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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1976, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville,-March 3, 1976 FOR CLASSUFIED Tues., 12 noon, Um- Ae ~townhouse BARN and 8 acres'at Orono. - ideal-fo-r faàmil-y li1ving, "ocated on a quiet court in Bowman- ville. Close to schools, $275 a month. Available immediate- ly. Caîl Marylin Simpson 623-3393 Bowmanville or Tor- onto 923-9174. W. Frank Real Estate, Realtor. 9-2 HORS E barn with 12 box stalis for rent and approximately '40 acres of land to be operated by one person only. F or further information caîl 623-2921. 9-1, BOWMANVILLE - 2 bed- room a partment, heat, hydro, Cable TV, fridge ahd stove included. $240 per mont h. No pers. Available now. Tele- phone 623-4697.1 9-1 W ri t e-38 Blithf iel-d Ave,, Willowdale, Ontario or phone 225-6140. 9-1 PURT Hope, three bedroom house, appliances, fireplace, garage, vacant, $260. mnonthl y. 1-266-7945 Scarborough. 9-1 BOWMANVILLE, three bed- room house, full broadloom, appliances, vacant, $300. monthly. 1-266-7945 Scarbor- ough. 9-1 BOWMANVILLE -2 bedr oom, apartment, elevator, heat, hyro, fridge and stove in- cded. Central downtown location. $250 per mnonth. No children or pets. Available n.ow- Telephone 723-0575. ONE bedroom apartment, available April ist, aduits onl1y. Phone 623-7574. 9-1 FIVE room semi-detached house with veranda and porch on large lot on Centre St. $210 monthly includes heat. Avail- able imýmediately. No pets. References required. Phone. 623-4292. 9-1 Furnisfled Bedrooms bY monfh, week or day, shower and bath, icenced premises, reasonable rates. -CASTLE MOTEL Bowmanville 623-7072 .s.. *.. ... CUSTOM upholstering, recov- ering, re-styling, very reason- able, work guaranteed, 20 years experience. Free est! mates. Please caîl collec 1-986-5072. 26-tf Bill's GLASS 'and, MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., BoWmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 - Sheet and Float Glass Soaled Units - St-rm Windows Store Froints - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 17 tf WATE R Wells bored, 30" ti le. Ward's Well Boring. Tele. phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 1 16-tf WVILL baDysït in my nlome one pre-schooler. Liberty-Conces- sion area. $25 . a week. Phone 623-4834. 8-2 Newcastle Sa lvage Drag Lining,' -yard and1/ yard. Arrange, now for summfer ponds. We buy cars for wrecking, we will place roll- off boxes for salvageable -metal. 987-4741 J. A. HAYES (SMOKEY) Custom Cutting 12 Cents Lb. FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phone 579-8011 or 623-7056 6-8 Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refriqeration - MiIk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774, Nights .............623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf Peter Sutherlana Aluminum Prod. .Sidinq-Soffit- Facer Eavestrough - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate 45-ff PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 705 -277-2261 29-tf KG; RE'NOVATIONS Rec. Roornis. Kitchens, Etc. 623-6056 50-tf Wm. G.*Terhune CARPE NTRY Renovations - Rec. Rooms Phone 623-3575 9-3f r 71 9E JACK BURGESS OIL BIRNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plum1bing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cati1623-2641 - 33-tf DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanvill, 26-t' DARLINGTON MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf D.Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repail-s of a Il types. ,PHONE 623-2263 20-tf NSULATION, blowing nethod with rock wool, work. rans'hip civaranteed. SeýaI d'aire, InsuIntlon, phone 705 742-0272. RepresentativE -larry L. Wade, phone 987-4531.-43-tf ALL TYPE Painting; Roofing, Drywall Taping, Sprayed Stucco Ceilings, and general repairs. FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-5038 9-4 RON'S FLOOR GARE Includes Homes, Offices, Etc. Rug and Carpet and Upholstery Shampooing Wall Washing CAL L Ron Tu rcotte at 623-7966 C&CJANITOIR SERVICE Carpet - Uphoiste Prof essionalliv Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVI LLE Fuller Brush Products Contact Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 A salesman in Darlington Township. Income Tax Returns - Bookkeeping Services Office Overload - Qualifîed Accountant $5.00 AND UP At your off ice or youfr home. FREIN'S 19 Division St., Oshawa Specializing in Farm and Business Taxes Bowmanville: W.S. Witherspoon 623-3449 Mr. Atkinson 623-3449 ?ry Wednesdaarh1 10: 30 a .m. Holsteins Dairy Equipment Farm Machinery Complete Farm Auction for the estate of the late Carl Down, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. From Hwy. 401 take Exit 73 (Courtice), take South Service Rd. 1/ mile west - then south to farm. 70 Hoîsteins. 40 reoistered, 30 N.l.P. grades. This is a well established herd for 35 years and has been -on test for over 20 years. 40 Mil k cows, 10 bred heifers, balance open heifers and calves. These are big cows - several fresh and many due August to October. Herd will be classi- fied beforesale. E.B.I. Sires. Delaval 2800 lb. bulk tank, SS milk pails, SS sinks, Surge milker- 3 units Vacuum mie' for 38 cows. Ford 5000 tractor with cab - like new, only 500 hours; M-H 30 tractor; N-H 268 baler with thrower; 2 hay wagons with thrower racks; J.D. 7' H aner(1 year), Fahr Centiped oay rake; N-H 5 bar side rake; N-H hay elevator; New Idea condit ion- er; Hyçireine 3 furrow plow; N-H manure spreader; Beatty silo unloader 16'; Case ham- mer miii; wagon loads, etc. Sale wilI startp romptly with smali goods andmachinery P,- 10:30 a.m. Dairy Equi pment 12:30. Cattle at 1 p.m. Eb'qne- zer U.C.W. will serve lunch. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Mauiager an d Auctioneer, Uxbri dge (416) 852-3524.7- Friday, March Sth sellin at Lindsay Commiunity Skale Barn, 32 head of Charola is and Hereford Cattle. The property of Tighclach Farms (CP Roney and Sons), R.R. 4, Almonte, Ont, il Charolais and Hereford, mature cows bred Simmental to Milord. 9 Charolais and Hereford cows - 2 bred Simmental f0 Milord. 6 open heifers, Hereford, Charo- lais and Simmental. Purebred Charolais Bull 1/2 French born 'Aug. 1973. Purebred Charolais Bull 1/2 French born June 1975. 2 Bulîs - 1 yr. old. Hereford, Charolais and Simmental 2 Grade Hereford and Charolais Bulîs - July 1974 - May 1975. A good selection of cattie worth your attention.ý Carl Hickson, Auctioneer. 9-1 Thursday, March 11, 1 p.m. Hoisteins - Guernseys, Hay - Pipeline, Auction Sale of milking herd and dairy equipment for Donald Shier, Cannington, Lot 5, Con. 12, Brock Twp. - 5 miles west of Cannington or 1 mile east of Wilfrid. 40 milk cows. 20 Holstein cows, 18 Guernsey cows; 2 Brown Swiss X. Cows are young with qood udders. Several fresh - 5 due at sale time, including a fine regist- ered cow by Seiling Rockman (Ex). Surge pipelinemle automafic wash,3 units; 225" S.*S. pipe stallcocks for 39 head ; S.S. sinks; 2800 lb. Craft Bulk Tank; 2000 bales good mixed hay. 'Sale at 1 p.m. Wilfrid U .C.W. will serve lunch. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbri dge (416) 852-3524. 9-1 Auction sale, prîvate estate, property of Mr. W. Bakker, 1443 Old Forest Hill Road, R.R. 1, Pickering. To be held at Stirtevants Auction Hall, 27 Hall Street, Oshawa, Thurs- day, March 4th at 6 :00 p. m. Wesfinghouse refrigerator <good condition), Elecfric stove, Zenith 25" color console TV, Schaub Lorenz record player and radio, chesterfield suite, coffee and end tables, box spring and mattress, chest of drawers, . dresser, chrome suite, vacuuin cleaner with attachments, o>ccasional chair, large size piano (in perfect condition), round dîn- ing room table, six piece Chippendale bedroom suite (4 poster bed, chest oný chest, dresser, mafching mirror, 2 night tables), 9 piece mahog- any bedroom suite, 5 piece bedroom suite, cradie tele- phone, hand carved cuckoo dlock, china cabinet, vanity and stool, large quantify of books, garden tools, antique buffet, electrîc sander, elect- ric trimmer, hedýge clippers, dining room table and six chairs. This is a large sale. Plan to attend. Terms cash. Estate in care of Public Trustee, Toronto. Myles King, auctioneer, 725-5751. 9-1 Auction Sale at Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydlon, one mile east of Enniskillen on Saturday evening March 6. Furniture and t hings, lawn mower (new last year), small deep freeze, fridge, 24" stove, chesterfield (2 piece), old rocker (re-caned), lots more. Sale at 7 p.m. Cliff Pethîck auctio'neerý. 9--1 sawI~' 137- King St. E., Bowmanville 623-7694 - 623-7661 REALTOR ASKING $39,500. for this 3 bedroom bungalow, good family home, large lot, separ- ate dining room. ASKING ONLY $39,000. for this 2 bedrooni home in Millbrook, a creek runs throu gh the property, one and two-th irds acres of land, phone now. VACANT LAND, asking $13,500. for 2/4 acres of high and dry land, located in Cavan Township. 9-1 RESULTS COUNT! Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & District Real Estate Board tf s -S O B CHILD'S tricycle and wagon. Phone 623-5654. 9-1 3-f USED Furniture' and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, - Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf CASH for gold, silver, coins, quns, dl9c, s, jewellry, dishes, furniture, crocks, paintings, sealers, appliances. Friendly h Flea Market, 23 King ýWest, 725-9783. 38 tf 1-tf Oshawa 579-8241 9-7 ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups - Brakes - Etc.) AIlý work done by Licensed Class "A" Mechanic At your home or place of business. Ail parts and labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-50'45 Bowma nvi lie A TRACTOR powered post hole digger. 623-4669. 9-2 GOOD used furniture, baby furniture, dishes, pla ypens, rockers, strollers. P hne Towne Used Furniture,ý 623- 4481 Bowmanville, for instant cash and service. 9-5 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Moiorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence -623-7 12 45 tf Rutter Granite Company- Limited ANNUA L WINTER DISCOUNT, We respectfully wish f0 announce a SPECIAL REDUCTION on ail cemetery Memorials and Markers ordered and paid for between now and April lst for Spring erection. This offer is made annually. We have an excellent selection of domestic and foreign granites in many colors and designs fromn which to choose your Monument or Marker. If We can be of service to you in any way, please do not hesitate to visit our indoor display at 73 Ontaria Street, Port Hope, or telephone us at 885-5216. 234 ing St. E., Bowmanvilie 623-3393 Direct Toronto LUne 923-9174 Newcastle Area Close to Golf Course. Lovely 3 bedroom white aluminum bungalow. 100x 200 ft. lot. Full basement, excellent view. Asking,$49,900. Caîl Bill Tur- ansky. Orono - 9 Per Cent Mortgage 2 year old 4 bedroom bunga- low, 2 4-piece baths. Large lot 78 x 105. Pri1ced to sei11 $49,900. CaliBill Grady. 25 Acres, Sream, View 2 road frontages, good soil, breathtakin g view f or miles. Hope Towns hip. Price $49,000. Caîl Christa Winterhelt. Stream on 9.2 Acres Plus 4 bedroom 11/2 storey home. Some bush,, mostly clear land. Small barn for horses or cattle. 20 miles from Oshawa. Asking $67,500. Cal Bud 'Virtue. Hobby Farm - Orono 3 acres with 3 bedroom brick home, large barn, good gard- en soil, fenced. Excellent for horses or cattle. Asking, $52,000. Caîl Charlie Reid. Oshawa - East Near 7th Day Adventist Church, schools, shopping etc. 3 bedroom, family home, attached garage. 60 x 200 lot. $49,900. Terms. Caîl EIfie Jost. Income Property.- Bowmanvi le 2 storey, 3 apartment brick home. Deep lot, central loca-- tion, priced at $79,800. Terms. Caîl Phyllis McRobbie Bowmanville - 8¾/ Per Cent 35 year mortgage existing on this 3 bedroo m sý,mi ho me. Asking $42,900. Cîli Ken Brown. Super Semi-Bowmanville 4 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, attach- ed garage. $44,900. Check and compare values. Caîl Kay Brown. Bowmanville - Central 2 storey, older brick home, large lot, immac'ulate condi- tion, 4 bedrooms, 2, baths, lovely oak sfaircase. Asking $66,500. Terrm& .Cail Tony KI omrpma ker. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equippedto handle Your home needs anywhere in Ca nada a nd U. S. A. SCoast to Coast Real Estate Service 9-1 REALTORS AL ETATE LMTM~ 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC MT 623-4428 $33,900. - Lovely 4 bedroom older 11/2 storey home in the town of Bethany. Extra large ivingroom and kitchen . Two glassed-in sunporches. Gar- age. In good condition. BowmanviIIe Semi - '4 bed- rooms, 2 baths, diningroom, attached garage. Picturesque view f rom, 158 ft. deep lot. $47,500. $3,000. Down - to buy older two 2 bedroom semis side by side in central Bowmanville. Good rentai property. Commercial Property - 58 ft. frontage for $75,000. on King St. E. Presently used for income property. REA1TQR. 623-250.3 FIVE BEDROOM HOME Completely carpeted, family room with tireplace and patio doors.ý Lots of cupboard s in spacious kitchen, knotty pine finished rec room. 2 car garage with sundeck. Close to school and shopping. Orono. $85,000. 74 ACRE FARM With nursery shrubs and pear orchard. 4 bedroom home, larg ne implement shed wit lot. Cal lfo see. $125,000. 4 BEDROOM HOME With separate dining room. 2 - 4 pce. bathrooms and finished rec room. Good size lot with garden. $57,900. ORONO Ranch styie bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, extra large living room and dining area. Kitchen with breakfast nook. This is a dlean well kept home with attached double garage. Lot 130' x 126'. $59,900. Heurt Fund, Receives $ 100 Donation Peter Kowa I Jr., Real Estate& Insurance Lt. i2 King St, W., Bowmanviiie Telephone 623-2453 REALTOR $35,90u 3 bedroom semi in excellent condition real close to shop- ping. Has been recently de- corated. Asking $10,000. down, and balance on private mort- gage at il perý cent. $44,500 4 bedroom 11/2 storey frame home on large lot close to school. Has separate dining room. 2 porches. OiH heating. Good value here. Caîl for appointment today. $68,000 Blackstock area. Large 8 room home with repair garage and former gasolîne outlet on 3/ acre lot. Application can be made to re-instaîl gas pumps and go into business. Idealfor a working family. Requires $25,000. down. $58,900 Newcastle village 'rancher with inqround swimmina Pool on large lot with nice view. Has fireplace, rec. room, dining room and 4th bedroom in basement. Excellent value. Terms arranged. $44,900 Taunton Rd. W. Oshawa. Cozy 2 bedroomn frame bungalow on, large lot. Has partially finish- ed rec. room and paved drive. Ter ms. After hours: Sam Annis J. Barton P. Kowa1 J r. 623-7664 623-3098 623-5868 9-1 A cheque in the amount of $100 was presente/d to the Heart Fund Friday, receipts from a benefit hockey game between the staff and students of M.J. Hobbs Senior Public school. Receiving the cheque from Student Council President Steve Bienkowski is Mrs. Hobbs, a heart fund representative. A e a Pat Marerrison 623-4115 Ken Nicks' 623-4050 Dollie Davey 786-2256 { Newtonviîîe) LIBERTY STREET Immaculate, split-leve], double garage, paved drive, 2 fireplaces, extra large lot, $67,900. CO Q NTRY BUNGALOW Nea t, 2 bedroom trame house on 1/2 acre lot, 2 car garage and workshop. Ideal retire- ment or starter, home, $39,900. full price. O'DELL STREET Neat three bedroom brick bungalow in good residential area. Close to downtown. Recently decorated. Good starter or retirement home. Onl1y $44,900. TYRONE VILLAGE One bedroom bungalow, large lot with heated workshop. Ideal for hobby shop, furniture refinishin~,ni eec 9-1 BOWMAN VILLE Very central, completely ren- ovated legal duplex with 2 & 3 bedrooms, aluminum' siding. Asking $59,900. BOWMAN VILLE Lovely custom brick tri-level, 3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, family room with fireplace & patio doors to the inground pool area. Nicely landscaped and fenced lot, asking $65,500. BOWMANVI LLE Completely' renovated 11/2 storey brick home, 3 bed- rooms, 11/2 baths, 2 fireplaces, Rec. room, workshop and patio. Very central, asking $64,900. CHEMONG LAKE 3 bedroom brick bungalow on large well landscaped lot with 100 foot water frontage. Rec. room has fireplace and walk- out to the lovely terraced! beach area and dock. Ample storage for sports equipment, asking $66,000. ESSON LAKE Well treed lot 100 x 200 with sprinq and small cabin. Excel- len t fishing, asking $11,500. 9-1 $4,00 0 down, two year old semi-detached, 4 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, garage, prîced for quick sale. Caîl 623-6127- 7-tf PRIVATE, 3-4 bedroom bun- galow, fireplace, sp acious din- ing room, double garage, paved drive, hedged and fenced yard. Phone 723-9732. 9-_1 PRIVATE - Simpson Ave., ,h-nmaculate, 2 year old, four bedroom detached, new appli- ances, 9 per cent mortgage. $56,900. Phone 1-292-2168. 6-4 Samuel Annis Peter Kowal Jr., President of Peter Kowal Jr. Real Estate 8 Insurance Ltd., Realtor is C lased to welcome "Sam" to is sales staff. Mr. Annis brings with him several years' of sales experience in real estate and will be looking forward to be of service to you. Servîng people îs, what we do best Irwin Sargent & Lowes Limitedi Realior Millbrook 932-2132 Custom . B-ujit by Marianna eeopet -1975 PRICES -PRICED FROM $44,900.00 fo $48,.900.00 TRADE-INS CONSIDERED, - 1W DOWIN PAYMENTS AND TAXES - QUIET VILLAGE WITH MAN'Y AMENITIE'S- 35 MINUTES TO, OSHAWA - WILL ALSO BUIL.D TO SUIT' YOUR PLANS - FOLLOW> THE MAP TO OBITUARY MISS HETTIE IItENm IBAY Miss Bray, the eldest of the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bray of East Whitby, Ont. was born June 27, 1887. Her life was involved in musical activities and she was frequently chosen as soprano soloîst in 't he-' Enfield and surrounding areas during hier younger days and for many years she was a member of The Mendelssohn Choir, To- ronto. She also sang in the choir of St. Paul's Avenue Rd. United Church of which she was a member and active in the U.C.W. of that church. Miss Bray was on the staff of the Ontario Registry of Nurses until retiremnent. She and ber cousin, the late Miss Olive Luke made their home together for m ore than 40 years until Miss Bray, met witb an accident in 1972 since wbich time had been in the care of the Ina Grafton Gage Home and- latterly Central Park Lodge, Thorneliff, To- .ne died Feb. 20, 1976 at Women's College Hospital in her 9th year'and is survived by her brother Frank H. of Columbus, Ont., bis wife Mary and grandchildren ýMary, Catby and David, ber late brother George's dauglflers, Mrs. George Young of Sarnia, Qnt., and Mrs. Lorne Heffel- finger, Toronto, and ber late brother Norman's family - Robert N. Bray of Richmond B.C. and Mrs. M.C.B. Smith of London, Ont. The funeral was held on Monday, Feb. 23 at the Morley S. Bedford Funeral Home, Toronto. The Rev. George H. Young of Sarnia led in a private family memorial service previousto cremation. Interment in Eldad cemetery, Solina, Ont, will be made at a later date. later date. Reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. Caîl your Ontario Heart Foundation for THREE bedroor FINE QUALITY MONUMENTSAND MARK ERS STAFFORD BRS.LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas SI. E. - Whitby Phone Whifby 668-3552

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