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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1976, p. 13

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[sWmlImt' R@s1MUsI BESSO - John and Barb are pleased ta announce the arri- vai oftheir first chiid Adam Thomas, 6 Ibs. 91/2 OZS. on Saturday, March 13, '1976 at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Manv thanks ta the Obs. staff and Drs. Siemon and Sylvester. 11-1l BROWN - Clive and Sharon are pieased ta announce the birth of their son Timothy James on March 12, 1976 at Hinton, Aberta. Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. H. (Bob) Brown, Bawnlanville and Mr. and Mrs. G. Ferguson of Hinton; Alberta. il lx DARRACH - Paula is pieased ta announce the birth of her baby brother Jeffrey William Colin on March il, 1976 weighing 8 lbs. 53/4 ozs. Mother and fatherare April and Joe of 'Newcastle. Grand- parernts are Mrs. G. Darrach, roquais, Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. William Couch, Sr., Newcastle. Mahy thanks ta Dr. Miklos and nurses an maternity at Memoriai Hospi- tai1, Bawmanville. 11-1 MacARTHUR - Pat and Don are pieased ta announce the birth of their second son, Duncan Brock, on March 10, 1976; a brother for Leigh. Thanks are extended ta Drs. Westgarth and J. Rundie and the maternity staff of Mem- anial Hospitai, Bowmanviile. li-ix PENNEY- Mr. and Mrs. -David Penney (jan Webster) announce the arrivai of their son Matthew Alexander, 7 lbs, 12 ozs. on Sunday, March 14, 1976, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mother and baby daing well. 11-1 SOUCH - Dwayne and Jodie would like ta annaunce the arrivaI of their sister, Heather Ann on March 14 at Oshawa Generai Hospital, weighing 7 lb. 6 oz. Proud parents are Alvin and Trudy (nee May- nard). Proud -grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ken May nard and Mr. and.Mrs. Harold Souch. 1ilx Mr. and Mrs. Jerold C. Kean, 1140 Fisher Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, wish ta annaunce the engagement of their daug hter' Brenda Elaine ta Peter F rancis the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Grady of Oshawa, Ontario. Wedding ta take place at Trinity United Church in Bowmanville on June 5th, 1976. Howard and Pauline Payne of R. R. 3, Newcastle, an- nounce the farthcaming arriage of their eldest da u ghte r Sandra Elizabeth ta Brilan Davi d, son of Desmond and Constance Elgar of West Vancouver, British Columbia. The wedding will take place April 21st, 1976 at St. David's United, Church, Taylor Way, West Vancouver. 11lx Mr. and Mrs. Walter Piers- ma of R.R. 2, Newcastle, are happy ta announce the forth- caming marriage of their daughter Evelyn Rose ta Mr. Dick Zandstra, son ofMrs. D. Zandstra and the late Mr. D. Zandstra of Trenton, Ontaria. The weddi ng wi11 ta ke place i n Maranatha Chr. Ref. Church of Bowmanville on Safurday, April 10, 1976 at 3: 00 p.m . 1l RUNDLE - At Memorial Haspital, Bowmanville, Tues- day, March 16fh, 1976, Cyril L. Rundie, Bowmanville, dear brother of Aura <Mrs. Albert His), Bowmanville, and Darathy <Mrs. J. Dumantel le), Suidburv, oredeceased by a g l - - HUGHES - In memony of a ioving father and gnandfathen, Albent- Hujghes, who passed away M anch 24, 1949. Dea ren stili as the years depant, He lives foneven, in aur heants. - Ever nemembened by daughfen Rilda 'and grand- chiidren, Lois and Albert. 11-1 GARROD - ln laving mem- anr of aur dean mother, Mns. Jon n arrod (Daisy) who p assed away Manch 19, 1971. haugh absent you are very near, 1 Stili ioved, stili missed and very dean. - Aiways in aur thaughts, the Garrod family. 11-lx KILGANNON - In ioving memarv of aur lovina rmothn Mary and father David (Mont), In aur heants youn memony li nqers Sweefiy, tender, fond andi true, There's nat a day, Mom and Dad That we don't thînk of yau. - Sadiy misseci by daughtens,' Lonetto, Anne,. son-in-law George and family. 11-1 KEHOE- At Southaven Nursing Home, Newcastle, Tuesday, March l6th, 1976, William Kehoe, aged 82 years, ~husband of the late Elizabeth Kehoe, dean father of Wil liam, Doris, Frances, Elsie and Jack. Resting at the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville. Service and committal on Thursday at 10:30 a.m., at Holy Cross Cemeteny, Thorn- hili. 11-1 NIVINS - At'Memonial Hos- pitai, Bowmanville, Sunday, Manch l4th, 1976, Reta Ben- nett Nivins, aged 72 years, wife of the late Harvey N ivins, dean sisten of Wes Bennett and the late Florence French. Service and committal were held in the Marris Funenal Chapel, Bowmanville, Tues- day afternoan. Spning inter- ment McKee Cemeteny, Bel- waod. 11-1 WERRY, Wilbent. At Port Penny Communîty Hospital on Tuesday, March 16, 1976. WilbertWeriny in his 86th'year* beloved husband of B elle, Hankness, dear father of Neil also survived by thnee grand- childnen and one great grand- child. Restin g at McDenmott Panabaken unenal Home, 'Pont Penny. Service at 2 p. Manch 18. lnterrnent Jnian Cemetery, Cadmus. .11-1 CA RNATION For Ail Your Flowen Needs STOP IN AND SEE DUR WEEKENIJ THEY'RE HAR[ Carnation FIa' 33 Divisioi 623-714 JACKMAI .. .say it t We wish ta thank relatives, friends, and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, cards and beautiful f lowers, also donations ta the Ontario Assoc. for the Mentally Re- tarded and Ongwanadla Hospi- tai, Kingston during the loss of au secial littie son, Michael. Special thanks ta Rev. B. Long,; for his comforting words Barlow Funerai Home, the Orono Tyke Teamn and the Staff of Roast Beef Family Restaurant. Fred, Pat, B!i1ly and Rodney Storsbergen li-ix The family of the late Austin Turner wish ta express their sincere appreciation for ail the kindness and thaughtfui- ness shown during aur recent bereavement. The floral tri- butes and donations ta the Heart Fund were greatly appreciated. A special thanks ta Rev. Smith for his comfort- ing words, ta Marris Funerai Chapel for their thoughtful assistance and ta Newcastle U.C.W. for lunch served following the funeral. Audrey Turner Bruce and Helen Norris 11-1 1 would like ta say a sincere thank you ta my famiiy and friends for fiowers, cards, and visits also ta Doctors Milis, Prchal, Rowsell, nurses and staff on 6th floor for the wonderful care i received during my recent stay in Oshawa Genefal Hospitali. >Elsie Beckett i1lx 1 wish ta thank my family, friends and neighbors, Cana- dian Legion, for visits, cards and fruit, also Dr. John Rundie, .Dr. Long and nurses on first floor. Garnet Mutton 1i-ix 1 would like ta thank my friends, neighbors and rela- tives for the flowers and cards received duringmy stay in Memorial Hospital. Special thanks ta Drs. McKenzie, Sing ai and Doctor also nurses an staff of the third floor. Yvonne Hoy li-ix We, the sisters and brothens and familles of fhe late Ray Degeer wish ta extend aur deepest thanks to friends, relatives and neîghbours for their- cards, flowers and sympafhy. A special1 thanks ta aur chore men and for transportation and ta fhe ladies af Club 21 for the iovely lunch. The Degeer Famiiy i1lx The Durham Easf (fonmerly Bowmanville and Dist.) Bnanch of the Canadian Red Cross Society wish ta thank all thase wha supponted s0 weii thein baoth at the Community Fair. Togethen we make good things happen. 11-1 We wouid like ta express aur sincere thanks ta aur family, relatives and fiends for their cards, giffs and best wishes which made aur 5th anni- vensary such a memonable occasion. Ellsworth and Hlda Caswell il-lx )SPECIALS We wouid like to express aur D TO BEAT heartfeit thanks and appreci- ifer Shop atian ta relatives, neig hbons n St and friends for thernany tf' cards, fiowers and donations ta the heant fond, in the loss of My dean husband and grand- father Fnederick C. Cameron. Since 1912 Special thanks to the palîbean- ens, Rev. F. Paul Erb, ladies of Zion U.C.W., Marris Fun- eral Chapel and the Ambu- FîowerS lance drivers for their kind- ness. Also the friends who by dnove me ta hospital f0 visit Fred sa many times since my eye operatian. Thank you. N ilossie Cameron, PHON E 623-3365 162 King St. E., Bowmanviîle 45-tf ~ "F lowers Say if Best" VAN BELLE DAILY Deliveryto ... Ohawa - Bawmanvîlel Aret Phone 623-4441 43-tf Y-2Otb GUtC eLLott Funerai Homne Service t0 your needs . . . our f irst- concern. So that you wiIi be relieved from worry and detail. 53 DIVISION STREET,'BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 Durham County's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night -Serving this district for 96 years. li-ix LEGION Hard Time Dance March 20, 1976 8:30-1 ,. $5.00Oa couple ALL PEOPLE WELCOME. March Break .atthe Librany Mon., Mar. 22 2 p.m. - Chiidnen's Films Thurs., March 25 2 p.m. - Dog Obedience Demonstration Sat., March 27 -10: 30 a.m. Story Hour 1: 30 p.m. - Chiidren's Mavies. ALL EVENTS FREE'. ALI WELCOME. BowmanviIIe Public Libnary 62 Temperance SI., Phone 623-7322 Sat., March 20th- ST. PATRICK'S DINNER AND DANCE, 'Main Deck Dining Lounge. Music bv John McKenzie. Reservations a ppreciated. Sat., Ma rch 27th GRAFITTI DANCE,> Music by Mn. D.J. Sun., March 28th TEEN DANCE 7 -11 p.m. Music by Mn. D.J. NO BAR EVERYBODY WELCOME. $1.00 Per Persan 1l-1 Euchre and Crokinole Party s ponsored by Enniskiiien, Youth Graup af Cammunify Hall, March 20, 8 p.m. Pnizes. Lunch. Aduifs - 75c, chiidren under,,12 - 25c. 10-2 Dance at Kendal Orange Hall, Saturday, March 2th, sponsored by the Orange Lodge. Music by Couples Club Orcihestra. Everybody wei- came. 10-2 The annuai meeting of the Town of Newcastle Social Planning Council wiil be heid on Thursday, March 18 af 8 p.m.,in the Caunicil Chambers, Police Building, Bowmanville. Mrs. Mary Bniffain wili des- cribe the aperation of "Big Sisters". Ail weicome. 10-2 Old time hoedown, Biack- stock Town Hall, %arch 2Oth. Everybady weicome. il-1 Knights of Columbus ST. PATRICK'S BALL Saturday, March 20 9 p.m. St. Jaseph's Hall Liberty Street Sougth $10.00 couple Lunch wil11 be servedi. Music by "The Sapphires" For Tickets: S. Chisholm - 623-5196 Rick Santomeno - 623-4526 Tony Horstman - 623-3720 10-2x Newcastle Recreation Fig- ure Skating Club Aninuai Carnival - March 27 at 7 p.m.; March 28 at 2 p.m., Newcastle Memoriai Arena. Themes Circus in Newcastle; Music Thru the Years! Guest skaters - Vern Taylor (Jr. Men's 1976 Cdn, Champion); Andrea Derby, Stan Tisnavsky (East Cdn. Novice Bronze Medal Winners). Admission: Aduits - $1.25; Children (Under 12) - 50c, Pre-School Free. 11-2 St. John's Mantha Group, "Spring Rummage Sale". Thursday, March 25th tram 2-9 p.m. and Friday, March 26th from 9-il a.m. Tea and cookies. Il -2x The Dunham East Bnanch of THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETYOPEN HOUSE 'Volunteer Awards . Nightf Wed., Mar. 31, 1976 MEMORIAL PARK 8 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME 11-2 There wili be a general meeting of the Northumber- land Durham- Liberai Associa- tion ta elect delegates ta the annuai meeting of the Libenal Party in Ontario. Meeting wiil be held March 3lst, 1976 at 8 ~ m. at the Public Libra'ry, 62 emperance St., Bowman- ville.- 11-1 Garage Sale' Saturday, March 2Oth -hi a.m. tas5 p.m. Articles such as: 4 matching antique wooden chairs, riding lawnmower, original ail paint- ing sypewiter, etc. Take Li brty St. North ta Third Street. Turn West on Third and take the first dniveway on the South side - 3rd house in - or cal 1623-3958. 11-1 BOWMANVILLE UNIT 0F THE CANCER SOCIETY invites you t aa DAFFODIL TEA at the home of Mns. E.D. Kubbard, 162 Wellington St., Bowmanvi île. Wed., April 7th, 1976 2-4 p.m. EVFDVflMF WELCOMEA Jack & MI Club SPAGHETTI SUPPER April 10, 1976 5:00p.m. -630p.m. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH HALL Advanc e Tickets Only -$3.00 aduits $1.00 childnen under 12 years. AI l you Can eat! For tickets cal: 623-5045 or 623-5483 Club Annrene Dance ak Banquet Hall available fa, yaur graup's fond raising activities. Boak yaur next year,'s dates naw while choice dates are stili availabie. Contact Dan Armstrong at 576-5522 on 576-6599. 48-tt Bowmanvilie Liberai Association DANCE Centenniai Hall, Queen St.> Bowmanville Ma rch 20, 1976 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. TICKETS $6.00 COUPLE For funthen information contact: Maniene Jarvis 623-2904 Sherry Hay 623-7114 10-2 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY -7:30 PM. Spansared by Oshawa Minor Soft bali JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HAWA 50-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA, 21 -tf Auction & Bake Sale April1 3rd 11:00 a.m, at MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHU RCH Anyone with donations for auctian, please phone, 623-4153 - 623-2813 - 623-7623 af ter 4: 30. CHARLIE REID AU CT ION EER ANTIQUE bed complie~ wifh mattressand spring . One used Viking Range, 24", in excel- lent condition. $90 each or best offer. Phorte 62-3-4084. i1lx STRAW for sale. Phone 263-8841. 11-1 FLOOR polisher, $15, General Eiectric. Phone 623-4674. li-ix ANTIQUE rosewaod dresser, racking chairs, iibrary table, platfonm rocker, necliner, arrowback chair, chester- fields, baby cannia ge, crib, table iamps, aiso Cther good used furniture. Towne Used Furniture, 19'Temperance St., Bowmanville. 11-1 SWIMMING pool for sale: Moving - will seil yau 16 x 32 above ground Modular Red- wood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000. Savings of $2100. 1975 model, cail 416-625-2719, days or evenings, coiiect. il-tf FRESH SMELT NOW AVAILABLE AT Port Hope Fisheries 119 Miii Street Telephone 885-4832 10-4 SNOWMOBILES for sale. Save on new Yamaha 's, sev- erai models f0 choose from. Alsa somne gaod used ones. Vernon Asseistine 986-4437, sauth of Blacksfack on 57. 10-3 STRAW fan sale. Phone 263- 2174. 10-2 LAWSON chair i good condi- tion. Vaniaus -house plants. Phone 623-2420. 11-1 APPROXIMATELY 150 bales ggood oat stnaw, 75c per bale. Phone 987-4865. 11-1 FILM PRÔCESSING CHILDREN'S E Cameras nd Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W, Bowmanville 623-2404 10-10 STRAW - 90 large odies, 085 cents a bale. H. Metcalf, 623-5742. 11-1 CULL apples for livestock or cider making, 50 cents bushel. W. T. Cox, narth of B.T-S. Bqwmanville. 1- AQUARISTS. Visit the Tropi- cal Fish Circie for fish, plants and" accessaries. Hampton 263-8838. 11-1 500 BALES of good qualify hay, no rain. Millbrook area 1-705-932-2887. 11-1 FURNTUREand antiques, the praperties of Mrs. Fl or- ence Harper, Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Gibson ta be auctioned at Prince Albert Hall, March 27th at 1:00 p.m. Auctianeer Murray Jackson 1-985-2459. SWIMMING Pool: Deluxe, Redwood, above g round pool. 16 x 24. 1 yr. aid. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. Caill Mr. Harvey, callect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. il-tf RANGE TTE - heavy duty-24- (3 years aid), excellent work- ing condition. Race Car Set - Strombecher - 2 cars' - 4 chassis - ail track etc. - goad working order. Buffet and Hutch. TV. - black and white console - 24" screen - good working order. Kitchen chrome set - table and 4 chairs. 2 single beds- box spring and mattresses- suit- able for cottage (no head boards). Calil 987-4084. 11-1 SWIMMING Pool less than one year aid. Fanfa Sea abave ground redwood 16 x 24, cast $4,500. MAust seli immediately, wili sacrifice - savings of $2,000. Cail Fanta Sea Service Centre at 1-41,6-625-8817 days or evenings cal iect. 114_f TWO Volvo wheels complete with Goodyear CR-7815 radiai tires, excellent condition $35. Phone 705-277-2480 Bethany. 11-1 ONE used truck cap, $100. Phone 987-5194. 11-1 MIXED gnain. Excellent quaiity by bag or truck ioad. Phone 786-2247. 11-1 USED piano fan sale. Besf offer. Phone 728-1675. il-tf Swimming Pool Sacrifice Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground aluminum pools left aven fnom 1975 season, 1/2 price, guanan- teed installation, and terms. Caîl Credit Manager, coilect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days an evenings. 5 tf Fuller Brush Products, Contact Clarence Bell 137 Liberty St reet North Phane 623-5939 A saiesman in Dariingfon Township. SAVE maney! Yea rs of exper- lence and excellent workman- ship at $10.00 per hour on Vikiriff Plumbing and Heating saves you money and "your satisfaction" is my guarantee ta the future. Cail taday fan f ree estimates 263-2981. 10-4 APPLES for sale-. Joe's Or- chard, east of Bowmanvi lie, 1/4 mile north of No. 2 Hwy. on Line 3. 623-2017. Open seven days a week. 8-6x DOG &CAT SPECIAL Purina New Dog Meal 1 - 50 lb. Bag -$10.75 10 -50,lb. Bags -$99.00 Purina Cat Chow 4 kg. Bag - $3.74 each 10 kg. Bag - $8.46 each Offer good during March or until stocks Iast. VANSTONE FLOUR &FEED MILL 623-5777 OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL SPL r- SCREENEO SAND il-3 GRAVEL & STONE - LIMESTONE PRODUCIS AiL. SîZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS 0~ TOPSOIL & DIRI FILL t~., DELIVERFD OR REMOV[D TRUCKS IL LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 10-3 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAV 2. HiiiHwA7Y2i- COLD STORAGE APPLES Macilntosh, Delicious and Spy Frank Hiemstra R.R. 1, EnniskiIlen 263-2260 SPY and deiicious appies. Good quaiity, first and second grade. Aiso 100 baies of good horse hay. Roy Orchards 263- 8430. 10-2 PADDY'S Market now ha% new furniture, appliancesý T.V.'s and stereas and alsq used funniture and appiiances Wiii accepf trade-ins. Paddy'%I Market, Hampton, phone 2631 2241. 33-ff' USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26ff US ED piano, best of fer. Phone 728-1675. 3-tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAI.RED- Parts availabie for most anti- que dlocks, pocket watches and modern wafches and dlocks. Our nepairs are done wiff modern up-to-date equipment, and qualified Swiss trained watchmater.' HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf! TEAKWOOD, Scandin. Danish, bedroom, coml dining room, .9 piece; roam; waII unit, cotTee T. new furniture, very rE able. Phone 1-247-4377. WH ITE'S T.V. TOW ER! Towers, U HF, Aerials, Rotor! Repairs Apartment &Hoc Pre-Wired Ask About Ou Guarantee Phon COMPRESSORS, generê eiectric matons, gninders, presses, heavy duty p tools, etc. Saws sharpene( seil, buy and trade.1 Satundays. Ace Machii 859A Nelson St., Oshi Phone 723-0933. DOUBLE Skidoo Tra iler, steel. Moffat nafural or pane gas dryer. Equipri for hook-up included. P 987-4974 Newcastle after6 G RAI N fed beef sides, 90 cents a lb. Leland Payne, Newton- ville, phone 786-2512. 44-ff F RE E removai of f resh, dead or disabled large animais. There wili be a $5 charge an smali caives -and pigs. Cail Margwili Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721. '46-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX 44-tf' EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jeweliers Ltd. Regular Pnice $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special1 10 per cent reduction on f irst purchase of earrings ~,with fhe.release fonm. Phone 623-5747 1For Appointment r-iUî ît-he 4i Concession on Liberty St.,-'bowling shaes in bag. Phone 263-8485. ROOM and Board available. Pnivate entrance, lange raom. relephone 623-6246. 11lx OJpen inery, iawa. 46-tf ail pro- mient lhone 6. 0-2x Norman R. irvine Ceresdaie Fentilizers Ltd., are pieased to announce the appointment of Norman R. Invine fa the position of Manager of their Ferfilizer Plant and Farmn Suppiy Centre iocated at Newcastle, Ontario. Norm 'has cansider- able experience, having heid variaus posi tions in the Fer- filizer lndusfry throughout Ontaria in the past twenfy years. 11-1 iavian,W J l iing ramîes, 'eason- William (Bill) DeMille 10-f f Ceresdale Fertilizens Lt., are pieased ta announce the' appointrment of, William Biii) DeMille ta the position o f. Assistant Manager of their Ferfîlizer and Farn Suppiy Centre iocated-at Newcasftle, Ontario. Bill has a Di plamna in VHF Agriculture from K.ÏCA.T. af 's Kemptviiie, and has spent the past 5 years in livestock feed mes sales and aiiied praducts. 11- ATTENTION le AIl sing le, separated, divorced on unattached aduîts. A super 06 new club fonming, offering a dance eveny Saturday night. E Weekend bus and air trips once every month. Farmed CE soîeîy "for the enjoyment of 30-tf single' persans. We own our own dance hall and travel agency. atars, Membership $5.00 Yearly ;dnili For Information Cal ower d.We 725-4344 mmas DA RIRYgaskmilkers, year- in gs reg bucks, meat kids. J. GoiÎd 623-2730. 11-1 EQUESTRIAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDING instruction in Equitotion Jumping Dressage Schooling of Hunters & Jtjmpers Hunters & Jumpers Boug'ht & Sold RR 3 8OWMANVIU.E 623-7336 LABRADOR pups, Six weeks aid,_mother registered. Phone naose inTerestea in Bible Pnophecy Sfudy. Apply 7:30 Fnida y night at Bawmanville Hligh S chool Auditorium. <We wauid like fa thank ail our customers of the iast' 25 g ars. We wiii be away, on oiidays f rom Mar. 1 8 toApri 1 30 but aur son Kris and brother-in-law, Jack MacNab wiii be here fo look affer things. Gerald Balson and Sons, Hampton. iï-ix You Should Be Seîlinc LOTTERY TICKETS! Wintario& Olympic You wilI be amazed at the potential profit in selling these tickets! Seil them ta your fniends, where you wark or at your club meetings! For further information cail W.M.G. Market*..ïg 110 King St. W. Othawa 576-9181 10-4 CONTRACTORS General contractars re- quired in Durham Region. Roofers, pavers, plumbers, general etc. Must be inde- pendent bush-esses., CaIl 579-5070 9-tf SALES PEOPLE -Canvassing in the Durham Region. Full orpart-time. -Advertising suppiied., Ca Il 579-5070 8-tf RESPONSIBLE persan want- ed ta drive truck and do odd jobs in plant. Please appiy in persan ta Nesting Furniture Li mited, Orono. Only persans wiiling fa work need appiy. 11-2 EXPERIENCED cleaner-,for hause or office. 'Phone 623-2438 af ter 5:00p. m. 11-2x RELIABLE woman to do housekeeping. Live in. Mod- ern canveniences in house. Phone 623-4014. 11-1 ONE or two men required fq tear down frame bungalow in Bowmanville. Phone coliect Toronto 1-488-8676. il-1 HELP wanted for, the Orana Water Safety Swimming Club. Must have Seniors, for months of July and August. Applica- tions ta be in by April 30. Send applications ta Irene Konzel- mann, R.R. 1, Orono. 11-2 BEAVE R Lumber requires an aggressive sales persan. A working knowledge of lumber and bul ding products would be an asset. Appiy in persan ta Beaver Lumber, 246 King Street-East, Bowmanville. 11-1 COMPAN ION nequined talive in with elderiy lady in her own home in the Courtice- area. Light housework ta be indlu- ded. Please cali 623-4704 atten 5 p.m. 1 PART time sales appartunity available. Cali 623-2171 for appoinfment. 11-2 NE ='1,1ffs Durham- East (Bowmanville & District) Can. Red Cross Society Needs Sewers. MATERIAL SUPPLIED Workin your own home. CONTACT: MRS. MINNIE EVERS 623-2639 or come in Fn. 1:30 - 3:30, 28 Division St. FREE to a good home, well-bned 'eighf weeks aid Coilie pups. Phone 725-6010.* li-ix RELIABLE aduits would like country house to rent. Within commuting distance of Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121. 10-12x THREE or four bedroom house in Bowmanville, New- castle on Onono. Possession Apnil 15.- Phone Oshawa 579-8511 days or 668-1624 evenings. li-ix URGENTLY REQUIREDI!î We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmianville area. Perhaps your home would bning top dollar? We'l be pleased ta appraise it for you- and help you locafe the "home of your dreams". For, fniendiy efficient sale of yaur home, cali P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and Na. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ville 576-6120. 17 tf Rutter Granite Company Limited ANNUALWINTER DISCOUNT We respectfuIIy wish to announce a SPECIAL REDUCTION on ail cemetery Memoniais and Markers ordered and paid for between now and April lst for Spring erection. This offer is made annuaily. We have an excellent selection of domestic and foreign granites in many colors and -designs from which ta choose your Monument or Marker. If we can be of service to you in any way, please do not hesitate ta visit aur indaor dispiay ât 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope, or telephone us at 885-5216. 11-2 ý F best! rvrm i UN M Vyr-Lq-vmt 1

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