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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1976, p. 11

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The Newcastle Indepei I Edtors: Jack and Hazel Crago )ewcast/e (Social anai Mrs. W. Wood, Mrs. Clint Burley, Mrs. M. Pascoe, Mrs. E. Duxbury, Mrs. George Buckley, Mrs. C. Ferguson and Mrs. Harry Wade attend- ed the Newtonville W.I. meet- ing at the home of Mrs. R. Farrow on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 18. On Friday, Dec. 20, some members attended the funer'al in Port Hope of Mrs. Thomas Sowden who was a charter member of the W.I., and mother of Mrs. Anna Hughes who is the Central Ontario Area President of the Women's Institute. On Sunday, February 22nd, Mr. Jack Leddy and Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley attended the 50th wedding anniversary reception of Mr. and Mrs. George Graham, Lindsay. Miss Cathy Scott, Toronto, spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Birthday greetings to Mrs. George Allin and Mrs. Walter Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard attended the Lions "Ladies Night" in Bowmanville on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wagar have returned from a week's holi- day in Martinique. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose and Mrs. Florence Ferguson attended the 50th wedding anniversary reception of Mr. and Mrs. A. Whitmee at Sunnyside Park Club House, Oshawa, on Sunday. May we extend our congratulations. Mrs. Archie Bernard, Flesh- erton, spent last Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Nellie 7pencer. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell and family visited on Sunday with Mrs. Kate Sleep, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chiswell, Cambridge, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mrs. Walter Murphy is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Lorne Johnson and Glenda have returned from an enjoyable holiday in Hawaii. Misses Candy Storks and Lynda Williams, Rexdale, spent the weekend with Mr. apd Mrs. William Storks. Miss Cindy Garrod, Humber 9ersonal I College, was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Wood- hams, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldred, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred, Lake Shore, were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. Mr. and Mrs. Del Moore returned last week from a three-week vacation in St. Petersburg, Florida. Miss Dale Powell, Sir San- ford Fleming College, Peter- borough, is home for the winter break. Miss Terry Garwood and Mr. Allan Milhench, Carleton University, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell and Dale. Sunday visitors with the Powell's were Miss Judy Powell, Cobourg, Miss Gail White, Harwood and Miss Kim Robertson, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Quin- ney, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Jenkins have returned from a holiday in St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tinling, Oakville were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Britton and family, Belleville, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harve Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Naylor attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs,. Abner Langley on Friday, Feb. 20th at the Salvation Army, Bowman- ville. Mrs. George Visser enjoyed a two-week vacation with the Jilderda Family, Mount Car- roll, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Glenney and Edward have arrived home after a holiday in Daytona Beach, Florida. While there they visited Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Oshawa, who are spending the winter in Orlando, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott visited their son Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scott and Jaclyn, Toronto, on Saturday. Congratulations to Mrs Herbie Gibson on her $25 win in last week's Wintario Lot- tery. Newcastle Senior Citizens The regular monthly meet- Our Most Recent Milkman NICK GRIFFIOEN was born and raised in Holiand, coming from a family of 11, with an agriçultural background. Further fields looked greener, and in 1954 at the age of 17, Nick started life anew in Canada, the land of milk and honey. He worked in Sunderland for three years where he was attracted to the city of Oshawa and went to work for General Motors of Canada where he stayed for 15 years. During the last five years he was developing a broiler business, as well as working 40 hours a week at G.M. He still operates this automated broiler business with the help of his family. Nick is happily married and lives with his wife Mary, two boys and two girls at Nash Road, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. On joining the staff at Glen Rae Dairy this February, Nick took over the responsibility of serving the north east sector of Bowmanville, mainly close to Liberty Street. at Glen Rae are pleased to have Nick as newest employee and trust that those he serves will come to know him better. For Home Delivery Catl 623-5444 if It's GLEN RAE t's Good ing ot the Newcastle Senior Citizens Club was held on Thursday evening Feb. 19th, in the Lions' Centennial Room of the Community Hall, With fifty members and visitors present. The visitors included Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodhams, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldred, Oshawa, Mrs. Parks, Trenton, and Mrs. Gordon Laking and Miss Doris Spen- cer. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred were also present as new members. The evening was spent playing Progressive Euchre with the following winning the prizes: High Ladies, Mrs. Malette; High Gents, Charles Cowan; Low Ladies, Lena Graham; Low Gents, Eric Wicks. The highest number of lone hands went to Mrs. Malette. A tasty lunch was provided and served by the following, Miss Jean Perrin, Mr. Bill Morley, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Burley and Mrs. Duxbury. After lunch, President Harry Jose gave an informa- tive talk about his recent trip to Cuba. Hopefully he will show us pictures of the trip when he receives them. Newcastle Public School News On February 1lth the pupils of Newcastle Public School had a special treat when the Sunwheel Story Theatre of Toronto visited the school. The three plays combined story telling and mime. They were titled "The Rosy Bottle", "Mary Emma Banburybun" and "The Bee Man of Orn". The cast consisted of five professional actors under the direction of Frank Trotz. Mr. Trotz is an Associate Teacher of English and Dramatic Arts at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Education. The pupils received each production with great enthusi- asm and rapt attention. Part of this was due to the fact that the actors were at close range and at times moved among them. The pupils were even participants in one of the songs of the first play. At the end, the pupils were able to ask questions about any aspect of the productions. A thoroughly enjoyable time was experienced by all. Volleyball The 1975 volleyball season at Newcastle Public School saw some very exciting and enjoy- able games played. It increased the interest of all the students when each team toç b tenancA9L ountry which will be participating in the Canadian sponsored Olym- pics this summer. The team that became the champions for 1975-76 was Sweden under captain Robin Kemp. Her team mates were: Scott Fisk, Bob Wheaton, Delores Ben- der, Kevin Reid, Karen Zulauf, Susan Pfeiffer, Joe Dammon, Jeff Lake, Jane Lowry, Dayrell Rowe and Cameron McDonald. The school volleyball teams concluded the season by participating in the volleyball tournament that took place at Clarke High School and The Pines Senior Public School on Saturday,. February 14th. Public Speaking Competition On Tuesday, February 17th the annual Public Speaking Competition took place at Newcastle Public School. It was a very difficult task for the-judges to select a winner. The speakers were as follows: John Wind, Law; Tony ,Voh- semer, Taxes; Susan Pfeiffer, Helen Keller; Michael Wilks, Canada-Russia Hockey Game; Brad Kelly, Robin's Nest in the Window; Kathy LeGresley, Bears; Audra Goorbarry, Jack Rabbit Jo- hannsen; Jeff Lake, Maple Syrup; Susan Housley, Ontario. The first place speaker was Alison Reid - Doctor Davis and second place was Ken Tait - My Brothers. Anglican Church News Rev. Robert Hayne presen- ted an address at St. George's and St. Saviour's on Sunday, Feb. 22nd on Primates Relief F'und and our need te contri- bute during Lent te this ongoing need. Flowers in the sanctuary in memory of the Carveth F'amily were placed by Mr. Cecil Carveth. On Sunday evening about 30 young people attended the Evening Youth Service with a Youth Team from St. John's, Bowmanville, under the eaders Peter Goemans and Dave Tillcock. Refreshments .vere served by Mrs. Hilda Call and Mrs. Nellie Brawley. Clergy of the Diocese met ast Tuesday, Feb. 24th at St. Andrew's, Scarborough, for a ¯>re-Lenten Quiet Day with lishop Hollis, Bishop of Mon- real. Condolences te Mr. John VIeachin on the death of bis ather. United Church News On Feb. 21st and 22nd, Camp Reunion Weekend was en- oyed at Newcastle United hurch. About Forty-eight >ersons, children and their eaders, who attended Camp retoria last summer met at Ie church on Saturday, njoyed a bus trip to the Plan- tarium and Museum in 'oronto, and returned to the hîurch for supper Saturday ight. The Sunday School nust have been wall-to-wall nudent I relephone 987-4201I sleepng Dags as the campers bedded down for the night. In the morning breakfast was served and all were on time for church. The guest speaker for this Camper's Reunion was Mr. Don Genge, Administrator of Camp Quin-Mo-Lac, the offi- cial camp for the Bay of Quinte Conference. Flowers in the church were from the funeral of the late Archie McNeil. Rev. Thomas Smith made an announcement that leaders are needed for 29 Cubs. The choir sang the Anthem, He Is There! Take a Break Club On Tuesday, Feb. 17th a good attendance turned out for the weekly Take a Break Club. After the usual exercises, the ladies were given crochet instructions by Mrs. Linda Crowther and knitting instrue- tions by Janet Lynn. Orono District Credit Union On Tuesday evening, Feb. 17th, the Orono District Credit Union held its 22nd Annual Meeting at the Newcastle United Church. After a roast beef dinner served by the U.C.W., the officers and guest speaker seated at the head table, were introduced by Secretary Robert Allin. Mr. Glenn Allin led in a sing-song. Mr. Robert Hancock, Orono, introduced 'the guest speaker, N.D.P. Member of Parliament for Toronto Lake Shore, Mr. Pat Lawlor, who substituted for M.P.P. Douglas Moffatt. After his discourse of current topics, the speaker was presented with a gift and thanked by Mr. Sterling Mather. Mr. Clarence Martin thanked the U.C.W. for the dinner. The minutes were read and adopted and the various reports were given. Mr. Cedric Banks of CIAG Insurance, conducted the elec- tions of new officers. Messrs. Loucks, Hartwig and Raby were elected Directors for a 3-year term, Mr. R. Robinson was elected for the Credit Committee and Grace Wigley for the Supervisory Commit- tee. Mr. William Kean then performed the pleasant duty of presenting plaques to Mr. Russell Osborne and Mr. Charles Gilkes for their 21 years of faithful service in the Orono District Credit Union. Mrs. Osborne and Mrs. Gilkes received potted plants. Door prizes donated by CIAG Insurance were won by Mrs. Glenn Allin and Mr. Clifford Swallow. Curvply Wood Products' table was won by Mrs. Russell Osborne. Hollingshead's gift was won by Mr. Alfred Perrin and the jewel case donated by J. Anderson Smith Co. was won by Mrs. Doug Moffatt. HOCKEY NEWS Newcastle Lumbermen vs. Bewdley On Feb. 21st, the Bewdley team defeated the Lumber- men by a score of 2-1. This was a very close game. Bewdley came on very strong and held on to a 2-0 lead until the last period. The Lumbermen fin- ally managed to get one goal which was scored by Mike Smith assisted by Jim Wind. There is still one more game to play on Saturday, Feb. 28 ats 10 a.m. On Feb. 21st in the Little NHL tournament, the New- castle Lumbermen defeated the Millbrook team by a score of 9-1. There was really no competition for the Lumber- men as the Millbrook team did not have it. Goals were scored by Paul Peters, Blaine Gil- mer, David Millson, and Jim Wind and Todd Shields un- assisted. Norman Shearer, Brian Carr, Robbie Wallis and Mike Smith also scored with assists going to Brian Lang- staff 2, Mike Smith, Randy Donnelly and Blaine Gilmer. On Feb. 22nd, the Newcastle Lumberman defeated Orono 4y a score of 4-1. This was a very exciting game as Orono gave it all they had but the Lumbermen came out even stronger. Goals were scored by Martin Goschl unassisted, Robbie Wallis, Jim Wind unassisted, Norman Shearer ind David Millson with assists going to Randy Donnelly, Jim Wind and Paul Peters. This qualifies the Lumbermen to represent Newcastle in the Little NHL Tournament in Little Britain during the mid-term holidays in March. On Saturday, Feb. 28 at 10 a.m. and Thursday at 7:30 p.m. the Lumbermen play agan. Newcastle Bantam Tournament Feb. 14th and 15th On Saturday, game 1, New- castle won by a score of 5-0 over Orono. The tournament started with Newcastle host- ing our neighbour to the north. Scoring for Newcastle were Robert Towns 2, Craig Flynn 1, Jim Hoogkamp 1, Donald Rowley 1, with assists going to Philip Dost 2, Tom Dwyer 2, single assists to Don Rowley and Mike Mackey. Scott (Shakey) Moir was in goal for the shut-out. Game 2 - Colborne 7, Warsaw 1; Game 3 - Stirling 5, Lindsay B 1; Game 4 - Thornbury 4, Little Britain 2; Game 5 - Wellington 5, Keene 1; Game 6 - Stouffville 1, Millbrook 0; Game 7 - Wood- ville 2, Cobourg 0; Game 8 - Ajax 3, Markham 2; Game 9 - Lindsay 5, Little Britain 4; Game 10 - ýThornbury 2, Sterling 1; Game 11 - Welling- ton 5, Stouffville 0. On Sunday, Feb. 15th, Game 4's final score was Newcastle 5, Colborne 0. This was a fast-skating, hard-hitting game with New- castle coming out on top. Scoring for Newcastle were Philip Dost 2 and singles to Don Rowley, Scott Foster and Doug Nicholson. Assists went to Mike Mackey, Craig Flynn, Jim Hoogkamp and Tom Dwyer. Don Nicholson was in net for the shut-out. Game 15 - Cobourg 2, Markham 0; Game 16 - Woodville 7, Ajax 0; Game 17 - Keene 3, Lindsay 0; Game 18 - Thornbury 4, Wellington 1; Game 19 - Orono 1, Cobourg 0; Game 20 - Newcastle 3, Woodville 2 Scoring for Newcastle were Dean Walker, Scott Foster and Robert Towns, with The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 25, 1976 11 assists to Tom Dwyer Craig 148, B. Carter 141, M. Zegil stock, was a recent supper Flynn, Jim Hoogkamp, Doug 140-163, M. McPhee 161, A. guest of the Ted Buttery Nicholson and Philip Dost. Bonsma 162-218, B. Forget family. Scott Moir was sharp in the 204-199, D. Nickolson 141-143 William and Paul Trewin net. R. McKenna 140-128, J. Carr were Saturday visitors of Mr, Game 21 Consolation 185, B. Pollock 128. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge, Championship Ladies 200 and Over Joy and Charles, Tyrone. Orono 3, Keene 1 B. Petherick 205-200, V. They were helping Joy Love- Accepting the trophy from Watson 203, P. Irwin 285, D. ridge celebrate her 16th birth- Little Jean's Beauty Salon for Langstaff 284, J. Pollard day. Orono was (old no. 11) Dave q19-213, A. Langstaff 233, D. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- Hutton. Mercer 210-210-279, S. Foster burn, Carol, Dale and Neil Game 22 Championship Game 203-238, D. Forth 228-233-221, L were Saturday visitors at Mr. This was the last game of Brown 213-224, M. Wade 234, and Mrs. Wayne Blackburn's, the Tournament, featuring the A. Buckley 220, E. Meadows Orono, celebrating Susan's two best teams, Thornbury 227, N. Williams 223,*M. Zegil bîrthday. and Newcastle. 236-203, B. Sandercock 248, F. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tre- This was the best game of Wright 232-224, G. Henry 201. win, and Mrs. Mildred Ander- the day (as it should be). End Men 225 and Over son were Saturday supper to end hockey, very cleanly F. Stapleton 256, B. Farrow guests of Mr. and Mrs. Si played. Thornbury scored the 247, H. Clark 239-251, P. Trewin, Bowmanville. only goal on a power play late Gardner 244, G. Kimball Miss May Tabb, Orono, was in the second period. This goal 268-252, J. Graham 310. at her home on the week-end. proved to be the winner. This The Jolly Tryers 200 and Over Mr. Ray Degeer remains was a super game for the fans, C. Richter 238, S. Szymezak quite ill in a Toronto Hospital. a hard one to lose for the team. 205, M.J. Tomkins 224-212, T. Little Darren Graham, re- Newcastle played a great Myers 213, C. Szymezak turned home on Thursday game but were unable to 205-252, I. Myers 201, J. from the Oshawa Hospital. score. Donald Nicholson was Richter 200, J. Wright 219, R. Mrs. Charlie Garrard is amazing in the net. Accepting Winter 212. doing nicely after her hip the Eastman Gulf Champion- Thurs. Mixed 200 and Over operation._ _ ship Trophy was Thornbury D. Mercer 204, G. Forget Captain Brent Wilson. Run- 203, F. Lewis 262, M. Lewis OBITUARY ner-up trôphy was accepted 206, B. Forget 224. HARRY LORNE ALLIN for Newcastle by Captain Tom Friday Mixed 200 and Over A respected member of a Dwyer. M. Burley 262, T. Sluymers prominent Bowmanville fam- We would like to thank 215, A. Pearce 226-205-249, L. ily, Harry Lorne Alln, passed everyone who helped make Willems 219, H.M. Munro 239, away in Memorial Hospital, the tournament a success. We N. Hoogkamp 213, A. Delaat Bowmanville, on Saturday, thank the Bantam Mothers 271-210, J. Barchard 241, L. Februaryvi4th, 1976 following who fed 320 boys on Saturday. Pearce 243-219, M. Henry an ry1ness of three and a half We thank the people who 264-218, T. Embley 202, R. weeks. billeted boys from Thornbury Burley 217-210, E. Darling 204, Theson of the late Harry and Keene over Saturday B. Call 241-212-223, N. Madill and Birdie (Dilling) Alln, he night. Thanks to Mr. Sam 220, H. Gurhrie 229, A. was born and educated in Brereton for help on Saturday Gurthrie 200, S. Powell 248, S. Bowmanville. In September, and Sunday. Nickolson 226, B. Kentner 218, 1940 he married Norah A. Manager Bill Flynn, R. Good 236-235-218, J. Plea- Shrubb. Coach Geo. Towns, sance 221. A resident of Bowmanville Traîner Dehnis Abramoff. his entire life, he had been BOWLINGEHUAY DON employed by his father for 20 BOWLING *HIAV ersaYteHarOAN Youth 125 and Over years at the Harry Allin B. Rowe 153-128, K. O'Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mason, Corner Grocery Store. Mr. 144, D. Gooch 164-142, P. Brockville were Sunday visi- Allin in more recent years has Willems 128-151, S. Reicheld tors with the J. Jones family been employed as a salesman 141, P. Johnson 132, S. Beales and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jones with Supreme Window and 136, D. Burns 189, T. McKenna and baby, were Monday e was a member of Trinity 180, S. Stommel 169 K. Gilmer visitors.Uated Curch. Survovng are 237-149, P. Berney 136, T. Miss Mary Potts, Toronto, his Glover 139-137, B. Pollock spent the week-end at her his wife Norah, daughter Julia 159-159, A. Rowe 132-160, W. home. (Mrs. Dan Cattran) and one Niobe 122-1, . 15R- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Buttery grandson, Scott. Dobbie 127-158, R. Kidd 157, R. an- ailPr Hpw r offi Wesley Oake Nickolson 229-149, F. Glas- and family, Port Hope, were Reverentd a Wtesluey a e bergen 141-144, K. Jenkins recent dinner guests of Mr. ofciated at the funeral ser- 173-152 K. Willems 127-132, D and Mrs. Ted Buttery and vice held on Tuesday from the 173e178 J.Boydm 127-18 D family. Morris Funeral Chapel. Glover 178-169, J. Boyd 178-Itretwsi omn 144, . Brereton 214, K. Rahme Mr. Stan Taylor, Black- .Interment was n Bowman- ville Cemetery. 1 1 1"'

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