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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1976, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvile, February 25,1976 13 DEADLINE FOR, CLA$SI FIEri Tues.,12 noo CLARK - Bob and Laurie (nee Mc Bride) are very praud ta announce the arrivai of their son Jason Robert, 6 lbs. 10 ozs. at P.H.D.H. an February 7, 1976. Many thanks ta Dr. Harrison and nursing staff. 8-1 DEVOLIN - Esther- (nee Rosevear) and Keith are pleased ta announce the birth of a son, Daniel Ernest 8 ibs. 9 ozs. on Feb. 21, 1976, at K-W Hos pital, Kitchener. A brother for AIlison. 8-1 GOOD- Ron and Marilyn (Webb) are thriiied ta arnaounce the birth of their son, Brian Ronald, 7,lbs. 111/2 ozs. born on February 13, 1976 at Memoriai Hospital, Baw- manville. Special thanks ta Drs. Hubbard, Sylvester and maternity staff . FPraud grand- p arents are Mr. and Mrs. rerman Webb, Panty pool, Mrs. Dorothy Good, a nd Mr. Don Good, Newcastle. 8-1 MORRIS - Kevin and Ther- esa thank God for the safe arrivai of Christine Elizabeth born February 17, 1976 at Memorial Hospital, Bawman- ville, weighing 7 lbs. A sister for Michaela. 8-1 PlIPER -Coileen is pleased to anniounce the arrivai of her baby sister, Kyla Marie, born Monday, February 16, 1976, at Royal Alexandria Hospital, Edmonton. Proud parents are Kathy and Gerry. Grandpar- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Ab Piper, Bowmanvilie, 8-1 Mrs. Beatrice Bail, Baw- manvilie, is pieased ta a. 1announce the forthcaming marriage of her daughter, Norma Jean, ta Richard Michael Stacki, son of Mr.,and Mrs. M. Stocki, Downsview. The weddin wiil take place Saturday, Ma rch 6, 1976 at 3 p.m. in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanvilie. _____________ 8-1 x The famil y 0f Mr, and Mrs. Ellsworth Casweil wi il hold Open House on the occasian of theiîr parents 50th Anniver- sary atthe Oddfeiiows Hall, Orona, Saturday, March 6 from 2-5 p.m. Best wishes onl1Y. 8-2>, VANDERSPRUIT, Beb - Passed -away at Oshawa General'Hospitai after a long ilness on Wednesday, Febru' ary 18, 1976, Beb Vander Spruit of R.R. Na. 2, Orona.- Wife of Arie, dear mother af, Mrs. K. Van Hamburg (Nicolilette), Tony, Peter and Brenda. Also survived by three grandchiidren and a brother, Antan Acherman of >,-'California._ Rested at the Northcutt Eliitt Funeral ýHome, Bowmanvilie. Service was heid Saturday afternoon in the Maranatha Christian Reformed Church, Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Don- ations ta Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. 8-1 VAN BELLE DAILY Delivery Oshawa - Bmanvi Phone 623-4 b Sini JACKMAN, .say it be PHONE 623-31 162 King St. E., Bowrr BARRIE - Suddeniy in Bar- bados, W. I., Friday, February 2th, 1976, Hazel Barrie, 17 Quebec St., Oshawa. Resting at the Marris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanviile. Chapel visiting Thursday evening from 7 ta 9. Private fam iiy service an Friday. Interment Bond Head Cemetery, Newcastle. Dona- tions ta Heart or Cancer Fund wauld be appreciated. 8-1 CUNNINGHAM - Suddenly at her residence, Fenelon Falls, Ontaria an Sunday, February 22, 1976. Frances Esther Clatworthy, beioved wife of William B. Cunning- ham, dear mather 0f Hazel (Mrs. Alian Graham), Grace, (predeceased). Grandmother of twa grandchildren. Sister of Ruby (Mrs. Hariand Truli), Bowmianville. Funeral service was held at Piatten and Wagg Funerai Home an Wednesdlay afternoan, 8-1 x GOSSON- At North York Hospital, Friday, February 2th, 1976, Thamas Gosson, Kendal, aged 54 years, beiov- ed husband of Delvina Hach- ey, dear father of John, Charleen and Barbara. Rested at the Marris Funeral Chappi, Bawmanviile. Funerai mass was heid in St. Jaseph's Church Monday morning. In- terment Bowmanviiie Ceme- tery. ,8-1 JOINT - At Ross Memoriai Haospitai, Lindsay, Friday, February 2th, 1976, Harvey Joint, in his 66th year, beinved husband 0f Mary Helen Ai Ian, dear father 0f Stuart, ioving brother 0f Edith Joint, Bow- manville. Service was heid in the Mackey Funeral Home, Lindsa y, Manday afternoan. Interment Riverside Ceme- tery. 8-1 MEACHIN - Hubert (Bert). Reeve 0f Verulam Township. Suddeniy at Hiiicroft Hospital, Babcaygeon, Saturday, Feb- ruary 21, 1976, Bert Meachin of R.R. 1, Dunsford (Birch Paint) and farmeriy of Tor- onto. In his 75th year. Beioved husband 0f Elsie Rogers. Dear father of Mrs. Ross Kinsey (Marie), Bobcaygean, Nor- man, Toronto and Jack of Bowmanviiie. Dear brother of Mrs. George Burchali (Doris), Toronto and Fred predeceas- ed. Lav ing grandfather 0f six grandchiidren. The family receivedi friends at the River- view Funerai1 Chapel, ,6-Hefen St., Babcaygeon an Manday. Masonic service was he id Monday evenîng in the chapel, thence on, Tuesday ta McDougai and Brown, Scar- boraugh Chape, 2900 Kingston Rd., Toranta. Funerai ser- vices were held Wednesday, February 25th at 1:00 p.m. Interment Resthaven Memor-_ il Gardens, Toronto. 8 WARNER .- At Oshawa General Hospital, Saturday February 2lst, 1976, HaroId Warner, aged 76 years, beiav- ed husband of Virtue Warner, dear father of Eric, Alice (Mrs. Archie Hopsan), Marion (Mrs. Carlton Gatley), Vir- ginia (Mrs. Harvey Webster), Wiibur, Warren and John. Service was held in the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowman- ville, 'Manday afternoon. In- terment Bowmanville Ceme- tery., 8-1 WERRY - Meville S. At the Guelph Generai Haspital, on Thursday, February 19, 1976 Melville S. Werry (late of lowers Cartwright) beiaved husband ;ay it of Marlon Ellsworth. Dear est" fathet- of Earl, Mervin, May (Mrs. J. lvanawich) and the late Alan Werry. Aisa surviv- ed by 10 grandchiidren. ln his ' ta... 76th year. Funerai ýservice 'iI. Arma was heid at the chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Port 4441 Perry an Manday, February 43-tf 23rd at 2:00 p.m. Interment Nestieton Cemetery. 8-1 ce 1912 CARNATION lowers For Ail Your by w) lwrNeeds STOP IN AND SEE ýst! OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS 65 Carnation Flower Shop manvlle,33 Division St. Tianille623-7141 45 tt tf Durham County's Oldest Funeral Service, MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEIL 4 DlVSIlON STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. Funeral Home 1houghtfulness - Service - Concern Concerned people often enquire about pre-arrangement of funeral details. Information can be simply and thought- fuîly obtained upon request. *This is part of our service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 A DAMS - In iaving memary of a dear brother, uncie and great uncie George Adams wha passed away February 25, 1972. He is gane but nat forgotten And as dawns another year In aur lanely hearts of thinking Thoughts of hlm.,are always near. Days of sadness wili came o'er <US. Many think the wound Is healed But they littie know the sarrow That lies in the heart canceai- ed. - Lavingiy remembered by Dave and Bernice Bothwell and family. 8-1 BANKS, Edith l n iaving memory of a dear Mother and Grandmother who passed away February 27, 1971. As time unfaids, anather year Memaories keep yau ever dear Sulent thoughts, times tageth- er Hoid memaries that wiii Iast forever. - Sadiy missed by daugbter Reta, son-in-iaw Jack and Doug, Pat and Debbie. 871 X HONE - In iaving memory 0fmy dear brother Donald Hane, who passed away'Feb- ruary 25, 1974. t's not the wards, they are but few. It's the golden memary of yau. Each f lower and leaf may wither,, Each evening sun may set. The heart of thase, wha lave you, Are the ane's 'who neyer farget. - Sadly missed by. sister Marge, brother-in-iaw Wes. 8-1ix FARROW - In laving mem- ory of aur dear parents and grandiparents, Victor and Le- ana. Dad who passed away February 20, 1958 and Mther February 21, 1971. We cannathave the aid days back. When we were ail tagether. But secret tears and loving thoughts Wili be with us forever. - Sadi y missed and iavingiy remem bered, dau ghter Dor- een and husband James, son Bill and wife Grace and granchiidren. l-ix JEFFERY, Victor- in'ioving memory of a dear husband and father wha passed away Lvd, remembered, treas- ured. - Aiways in aur memory, by his wife Margaret and family. 8-1 x LeGRESLEY - In ioving memary of Helen Jane Farn- camb beiaved wife of Reginaid Balfour LeGresiey who de- parted this life an the 28th day of February in Oshawa Hospi- tai in her 76th year. "They are nat dead, whose lave lives on in aur hearts." - Sadiy missed, by her husband and ail her family. 8-1 x STONEBURG - Roy Eari Stoneburg wha was laid ta rest February 26, 1974. God giveth and. God taketh away. Where alI is peace and jay and love, Where the saul of a man neyer dies., Those whom we lave go out af sight But neyer ouf 0f mind; They are cherished in the hearts 0f those they leave behind, Laving and kind in ail his ways Upright and Iust in al1 his days, Sincere and true in heart and m md Beautiful memories He ieft behind and rests with ioved ones Who have gone befare. - Ever remembered by sisters, brother, Leana May Bradford, Joan DesRoches, Toronta, Ruby Stacey, Whit- by, Donald Staneburg, Brad- ford and their familles. Sweet nwemories remain 0f a dear son of Lola Staneburg Tuffrey of Bowmanviiie. 1 8-Ix The famiiy of the late Mr. Bert Parker wauid like ta expressý their thanks and appreciation ta relatives, friends, Drs.ý Sylvester and Long, Rev. A. Herbert, Rev. T. Gracie, Ma rtha Group of St. John's Church for ki1ndnesses shown ta us on the Ioss af a lavin g husband and father. Than ks aiso ta the Red Cross Saciety for the use af the wheei chair, Morris Funerai Chape! for their thaughtfui assistance and kindness. Mrs. E. Parker Lionel and Bette Neli and Fred. 8-1 1 wouid like ta thank family, friends and nei ghbors far flowers, g ifts, cards and visits during my recent stay at Memnoriai Hospital. Speciai thanks to Dr. Fergusan and nurses. Karin Vesna 8-1 x Thanks ta aillaur gaod friends and neighbars wha were sa kind and thoughtful ta me and my famiiy whiie i was in haspitai. Many thanks ta ail who support the Eye Bank of Canada, for without this: heip corneai transplants like mine can't happen. Jim Waodiey 8-1 We ýwauld like ta say a sîncere "Thank You- ta all aur friends, relatives and neighbars for the many fiow- ers, cards, gifts and visits whiie we were patients at Memorial Haspital. Aiso for the kind heip and visits while canvaiescina at home. Thanks also ta Dr. Anfassi and hospital staff for the excellent care we received. Lee and Kelly Beers 8-1 x W)e--Wish -to-tharnk ail our friends, relatives and neigh- bars for the many acts of kindriess shown during the ioss of aur dear mother and grandmother. Alsa Rev. T. Gracie, far his camforting wards, Morris Funeral Chapel for their kind assistance. F or the wanderf ui care received at Marnwaod Nursing Home. Thefamilyofthe late LiIllie M. Jackman. m m_8-l Remember, World Da, Prayerl Friday. March St. Andrew's Presbyte Church. Services at 2:30 7:30 p.m. Speaker: Mrs. H Batten. APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel Newcastle Country StringE FRIDAY-SATURDAN F-bruarY 20-21 1Dancing 9 - 1 ay 0f 5, at. erian i and -Helen 8-2 l* st n.&3dR z -m fst..9nlf k trri MO RTGAG ES ARRANGED, BOUGHT AND SOLD. Compare our rates before you negotiate. 579-1259 POPU LA R PIANO LESSONS 623-2697 We wish to express our sincere thanks to ail our friends, relatives and neigh- bars for the many acts of kindriess shown during the lass of a beloved husband and tather. Special "thank yau" ta Re'i. Smith for his comfarting \Nords, the Morris Funeral Chapel for their assistance and kindness, and the ladies who servedi lunch at Memorial1 Park. Wanda McNeil and Lariý 18-1 x The family of the late Charles Louis McFeeters wish ta express their sincere grati- tude and appreciatian for the floral tributes and donations ta the heart fund and the many kindnesses shown ta us in aur recent bereavement. 8-1 x 1 wauld like ta express my sincere thanks taf my family and'friends far cards and flowers while in Memorial Hospital. Special1 thanks to the ambulance drivers, Dr. Masi- enko, nurses and staff on the 2nd floar. Luella Pingle 8-1 1 wish ta express my, -thanks" ta family, friends and neig hbars far their flaw- ers, gifts, cards and visits. Special thanks ta Dr. Spear, Dr. Sieman, nurses and staff on 3rd flaar, far the wanderful care i received during my recent stay in the haspital. Willie Eeuwes 8-1 x We wauld like ta, thank all aur friends and relatives who helped ta, make aur 5th Wedding Anniyersary such a happy occasion. Yaur cards, letters and visits were all much appreciated and enjay- Ied, leavîng us wîth many Iastinfg memaries. Harold and Leta Jebson rnhone 62: For Appoin ANN BRt Permanent Hair 90 SimecoeS Oshawa 723 ICHARGE Dance - Saturdaý 28 - Pontypaal. Centre. Gary Brist Cauntry Fever. $5 Refreshments. -SATURD, FEBRUAR) Graffiti NI Limbo and Jive - Prizes Prize for best dres Prize for "Brylcr 9p.m. - 1 a SUNDAI FEBRUAR' Teen Dani 7p.m. -il p Our Mr. D. J. channel saunid and I No Bar. WEEKEND BARGAIN BONANZA ',at Carnation" s Look at these prices and grab them quickly. Foliageplant 2 for $1.00 or 4 Fresh cut Carnations 6 for $1.49 or Rieger Begonia $1.79 or One of Each of the Above for $3.99 DON'T MISS THEM 33 Division Street, Bowmanville. 623-5577____ - FILM P ROC ESSING CHILDREN'S PHOTOS Ca meras and Photogra phic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 23-574751-10 nret 45tf LIKE NEW 24,000 B.T.U. Westinghouse air-canditioner. Air conditions full size home. kDLEY Call728-1122. 8-1 ir Removal Bge St. N.- aicl 3-7682 Dry Shavings * Deîivered in x truckload quantities. CUSTOM LUMBER AND 44-tf MILLWORK LIMITED Box 430, Bolton, Ontario Phone 857-1882 M 962-1627 ,y Februaýry 8-1 Communty, tow and the Creative Fun ý5.00 couple. 8-1 For Little Ones A complete stock of creative >AY supplies for young chiîdren Y 28th which includes: paints, brush- Iight es, chalk, easels, markers, eContests paper etc. !sse coule. Also speciaîty wooden toys, :reamn" Ki pre-school books, blocks and a.m. doîIl houses. ýY 88 Queen Street, Bowmanvilîe Y 29th 623-2570 nce _________________ with four- Fuller Brush iighto gn.Products came.CONTACT Clarence Bell 1 37 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 A saiesman in Darlington Tawnship. h 1-tf APPLES Mac lntosh, Delicicus and Spy Frank Hiemstra R. R. -1, Enniskiîlen 263-2260' Sauina Library resents Douglas Deweli Musical, Sauina Hall, February 29 at 8 p.m. $2 aduits, 75c students. 7-2 GARAGE Sale, February 26, 27 and 28, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Antiques and colectibies (Ar- gyle coal ail lamp 1870-1890 era) and there's more.-North Is St., Newcastle Village. Look for signs or phane 987-5156. ýy 8-1 Harse drawn sieigh rides by the hour by appaintmenf. 8-1 Phone 728-800. 3-6 BINGO ,uu ,-nurrnr Dance an BINGOBanquet Hall available fc NEWCASTLE your graup's fund raisin( COMMUNITY HALL activities. Book y aur ne>' year's dates now whilie choic( Tues., Mar. 2 dates are stili available Contact Don Armstrong a Eariy Bird Games 7:30 576-5522 or 576-65e99.' Regular Bingo 8:00o 48-t $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Dance at Sauina Cammunit, Sponsored by Hall Saturday, February 28th NEWCASTLE LIONS Ray Avery's orchestra 8-1 Everyone weicome. 8- Progressive Conservative MONSTER BINGC Association Tew StaYJBn TieM of Dçirlington Township Sponsored by Ward 1, Town of Newcastle Oshawa MinorSoftbali Will be holding their annual JUBILEE PAVILlON meeting and election of offi- OS HA WA cers at Hampton Municipal 5Oti Hall, MandayyMarch 1, 1976 at 8:OO0P. M. WOODVIEW 8-1 COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO TWO DAY NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. Hadassa h Sale RED BARN - WAYNE ST. WEDNESDAY &THURSDAY OSHAWA M'arch 3rd - 4th 21-tf 9: 00 a. m. ta 9: 00 p. m.Ba anieDrmWrk 144 King St. EastBoimnle raWr- Oshawa shop presenis "How The Other Larg shpmet 0 faric in Haif Lav1es", February 26th. Larg shpmet o faric in 27th, and 28th, Bawmanviiie long Iengths. Rumnmage and High School Theater. Aduit new men's wear etc. entertainment. Admission -1$2.50. 7-2 DURHAM EAST (Bowmanvilîe & District Branch) FIRST ANNUAL RED CROSS, CAMPAIGN KICK-OFF DINNER AND DANCE SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 6.30p.m. MgMORlAL PARK CLUB HOUSE $7.50 per persan % or ig e 't 'f ty a. Ff WH IlE birch, fireplace waod. Phone 1-786-2459. 5-4x FIVE piece kitchen suite, suitabie for cottage. $20. Cail 623-7028 after six. 8-1 x MODERN 5 piece dinette suite. Excellent condition - $50.00. 623-4193. 8-1ix TENT, 15 x 12, 2 bedraoms and dining area plus camping equipment. $250. Phone 623- 2964. 8-1 APARTMENT sized piano,, amnplified, ideai for student, excellent condition, was $600 now $250. 2 Boston rockers, neariy new and very heavy. $35 each. Phane 623-7684. 8-1 CO MPR ESSORS, generators, electric matars, grinders, dri li presses, heavy duty power tools, etc. Saws sharpened. We seil, buy and trade. Open Saturdays. Ace Machinery, 859A Nelson, St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 46-tf APPLES for sale. Jae's Or- chard, east of Bawmanvii1le, 1/4 mile narth of No. 2 Hwy. on Line 3. 623-2017. Open seven days a week.i 8-6x ONE stove, one fridge, one wringer washe, ail in excel- lent condition $75. ea. Phane 623-4084. 8-1 FRIDGE $25., heavy duty stave $75., white, god condi- tion. Phone 263-2537. 8-1 FIREPLACE waaod $25. a card. Deiivered at no extra cost. Get tf whiie it iasts. Phone 623-4550. 8-1 OSHo A WA s SCREENEO SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PROUCTS 4 AIL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS , 0e TOPSOIL & DIRTFILI DELIVEREO OR R0E0VED TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RE<NT ,SNOW REMOVAL 725-0232 SOLINA R N. 1 MILE NORH0 F HIWAY 2. SPY and Deliciaus apples. Ray's Orchards 263-8430, 8-2 Swimming Pool Sacrifice Leading Manufacturer and distributor his above grund aluminumn poolseft over from 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaran- teed installation and terms. Cal Credit Manager, oîect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 5-tf PADDY'S Market now haq new furniture, appiiances, T.Vs and stereosand asq used f urniture and appliances, Wil accept trade-ins. Padldy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-f USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS Parts available for most anti. que dlocks, pocket watcheý and modemn watches and dlocks. Our repairs are done wth modemn up-to-date equipment and quiified Swiss, trained watchmnater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 TEAK Waod, Scandinavian Danish, bedromr, complete; din nar o m. 9 oece; living raamn; wall 2unit; brand new furniture, very reasnable. Phne 1-247-4377. Oshaw a TV Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF - VHF - CoIored Aerials Apts. and Homes'Pre.Wired 1.REPAIRS, Workmanshj p Guaranteed AIl priced ta SAV E you Money Phone 623-5122 Le HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-te, Seed Grain Oats and Barley WESLEY YELLOWLEES 263-2023 7-2x- SALE Dorina Fashions (men, women and chiîdren) 10O-:50 Per cent OFF February20-29 Wharfside Marine Supplies 1 Lake Road and Simpson Ave.c 7-2 Wharfsidle Marine Supplies, AIllYour canvas needs- cuStomn boat and sail cavers, sun awnings, boat cushions, upholstery and seat recover- ing, tarps, and repairs. 623-6551 7-4 FLORIDA, four return air tickets and two hotel rooms far March school1 break, Details, Armstrong Tours 725- 4344. 8-1 ELECTRIC guitar amp camboa, new strings, good candition. Phone 623-3156. 8-1 FANCY Mac apples, $2.50 per bushel. -W. T. Cox, 11/2 miles, narth of B.T.S. KîTCHEN cabinet $30., plat- form rocker $15., buffet $45., apartment-size wringer wash- er $29., hi-fi set $65., baby carniage $35., chesterfieîd $45., davenport $60., electric heater $15., spin dryer $40., portable bar $60., chesterfield $35., spin washer $35. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temper- ance St., Bowmanvile. 8-1 FASHiON DOLL'ç Easter Outf ifs and accessories., 26 pieces $5.00. L. Bedard, 2835 Rocheleau, St. Hubert, Que- bec. 8-Ix ONE black and white 23" General Eiectric television. Good condition. $65. Phone 1-983-5692, after 6 p.m. 8-lx WEBCOR stereo unit, AM-FM multiplex and 8 track tape player. 2 speakers. Phone 623-4661. 8-1 HAY, first cutting. Phone 263-2655. 8-lx AND & GRAVEL, SUPPLY VIKING Plumbing and Heat- ing, don't wait for Sp ring!i Cali1 now for f ree estimates, fast, dlependable 24 hr. service. Cali Hampton 263-2981. -7-3 US ED piano, best offer. Phone 728-1675. 3-tf GRAIN fed beef sîdes, 90 cents a lb. Leland Payne, Newton- ville, phone 786-2512., 44-tf RED brand beef. 85 cents per lb. per side. Phone 263-2649. 7-2, WHITE'S T..TOWERS Towers, IJHF, VHFP Aeria Is, Rotors a Repairs Apartment & Homes' Pre-Wired Ask About Our EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Regular Price $12,00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reductian on first purchase of earrings with.the release form, '72 CHEV. 1/2 ta, V-8, in Ai shape, offer. Phone 263- '67 METEOR 2-c automatic, P.S., Phone 623-2463. 1967 CHEV. Bis condition, $325.- Cal I1576-6594, 1968 PLYMOU steering, power b sedan, new transi welI, new muf- 1-983-9564. 1966 DODGE with On a '72 engine. work. $150. as 623-5140. '69 VOL'VO, cent 623-7746. 1972 CHEV. Be! 1973 CH EV. Nov age. Phone 623-58. 1968, MUSTANG good condition. Ph after.4p.m. 1970 G.M.C. '/-2tq equipped ta slee: condition. Phonei 1970 DUSTER,' sl< ard, certif led, as Phone 623-5752 afi, 1968 Pon. Parisieî 4 door, power steei brakes, safety chec Best affer cons Contact or p~ Dykstra's Food 623-;3541 H EAVY duty truc1 er, almost new, or week. Fridge'stov, furnace. Phone 1-9 '73 CH EV. 1/2 toni mn insuiated camp engine, power ste brakes Asking $2,ý 623-4656. 69 DODGE Cor angine. Seliing as Dffer. Phone 623.463 1CtIEV'/ton,47,1 yl., standard, ne Èoad shape. As is. )ecker Skil saww Pl/4", heavy dut 263-2113. serves ATTENTION Asi=I, searted, divarced or uatche aults. A super, new club forming, offering a dance every Saturday night. Weekend bus and air trips onc~ every month, Formed sole ly for the enloyment of single persans. We own aur own dance halIl and travel' agency. Membership $5.00 Yearîy For Information Cal! 725-4344 IN THE ESTATE 0F rHOMAS.WARREN AN DERSON Comptroller, Deceased Ail persans having dcaims aga inst the estate of t he a bave mentioned, late 10f the Town af Bowmanvilile in the Reg. Municipaiity of Durham who died at the said Tawn of Bawmanville on the 27th day, of October 1974, are required tai file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 29th day of March 1976. After that date the Public Trustee wili praceed ta distri- bute the estate, having regard oniy to the dlaims of which he then shaîl have had notice. DATE Dat Toronto th is l9th day of Febrvary 1976. PUBLIC TRUSTEE, 145 Queen St. West, Toronto Administrator. EQUESTR IAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR -ARENA BOARDING instruction in Equitation Jumping Dressaige Scbooling of Hunters& Jumpers Huntprs & Jumpers Bought & Sold M, 3 FJOWMANVILLE6237336 truck,, wifh »er top. 350 -erlnq and ,500. Phone 7-2x onet, 317 s is. Best 156.' 7-2x ,800 miles, 6 w tires, in Black and ith bladles,, ty. Phone 6-3 nig. DURHAM ýHOUSING BUREAU Durham Regional Department of Social services new location 136 Simcoe Street North, os hawa Effective 23 Februa ry 1 976 11Telephone 723-3411 Dr. Keith BilIett's office wii be cîosed from February 25th ta March lOth inclusive. 8-2 Don't Forget STUDENTS - GRADE 7 to 13 To enter youy photograplis coýtfpetition and exhibition, ME, MYSELF AND I DEADLINE, FER. 28,1976 For Information Contact The Photography Gallery Bowmnanvilîe Library Housing Bureau LandIord - Tenanit Advisory Bureau Cars foi C 'reditors and others having Phone - caims àainst fthe estate of 576-5606 CAMERON, Who died at Oshawa, January 6, 1976, are requested ta send particuiars, E. WITEof such dlaims ta the under- É. WHITE sig ned, solicitors frthe COURTrICE Ad ministratrix with WiiI 30-tf Annexed, on or before the 2Oth day of March, 1976, after rn which date the Estate wiil be distributed having regard oniy to dlaims that- have been n, heavy duty received. $2295. or best MARKS AND McNEELEY 2009. Barrisers, etc., 81 17 King St. East, toorH.T.289 Oshawa, Ontario. P. B. radio. 8-ix NOTICE TO ÊREDITORS cayne Cgod 'AND OTHERS, 1 r b estolffe. Ail Cîaims against the 8-1 estate .0f SIDNEY ROY - JACKMAN, late 0f the Town TH, power of Newcastle, in the Regionai >rakes, 4 door Municipality of Durham, Re- ;mission, runs tlred F orlst, deceased, who filer. Phone died on or about the 22nd day 8-ix of September, 1975 must be filed with the undersigned ý49,000 miles ersonal representative on or Body needs gefore March 15th, 1976; Is. Phone thereafter the undersigned 8-ix willdistribute the assets of the - said Estate having regard if led. Phone onl yta the dlaims then f lied. 8-11 (The deceased resided at 63 Lambs' Lane, Bowmanviile, IAire, V-8 Ontario). içnce, $2000. Eunice Mary Heard and )n 623-201l2. John Herbert Living, Execu- 8-1 tors, by - L.C. Mason, Q.C. a, Iow mile- Barrister &Soiicitor, 157. Box 129, 8-1 135 Wellington Street, - ~Bowmanviîe, Ontario. Sfastback, LIC 3K9. hone 623-6032 6-3 8-11X ESTATE OF ETHEL MAY on with cap 1 MARLING i two. Good Creditors and others hav- 613-3267. ing cdaims against the Estate 8-ix of Ethel, May Marling, late of R.R, 1, Bowmanviiîe, Ontario, ant 6, stand- deceased, who died on or sking $1200. about the 28th day,0f Decem- ter 4:30.î. ber, 1975 are hereby notifiled ta 8- send their f ul ly certif led state- ments to the undernamedi on Itiac or bef ore the 1 st day of Ma rch, nne estate wili be distributed rijng, poe having regard onIy to the ýck inelued. cI aims of which the Executor idered. then has notice. hone DATE D at Town of New- i Market castle, this 2nd dlay of Febru- 1 ary, 1976. 81 William John Cooper, Executor for the Estate of Ethel May Marling, ýk and camp- by his solicitors Lovekin and ny used one Cureatz, 'e, toilet and Barristers and Solicitors, 86-4706. 8, Box 9, Newcastle, Ontaro.

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