AMUNDRUD - (nee Etcher) Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Etcher announce the birth of their second grandson, Cory Jon, 8 lbs. 2 oz., February 26th in Regina Saskatchewan. Brother for Trevor James - Grandson of Mr. and Mrs. C. Amundrud,, Regina, great grandson of Mrs. Paul Loge- man, Oshawa. 9 lx, BROWN - Pug and Jo-Anne (Carr) proudly announce the birth of their daughter Cyn- thia Ann on February 18, 1976 at Memorial Hosptal, Bow- manville. Cindy weighed 7 Ibs. 91/2 ozs. Many thanks to the matern ity- staff and very special thanks to Dr. Ewart and Dr. McKendry of Toronto Hospital for Sick Children. 9-1 LONGFIELD- Randy and Linda (nee Gray) proudly announce the safe arrivai of their first child, Katharine Dawne on Wednesday, Febru- ary 25, 1976. Grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Longfield, Brampton and Mr. and Mrs. James Gray, Janetville. Our special thanks to Dr. Inglis, Dr. McQuibbon, Ka y Nein and maternity staff of Peel Mem- orial Hospital, Brampton. 9-1 LUKE - Allan and Bonnie (nee Bishop) are happy to announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Jaime Lynne, 6 Ibs. 12 ozs., February 28, 1976, at the Oshawa Generalè Hospital. Proud grandparents for the first time are Mr. and Mrs. Art Bishop of Courtice, also Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke of Hampton for the seventh time. Great grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Oshawa andMrs. Margaret Bishop, Courtice. Everyane fine. 9-1 SI KMA -With thanks to God, Pier and Rose are happy to announce the birth of Chris- tine Yvonne, on February 23, 1976 at Memorial Hospital. A sister for Elaine, Valerie, Geoffrey and John. 91 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Valarie Aileen, to Anton Leonhard Miller, son of Mrs. MilIer and the late Anton Mil ler, Lindsa y. The marriage to take place May lst, 1976 at 2:30 p.m. in Eldad Churc-h Mr. and Mrs. Charles Car penter, Courtice announce the engagement of Cheryl Cather- ine to PhiIlip Ross son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome of Solina. Marriage to take place October 23rd at Courtice United Church. 91 x The famil y 0fMr. and Mrs. Ellsworth* Caswell Will hold Open House on, the occasion of their parents 50th Anniver- sary at the Oddfellows Hall, Orono, Saturday, March 6 from 2-5 p.m. Best wishes Women's Cllege Hospital, on Friday, February 20, 1976. Daughter of fthe I ate Samuel and Susan Bray of Enfield, sister of Frank H. Bray of Oshawa, Ontario. Friends were received at the Morley Bedford Funeral Chapel, 159 E g linton Ave, W. at Lascelles BPIvd. on Sunday. Private family service was held Mon- day afternoan. Cremnation. 9i KOENDERMAN - At R.R. 2, Newcastle, Thursday, Febru- ary a26th, 1976, JilI Diane Kil ptnck, aged 29 years, beloved wife of Leonard Koenderman, Jr., dear math- er of Cindy and Melanie, loving daughter of Harry and Zetta Kilpatrick, sister of Sharon (Mrs. lrv. Miller), Gail (Mrs. Barry Pedwell) and Mary Jane (Mrs. Tien Johnston). Rested at the Mrris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville. Service was held in Rehobath Christian Reformed Church Monday afternoon. Interment Groveside Ceme- ferv, Brooklin.. 9-1 KEARNEY --'In laving mem- ory of a dlear Mother, and Grandmother, Erica May, who passed away March 3, 1969. Sulent thoughts of fimes ta- gether, Hold memories thaf will last forever. - Sadly missed and ever remembered by Dan and Beverly and family. 9-lx BULLOCK, Ulmont M. - at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on, Monday, March lst, 1976.,Ulmont Bullock, Orono, Ont. in his 74th. year. Beloved husband of Mary Manuel, dear father of Jean (Mrs. H. A. Heard), Betty (Mrs. M. Colvin) and' Ruth (Mrs. N. Stacey), ail of Orono. Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono. Service was held Wednesday from Orono Unit- ed-Church at 3 p.m. Interment Lakefield Cemetery. 9-1 FRY, John Albert - At the Dr. 0. . Ruddy General Hosp al, Whitby, on Manday, Marci*1, 1976, John A. Fry, in his 79th year. Beloved hus- band of Elsie. Dear father of Mrs. J. Levett (Barbara) of Whitby, Edward of Pickering,. and Ralph of Bowmanville. Loving grandfather of Larry, Randy, Debbie Levett, Jer- emy and Janice Fry, Gardon, Graham, and Glenn Fry. Alsa great-grandfather of Laura Levett. Rested at the North- cutt Elliott Funeral Home, Bowmanville. Funeral service was held Wednesday affer- noon. Interment Bowmanvrlle Cemetery. Donations ta the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. 9-1 STAPLES - At Bowmanville Hospital, Sunday, February 29th, 1976, Muriel Penfound R.R. 1, Orana, aged 85 years, belaved wife of the late Melville Staples, dear mother of Don, Carol (Mrs. Glenn Wiggins) and Anna (Mrs. Alan Strike). Service was held in the Mrris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, Wednesday afternoon. Interment Bow- manville Cemetery. 9-1 TURNER - At Lakeland, Flarida, Friday, February 27th, 1976, Austin Turner, R. R. 2, Newcastle, aged 73 years, bel9ved husband of Audrey Cowan, dearý father of- Helen (Mrs. Bruce Norris), Willow- dlaie, brother of the late Leta (Mrs. Charles Osborne) and the late Clarence. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chaper, Bowmanville, Tues- day afternoon. Spring inter- ment Orono Cemetery. 9-1 CARNATION Fan Ail Yaur Flawer Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Fiower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 JACKMA . Say it 1 PHONE 623 162 King St. E., Bo EL -LIOTT - nr memory of George John Elliott who passed away February 28, 1966. As time unfolds another year Memories keep you ever near Sulent thaughts of times together Hold memories that will last forever. - Sadly missed by wife Margaret, daughters June, Georgina and Jackolyn. 19-lx FORREST - In lovin g mem- ory of my-son Stanley Forrest who passed away March- 4th, 197 4. We cannot say and we will not say That he is dead, just _gone away lt's not the words, they are but few Each f lower and leaf may wither Each evening sun may set But we will neyer farget yau, 'Till our lite on earth is gone. - Always remembered b y his mother Mrs. John Skin~ner, sisters Bevelrley, Edna, Wanda and brother Paul. 9-1 x WRIGHT - Ellen Mary _(Nellie) who passed away on March 7, 1975. Every day in some small way Memories of you come our way Though absent, you are ever near StilI missed, loved, always deëar. -Sadly missed by the family. 9-1 x FALLIS - In loving memlory of a dear dad Jim, who passed away March 6, 1969. We cannot have the old days back When we were ail together But secret tears and lovîng thoughts Will be with us forever, - SadI y missed and loving l remem bered by David, Ga i, Linda and son-in-law Jerry. 9-1 x FALLIS - In loving memory of a dear husband Jim, who passed away March 6, 1969. As time unfolds another year Memories keep you ever dear Si lent thoughts, fîmes together Hold memories that will Iast forever. SadI y missed and lovingly remem beredby wife Jean. 9-1 x ARMSTRONG I n loving memory of a dear father and arandfather, James Arm- strong, who passèd away March 2, 1975. He left us quiefly His thoughts unknown But left us the memory We are proud ta, own So treasure him Lord In your garden of rest For when on earth He was one of the best. - Sadly missed by Margaret and family. 9-1 ARMSTRONG, James - In loving memory of Pappy who passed awa y Mar. 2, 1975. As time unfolds just this one yea r Memories keep you ever dear Sulent thoughts, timestogether Hold memories that will last forever. -Sadly missed by the grandchildren and great grandchildren. 9-1 HONE - In Ioving memary of ff a dear husband and father Donald Hone wha passed away February 25, 1974. His smiling way and pleasant Since 1912 face, Are a pleasure ta recaîl; He had a kindiy word for each, Flowes Anddied beloved by ail, by Some day we hope ta, meet Some day we know not when. Ta claspMhI hand ln the better ýN .. land,. best! Nover ta part again. - Sadly missed and always remembered by wife Shirley 3-3365 and daughter Denise and sans, Dwmanville Leanard, Billy, and Tommy. 9-ix "F Iowers Say it Best" VAIN BEL LE DAILY Deliveryo.. Oshawa - Bmmanville Are& Phone 623-4441 43-hi Funeral Home Service ta, your needs. . our first concern. So that you wiII be relieved from worry and deta il1. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 Durham County's Oîdest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. HONE - In loving memory of a dear father and g randfather Donald Hone w ho passed away February 25, 1974. Gone,. dean fathen, gone, forever; How we miss your smiling face, But you left us ta remember. None on earfh can take your place, A happy home we once enjayed, How sweet the memory sf11, But death has left a loneliness The warld can neyer f11. -Forever loved and re- membered b y daughter Judy, son-ïn-law Dan and grand- daughter Jennifer. 9-1 x Our most sincere thanks ta ail who sent cards, flowens, and good wishes ta Jim while in Bawmanville and Oshawa hospitais. Grateful thanks ta the dactors and nurses on the th and 6fh floors of Oshawa Hospital, for thein wonderful care and kindness. Aiso thank you toaail those who helped with transportation. Kitty Newman and daughter Ruth.' 9-1 I would like tao convey my sincere thanks ta relatives, friends, neighbors for kind- ness shown me while my husband was in Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Mrs. Ernie Perfect (Aima) 9-1 x Thank you ta aur many friends and neighbors for cards and get well wishes. To Father Frank. Father R. Heffernaq~and Father Malane for their rhiasses and pra yers. To St. Joseph's Da nce Com- mittee for fruit basket for John while he was in haspital and since returning hame. Thanks alsa ta those wha visited hlm and ta Jessie, Mary, Judy and Sally for offers of transportation ta Toronto and ta aur great neighbor Belle for her many acts of kindness. God Bless al of you. The Rand family. 9-1 I would like ta say a sincere thank you ta my family and friends for flowers, gifts, cards and visits also Dr. Sylvester, nurses and staff an 3rd fîaor far the wonderful care I received during my recent stay in the Memorial Hospital. Arvilla Beckett 9-1 x I wish to express my sincere thanks ta m y friends and relatives for fîowers, cards, gifts and visifs while a patient in MemorialHospital. Special thanks ta Dr. Singal, Dr. Slemon, Dr. MikIos and Dr. Long and the nurses in- Intensive Careand on surgical service for their ýmarvel bus care. Thank yau ta those dear friends who have taken care of my house and sh'awn me so many personal acts of kind- ness. God bîess you ail. Evelyn Werry I wish ta thank my church friends and Pastor Felws for prayers. Also neighbors,- friends, relatives for flowers. Special thanks ta Dr. Spear and Anfossi, nurses and staff of 3rd floor while a patient in Memorial Hospital. lana Souch Spectal thanks Ia Dr. West- garth, nurses in emergency, pediatrics, for kindness shown me while in Memorial Hospi- taI, Bowmanville. Trina Kemp 9-1 Special thanks ta friends, relatives and Town of New- castle for flowers, cards and gifts received on aur 6th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Aldread 9-1 We would like ta thank aur friends and relatives who helped ta make aur 5th wedd ing anniversary a happy occasion. Your cards and visits were much enjayed, leaving us with many lasting m emories. Archie and Evelyn Whitmee 9-1 x I wish ta express my sincere thanks toaail m y friends, relatives and neig hbours f or their flowers, gifts, cards and visits. I 1also would like ta thank my brother'Cecil and Norm Stinson who helped ta look after the party and dance celebrating my 78th birthday, leaving me many happy memories which I will neyer farget. 9-1iX Rase Barrington I would like ta thank my famiiy, relaives, friends, neighbars and Material Con- trai G.M. for flowers, fruit, cards, visits and phone calis while in Memorial Hospital and since coming home. A special thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundie and nurses on surgical floor. Cliff Mackîin 9-1 x My sincere thanks ta rela- tives, friends, neighbors- for cards, inquiries and, visits while in Oshawa Hospital. Special thanks ta Dr. M. Pockey, M. J. Kestie, nurses and staff, f iffh flbar, G Wing and also the mixed major bowling lbague. Ernie Perfect 9-1 x Knights of Columbus ST. PATRICK'S BALL Saturday, March,20 9 P.M. St. Joseph's Hall Liberty Street South $10.00 couple Lunch will be served. Music by "The Sapphires" For Tickets:- ,S. Chisholm - 623-5196 Ri ck Sa ntomero - 623-4526 Tony Horstman . 623-3720 9-1 Afternoon bingo, Wednes- day, March 10. 1 p.m. 20 regular games - Share the Wealfh - J ac kpot $100 Browns- dale Cammunity Centre, Golf Course Rd., east of Newcastle. 9-1 Euchre Party, Newtonville Hall on Friday, March Sth at 8:15 p.m. Ladies bring lunch. Evenybýody welcome. 9-1 Dance, Newfonville Hall,ý Saturday, March l3th. $2.00 per persan. Everybody wel- came. 9-2 Ceramic classes. , Nw ssio in March. Register now for day and evening classes., Hurry before we are full. Phone 579-3682. .9-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel Newcastle Country Expression FRIDAY- SATURDAY March 5- 6 Dancing 9-1 9-1 Rememfber, World Day of Prayer! Friday, March 5, at .Sf. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Services af 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Speaker: Mrs., Helen Batten. 8-2 Courtice Musical Jamboree and evening of toe tapping music, Courtice United Church, Friday, March l2th, 8 o1clock. Everyone- welcome. Tickefs at door. 9-1 Fifth Annual Community Fair, Saturday, March 13, 1976 at 2 p.m. in Bowmanville High School. There wiIl be a tea roomn and aver 25 booths. 9-2 Club Aninrene Dance and Banquet Hall available, for your graup's fund raising activities. Book y ur next year's dates now w i le choice dates are still available. Contact Dan Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. 148-tf MID-WINTER DANCE Saturday, March 6 8:30 p.m, - 1a.m. NEWCASTLE TOWN HALL Admission 56.00 per couple. Sponsored by the Durham East N.D.P. Lunch served. Ev'eryone Welcome Tickets a? the door. K CANADIAN CANCER SOC IETY Monthîy Meeting Mon., Mar. 8, 1976 8:00 P. M. Comm ittee Room, Old Town Hall Temperance St., Bawmanville 9-1 DANCE St. Joseph's Hall Sat., Mar. 6 Ted Koss and-the Cavaliars Admission 54.00 per couple. 9-1 Newcastle Recreation Department Orono Cou ntry Jamboree Orono Youth Centre Town Hall Sun., Mar. 7th, 2: 00 p. m. Aduits - 51.25 Children .50c 9-1 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY -7:30 P.M. Spansored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHAWA 50-ff WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf CASSEROLE LUNCHEON Wed., Mar. 17, 1 lP. m. Tninity United Church Speaker: Mrs. Joyce McLean Irish Music Tickets, U.C.W. Members $3.25 each lst,2nid, &3rdl MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT AND SOLD. Compare our rates before you negotiate. 579-1259 7-4 Credifors and others having dlaimns against the estate cf J9HN WESLEY JAMES CAMERON, who died at Oshawa, Januany 6, 1976, are requested ta send particulars of such dlaimns ta the under- sig ned, solicitors fan the Ad ministratnix with WiII Annexed, on or before the 2th day of March, 1976, affer which date the Estate will be distribufed having regard only ta dlaimns that have been neceived. MARKS AND Mc NEELEY Barris'ters, etc., 17 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario. A a Umm* ANN BRADLEY Permanent Haîr Removal 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX 44-tf Swimminng Pool Sa c rif ice Lead4'ng Manufacturer and distributar has above ground aluminum pools left aven from 1975 season, 1/ price, guaran- teed installation and terms. Caîl Credit Manager, coîlect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 5-tf SPY and Deliclous apples. Ray's Orchards 263-8430., 8-2 COLD STORLGE APPLES Mac Intosh, Deliciaus and Spy SFrank Hiemstra R.R. 1, Enniskillen 263-2260 1971 MOTO Ski 399cc, $350. and a double snawmobile trailer $65. Phone 987-4650. 9-1 CAR PET, rug. table with two chairs. $10. each. Phone 623-9134. 9-1 ,91 WO Turrow plaugfl and triple - K 6 ft. cultivafar. $400 for bath. Phone 263-2573. 9-1 1972 TRAVELINER, 18 foot travel trailer, sieeps six, three burner stove, aven, twa-way fridge, furnace, washroam excellent condition. Asking $3,400. Phane 623-2372 affer 5 p.m. -9-1 THREE point hitch 9 foot cultivator with narrow teefh, 3 point hitch 3 furrow plough, 14 inch botfoms, both in new condition. Phone Welcomne 753-2272. 9-1ix THREE bush cord, wiilow wood $35.00 bush cord, 1/2 cord dry hard wood for fireplace $40. Phone 263-2786. 9-2 1WHEAT straw for sale. Caîl -Weicome 753-2424. 9-1 SEED GRAIN Oats and Barley WESLEY YELLOWLEES 263-2023 9-2 APPLES for sale. Joe's Or- chard, east of Bowmanville, 114 mile north of No. 2 Hwy. an Line 3. 623-2017. Open seven davs a week. 86 TEAK Wood, Scandinavian Danish, bedraomr, camplete; dininoraarom. 9 piece; living raam; wall unit; brand new, ftjrniture, very reasanable. Phone 1-247-4377. 4-tf WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, V HF Aerials, Rofors& Repairs Apartmenf & Homes Pne-Wired Ask Abouf Our Guarantee Phone r 576-5606 Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Sftreet Norfth Phone 623-5939 A saiesmnan in Darlington Township. PADDY'S Market naw hasý new furniture, appliances,ý T.V.'s and stereos and ais6 used furniture and appliancesi Wîll1 accept trade-ins. Paddy'ýl Market, Hampton, phone 263: 2241. 33-tf 'USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market,' Hampton 263-2241.- 26-tf O.SHAW A SCREENED SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PROOLICTS AIL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS &PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & OIRT FILI DELIEREDOR EMOVEO TRUJCKS, & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. FREE' Venereal Disease CIlinîc in Oshawa Tuesdays and Thursdays S4:30 p.m. Telephone 723-8521 C. C. Stewart, M. D., D. P.H. Medical Officeraof Health <Don'? Warry - Be Sure! 9-2 EAR PI1ERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Regular Prîce $12.00 NOW $10.00 withstuds Special 10 per cent reduct ion on f irst purchase of earnings wif h the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appoint ment 45-tf mgU1 Due fa unfortunate circum- stances the Durham East Red Cross Dinner and Dance scheduled for March 6th has been cancelled. 9-1 à VIKING Pîumbing and Heat- ing, don't wait for Spring!1 Caîl now for f ree estimates, fast, dependlable 24 hr. service. Caîl Hampton 263-2981. 7-3 G RAI N fed beef sides, 90 cents a lb. Leland Payne, Newton- ville, phone 786-2512. 44-tf HAY $1.00 bale and sides of beef cut and wrapped, 90 cents l b. Phone 263-2519.' 9-1 US E D piano, best offer. Phone 728-1675. 3-tf TIMOTHY hay, $1.25 per bale. Phono 1-786-2636. 9-1 HAY. Phone 263-8841. O.M.C. SNOW Blawen, 1like new, high chair, baby walker, baby feeding seat, crib and mattress. P hone 623-7342, affter 5 p. m. BE DROOM furniture, 9 draw- 2er dresser and mirror, 4 -drawer hi g hboy and King size 1-heàdboa rd $400. Phone 623- /7324. -9-1 WICKER racking chair, wick- er fern stand, drop-leaf desk, chests of drawers, dining room table, dressers, okbd vacuum cleaner, china cabin-, et, davenport, chesterfields, table model rangette, space saver, highcars, woaden playpen, baby arniage. Towne Used Furnifure, 19 Temperance St., Bowman- ville. 9-1 HI-BACK, three seater, wing chesterfield, newly uphoîster- ed in avacado g reen carduray. Excellent conditian. 263-2501. 9-1 COMPR ESSORS, generatars, electnic motars, grinders, drill presses, heavy, duty power tools, etc. Saws sharpened. We seli, buy and trade. Open Saturdays. Ace Machinery, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 46-tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most ant-I. que dlocks, pocket watches~ and modern watches and, dlocks. Our repairs are done wit' modern up-ta-date equipmenl and qualified Swiss traine1i watchmater, HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf Wharfside Marine Supplies Ail your canvas needs- custom boat and salI covers, sun awnings, boat cushions, upholstery and seat recover- ing, tarps and repairs. e23-6551 MARGWILL Fur Farm re- quires someone ta work in slaughter house and drive truck. Phone 263-2721. 9-1 SALES PEOPLE Canvassing in the Durham -Ref.ion, -Advertising supplied. Cal 579-5070 WOULD you like a business of your own? Begin at home, ful or part-time, ideai for husband and wife teams. Cal 623-2171 for appaintment. 9-2 SECRETARY for local real estate office, approximately 30 hou~rs a week, typing essential. Phone 623-7594. 9-1 WE require Manager1 for drive-in dairy retail1 store. No previaus experience neces- sary. Phone (416) 623-2951. 9-1 School Bus Drivers Part Time We require drivers fromn the areas of Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whitby and Scarbor- ough for school runs and charter work. No experience necessary. Full training by qualified instructors. Cost of training and license paid by the Company. For interview cail: CHARTE RWAYS CO. LTD. 248 Simpson Ave. Bowmanvllle 723-7171 or 623 -3811 9-1 CONT RACTORS General contractors- re- qurdin Durham Region. ooeS, pavers, plumbers, general etc. Must be inde- pendent busnesses. Ca Il 579-5070 9-tf HOUSEKEEPER for elderly g entlemnan. Central, live-in, un galow. Phone 623-3727. - 9-2 CLEANING lady, one day a week. Waverîey Road area. Phone 623-7472. , > . PART-TI M E salesperson wanted ta represent Markhamn area equipment dealer, indlu- ding Gravel y tractors, Stihl chain saws, On an generators. Phon)e 1-416-294-1407. 7-3x Càýýfé Sal 1972 VEGA Sports GI, new GM engine, fancy GT opt ions, eIectric defogger,,new tires, plates, gold with strIpes, Ilow mileage. WiIl certify. Phone 623-5427. 9-1 1970 OLDS Delta Roya le, 2 door hardtop, gaod condition. $1000 firm. Phone 623-2265. 9-1 1970 CHEVELLE, 350, four speed. Will certify. Phone 623-4862. 9-1 1968 PLYMOUTH, pawer steering, power brakes, 4 door sedan, new transmission and muffler, runs weil. Phone 1-983-9564. 9-1 '68 CHEVROLET four door price very reasonable. Cali 623-5345 anytime. 9-1 1974 CH EV. 1/2 ton, custom deluxe, like new, 12,900 miles, 350 automatic, power steering, radio, rally wheels plus many more options. Certified. Bestý off er. Phone 1-986-4730. 9-1 '70 G.T.O. 400 Cubic Inch, 4 speed, radial tires, factory mags. Ziebanted. Excellent original condition. Phone 623- 7748. 9-1 '65 PO'NTIAC Parisienne, 4 door sedan, good condition. $250'00 as is or best offer. Phone 623-7359. 9-1 X '71 VOLKSWACiEN, Super Beetie, good condition, 4,6,M0 miles. $1500. Phono 987-4267. 9.-1 ONE Garagé Bumper Jack., Lost in Middle Road Area. Reward. Phono 623-2843. 9-1 tf YOUNG man, 21, desires board and lodging for sum- mer, owns dog, cou ntry place preferred. C ail Tony 786-2215 affor 6:30 p.m. 9-ix RIDE from Bowmanviîle ta Oshawa near Oshawa Centre for office hours 9and 5:30. Cal 623-2181 evenings. FREE removal of fresh, dead or disabled large animais. There will be a--$5 charge on small calves and pigs. Cal Margwili Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721. 46-tf APT. -l1or 2bedroom or smaîî house, Bowmanville area. Phone 623-2173. 9-Ix 10-50 ACRES'0f horse pasture and hay land. Cali 723-2768 evenlngsonly. 9-1 URGENTLY REQUIRED!! We hav/e cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanvilie area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'l.l be pieased fa appraise if for yau- and help yau locafe the "home of your dreamrs'-. For friendly efficient sale of yaur home, cail P. & R. Realty Company, Reaifar, Bennett Rd. and Na. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ville 576-6120. 17-tf SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY DRUM LESSONS Ail Private Instruction by> FuIIy Qualified Drummer!, CONTACT: PERCUSSION IST and DRUMMER 623-6407 owmanville, March 3 197 DEADLINE 'R CLASSIFIE, ies., 12 nooný, GERMAN Shepherd black and tan puppies, 7 weeks old, dewormed, shots, sired by an English import, CKC register- eci, ArnOrican-Canadian dam. Phone 263-8179. 8-2x PUREBRED Dalmatian pup- p les, red and white. Also one fema le, two-years-old, excel- lent disostion. AIl suitable for Ch! rn $25. each. Phone 263-2091. 8-2 REGISTERED Chihuahu-a puppies. 7 weeks aid. Top. quai ity. Smali breed. Phone 1-983-9257. 8-2 Stabes EQU ESTR IAN -TRAINING CE14TRE. LARGE INDOOÇ ARMA~ BOAýRDING instruction in Equitation Jumping Dressage Schooling of Hunters& Jumpers Hutiters & Jumpers Bought & SoId AR 3 BOWMANVILLE6237336 SMALL sngravel and excavating business, conisi-sts of 1:- 1973 Int. single axle dump truck, like new; 1 - JD350 crawler loader, needs somne work; 1 - 530 Case loader and backhoe, good; 1 trailer for above equ p ment, good; 1 transit, goad. Will seil togeth- er or separately. Phone 705- 277-2183. 9-1 PART-TIME salesperson wanted ta represent Ma rkha m area e quipment dealer, in- cluding Gravely tractors, Stihi chain saws, Onan generators. Phone 1-416-294-1407. 7-3 Dr. Keith Billett's office will be closed fromn February 25th to March lOth inclusive., 8-2 ATTENTION Ail sing le, separated, divarced or unaWttathed adults. A super new club forming, offering a dance -every Saturday night.- Weekend bus and air trips once every month. Formed solely for the enloyment of single persons. We own aur own dance hall'and travel agency. Membership $5.00 Yearly For Information Caîl 725-4344 1