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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1976, p. 7

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Two new members, Mr. and Mrs. Alvyn Huigens, were welcomed by Profession of Faith into the, fellowship of Trinity United, Church con- gregation an Sunday morning following the Sacrament of Baptism. Rev. Wesley Oake wa's assisted by Thos. Rehder, Jack Munday and Mrs. Earl Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Arie Huigens made a special trip from Holland ta share in this ýservice for their son and aughter-in-law. Mrs. Wesley Qake pnsented a bouquet of roses ta Mnrs. Huigens and Mns. Earl Thampson present- ed themn with a spoon and plate with the United Church crest as' mementas of this happy occasion. The ladies of the Session, assisted by U.C.W. members were in charge of a social.time in the chunch hall ta enable members of the cangregation ta meet this couple who had came so fan for this happy event. They returned home on Tuesday. Goodyear Canada Iýtd.; Bowmanville Plant announces the netinement of B.J.H. Nichols with 30 yeans service. Harold K. Clmer bas a- chieved the milestone of 40 yeans service. The Honourable Jean- Pierre Goyer, Minîster of Supply and Services, an- nounced today the award of tbree contracts tatalling $2,323,660 for the. supply of mator vehicles and spare parts. Genenal Motors of Canada Limnited, Oshawa, re-, ceived a cantract valuedý at $754,735 on behaif nf the Department of National De- fence. The contract cails for the supply of spare parts for 11/4 ton trucks. Delivery ta the Canadian forces supply depat in Toronto will com- mence in March 1976. Ford Motor Ca.> of Canada Ltd., Oakville, Ont., was awarded a cantract worth $977,849 on behaîf of the Department of National Defence for the supply of 245 intermediate size station wagons. These will be 1976, four-door, six-passengen, eight-cylinder models. De- livery will be pbased over April 1976. Chrysier Canada Limited, Mississauga, Ont., was awarded a $600,076 con- tract on behaîf, of the RCMP fan the supply of 185 passenger cars. The vehicles will be delivered ta RCMP divisions across Canada from local dealerships between April and June 1976. Town council bas granted free ice time toalal the schools in Darlington and Bowman- ville duning off haurs mainly in the morning hours, which is greatly appreciated by the students. Minon Hockey Day will be held in Bowmanville Arena on April lth and in Darlington Arena, Apnil 3rd. A surprise birthday pàrty was held in Blackstock Hall on Saturday, February 2lst tai honour Mrs. Rose Barrington on ber 74th birthday. Rel- atives and friends were from Whitby, Oshawa, Bowman- ville, Hampton, Enniskillen, Burketon, lackstock, Nestle- ton, Lindsay, Broaklin, Col- umbus and Port Perry. A gaod time was had by ail. This year's Goodyear Canada production squadron graduates at the Toronto plant see their squad training as a Items oflruterest Phone 623-3303 stepping stone to positions af responsibility with the com- pany. They feel that if a grad has taken full advantage of the two-year course, hie is prepared ta tackle any assigniment. "The company provides the opportunity," "now it's up to the grads to make the most of if." One of the graduates, Rick Bromel worked at the Bowmanville plant for four 'years before joining the squad. 'I had worked on ýseveral jobs at Bowmanville, but 1 couldn't see myseif making the pro- gress I wanted without getting special training like the squad, " Bromeil said. "Squad training is a different aspect of the industry than just working in a plant. I realized this soon after 1 started the course and knew 1 had a chance ta learn a lot'about the industry." Bromeil is now a supervisor in the millroom at the Toronlto plant. The Visual Arts Centre of Newcastle will hold an art auction at the Visual Art Centre on Simpson Avenue in Bowmanville iný May, states Evelyn McTavish, fund raising chairperson. Anyane wishing ta donate works of art, books on art or collectable antiques please phone 623- 2144. Joan Armitage, president of the Oshawa General Hospital Auxiliary, announced recently that the Auxiliary, through hard work, raised the terrific sum of $50,000 for the hospital. The money was raised from a garage sale and auction, and from various other functions and services the OGH Auxil- iary provides. An exhibition of 34 works by Canadian-born artist, Graham Coughtry will be held at The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Mardi 3 through March 28. Opening the "Graham Cough- try Retrospective" will be1 Michael Snow, a well-reknownj Canadian contemporary artist ATTEN 5 15 Il HURC C5e SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10:00 a. m. -Adult, in Upper Roorn 10:00a. m. - Classes for al lages, 9and up 11:Oa.m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kindergarten 11:15 a.m.'- Prirnary Dept., ages 4ta 8 il :00-Worship Service This wiI be Rev. Wesley Cake's Social time in Church-Ha l. Church Membership Class in Church HalIl, 2 p.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m., Bible Study Group in Church Parlour Corne tg Church and bring a friend. AWARM WELCOME FOR EVERYONE 35 Division Street SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 a............ Sunday School I 1:00 a.m........ Holiness Worship 7: 00 p. mi ....... Salvation Meeting Bus service provided for Sunday School. WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Scouts - Monday; Guides - Tuesdayý Cubs - Wednesday; Brownies - Thursday Ladies Fellowship - Tuesday - 8:-QO p.m. ae mai 1093sý St. Paul's United Chureh 'Minister:, 9 1Rev. N. E. Schamnerhorn, B.A., M.Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess 1l a.m. Morning Worship SERMON: ""The Convention" Junior Young Peoples (Boys andGirls, 10-14 years) meetevery iFriday nightat 7:00 p.m. for fun and fellowship GOLDEN VEARS CLUB meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month COUPLES CLUB meets îst Sunday evening of each month SUNDAY SCHOOL Primary Children wilI attend first part of Church Services with their parents. 9:45am. SENIOR CLASSES (9 YEARS AND UP) NURSERY Parents are invited ta bring their pre-school children ta our play and Iearn nursery while they attend Church. Bowmanville Pentecostal Church' 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sunday Services 9:55 a.m. 11: 00 a. m. 7: 00 p. m. ....*Sunday Scl .....Worship Seri -.Evangelistic Seri :h -V V Mid Week Tuesday,7h30 p.m. Youth Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Bible Study A Welcome for You in a Friendly Church iool4 jiceý ice You Too Con Quit Smokinlg at the Five Day Plan Feb. 29 - Mar'ch 4 FoIIow-Up March 7' 7:30 p.m. Nightl'y BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Liberty St. N., Bowmanville AMILY REGISTRATION FEE - $5.00 Ensure Your Place by Caliing * 73-6185 I Choose Not, f0 Smoke" Sponsored by Seventh-Day Adventists and Your Christmas Seal Association for his abstract expressioni figure studies. Also the Arti Jazz Band will be playir during the apening. Agriculture and Food Mii ister William Newma announced today the ri appointment of Garnet1 Rickard, of RR. 4, Bowmai ville, as -a member of the Cre Insurance Arbitration Boar for a term of three year effective immediately. , Congratulations ta Kathlee and Julia Eyman of Courtik who took top honors ln the duE category of the Kiwanis Musi Festival in Toronto with 8 points in the under 18 year campetition. Julia placei second in the 15 and unde campetition with 81 pointsc They are the daughters of Mr and Mrs. Frederick Eyman. Durham County Club o Toronto meets this Friday a 155 College St. at McCaul ii the Education Centre, Toror ta:. Mr. Ken Smith will shov pictures and give a commer tary on "Around the World il 120 Days." Brotherhood Week, Febru ary. 22nd ta 29th, 1976 i designed ta give Canadians ai opportunity ta rededicatE themselves ta commai decenicy, equal opportunity and rightful respect for theîr fellow man. It is sponsored by the Canadian Council of Christians -and Jews whose year-round program is gearec ta impraving intergroup rela- tions in Canada. Miss Kath- erine MacKinnon is serving as the 1976 Brotherhood Week Chairperson. This month sees new values added ta Great Britains range of definitive stamps. The 912p, 101/p and 11p values are making their debut in single colors of purple, yellow and rose respectively, printed by the photogravure process. The new trio is bound ta- arouse greatinterest, for the current range of British definitive stamps has won wide acclaim Win Festival Top Honors tst ist 'n -e- B. I-d 7s, c rs d if a t in .1- ýn [s for its elegant, simple design. n This series, Which, includes * denominations frnm 1/2p ta 1 * pound, features as portrait of y Queen Elizabeth II based on a ,r sculpture by Arnold Machin, y the denomination - and ,f nathing else. The design was e intraduced in 1967 and still d attracts admiration for its uacluttered appearance. t bas even been companed witb s the elegant Penny Black, the world's first adhesive postage stamp. A very happy birthday party was held on Feb. -l9th at Strathaven Nursing Home when Miss Florence Werry was honaured on bier 9th birthday. She enjayed remin- iscing with the many friends and relatives who called on bier. The second annual Ontario- Canada Convention and Meet- ing Guide lists more than 200 hotels, resonts, moton inns, universities and convention hall facilities throughaut the province wbicb cater ta the convention market. For assistance in site selection and a copy of the booklet, write: Miistry of Industry and Tourîsm, Convention Ser- >vices, 900 Bay Street, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 2E5, or telephone: (416) 965- 9991. Durham College Winter Carnival started an Monday morning with a dance mara- thon. Same 96 signed up for the marathon with the hope of winning a $50 cheque donated in their nami!-e ta the Muscular Dystrophy a.-nd Scienosis fund. Another ma-,.jor event is the yearly polar bear swim in frigid Lake Ontario. The winner will wiîn a fuil length beaverî'. fuý coat. A talent con- test will bce held for staff and students. Th'le Carnival Queen will be cr-owned at Pub night on Tuesday at the Polish Veteran's Hall. Other events include a scavenger. bunt, snowshoe basebaîl, a bed race, and a sock hop. On Monday, Feb. 16 the Bowmanville Jaycettes hosted a' visitation of their Central Region representative, Evelyn Kemeatti. Speaker for the evening was Mn. Smidstra of Van Belle Gar- dens wbo gave a mast informative talk on the cane of bouse plants. Project chair- man was Heather Moroz. NE WON ILLE Mrsj. Inez Boiughen and Mrs. Shirley Stapleton attended the Oshawa Pnesbytery's "Leadership Day," at Kings- view United Church, Oshawa, last Wednesday. Sympathy is expressed ta Mrs. Anna Hughes, of Port Hope, on the death of bier mother, Mrs. E. Sowden at Port Hope and District Hospit- al, last Tuesday. She was a valued member of the Wo- men's Institute here for many years. About the usual number of Senior Citizens attended the Tbursdayafternoon meeting in aur local school. As there was no special speaker, cards and games were enjoyed ending with' coffee and cookies. Miss Brenda Henderson was home from Waterloo Univers- ity on Fniday. The Sixty-fourth Wedding Aniversary of Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Stapleton was celebrat'ed by their famîly at Strathaven Nursing Home, Feb. 2lst. Congratulations! There were aine tables in1 play at the Card Party la Community Hall Friday even- ing, with these winners: Highi lady - Mrs. Dunlop, Low lady -1 Mrs. Fletcher, High man i Lanson Milîson, Low man- Alvin Yeo, 50 - 50 Draw - Mrs. Purcell.1 Newtonville Women's Insti- tute met at the home of Mrs.f exercises there was a bnief silence in memory of the late Mrs. E. Sowden whose death accurred la Port Hope eanlier in the week. Following reports, thank you notes were read, also an invitation ta attend a Food Forum ta be held at Maple Grave, March 18, 7:30 ta 9:30. Members were reminded of a D. A. Workshop which is being held at the school, March 27. Olive Henderson was appainted ta purchase a Tweedsmuir Book for aur In- stitute, and a new book, "A Place Called Solina" bas been placed la aur Newtonville Library and is recommended for reading. Posters are being made by schaol children for aur Card Party in Community Hall, March 19. ,The program opened with a reading by Mrs. Farrow, "Just A Minute," and Mrs. Jean O'Neill gave the Motta, "He who neyer makes a mistake, neyer makes any- thing." A paper on "A Canadian Industry of the Future" was read - "Securing Pratein from pracessing of Wood."' Hall caîl - "An article we, use everyday la aur home and where it is made," was well responded ta. Lunch was served by Mrs. Farrow and ber group ai the close of the meeting. March meeting will be beld ai the home of Mrs. Clinton Burley la Newcastle. Brownie News One new Brownie, Lori Sharpe was enrolled. Mrs.. McQuat enrolled bath Mrs. Baker' and Mrs. Kimbaîl as Tawny Owl and BonOwl. She then handed -oui service stars ta Leanne Elliott, Leslie Gardner, and Tammy Weatherup, 2 yrs. and Kanen Baker,, Laura Aldnidge, Cheryl Brown and Annette Harness, 1 year. The following reccived their Golden Bar: - Laura Aldridge, Vicki Kim-, hall, Karen Baker and Annette Harness. Girls receiving their Golden Ladder were: Leanne Elliott, Leslie Gardner, Tammy Weatherup. Eleven girls received Wniters' Badges: Laura Ald- ridge, Karen Baker, Vicki Kimbaîl and Sherry Mcînnes presented a Puppet Play, for wbich they received their Puppeteers' Badges. On Feb. 17, ist Newtonville Girl Guides invited lst Newt- onville Brawnie Pack toaa Bînthday Party, ta cammem- oaie Thinking Day (Lord Baden, Powell's Binthday). Many new games and sangs were introduced ta the Brown- les as well as an interesting stary of the life of Lord Baden Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hender- son of Oshawa were Saturday evening visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson. Rev. and MRs. Gardon Montgomery were guests at the "Father and Daughten" Brownie Annual Supper, Satu- urday, (Baden Powell Day) at Kendal. Variaus awards were presented. Miss Penny Webster was home from Peterborough and Miss Canal Henderson, from Kingston, aver the week-end. Mn. and Mrs. Melville Jones and Mn. and Mrs. Earl W 1alkey have annived safely la Austral- ia, after visiting Hawaii, enraute, and a phone caîl home confirmed the fact that all are well, and enjoying iieir holiday. Greeting aur congregatian at the church doan, Sunday, înorning and handing out Bulletins were Jean Kîmbaîl and Chanton Farrow., Rev. Montgamery's topic 'was "The Good Samaritan Rides Again," and impressed us particularly as he spake from a personal experience. ones, who naw go ta meet Barrie. Our grandson, Blaine Gilmer is a member of this team, hence aur special inter- est. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Pethick of En- niskil]en, whose 65th Wedding Anniversary will be observed on Tuesday, March 2nid. Letter To, Editor General Delivery, Bowmanville, Feb. 21, 1976. Dear Mr. James: In aur fair Town it is a matter of dîstaste ta have ta write a letter that may be considered "bad press" for the Town. However, be it known that the premises of The Young People's Amuse- ment Centre (if such it can be called) on Temperance St. between 'Beckers and St. John's Church, besides the accumulation of litter that is always present, bas, la the warst winter weather a de- plorable frontage causing a risk ta the safety of citizens having ýo pass its frantage. There is neyer any attempt ta clear the snaw away. When there is a thaw, the water lies there nearly a foot deep and Suppr the research and educpation programmes of your Ontario Heart Found- ation through a generous gift tthe Heart Fund Campaign. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 25, 1976 7 when. the temperature zooms down again, the glazed ice conditions are very dangerous ta the public, who have ta pass. this area ta reach the pre- mises of the church or on the way ta the arena. Is this not a fineable offence? In view of the sums of monev frittered away by the youngsters, who frequent this place, givn lg a profit ta the "ýpersan or persans respon- sible for this property"l, wouldn't il be reasonable ta expect that the area be cleared for safety's sake, at the expense of the owner or manager? Signed Concerned Citizen, TrELEPUONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario. LiC MN * * e VS,, Bow manvill Hasbeens SPONOREBY * ~ M~ owmanviîle Kinsmen F Frdaorch Sth, 1976 :Dar.linlgton Spimorts CentreI * Proceeds wiII be used.for * Community Servicei *Admissij on eee , e ,ee.$2.00 e@ch E Admission tickets good for draw for Gruen watch. I * Tcketsareava.ilablefromI * -Iooper's Jewellers- - Carlheqîe Pr-o}ta.rdw.,areà * McGregor I.D.A. Drugs Brock's- Service Centre Ltd. * and any Kinsmen Club Member a man wants to look and feel his best for his lady and McGregor Drug Store has al1 the groom ing fi aids that any manCOU Id want. McGregor Drug Store carry a complete Une of, top qualuty products by ...... *Yardley Black Label *OId Spice *Yu *Chanel for Men *Jade East *Hai Karate *Trouble Complete Line of Shaving Needs from Gil lette-Mennen-Pal molive 'A URNLOCLI... RG TR Kathleen and Julia Eyman Kathleen Eyman and Julia Eymani of Courtice took top honors in theduet category of the. Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto. The girls, scored 80 pointsý in the competition for the, under 18-year-olds. Julia placed second in the 15-years-old and under -With a score of 81 points. Kathleen and Julia are the d aughters of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Eyman. 'l ........... ................ ... ..M For further information 623-5857. A WELCOME AWAITS YOU.

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