6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. March 3, 1976 6.4 Finalisfs in Lions Public Speakinq Contest e eA ra* * I WV R 7 IRIS and JACKIE (Direct from Ireland) FRIDAY and SATURDAY Mairch 5th aind 6th atthe FORUM Restaurant Hwy. 115 2 Miles North of Hwy. 401 PHONE 987-4226 N EWCAST LE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE in the historic Crea m of Ba rley MiI1I on Simpson Avenue, in Bowmanville presents IN MARCH Watercolour painting Teacher: Janet McGhee starting March 9 10 weeks Tuesdays 7-00 -9:00 p.fl. Fee -$25.00 for details phone Jaro Rimes a? 623-7548 Silkscreen Weekend Teacher: John Lander Mardi 12, 13 &14 Fee -$20.00 for de'a ils phone Suzanne Cook a? 623-2788 Soapstone Sculpture Teacher: Frances Moore March 24 - May 26 10 weeks Wednesdays 7:00 -9:00 p.m. Fee -$25.00 IN APRIL Monoprinting Teacher: Joan Dean for details phone Jean de Blois a? 623-2196 Children's Art (7 - 10 yrs aid) Teacher: Mary Doezema for details phone June Stephens a? 623-3724 Pottery Teacher: Mary Doezema for details phone Suzanne Cook a? 623-2788 IN M'AY Art Auction - May 1 IN JUNE, JULY &AUGUST The Newcastle Ga me for details on above and membership information please write: VIULARTS CENTRE -BOX 52 Bowmanville, Ontario Looking confident and relaxed beforethe Bowmanville Lions Club Public Speaking Contest final on Monday, February 23rd, these participants await dinner and a chance to show their oratoricai prowess. From left to right they are, Starr Ferrili, Susan Hart, Nancy Rietmuiier, Les Bell, Susan Pleasance, Shelley Bail and Gale Heard. Ail of the contestants spoke well in both prepared speeches and impromptus with Shelley Bail emerging as the girls' winner and Les Bell winning the boys' category. Even though Les was, the only maie in the competition he gave an excellent presentation en the C.N. Tower, and both he and Shelley shouild do weil at the Lions District A-3 final on March 13th. The winners received $10 prizes and each of the other five speakers were awarded $5. -Photo by Liz Armstrong Sportsme.n Support Naturalists On Presen% At a meeting held Tuesday, February l7th, the Oshawa, and District Sportsmen's' Association and representa- tives from a number of other sportsmen and conservation clubs in the city heard an address by Mr. Jim Richards, Conservation Chairman of the Oshawa Naturalists club, on the subject of the preservation of the Oshawa 2nd Marsh. During the meeting the Sportsmen piedged their co- operation and support to the Naturalists in this cause whic h is of'-great concernr to both groups. At the conclusion of the meeting the following state- ment was issued by the Oshawa and District Sports- men's Association and the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters have been in the forefront of the figlit to preserve the 2nd Marsh as a wildlife sanctuary and 'inter- pretive centre for the use of the publié, When the first announcement was made in 1967 regarding the expanding of Harbour facilities into the 2nd Marsh, the Sportsmen and -Naturalists joined forces to fight the proposai and have been accused by the Oshawa Harbour Commission and City Councîl of, being against progress. and the economic welfare of the city."1 The Sportsmen:and Natural- ists again point out, as they have always stated, that - "We are not opposed to Harbour deveiopment as such, but we are definitely opposed to the 2nd Marsh as the site for expansion should such expan- sion occur." Our stand in this matter bias not changed fromn 1967, in fact our concern and frustration reached a higli point two years ago, when,, in spite of promises from the Oshawa Harbour Commission that we would be aliowed access to the Marsh until such times as an officiai and accepted proposai was made regarding the outcome, we were suddenly denied al use of the Marsh. S.HOULD MY CHILO TAKE PIANO? Yes. Few things s0 enrich life as understanding aid appreciating music. Piano time, it encourages the development of a weI-rounded personality; and it promotes concentration, alertness and * ~~~poise. _____ ___ WHAT' THE BEST AGE TO START? Anyone can start at ai- most any age, but it is ideal when pinlessons and scol begin at the same tlime, since the two com- plement one an- other and one benefits the other. WILL MY CHILD PRACTICE?, Practice prob- lems diminish with thîs attitude: practice is play- ing, and playing is fun. Parental ex- pressions of plea- sure encourage practice. An' ap-' preciative audi- ence during prac- tice acts like a ton ic. Hiammo -ndOrgan Studios, 16 Simcoe St. North at King St. Oshawa Phone 7817 ving Oshawa Marsh The officiai Durham Region or more years and1 Plan favours the expansion move invoiving hanb and, improvement of present struction in the 2n( harbour facilities as the most should be the last res feasible and economnic di- considered. rection to take for the foresee- In view of this we able future as far ahead as 20 access to, the- Marshs that any our con- id Marsh sort to be feel that should be RESTA URANT MON DAY -THU RS DAY. 6 a.m. - 12 p.m.* ý FR IDAY &SATU-RDAY 6 a.m. - 1 a.m. SUN DAY 7 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. Serving _Delicious Chinese Food Ta ke-Out Orders A Specialty Free Delivery in Bowmanville on Ail Orders of $6.00 or More Full Course Meals in a Home-Like Atmnosphere. 9 King St. W. s 623-5412 KIN - KINSMEN FSUPERBIG '~ ,~* PETEItBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE 7.;su p. m. F riday, March 5 in Prize Money 4 EARLY BIRDS 20 REGULAR GAMES - $50. Each Three $150 Games Rinsmen Arena Game $300 Pot of GolId $1,000 Special $800 In 55 Numbers $100 Per Line or Less or $300 $0 ulCr Consolation Win $2,5010 Jackpot if won in 52 numbers $1500 Must Go $100 Free Lap Card Game SavPrie $,000 (CLIP AND SAVE) SAV E restored immediately to the Naturalists and Sportsmen for the educational and conserva- tion programns and that the current veil of uncertainty surrounding the Marsh be removed by making public the Status of this important wet- land as it stands at this time. We will continue to support the preservation of the 2nd Marsh until such time as officiai environmiental, eco- nomic and related studies prove, beyond a doubt, that harbour expansion is nec- essary in the Marsh. We stiil contend that the alternate plan for harbour expansion presented by the conservationists in 1967 is viable and lias neyer been given due consîderation by the Harbour Commission. We also contend that the, preservation of the Mý,arsh as a prim e breeding and staging area for water-fowl, etc. as wçIl as an educational centre for stu- dents and the public, would be of immeasurable benefit to the community and province. C a bleCast Listings, Programs, Wednesday, March 3rd to Tuesday, Mardi 9th-1976 Cablecast 6, Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville and Brooklin. Wednesday, Mardi 3 2:30 Whîtby Chamber of Commerce Presents: Norm Cafik. 3:'30 Cancer Month Pro- motional Programs 4:30 Soleil, with the Frenchi Canadian Club of Oshawa 5:00 Durham Report 5:30 Counterpoint 6: 00 Evening Report 6:30 That's Magic, with Local Magicians 7: 00 Whitby Then and Now 7:30 Education Scene, with George Pearce 8:00 Hotline to Heaven 8:3 '0 The 3R's, Topic "O.E.C.T.A. Spotlight" 9:ý00 Rescue, with the 7th Day Adventists 9:30 Sign Off Thursday, March 4 2:30 Rockburne Movers Pee- Wee Mll-Stars Highlights of the Hockey Tournament held at Amhurst, New York 2:30 Shalomn 3:ý30 Daytime 4:30 Whitby Then and Now 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Pre-School Fun 6:00 Whitby Report, with Blake Purdy 1 6:15 Sports, with Dave Stew- art 6:30 Performance 7:00 Rescue 7:30 Cancer Month Pro- motional Programi 8: 00,Soleil 8:30 Teacher's Prof essional Development Day Activities 11:00 Sign Off Friday, Mardi 5 1: 00 Rockrune Movers Pee- Wee Al-Stars, 3:00 Journey to Adventure 4:00 What Does the Bible Say? 4:30 Music and the Spoken word 5:00 Vita Italiana 6:00 That's Magic 6:30 The 3R's 7:00 Sign Off Sunday, Mardi 7 il1:00 Shalom, for the Jewish Community 12:00 Music and the Spoken Word, Mormon Tabernacle Choir, 12,30 Church Today, with a Catholic Viewpoint 1:00 Hotline to Heaven, with the Ritson Road Alliance Church 1:30 St. Andrew's Churcli Service 2:30 What Does the Bible' Say?, with Bob and Ron Kirkiand 3:00 Sign O 'ff Monday, March 8 3:30 Pre-sehool Fuun, with Sue Paton and Pauline Baxter 4: 00 Shalom 5: 00 Daytime, for the Ladies 6: 00 Evening Report 6:30 University Women's Club Presents: Local Area Guests 7:00 Counterpoint, with a Christian Viewpoint 7:30 Teacher's Prof essional Development Day 8:00 Whitby Council Meeting Coverage Tuesday, March 9 2:00 Whitby Council Meeting Highlights 5:00 Daytime 6:00 Evening Report, 6:30 Vita Italiana, with Ercole Foresta' 7:30 Durham Report, with Bruce McArthur and Jack Gearin 8:00 Performance, music with Larry Chupa 8:30 Whitby Then dnd Now, with Brian Winter and Jim Quail 9:00 Hotiine to Heaven, with a variety of guests 9:30 Stephen Lewis Speaks Out: 10:30 Sign Off Pinewood Derby' The top boys from the 12: different cub packs in the, West Durham District return- ed to Orono on February 7th to, race their recently made cars in the annual Pinewood Derby run-offs. The winners are as follows: SPEED - lst Brent Kinghorn, Car No. 81, Hillcrest Heights, Cub1 Pack , 2nd - Goridon Hardy, Car No. 8, lst Orono Cub Pack, 3rd - Gregory Watson, Car. No. 164, 3rd Bowmanville Cub Pack, 4th - Rodney Gibbis, Car No. 247, lst Hampton Cub Pack, sth-- Scott Vanson, Car No.' 163, 3rd Bowmanville Cub Pack, 6th - Timmy Kirkton, Car No. 145, 3rd Bowmanville Cub Pack.* DESIGN - lst - James Westgarth, Car No 165, 3rd ,Bowmanville Cub Pack, 2nd - Vincent Bisschop, Car No. 134, 3rd Bowma -nville Cub Pack, 3rd - Mark Sargent, Car No. 33, lst Orono Cub Pack, 4th - Hjalmer Bradenburg, Car No. 220, lst Pontypool, sth - Lee Quinney, Car No. 97, lst Maple Grove, 6th - Drew McOuat, Car No. 261, lst Newtonville. LEADERS RACE Speed Winners -lst - Andy Van Hemmen Car No. 20, lst Maple Grove, 2nd - Pat Gardner, Car No. 42, lst Newtonviile, 3rd - Randy Gibbs, Car No. 42, lst Newton- ville, 3rd - Randy Gibbs Car No. 41, lst Hampton, 4th - Lorraine Filiatrault, Car No. 28, 3rd Bowmanville, sth - Eric Mitchell, Car No. 17, Hillcrest Heiglits, 6th - Debbie Car- michael, Car No. 18, Hillcrest Heiglits. DESIGN WINNERS - lst - Emma Bragg, Car No. 27, 3rd Bowmanvi île, 2nd - Gail Pooler, Car No. 6, lst Orono, 3rd - Wayne Umphrey, Car No. 49, lst Newtonville, 4th - Steve Barchard, Car No. 22, lst Maple Grove, sth - Betty Charland, Car No. 1, lst Orono, 6th - Lloyd Jamieson, Car No. 16, Hillcrest Heighits. LEADERS BACKW AR RACE - lst - Jenny Coombs, Car No. 24, lst Janetville, 2nd - Mary Lou Stephenson, Car No. 23, lst Janetville, 3ëd - Kevin Anderson, Car No. 46, sth Bowmanville, 4th - Karen MacKay, Car No. 9, lst Enniskillen, 5th - Ken Page, Car No. 47, lst Newtonviile, 6th - Marilyn Carrison, Car No. 3, lst Orono. A special. thanks to all the boys and leaders who partici- pated or helped in any way to make the race, a successful one. WITH WINTARIO - WE AIL WIN rSUPpER DANCING Sat., lMairch 6th, 1976 to the Dick Valleau- Quartet featu ring BOB HIL L, Vocalist MENU SPECIAL BEEF STROGANOFF includes soup du jour, relish C L select ion, bread basket,«6 potato, vegetable $ Plus Tax SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER MENU SPECIAL BEEF STROGANOFF includes soup du jour,reHih selection, bread basket, 1potato, vegetable $4 CHILDREN'S SPECIAL FEATURE DUTCHMAN BURGER French Fries, Ice Cream, Beverage .5 -I With Added Special Surprise Àm5 Haurs: Dining Room 5:00 p.m. ta 10:00p.m. THmE PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS 623-33 73 ILM01-R INN Liberty St. South at 401 b5owmanviîle m Bowmanville Pet Shop 623-2921, Mode I Aircrafts, Boats and Accessories plus R.C. 34 King St. W. Bowmaonville LOW 1 LOWI PRICES I We Do Dog Grooming Plus Tax moyzaismlumu--m 1