16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 17, 1976 Pledges Needed In 24-Hour Telethon Participation House is look- ing for people in the region who will give a second to a handicapped aduit. Participation House, a member group of the Ontario Federation for the Cerebral Palsied has its annual 24 hour non-stop telethon scheduled for April 24 at City-TV in Toronto. Il the organization was charged for the air time that Cy-Vis donating for the tetothe eost to Participa- tion House would be about five dollars per, second,. Telethon organizers have estimated. So, when Participation House asks for a second, they are not only talking about time; but also about a five dollar advance donation. Last year's Telethon host, Johnny Wayne, was present at a preview for the Telethon last Thursday night in Oshawa. He was a eo-çhairman of fund- raising for the Participation House Project last year and bas been involved with the Participation House in Mark- ham that was completed in 1972. The facility in Markham aceommodates 38 fuli-time residents, six family-relief' residents and serves 75 people who are bussed into the area on a daily basis. The residence is equîpped with a work shgp, green bouse, involvement centre and a hydro therâ'py pool. Although similar projeets in Hamilton and Ottawa are underway, the facility at Markham is presently the only one of its kind in North America, Mr. Wayne said. The Participation House proposed for Djurhamn region will have a capacity for 18 fuil-time residents, six emer- gency care, family relief residents and will, serve 30 others on a daily, bussed in basis. The "24 hour non-stop Par- ade of Stars - 1976" will begin at 10 p.m. April 24 on channel 79, cable seven and will run until 10 p.m. thenext night. TV Personalit ies Over six dozen Canadian and American radio, tele- vision, and movie personal- ities wîll make an appearance of some kind during the show. City-TV's 'cameras will be broadcasting from Toironto's St. Lawrence Centre for thje live performing segments of the show and will have pledges read in their studios. Some will appear on the program through tapes that will be pre-recorded for the show. While last year's Telethon covered 16 different areas, this year only eight areas will be represented in the show, giving more time to pledge reading without having to eut down on time given to entertainment. In the first Participation House Telethon last year, $272,000 was raised. Organ- izers are expecting an even larger total this year because of greater publicity for the event. The first Participation House built in Markham was started in 1968 af ter a group of people, mainly parents of severely handieapped young adults realized that there was no place for themn to go after they left the care, of the Ontario Crippled Children 's centres. Cash in your Coupons Don't forget to red'e em your Ivaluable 4th WEEK couponls from the Dominion Speciol Value Doys Flyer. FROZEN EVISCERATED 5 TO 16 LB. AVG. TURKEYS L B. SWIFT PR EMIUMOVEN ROASTING LBý CORN BEEF SPECIAL! 13 PR IDE 0F CANADA 60OZ. PKG. COOKED HAM SPECIAL! 10.08' PR1DE OF CANADA CHI1CKE N 60OZ. P KG. LUNCH EON, P8P, DUTCH, MAC.C &CHEESE, BOLOGNA, - COOKED MEATS 48 FRESH PORK LB. BUTT CHOPS SPECIAL! .1 MARY MILES FULLY COOKED ~ LB. BONELESS2TO3 LB. AVG. DINNER HAMSSPECIAL! .7 MARYMILESVISKING LB. BOLOGNA-By the Piece44 BITTNER'S SMALL LINK SPECIAL! LB. BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 14 MAPLE LEAF MILD CURED VACUUM PACKED COTTAGE ROLLS_ SOFT, COLOURED IMPERIAL MARGARINE LB. e53 2 x8 OZ. CONT. 79C DOMINION, FROZEN 12OZ. PKG. CANADA FANCYc BABY LIMA BEANS 5 DOMINION, FROZEN 4 LB. PKG. CANADA FANCY . 'O FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 1 Zi FRESH, FORMERLY HAMBURG REGULAR GROUND BEEF L B. MARY MILES MAC &CHE ESE OR 160OZ. PKG. CHICKEN LOAF SPECIAL' 88c MARY MILES MINCED HAM OR 16 OZ. PKG. VARIETY PACKSPECIAL!1 .08 SMALL LIN K SAUSAGE SPECIAL! SHOPSY POTATO SALD OR - 24( COLE SLAW SPECIML! LB. 94c" OZ. CONT. 79C McQUAIDES STEAK, CHICKEN OR 2 x 4OZ. PIES PKG. SPECIAL! 5COC TOURTIERE PIES SCHNEIDERS SPECIAL! 1 LB. PKG. SKILLET STRIPS 13 COORSH FAMOUS 4x 20Z. PKG. CORNED BEEF SPECAL' .2 COORSH ASSORTED 130L.CONT. EACH PARFAITS SPECIAL' 48c ASST'D VARIETIES REFRIGERATED MIX PILLSBURY TURNO VERS 1350 OZ KG 97C FROZEN, SUPREME 2'4O.PG COLOMBO PIZZA 1.199 BOOTH, FROZEN SPECIAL! 160OZ. P KG. SOLE FILLETS 1.4à9 50OML. TUBE PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE ~ 4;3C ASST'D VARIETIES LADY PATRICIA 12 F L. OZ. CONT. SHAMPOO 7-9c GROOMS AND CONDITIONS 128 ML. TUBE HAl RNATURALLY B 1RYLCREEM -SPECIAL! 1.09 FR ESH, REGU LAR OF 100OZ.AEROSOL CONT. POWDER, SPRAY SPECIAL! )l ANTI PERSPIRANT u 130OZ.AEROSOL CONT. DI SINFECTANT LYSOL SPRAY 1.55 ASST'D COLOURS SPECIALI 2&RLL%9K KLEENEX TOWELS 9 NATU RE SC ENTS SPECIAL. 4507PK WOODBURY BAR SOAP t 128 FLý OZ. CONT. SWEETHEART LIME FABRIC SOFTENER 1. 5 9 REDEEM YOUR 50c COUPON THIS WEE K POWDERED 80 f TIDE DETERGENT 8BOXz ,5 FROM CONCENTRATE, MILK CHOCOLATEý, GERMAN UNSWETEED OANG, GRPEFUIT CHOCOLATE, WHITE, DEVI L'S FOOD OR OR GRAPEFRUIT &ORANGE BUTTER PECAN BETTYCROCKER. CITRUS CROWN L AYERûCA KE J UIC ÀuwES %1MIX ES01 c 48 FL. OZ. TIN SPECIAL! PROCESS CHEESE SPREAD KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ MAPLE LEAF SPECIAL! TENDERFLAKE LARD CANADA NO. 1 WHITE S~II 2 LB, CONT. CREAMED OR LIOUID PCA' BROWN BEAR HONEY 1.69 REDEEM YOUR 25c COUPON THIS WEEK PLAIN OR RIPPLE 8.80OZ. BAG HUMT DMPTY à POTATO CHIPS t17c BLUEBERRYORSTRAWBERRY16OZ. CONT. SWISS STYLEc GAY LEA YOGURT 67 REGULAR 12 OZPKG ALMOND'OR RAISIN VITA CRUNCH CEREAL 79 BETTY CROOKER 180OZ. PKG. PIE CRUST MIX73 RIBENA 175FL. OZ*BTL. BLACKCURRANTSYRUP 1.79 DOMINION 19 FL OZ. TIN CANADA FANCYc TOMATOJUICE 2 ZIN(,-G 14OZý CONT. SWISS FONDUE 1.969l' BEEF, CHIOKEN, SPECIAL! 255 OZ. TIN KIDNEY OR LIVER 5 CHAMPION DOG FOOD j V. H. 5 FL. OZ. BTL. SOYA SAUCE33 c ASST'D VARIETIES 16 OZ. PKG. SPECIAL! à%0.J5 E.D. SMITH 19 FL. OZ. TI N 1.35CHERRY SPECIALLB 1 LB. PKG 49c PIE FILLING !6 ASST'D VARIETIES SPECIAL! 2 LB PKG. LANCIA PASTAS 680 BRAVO 5'/2FL OZ.TIN TOMATO PASTE%1 LANCIA, ASSORTED 1207 .PKG. EGG NOODLES q3 BRAVO, PLAIN SPECIAL! 14 FL. OZ, TIN SPAIGHE1TI SAUCE 45 WITH PORK 28 FLý OZ. TIN N TOMATO SAUCE DOMINION BEANS ORANGE FLAVOUR 4 x3'4OZ. PKG CRYSTALS RISE 'N SHINE 9 SHIRRIFF 18 OZPKG. READY COOKED FLAKES . MASHED POTATOES 12 N TOMATO SAUCE 28 FL. OZ. TIN LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI59 AVAILABLE ONLY UNTIL AT MARCH.ý,0îh 1976 PKG, OF 12 RICHMELLOc CAKE DONUTS SPECIALI 49ý RICHMELLO 11iOZ PKG JELLY OR LEMON ROLLS 7v VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TIME, TUESDAY MARCH 23, 1976 for people to give to Partiecipa- tion House Projeets during the telethon period or even before the show hegins. An advance pledgpe will keep the show moving in the opening moments before pledges begin to be telephoned in, organizers said. They ask that people make a donation and challenge other people to heat it with their o\& n donation. Another way Ihat people can contribute is by phoning in a pledge whiîe theTelethon is going on. Over 90 per cent ofI he advanced donations made by local residents wilI ho used l'or Participation louse, l)urhami Region. i ili 'Ai IOV [Iiili i 1 f) II MIi l JAN[ Il I 10NOHiiiI iAMII YI il ()iJiiil t INI,; DOI)f1NIO)N 'roî' IMIl ) INIIIIISTORE !EATURES We want to save you a littie e xtra! Most shoppers know that Dominions weekîy advertised spectis can make a big difference in their food bill. WeIt, Dominion has a little surprise in store. Numerous items priced to stretch that food budget just a littho turther. We call them In-Store Features. Look for them every week under the Dominion In-Store Feature s -,hei ard, ,îîd sve o ites yo uleaslo ,ou can depend an use MEATY PORK CALIFORNIA GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE ALL PURPOSE GRIND CANADA CHOICE, SLICED OR HALVES ROAST ASPARAGU S CHASE & SANBORN BRIGHT'S PEACHES COFFEEr b. Sb. 160OZ. BAG I * 514 FL.OZ. 2 w wlb.lb.TIN W3 9 IDEAL FOR ROASTING FLORIDA GROWN CANADA FANCY, DOMINION CANADA CHOICE, AYLMER PORK BUTT ROAST ORANGES WHOLE KERNEL BARTLETT PEAR CORN HALVES 5L b5PspeCiAMJ 93i12 FL. OZ. 19 FL. OZ. 91 b 7 I3aTN4 vrTmý. M M17M rr2o9%9"., rkfÀý Mý-I MI