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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1976, Section 2, p. 7

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IPussyfolotini I the-Ti BY JOHN SQUIRRELLY' An old friend who used to teach horticulture at the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph dropped in to see me the other day.* "Frank! ", I exclaimed, "why, 1 haven't seen you in yer. Corne in and-haa drink and tell me what you've been doing." When we had got ourselves comfortably settled in my den, he began to bring me up to date on his activities. "As you know," hie said, "I lef t Guelph years ago and took a position with the parks department of the National Capital Commission in Ottawa as head horticulturalist. As well, I've also. been pressed into service as an indoor flower judge for the Ottawa Ladies' Drama, Flower and Tea Social Organization. That's OLDFATSO for short." "Really," I said. "Say, things must be pretty hot in Ottawa now, what with those mînisters under fire for having talked to judges about some cases that were stili before the courts. The papers are full of it down here." "Ves. it sure is," Frank "Whenpeople are shofppig for homeowners insurane, ln usually their la sw:stop.Il t's true, 1 can Save a lot of people money, on their homeowners insurance. And 1 can also assure them of the kind of tirst-class service that has made St ate Farmn the Iargest home- owners insurer in the country. Add ta that our Inflation Coverage that can automatically keep ycur protection Up to date, andI it's no wonder so many people stop shopping right here. If you're insurance shopping right now, besure and check wit h me. Dirk Brinkman R.R. 1, Scugog St. Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-3621 Lîke a good neighbor, State Farm is diere. L - STAEFR FIRE AND CASUALB'COMPANY Secption Tv Truh Lions District A-3 Effective SpeokinglWinners Botn From TrentonHe rablea he e And on thîs inauspicious day He slipped bis biand and ran uIipsaway! ul ipsHe hadn't gone a yard wlien - replied, "but there's stili more Bang! to corne. I've been asked to Witli open Jaws, a Lion submit a report on ministerial pag interference." And hungriy began to eat "You don't mean..."I The Boy: beginning at bis feet. began Now, just imagine liow it feels "I'm afraid so, " Frank said, With first your toes and then slowly shaking bis liead -" your heels, "After touring the city to view And then by graduai degrees, the flowers that were in the Your shins and ankies, calves annua competition, 1hada r and knees, i even some visits from minis- N odrJmdtse ters wanting to know wlio ' , Now wonder'that lie sliouted would be, best ini show in H! severai categories." The Honest Kee er i "Say, this is serious," I said. - 'Kee er i "Wha hapened" .-cry, "Wa apnd Though very fat lie aimost ran "Actualiy," Frank said . . . . . . . . . .To lielp the Little Gentleman. "it's rather a long story 50 / "Ponto!" lie ordered as lie you'd better refi my glass ' came heliladaoheretli.,,- (For Ponto wasý the Lion's name), cool one in bis biand, Frank lit "~ ~' " "ot! i rewt nr lis pipe and settied back in the .o. Frown, comfortable folds. of the big 0 leather chair. "lIt ail began a couple 'of ï months ago," lie said, "wlien Margaret got so mucli pub-.,. A. licity from lier singing en 4,~ ..,' gagement in Venezuela. After X'44-~' A0. ,. that, Joe Clark, the new 44 "."0W opposition leader, set up housekeeping witli miss ~ McTeer and set tongues wag- The top speaker for the boys was also from Trenton. 14-year-old Craîg Hawkins spoke about 'The Art of ging until it was discovered Listening' and he obvîously captivated 'his audience and the judges. Les Bell, right, represented the ~ that she was reaily Mrs. Clark Bowmanville Lions Club and he placed third in the boys categorywith a speech on the C.N. Tower. but didn't want to change lier Oranizer of the'bistrict A-3 Effective Speaking contest was Bruce Reynolds, lef t, from the Verona Lions name because then slie'd have Or to buy new luggage and Club. completely replace lier cliarm bracelet collection, ail of main areas of judging, fleur- which are engraved witli ler de-lis, geraniums and African old initials. 0f course, by this violets." time, she'd been featured in "You must have beeùi shock- most of the big newspapers ed," I said. across the country." "Indeed, I was," FrankW Frank paused to religlit bis replied, "and I told tieèm so. I pipe. "Now, ail the cabinet mentioned that it was highly wîves, are pretty weii anon- improper to approacli a judge ymous, riglit? l'Il bet you, on matters that were- stili can't give me the first name of under consideration and that I any minister's wife." wouid be reporting their I admitted that I couldn't. beliavior to the president of2 + "is why the annual indoor 1"l'Il bet tliey backed off flower competition is so im- then," I said. portant to them. It's the only "Not so's you'd notice," lie This is one of the fe\ý way tliey can get a bit of sniffed. "One minister said lie dea- combinaionc potoriety." was cailing on behaif of bnt "1I'm beginnîng to see," 1 anotherl cabinet inember's litre engine, saidslowly. wife and just wanted me to "Well, as I said, I liad know ail the facts. Then hejutlscn vsited ahl the contestants' went on to tell me that she had homes and was about to write been cultivatîng lier fleur-de- 46.8 miles per imI my decision when the phone lis since 1867, working dii- calîs started coming, and ail igently aimost to the detri- p of tliem concerned the three ment of lier liealth. He saîd -p CLARK PACKERS7 SPECIALIZING IN Custom Slaughtering - Cutting Wrapping and Freezing Freze-brerÔfTop Quality0 Pork and Beef supplied from our own feed lot, cut, wrapped and frozen. Ail Meats Government Insp ected. PHONE WELCOME 753-2354 lier liusband would have phoned me himself but he's currently appealing lis sus- pension from the society and feit it would be better if a paid-up member were to cail. He also intimated that an adverse decision miglit be interpreted as a ganging up on "What ab-out- the other ministers," I asked. "Well," lie replied, "l'mi not sure that I could describe their conduct as interference, but certainly it was improper. At any rate, my report will be At the District A-3 finals of the Lions Club Effective Speaking Contest held in Bowmanville on March l3th, over 20 competitors vied for top prize in both the girls and boys categories. In addition to receiving a trophy for jilacing first, the winners will go to the Lions multiple district conference in Lachute, Quebec in May to participate in the competition at that level. Here Robin Fitzgerald, a 17-year-old Grade 13 student from Trenton accepts, the girls' trop h from Moe Richards, President of the Bowmanville Lions, Club. tabied in the House of Com- mons tomorrow. I expect that at least two members of' cabinet wiil have to tender their resîgnations."1 "But, what if the Prime Minister doesn't accept them?" 1 said. "Oh, I doubt that," lie chuckied, "if anyhody in the government knows what fiower power can do,hle does." LON G SA UL T Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb and family, Bailiehoro were Sun- day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cornish and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Bihl DeMille and baby, Bowmanviiie, were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk were Sunday evenînig visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Water Vaneyk. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ercego- vac and Anna were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker, i Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker and Ruth were Saturday evening visitors of the G. Kovacs. Mr. and Mrs. F. O . Smith, Bowmanviiie were Sunday supper guests of Miss G. Smnith. Master James Stephenson, Newcastle spent a couple of days with bis grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy. To ail the people on the sick iist and in hospital a speedy recovery back to good heaith. Mr' and Mrs.« Stanley Goble were Sunday afternoon vîsit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs. Club 50 ladies met at the home of Mrs. Robt. Cameron Tuesday evening Mardi 9 with ten mernbers present and one visitor. Vice Pres. Mrs. G. Baker opened the meeting and conducted the business. Scrip- ture and Devotion Were ably taken by the commîttee in charge. t was decided to rent a booth space at Darlington Recreationai Bazaar, June 19 from 10 to 7. Final plans were left for a later date. Kim Neals and Gail Cameron, Pontypool. Counsellors for the Vanda Beauty Products gave us a wonderfui demonstration on the use of these products and the care of our skin. Meeting closed in the usual manner and a social time was had by ail. utfthe Mouths of Babes You know - at least you ouglit t0 know, For I have of ten told you so - That Chidren neyer are ailowed To leave their Nurses in a Crowd; Now this was Jim's especial Foible, :by E.P. Chant Several weeks ago, this column spoke out against littie children (the worst kind), aided by the poetry of Ogden Nash. Elaborating on' that article (and to give the parents of aill rotten littie kids a nice bedtime story for them), we've found a poem by a fascinatîng French author, Hilaire Belloc, horn in 1870. He is one of the most interesting and versatile writers of mod- ern times and sorne of his best known works include "The Bad Child's Book of Beasts", "More Beasts' for Worse Children", and "Cautionary Tales". Here is a story that Monsieur Belloc undoubtedly told small tots who crawled on, to his knee, just- before he bucked them off on to a hard m arbie floor. ",Jim" by Hilaire Belloc There was a Boy whose name was Jim; His Friends were very good to, him. They gave him Tea, and Cakes, and Jam, And slices of delicious Ham, And Chocolate with pink inside And littie Tricycles, to ride, And rend him Stories through and through, And even tookhîm to the Zoo - But there it was the Dreadful Fate Befell him, which 1 now relate. Asunny day and a clear rond can lull the motorist into a false sense of security at this time of year. Bridges are of ten coated with ice in the, morn- ings, when the streets and highways are dry. Watch for shady spots on the highway where ice may stay longer af ter the sun had dried the r est of the road, warnis the Ontario Safety League. BUCKLE-UP FOR SAFETY the Scirocco's b 0According ,o E.PA.tests.Actualfmie- souire .Qbo '14251 'o The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 24, 1976 "Let go, Sir! Down, Sir! Put It And always keep a-hold ù Down!" Nurse The Lion made a sudden stop, For fear of finding Something iHe let the Dainty Morsel drop, Worse. And slunk reluctant to bis I wonder if you could starv&' Cage a house-cat into doing that to a Snarling witli Disappointed Rage., But wlien lie lent hlm over Jim, The Honest Keeper's Eyes were dim.' Thie Lion liaving reached bis Head, The Miserable Boy was dead! When Nurse informed bis' Parents, tliey Were more Concerned than 1 can say: - His Mother, as She dried lier eyes, Said, "Well - it gives me no surprise, He woulId not do as lie was 1told!" Bis Father, wlio was self-con- troiled, Bade ail thie Clildren round attend To James's miserable end, kid? AFELM lm SMOULI Auto Repair 3 Queen St., Bowmanville 623-3896 S3cirocco atchback Coupe w sports coupes in the world that gives you an of performance and economy. Sporting a 1.6 the Scirocco can move f rom 0-60 in s. EPA. tests achieved the equivalent of perial gallon on the highway and 30 miles er imperial gallon in the cily C.ome on over and slip into bea utif ul1ly redesig ned bucket seats soon.' oage ffoy vofy depending on type ofdriig, driig btca onditon, and optconalequipnt >ýuit leasing a Rabbit for only, $107.78 a month 36 months net lease).- CO Volkswagen Ltd. Porsche-Audi iDundlas St. E. 668-9383 WHcSin- -OSHAWA Whitbyf. kindf daltooildiff~rnkiWdf car. .DIRECT EXPRES.S BUS- BOWMA NVI LLE TO0 TORONTO Efective Mairch 29th VOYAGEUR COLONIAL LTD. WILL BEGIN AN EXPRESS COACH SERVICE TODOWNTOWN TORONTO, Departing fr'om the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn 7:35 ai.m. - Daiîy Exc. Sunday. Arriving Toronto, (Boy & Dundas) at 8:40 ai.m. Return Trip leaves Toronto at 5:00 p.m. - Daiîy Exc. Sunday. Arrives at the Flying.Dutchman. Motor. Inn at 6:00 . One-way Fare,,: $2.90 Round Trip: $535 Club 65: $2.00 - One Way Monday - Thursday. SAVE MORE WITH 1COMMUTATION BOOK TICKETS NOTE: THIS COACH DOES NOT USE HIGHWAY NO. 2 FOR FREE INFO RMATION ON ALL VOYAGEUR SERVICES F ROM BOWMANV1LL E - PHON E 623-3024 SCOTT'S FURNI rURE IYKING ST.

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