on Satur- day, February 14, 1976. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Ann Prybich and Mr. and Ars, Harvey Jones. Many thanks to. Dr. H. B., Rundie and the maternity staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. 7-ix URWIN - Ken and jean happliy announce the arrivai of their son, David Melville, 8 lb. 7 oz., February 10, 1976 at Oshawa General, A brother for Robbie. Proud grand-, parents are Mrs. Ruth Bert- rim, Haydon and Mr. and Mrs. John Urwin, Markham. 7-1 -VANCE - Mandy would like to announce the safe arrivai of her littie brother, Justin John. He arrived safe and sound, February 3, 1976, at 11:30 p.m., 7 lb. 91/2 oz. Proud parents are Linda and John. Grandiparents, are -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooney, 'New- castle and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vance, Bowmanviiie. Great grandiparents are Mr. and M. J. Webb, London, Eng- land. Many thanks to ail the nurses on the Maternity floor and special thanks to Dr. A. B. Sviveter.7-1 ALLIN 4- At aowrnanvilie Hospital, Safurday, Febmuary l4fh, 1976, Lamne Allun, be- ioved husband of Norah Shrubb, dear fathor of Julia (Mrs. Dan Cattran), grand- fat hem of Scott, dear brother of Margaret, Una (Mrs. W. Miller), Gertrude (Mrs. J. Snow), Marion (Mrs. M. Proctor), and Jack. Service was hehd in the Morris Funemai Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Tuesday affernoon. Informent Bowmanviile Comotery. 7-1 COWEY, Ruby- At Peter- borough Civic Hospital on Friday, Feb. 13, 1976, Ruby Clapper of 91 Duke St., Bowmanvih le, wife of the lafe' Frank owey, mother of the late John oey, grandmofn- or of Mrs. R. Pansons (Frances), -Mrs. J. Sybers (Audrey), Mrs. P. Wilsôn, (Marion), and Goraid. Rested at the Northcuff Elliott Fun- oral Home, Bowmanville. Funerai service, was heid at il o'cdock Monday momning. Informent Bowmanviile Cemetery. 74 The famlvy of Mme and Mrs. Steve end oetty Jansma wiii1 weicome their friends and neighbors at their home on Sunday, February 22nd fromn 2-5 on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. 7-1 Jim, Gloria and famiiy, Shirley, Ron and family invite friends, neighbours and rela- tives to open house ai 19 Sunnicrest B lvd. in honour of their parents, Mary and Alex Grant's 50th wedding anniver- sary, Saturda y, Februar y 2lst, 1976 from 2-5, 7-9 p.m. Best Wishes only. 6-2 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Story of 46 Davidson Crescent, Ottawa are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their eldest daug hter, Peggy Maxine to Kenneth Dean, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Gera id Fisk, Pontypool. The wedding is to take place on Friday, March 5, 1976. 7-1 LATHANGUE, Carnie M.- At the Newmarket Nursing Home, on Sunday, February 15, 1976, Carnie. Poast, of Dmemee, in her 90th year. Beioved wife of the late Melv Ille Lathangue. Dear rnother of Keith of 'Lindsay, Neil, of Bradford, and Ray, of Peterborough. Loving sister of Drman, of London, Ontario. -4lso survived by her grand- :hildren and.great grandchild- ren. Rested at the Mackay Funeral Home, 33 Peel Sf., Lindsay. Service was held in the chapel Wednesday at 2 Spring interment Bally- duff Cemetery. 7-1 MCFEETERS- At Oshawa Hospital, Monday, February 16th, 1976, Louis McFeeters, a9ed 49 years, dear father of David,- Dennis, Douglas, Dianne and Linda. Resfing at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanviile, for service on Thursday af 1:30 p.m. Inter- ment Bowmanviile Cemetery. 7-l' McNEIL- At Scarborough Hospital, Sunda y, Feb. 15fhK 1976, Archie McNeil, R.R. 1, Oronoeed 49 years, beloved husbad of Wa nda Mat ey, idear father of Lori, son of Mrs. Annie McNeil. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, for service on Wed- nesday at 1: 30 p.m. Interment Bowmanvil le Cemetery. 7-1 STORSBERGEN - Mithael af Kingston, Ontario. On February 9, 1976, Michael Storsbergen, Orono, Ontario. Beloved son of Fred and Patricia, littie brother of Biliy and Rodney, aged 5 years. Resedatthe Barow Fjn.eral Home, Orono. held af Lang Mer el. informent 0 tory. JACKMAI ...say it t PHONE 62' 162 King St. E., &i CARNA STOP IM AN OUR WEEKEND THEY'RE HARID Carnation FIOY 33 Dvisiol 623-714 ANBELLI DAILY Delive Oshawa - Sami Phone 62' Archie Whifmee cordialy in- vite thei r relatives and f riends to an 0pen House in honour of their Golden Wedding Anni- versary on Sunday, February 22, 1976 frorn 2-5 p.m. at Sunnyside Park Club House an Stacey Avenue, Oshawa. Best Wishes only. 7-1 DARRACH - In loving me m- ory of a dear father and grandfather John Darrach Who passed away February 20, 1974. If only we couid tell you, Dad, How we haveini isseci you these past two years How often we have sat and Iooked At your picture through our tears Wishing you were back with us again The way if used to be But we must go on withaut you Though this is hard to do For on the day we lost vou A part of us died f00 Your suffering I know is over No more will1 you feel pain And in our hearts and soul we know That we wili meet again. - Sadiy missed and aiways remembered by Joe, April and Paula. 7-1 FARROW - In loving mem- ory of a dear father and grandpa Victor, who passed away February 20, 1958 and our dear mother and grand- mother Leona, who passed away February 21, 1971. As Iong as we livïe We wi Il cherish their names In memory we see them, ever the same Stili in our hearts, they are loving yet For we loved them tfoo dearly To ever for g et. - Forever i ved and rememi- bered, daughters Betty and Edna, sons-in-law Paul and Lloyd and grandchildren. 7-1 l:IEATH - In loving memnory of m y wife Miidred who passed away Feb. 17, 1972. Sadiy misseci along ife's way Quiet Iy remembered every day, No longer in my life to share But in my hearf, she's always there. - Sadly missed by husband George. 7-1ix HEATH - In loving rnemory of oiur moffrer.andgrandmoth- er, Miidred, who passed away February 17, 1972. In fears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearfs were almost broken, You fought so hard ta stay, But when we saw you sleeping So peacefuily free from pain, We couid not wish you back To suffer thaf ag'ain. - Sadly m[ssed by Florence, George, Mary and grand- dauggh ers. 7-ix Seruwvic was MAIRS - in ioving momo1ry ýmorial Chap- of a dear mother and grand Drono Corn mother, Ada, who passed 7-1 away Fobruary 14, 1968. __________ God saw you gtting weary So Ho did wh o hought best Ho came and stood beside you Since 1912 And whispered, came and rest. In our hearts your mmory Fîowers lingers, flowers swoetiy, tender, fond and true by There's not a day, dean Mot her, That we do nof think of you. - Lovingiy remembereci and N... sadiy missed by hem family. best!7- SHACKLETON - Inliovýing 3-3365 me o0f a dear Mthier, Owmanville Grndother and Great 454tf Grandmother who passed awayFeb. 17, 1970. Gosgolden gates Stood open TION Six years ago foday. With fareweiis ieft unspaken You quietiy sipped away. r AIl Your You suffemed much in silence wer Needs Your spirits did not bond You faced your pain wifh courage Until the very end, 4D SEE You foughf sa hard fa stay ) SPECIALS with us DTO) BEAT But your fighting was1 in vain er Shop God fook you f0 His ioving ýn t home iAnd freed you from ail pýain if1f you couidd have s oken bofore you died These are the words youwould have replied "This lite for me is truiy past i ioved you ail to the very ast F lowers Weep not for me but courage Say it And love one another for my B est" - sake/' oved and sadiy missed by Edna and Stewart, E Ma ,Russeliand farniy, ,ey o..7-ix Mile Are& 3-4441 43tf -O-% GritteLot Thoughtful selection of cemetery sites, for vaious reasons a concern to many people . . . often far 1 n advance of need. We have available information on ail local cemeteries, simpîy on request. This is part of our service te the com munity. Durham County's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS, FUNERAL CHAPEL' 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. I wish fo express my thanks to my family and friends for cards, gifts, and f lowers sent while in Oshawa Hospital, alsa p hone calis. Special thanks fa Drs. Ho, Fisher and Ewert and nurses on Sth floor. Margaret Stacey 7-1 x i wouid lîke f0 thank my friends and neighbors for their beautiful flowers, thoughtful cards and visifs. Aisa Dr. Sylvester, nurses of emer- genc and the fimst floor for their help and kindness during my recent sfay in Memoriai Hosoîfai, Bowrnanville. Spe- dial thanks to Maple Grave U.W. Merle Hait by, u e ~-~sjii1lfI*~ A - e We wish ta thank all aur friends, relatives and neigh- bours for the many acts of kindness shawn duning the illness and Iass of a beloved husband and father. A special fhank you ta Rev. Long for his comforting wards and ta the Barlow Funeral Home. Elleen Billings, Audrey and Bill McNaul 7-1 The family of the late Percy F. Morgan wish ta express their ýsincere gratitude and ap reciation for the floral tri butes and donations and the many kincinesses shown ta us in the Ioss of a dean father, f randfather and great grand- at he r. Special than ks ta fiends, relatives and neigh- bars. Aiso Rev. H. R. Haynes for his comfarting words. Barlow Funeral Home for their thoughtful assistance and kindness. The ladies of the Heather Rebekah Lodge far serving such a loveiy lunch af the I.O.O.F.:Hall in Orana. 7-1 i wauld like ta express my appreciation and sincere "Thanks" ta my family, fiends and neighbors for' flowers, gifts, cards and get well wishes. Also thank you ta the nurses and staff an 3rd floor for the wonderful care i received whiie i was a patient in Memoriai Hospital. Mary Kaoy 7-,l x i woui d like ta take this aopportunity ta thank famiiy, friends and neighbors for fiowers and get well wishes received during my stay in haspital and athorne. Louise Gruyters 7-1 LEG ION Monthly Dance Feb. 21, 1976 8: 30 - 1 pm. $5.00 a couple ALL PEOPLE WELCOME. 7-1 APPEARING AT The QueenIs Hotel Newcastle Country Strings FRIDAY- SATURDAY February 13 -14 Dancing 9 -1 7-1 Sauina Library presents Douglas Dewell Musical, Sauina Hall, February 29at 8 p.m. $2 aduits, 75c students. 7-2 Club Annrene Dance and Banquet Hall available for your group's funci raising activities. Book your next year's dates now while choice dates are still availabie. Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-65199. 48-tf Friday, Februan y 2th -Sweet Ciiarity Sing ors" Pontypool Community Centre - 8 p.m. Silver Collection. Proceeds for Projecf Comm if- tee of Pantypool United Church. 7-1 SATU RDAY, FEBRUARY l4th. St. Valentine's Day DANCE 9 p.. - 1a.rn. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 21st B.C.L. presonts "Firehouse" from California and Mn. D.J. Advance tickets $3.00 No tickets field on last day. 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. SATUR DAY FEBRUARY 28th Graffiti Night Limbo and Jive Contests <Prizes Prizo for bost dressed couple. Prize for "Bryîcreamn" Kid 9 p.m. - 1a.rn. SUN DAY FEBRUARY29th Teen Dance 7 p.m. -11 p.m. Our Mn. D. J. wifh four- channoh sound and 1iight organ.. Any age woicomo. No Bar. 6-3 Newcastle Social Planning Council meeting on Febmuary l9fh, 8 p.m., at Newcastle Village Hall. Ail weicome.6- Hanse dmawn sleigh rides by the houn by appointment. Phono 728-8090. 3-6 Appearin'g this batur- day, Fobruany 21 at the Port Hope Lions Conter, Fay, Adams and The Country Hifs. Dancing 9-1. Country Music. 7-1 x Shaw's Communify invites you ta a euchre and 500 card party at the school on Febru- ary 21sf at 8 p.m. Admission $1. 6-2 Dance in Kendal Orange H ail, Safurday, February 21. Sponsomed by Orange Lodge. music by Couple's Club Orche- stra. Everyane welcamne. 6-2 MONSIER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBîLEE PAVILlON OSHAWA 50-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf Bowmanville Drama Work- shop presents "How The Other Haîf Loves", February 26th, 27th, and 28th, Bowmanviiie High School Theater, Aduit entertainment. Admission $2.50. _____7-2 ONE year old pony, free to g ood home. Owners are trans- ferred. Cail 623-3958. 7- TWO large white geese, lay- ing. Phone 263-2135 evenings. 7-lx EQUESTRIAN, TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOAR DING instruction in Equitotiaon jumping Dressage Schooling of Huniers & Jumpers Huniers & Jumpers Bought & Sold RR 3 BOwmAN4vItLE 623-7336 if Pý-P UL AR PIANO LESSONS 623-2697 GIRL'S sigînet ring, 101K gold, initiaisM, size 7, anly $7.00. 623-7490. 7-1 BABY car bed, airnost like new, navy and white, asking only $8.00. Phone 623-7566. 7-1 GIRL'S figure skates, Daoust, sizo 41/2, good condition. $10.00. Phone 623-7532. 7-1 a-:= Eeautitui nails by pro- fessional in my home affer- noon or ovenings. Phone 725-4625. 7-1 ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removai 90 Sirncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 44-tf, EAR PIERCING SERVICE' Mooper's Jewellers Ltd. Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Speciçi l0per cent reducf ion on first purchaso of earrings wifh the rolease form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointrnenf 45-tf FREE remnovai of fresh, dead or disabled large animais. There will be a $5 charge on smali caives and pigs. Cali Margwill Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721. 46-tf 1lst, 2nd, & 3rdl MORTGAG ES ARRANGED, BOUGHT AND SOLD. Compare our rates before you negofiate. 579-1259 7-4 Advertising serves by informing. DROP-leaf desk, oak bed, oak dressers, parila ur table, par- lour chair, press back captain chair, arrow back chair, dining room table, chester- fields, desk, baby carniage, alsa other gooci useci furniture. Towne Useci Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bowman. ville. 7-1 MARLBOROUGH truck, caps, 8' truck camper. Phone 623- 5068, John Killeen. 7-f GRAI N ted beef s ides, 90 cents a lb. Leland Payne, Newton- ville, phone 786-2512. 44-tf SPY, and Delicious apples. Roy Orchards. Phone 263-8430. 6-2 PADDY'S Market now haý new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also usec f urniture and appliances Will accept trade-ins. Paddyj Market, Hampton, phone 263,1 2241. 33-tff USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf ANTI QUE CLO%,Rui -REPAIRED- 'Parts available for most anti- que dlocks, pocket watches andi modemn watches and dlocks. Our repairs are dlone witiý ~ndern up-to-date equipmeni and qualified Swiss trainec watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623;5747 TEAK Wood, S candinavian Danish, bedroorn, compfete; dininciroom. 9 piece; living iroom; wall unit,; brand new furniture, very' reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377. 4-tf Seed Grain Oats and Bariey WESLEY YELLOWLEES 263-2023 7-2x- SALE Donina Fashions (men, women and children) 10 -50 Per cent OFF February 20 - 29 -Wharf side- Marine Suppries~ Lake Road and Simpson Ave. 7-2 Wharfside Marine Supplies Ail your canvas needs - custorn boat and sal covers, sun awnings,, boat cushions, upholstery and 'seat recover- ing, tarps and repairs. 623-6551 7-4 OAT straw.1 Cali 987-4243.7- BUNK beds, with maftresses, springs, ladder. $60. Phono 623-2363. 7-1 DRYER, branci new, nover been used. Phono 987-4243. 7-1 DE EP freeze, 21 cu. ft., 5 yrs. old, $-150. or best offer. Phono 1-983-5866 or 1-983-5237. 7-1 FIELD seeds, legumos and grasses, very competitive prices. Phono or write for price list. Carnation Flower and Seeds, 33 Division St. Bowrnanville. 623-5577. 7-1 HELP the Heant Fund at a- Basement Sale: Small plants, macrame hangings, odds and sods. Saturday, February 21, 10 - 5, 248 Liberty Sf. N.' 1 7-1 x FIREPLACE waod, $25. a cord. Deiivered at no extra cost. Gef if while if lasts. Phono 623-4550. 7-1 '71 ARTIC Caf Panther, double trailer and ski-boose. Phono 987-4917. 7-1 600 GALLON buik tank, excel- lent condition. Phono 263-8841. 7-1 USE D piano, best offer. Phone 728-1675. 3-tf WHITE birch, fireplace wood. Phono 1-786-2459. 5-4x COMPRESSORS, generators. electric matons, grinders, drill presses, heavy duty power tools, etc. Saws shanpened. We soul, buy and trade. Open Satundays. Ace Machinery, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phono 723-0933. 46-tf OS HAWA SCREENED SAND GRAVEL & STONE LîMESTONE PRODUcTS AIL sizes FOR DRI VEWAYS & PARKING LOTS r~ TOPSOîL & OIRT F111L r.'i DELIVERED OR REMOVED TRUJCKS & LOADERS FOR RE<NT SHOW REMO VAL. 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. VIKING Plumbing and Heat- ing,don'twaitfor Spring! Call now for free estimates, fast, dependable 24 lKr. service. Cali Hampton 263-298 1. 7-2 7-3 OMC snow blower,. like new, high chair, baby walker, baby feeding seat, crib and maff. ress, Gendron carniage con- vertible to car bed and stroi ler. Phone 623-7342 after,5 p.m. 7-ix RED brand beef, 85 cents per lb. per side. Phone 263-2649. 7-2 SINGER zig zag sewing mach- ine with wood cabinet. Excel- lent condition. $75. Gladiron ironing machine, best offer. Phone 623-3605. 7-1 CLEARANCE sale, ail farmn snow blowers and Rupp Snow- mobiles in stock. Trewin Farm Equipment, Blackstock 416-986-4283. 7-1 INTERNATIONAL double disc, 10 ft. on wheels. Excel- lent condition. Phone 723-1657. 7-1 WOODEN' dinetteý suite and smail modemn china cabinet. Phone 623-2490. 7-1 GOOD hay $1 .50 per bale. Port Hope area. 416-753-2360. 7-1 FILM P ROC ESS ING CHILDREN'S PHOTOS Camneras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 51-10 Swimming Pool Sacrifice Leading Manufacturer and distnibutor has above ground, alurninurn pools left over from 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaran- teed installation and terms. Caîl Credit Manager, collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 5-tf S.WH ITE'S T,I( JOWERS, Aerials, Rotons& Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 E. WHITE COU RTICE 30-tf P icture Frames Ahi Standard sizes and; custom made frames. Aiso original ail paintings and pnints.. 579-2253 or 728-5719 OSHAWA ART HOUSE 53-595 Wentworth Sf. E. Oshawa 12 noon - 10 p.m. 6-2 Cross Country Skis Vory, high quality, mulfi- aminated with hickory edges. Brand new. Also boots, polos and bindings avai habhe. Vory good package prices. 1579-2253 or 728-5719 53-595 Wentworth St. East Oshawa 12 noon - 10 p.m. 6-2 COLD STORAGE APPLES Mac lntosh,'Deîicious and Spy Frank Hiemnstra R.R. 1, E nniskiiien 263-2260 2-tf HAY, first or second cuffing. Cemtified seed barhey - 6 rowed, smoofh, awned - Trent and Vanier. Phono 416-986- 4456. 6-2x Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty St reet North Phone 623-5939 A salesman in Damlington Township. SAND & GRAVELSUPPLY Oshawa TV Antennias &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Colored Aeriaîs Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workrnanship Guaranteed AIl1 priced to SAVE you Mono"e Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MAN AGE R 38-tf INSTALL AN FURNACE BOILER HUMIDIFIER H EATE R AR CONDITIONER AIR CLEANER Financing Available FURNACES CLEANED PARTS AND SERVICE POLLCY CAL L HARV EY- PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES Orono 983- 5206 - Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service FINE QUALITY MONUME NTSAAID MARKERS G, TAFFORD .iFc ls" B RO0S. L TD. TWO bedroom apartment or house for April 1st or April 15 (modemn). 2 aduits. Have own appliances. (Reasonable). Phono 623-4134 after 7 p.m. RESULTS COUNT!I IM ult uple List ng 'r e" Oshawa & District Real Estate Board tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS, Ail Ciaims against the estate of SIDNEY ROY JACKMAN, lafe of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Munici pality of Durham, Re- fired 'F orist, docea -sed, who died on or about the 22nd day of, Septembor, 1975 must be filed with the undersigned gersonal reprosentative on or efore Mamch lSth, 1976; thereaffer the undersigned wih distribute the assets of the said Estafe having regard onh ta theo daims thon filed. Ne deceased resided af 63 Lambs' Lane, Bawmanvihhe, Ontario). Eunice Mary Heard and John Herbert Living, Execu- tors, by L.C. Mason, Q.C. Barrister &Solicitor,ï Box 129, 135 Wellington Street, Bowmanvihhe, Ontario. LiC 3K9. 6-3 ESTATEOFFETHELMAY MAR LIhNG Creditors and others hav- ing dlaims against the Esfafe of Ethel May Mari ing, lafeo0f R.R. 1, Bowmanville, Ontario, deceased, who died on, or about the 28th day of Decem- ber, 1975 are horeby notif iod f0 sond their fuliy certif ied state: monts fa the undernamed on or bof are the 1lst day of Ma rch, 1976, affer which date the estafo wii be distributeci having regard oniy fa the dlaims of which the Executor thon has notice. DATED af Town of New- castle, this 2nd day of Febru- ary, 1976. William John Cooper, Exocutor for the Estate of Ethel May Mamiing, by his sol icitors Lovekin and Cumeatz, Barristers and Solicitors, Box 9, Newcastle, Onfario. PART-TIME salesperson wanfed ta represent Markham area e quipment dealer, in- cluding Graveliyftractors, Stihi chain saws, Onan generafors. Phono -1-416-294-1407. 7-3 sC= C & J Paiers Inferior and Exterior FREE ESTIMATES P hone 623-7483 '73 CH EV. 1/2 ton truck, wvitlY an insulated camper top. 360 engine, power steering_ and brakes. Asking $2,500. Phone 623-4656. 7-2x '69 DODGE Coronet, 3117 engine." Selling as is. Best off er. Phone 623-4656. 17-2x '66 METEOR convertible, 289 - three speed automatic, bucket seats, power windows, snow tires, will certify, best 'offer. Phone 576-0233. 7-1 x '75 PINTO Runiabout, auto., defrost, rust proofed, $3,000. Phone 623-7811. 7-ix 1972 'FORD'Capri, new paint job, brand new tires, may be seen at Warkworth Cheese House on Highway 115. Must seli, best offer. Phone 1-797- 2308 col lect. 7-1 1961 CHEVY 1/2 ton pickup. Radio and wooden cap. Good runner. Best offer. Orono 983-9462. 5-3x '73 OLDSMOBI LE Cutias; 'S', four speed, air. Phone 623-3178. 6-2 1 968 Pontiac tf 4 door, power steening, power brakes, safety check inciuded. Contact or phone Dykstra's Food Market 623-3541 7-1 1966 FORD Custom 500 auto- matlc, uncertified. Best offer or will trade for moped. Phone 263-2524. 7-1 1968 PLYMOUTH, power steer ing, power bra kes, 4 door sedan, new transmission, runs weli. Phone 1-983-9564. 7-1 1971 METEOR, 2 door, V-8, automatic, power steering,' power brakes, one owner. Phone 263-2501. 7-1 75 PONTIAC LeMans, sport coupe, V-8 automatic, P.S. and P.B., sport mirrors, Landau roof, 13,000 miles, excellent condition. Phone Orono 983-5593 affer six. 6-2 51974 FORD Mustang Ghia, 116,1000 miles, rust proofed, stereo system. $3200. 'or best offer. Phone 623-2968. 7-1- 1963 PONTIAC, rebu'ilt motor, $250. Phone 623-4294. 7-1 1970 CHEV. Impala, V-8 automatic, power steering, power brakes,, power wind- ows. $1000. or best offer. Phone 623-2624. f --- ONE 1966 International Line Truck. This unit is equipped with a King Tel-E- Lec hydrau- lic boom system complefe wifh augerh and fibroglas bucket with top controls. Asking price is $9,500.00 as if is not certified. For further information, contact thé Bow- 1manville Public Utilities Com- 1Mission at 19 King Street West, Bowmanviile, Ontario. Telephone No. 416-623-4451. -6-2 1973 MýERCURY Cornet, 4 door, reen, 30,000 miles, $2500. ail 623-3081, 7 a.m'. - 6 p.M. .7-1 71 CliEV'/2 ton, 47,800 miles, 6 cyl., standard, new tires, in g ood shape. As is. Black and Decker Skil saw with biades, 91/4", heavy dufy. Phone 263-2113. 6-3 1966 PONT IAC V-8 automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, qood tires. Uncerfified, as is $250.' Phono 623-4646. 5-3 '69 CH E VE LL E sfat ionwagon, 307, runs well, $500. Phono 623-3060. 5-3x .,Don't Forget STUDENTS- GRADE7Ito 13 To enter your photographs in the photographic competition and exhibition. ME, MYSELF AND i DEADLINE, FEB. 28, 1976 For Information Contact The Photography'Gailery Bowmanvilîe Library 62 Temperance St. Bowmanville.- 7-2 NOTICE Ail backlog of shoes and other repairs,-not picked up by February 28, 1976 wili be disposed of., Tinis doos not include shoes curmentlv left for repairs. "We are not goingput of repairs". BOWMANViLLE PET SHOF .j4 King St. West. Bowmanville Kut 'n' Kuri Beauty Shop - attention Senior Citizens - 10 percent off ail hair-do's (perms, colars, etc.) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday only. Open 6 days a week. Thurs. and Fmi. evenings by appoint- ment. "Appointment not ai- ways necessary". Cali 62-3-5019, 71 King Sf. E. 3-6 mms tf Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 Cè -A M-A