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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1976, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 25, 1976 S. Courice Public School Pupilsi Raise$450 for Aquar'i n at Fun Nigh While the older children were bobbing for apples Rosanne Solotarow, centre, contented herself with and the parents and visitors were busy buying a sucker. The event was South Courtice Public baked goods and other bargains, 21-month-old School's Fun Night held on February 19th to raise The Bowmanville Broad- loom Bantams finished their regular season in great style by winning their last three games. On Feb. 12, the team played in Stouffville and although they were shorthanded they came out on top with a 5-2 win. Stouffville opened the scoring after only 25 seconds of play. Bowmanville tied the score five minutes later with a nifty goal from Scott Clifton who was set up by Garry Eeuwes. Only one goal was scored in the second period. This was earned by Chuck Welsh, with Garry Eeuwes getting his second assist of the game. In the third period, hard-working Dennis Simpson scored twice with assists going to Scott Clifton and KeVn Ward, Stouffville and Bwmänville each scored once more to finish the game. The good skating and hustling of Kevin Ward earned him the Ban- tam's last goal unassisted. On Saturday, Feb. 14 Port Perry was the victim. Bow- manville opened the scoring with a hard shot from Garry Eeuwes who received an excellent pass from Scott Cliftoni Port Perry tied the score one minute later. In the second period, Bow- manville pulled out in front again when Garry Eeuwes scored his second, assisted by Brian White. Port Perry came back with two fast goals to take the lead before the period ended. The third period was all Bowmanville as the team was ail over the Port Perry team and scored five unanswered goals. Port Perry kept trying but could only manage one more tally. The final score was 7-4 in favor of the Broadloom boys. The goal scorers in the third were Kevin Ward with two, one apiece for Chuck Welsh, Scott Clifton and Garry Eeuwes who earned himself a bat trick for the game. Assists were award- ed to Scott Clifton, Jim Braun, Brad Hockin, Brian White and two to Nick Gibbs. The score in the final regular season game played Saturday, Feb. 21 against Uxbridge was 6-1 for Bow- manville. Nick Gibbs opened 'e. wig an exr Pcellent tl'y¢fthefirst period. In the second period Bow- manville did all of the scoring with four unanswered goals. Dennis Simpson opened the second period scoring with a pick up of a rebound which had been shot at the Uxbridge goalie by Scott Clifton. Three minutes later it was defence- man Brian White receiving a pass from Darrell Jones in the Bowmanville zone, rushing down the right side and scoring from inside the Ux- bridge zone with a hard low slap shot. Dennis Simpson picked up his second of the period with assists going to Andy Paton and Brian White, making the score 4--0. The fifth goal for Bowmanville was earned by Darrell Jones on a pass from Chuck Welsh. The final tallv for Bowmanville Luxton 16, Smith 12. High Singles A. Van Goor 225, S. Wessel- ius 198. lHigh Triples A. Van Goor.... ......509 BANTAM GIRLS Luxton 5, Wright 2; Knapp 5, Hancock 2; Taylor 5, Coombes liilLly li UIlallc 2 came from the stick of Chuck 2n Welsh. The goal was earned Tr3 Standings by some excellent two way To 3, Knapp 3, Han passing between Chuck Welsh and Garry Eeuwes. With two 2,W ighi mnin the penalty box and ~ Hg ige menintepnlybxad J Seto 210, -W.i Luxton 207, S. only 15 seconds to go, Ux- Rozema 199. bridge scored to take away High Triples Brook Cole's shutout. Brook had a steady game in net and J.et... ....5 the team seemed to feel bad JUNIOR BYS about the goal. Come5, Steson 3; For the overall games of the 7,IammondSams0; rpy season, Bowmanville came RiEdmodsose away with 18 wins, no losses Team Standings and two tie games. The team had 104 goals to their credit Crosey3,hard35, and 46 goals scored on them. Cm bes 3, Hammond2, pu Edmondson 18, Samis 9. Y outh Bowling Yomth ow1mHigh Singles TYKES K. Elliott 245-260, R. Crossey Murray 3, Lugtenburg 2; 233-211, P. Coombes 254, G. Wesselius 5, Hancock 0; Steven 242-216, D. Murphy Carolyn Connelly 5, Cath 242-213-205, R. Sutcliffe 241, J. Connelly 0; Smith 3, Sodhi 2. Edmondson 220, T. Halman Team Standings 208, R. Henning 205, S. Carolyn Connelly 34, Smith Morrison 205; R. Gibbs 204, B. 28; Sodhi 26, Hancock 21, Richards 200. Wesselius 20, Cath Connelly High Triples 12, Lugtenburg 12, Murray 9. K. Elliott 676, D. Murphy High Singles 660, R. Crossey 643, R. K. Nage! 192, M. Murray Henning 560, T. Haliman 559, 190, T. Kirkton 179, K. P. Coombes 553, B. Richards Greenley 136. 542, R. Sutliffe 522, K. Van High Doubles Abbema'515, S. Huisman 508. T. Kirkton 319, K. Nagel 319, JUNIOR GIRLS M. Murray 298, V. Robinson Adams 4, Richards 3; 250, Williams 5, Fairey 2; Ingra BANTAM BOYS 7, Westlake 0; Roberts 4, Tippins 7, Smith 0; Richards Brunt 3. 5, S. Luxton 2; Woolley 7, M. 1 Team Standings Luxton 0. Fairey 37, Roberts 34, Brunt Team Standings 32, Richards 31, Ingrain30, Richards 43, Woolley' 36, Westlake 21, Adams 19, Tippins 33, M. Luxton 28, S, Williams 19. Hig Singles S. Ingra 254, C. Crossey 233, D. O'Neil 203, J. McLean 203, J. Lunn 216. High Triples J. Lunn 547, S. Ingran 628, A. Woolger 569, M. Westlake 535, J. Van Goor 533, K. Adams 532, M. Van Goor 517, L. Richards 506. SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Holroyd 5, Stacey 2; Van Bakel 5, Lane 2; Reynolds 5, D Bishop 2; Coombes 4, Taylor 3; Whyte 5, Hopcroft 2. Team Standings Holroyd 40, Coombes 39, Stacey 28, WSyte 25, Van Bakel 25, Lane 24, Taylor 23,- Bishop 16, Reynolds 14, Hop- ? croft 10. High Gaines Judy Holroyd 255-252 (755), L. Taylor 250-325 (739), C. Mitchell (682), B. Taylor (656), L. Bishop 258, K. Farrel 255, W. Van Goor 250. St. Josephn's 8r Heam Standings GayConway 42 points, 25,124 points; Bob Brown 39, 25,121; Clayton Morgan 34, 24,886; Roy Sandison 30, 25,270; Art Deboo 29, 24,896; Rose Marie Conwày 29, 24,755; Marg King 28, 24,750; Paul Piels 21, 23,535. High Triple Mar King............677 Don Zealand .........644 Hig HSingle Joan Gibbs ......... .... 285 Gary Conway......R..264 Cha rterways Top 10 Averages Marg Geddes 189, Wes Martin 189, John Geddes 188, Ray Venasse 184, Larry Cox 183, Madeline Martin -182, Doris Quilliais 174, Stew Traviss 179, Stan Hall 170, Barbara Hall 169. Men's HigSingle Ray Venasse ........... 259 Men's High Triple Larry Coxd g...........609 Ladies High Single Madelne Martin.......22 Barbara Hall.........227 iadies High Triple Barbara Ha5. SEN.OR.M.XED.LEAGU materials for the school. Approximately 350 people funds for an aquarium center. By raising $450. the attended the event which featured movies, door students and teachers went well over their goal and prizes, games and sales of books, baked goods and the extra funds will be used to purchase reading pottery. -Photos by Liz Armstrong D & R and Frank's Go to Finals YELVERTON D & vid Fr ' WSorry to report that Mrs. CD Murray Malcolm alias, this Defeating Brooks and Spencers better known as Joyce, had the misfortune to faîl and by L. Burns when Bob Howes got bis There wasn't any scoring break her ankle - a nasty D & R Sports go to finals by second of tbe game. D & R until the second periodwhen. break that required a plate defeating Brooks B.P. 9 to 5. D made it 7 to 2 on Tom>Franks bit twice from Ron being înserted and will require & R started scoring early in Conaban's second goal. Rick Baker and Brian Hugbes. some time and discomfort in the first with two goals from Woolner then picked up Spencer's came within one bealing. Ail join in wisbing Joe Balson and Larry Perris. Brooks third goal. D & R on a goal by Tim Prout, The joyce as speedy a convales- Brooks came within one when scored their final goal balfway third saw Steve Burns score cence as possible. It is Bob Howes tallied at 9:50. D & tàrougb tbe third by Larry what was to be tbe winner for expected she will not get a R added one more before the Perris, his second. Brooks Frank's. Spencer's added one walking cast for 2 more first ended by Tom Conahan. added two more to their score more before the game ended weeks. Two functions tbis D & R kept scoring in the by Tom Wilson and Ken by Rick Rademacher. weekend in Betbany drew second with three unanswered Holme5. Finals start next week at some attention from our goals from Bruce Osborne, Tbe second game saw W. 10:30 witb D & R Sports and W. community. Congratulations Mike Cornell and Doug Frank Real Estate beat out Frank Real Estate facing Off are extended to One of Crougb. Brooks added another Spencers Real Estate 3 to2. against eac other. Bethanys fine matriarchs in the person of Mrs. Lila Kerr in s nd game the observance of er 9th Count,â,t iaConaan'seecn g al. fRicop r brtd Lockes and Kramps Play to 3-All Tie by L. Burns County Chrysler took a two game lead in semi-finals as they defeated Hooper's Jewel- lers 4 to 2. County started the scoring in the first period when Doug Crough tallied from Ed Port. Hooper's took the lead before the first ended with two goals one from Ray Pickle with Warren Alder and Barry Oliver assisting, and one from Lou O'Hiliary with Ray Pickle and Barry Oliver assisting. The second period saw County pick up the last goals of the game from Larry Simpson unassisted, Rick Shackleton unassisted and Rich Little froi Rick Shackleton and Doug Crough. The second game saw Locke's TV come from behind to tie Kramp's Furniture 3 to 3. Locke's got on the board first when Randy Donoghue scored unassisted. Kramp's tied the match on a goal from Don Rogers with Jerry Mac- Donald and Terry Baker assisting. Kramp's took the lead with the only goal in the second from Brian Bradley with Joe Balson and Jim Brooks assisting. Kramp's increased their lead in the third when Irv Gill tallied from Brian Bradley. Locke's came back with two goals to tie the game from Randy Donoghue unassisted and Jim Baker from Bruce Welsh and John Vance. Preston's Take One Game Lead in Playoffs with Ajax On the weekend, Preston the Mover Major Atoms downed Ajax 2-1 to take the lead in the best of three playoffs. This game was played at Ajax with the next game in Bowmanville Arena this Saturday at 2 p.m. It took the Toros 10 minutes of overtime to earn this win and the way these two clubs went at it, Saturday's game should be a good one. Tim Preston scored un- assisted early in the second period on a superb end to end rush. Ajax tied it up soon after and it wasn't until the 7:21 mark of the overtime period that Bowmanville went ahead on a nice goal by Paul Stocker, assisted by Steven Taylor and Shawn Houston. Bowmanville was hard pressed to hold the lead when they picked up a penalty with less than two minutes remain- OBITUARY LILIlE M. JACKMAN A resident of Bowmanville all her life, Lillie M. Jackman, passed away in Marnwood Nursing Home, Bowmanville, on Saturday, February 7th, 1976. In poor health for two years, she was in her 89th year. Married in 1906 to the late Fred Jackman, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hearl. Born and educated in Bowmanville, she was a member of St. John's Angli- can Church. Surviving are Raymond, Florence (Mrs. J. Kilpatrick), Ford, Doris (Mrs. L. Millson), Betty (Mrs. B. Fogg), all of Bowmanville, Arvilla (Mrs. K. Jones), Cobourg; Cecil of Peterborough, il grandchild- ren, 23 great grandchildren, and two great-great grand- children. Service and committal was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel on Tuesday, with Reverend Thomas Gracie officiating. Mrs. A. Cole presided at the chapel organ. Beautiful floral tokens were received from relatives, neighbors and friends, and donations made to the Cancer and Heart Funds. Interment was in Bowman- ville Cemetery. ing in the game. Ajax pulled their goalie and missed tying the game with a goal that went in just as the buzzer sounded. In earlier games, Preston's were downed by Whitby 2-1 in the final scheduled game of the season, with the Toro's lone goal scored by Tod Tremblay from Tim Preston and Paul Stocker. They also played an exhibition game with Peterborough at Keene Arena, losing 3-2. Robbie Green and Tim Preston were the unassisted scorers. And on Feb. 21st, they played to a one-all tie against Oshawa L.N.H.L., with Steven Taylor getting the only local counter, from Robbie Green and Tim Little. Fleming in Peterborough. Mrs. Etta Robinson of Cavan, was a weekend visitor with the Ray Robinsons to observe Ray's 39th birthday on Sunday. Other senior citizens who will be observing their birth- days this week, our mater_1 Mrs. Emma Malcolm, her 82nd, Master Art Rowan - (the Jack Benny of Yelverton) and Mrs. Ada Clarke of Bethany, her 94th. Congratulations to all. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan returned recently from an 8-day trip toBermuda With friends and report an enjoy- able vacation. Likewise, the Balfour Moores from their 3 week holiday in Florida. Welcome to our church services to Mr. and Mrs. Kirk of, Cartwright. Always a pleasure to welcome new members to our community, particularly so, when so many new urban residents perpet- uate the same principles of community isolation they were accustomed to in the city. Visitors this weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mal- colm were Miss Darlene Malcolm of Sheridan College, Oakville and Mr. Demetri Mina of Toronto. The Conservative Leader- ship Convention has provided an interesting T.V. interlude from the customary boring cops and robbers, doctor and hospital stories including Frank Millers hospital closures complete with snow- balls all this weekend; "Little Joe" Clarke may prove to be just the antidote necessary to spook the national Conserva- tives into something but a weak alternative to Trudeau's liberated Liberals. Personal- ly, we liked that extrovert Mulrooney - he would be a welcome breath of fresh air to any party! Lots of charisma and exudes personality. On the same evening Mr. and Mrs. Mel Wright of Janetville were honoured on Melvins retirement as Fire Chief for Manvers Twsp. This office covered the jout opera- tion of the- Pontypool, Janet- ville and Bethany brigades. Mel was appointed chief in 1968 and bas served the office conscientiously since that time. We in Manvers are proud of our efficient volun- teer Fire Brigade and in paying tribute to the Wrights for their service we extend commendation to all. Miss Candice Malcolm left Sat. for a two week vacation in Florida with a group of fellow students from Sir Sanford Hardware 95 King St. W. Bowma nville BroadloorrrBantam Team Ends Undefeated Season Goodyear Employees' (Bowmanville) Credit Union Li mte WEDNESDAY, MA R CH 3, 1976 Lions Centre 8:00 p.m. Due to several increases in the prices of materials, particularly newsprint, we have been forced to make rate adjustments for subscriptions ànd price per copy for the "Statesman." Price Per Copy_ __each i Year Subscription1 ,0 6 Months Subscription Subscription in U.S.A 21.00 Effective March 3rd, 1976 --- --- - -- - - - 9 -- -- - - - -- - m f -ÀJ-4 1

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