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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1976, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, March 24, 1976 May l",SeekI'njuncton Ag aintEldorado 's Port Granby by Doug'Taylor Recent action by Hope Township council to prohibit the dumping of nuclear wasfe or chemically poisonous material in the township, caused Newcastle Council's Committee of the Whole to take similar action Monday. The move tnward a possible injunction being called for against Eldorado Nuclear Limited dumping their waste within the.Town of Newcastle boundaries at the Port Granby site was instigated by Coun. Ken Lyall. Coun. Lyall suggested that with the action taken by Hope Township and the recent occurrence of radioactive waste being spilled on high- way 2 that "we've been pussyfooting too long". He questioned the "cavalier attitude" wbich councîl has taken considering "the flap if bas causedin Port Hope." On the knowledge tbat the contaminated fill being re- moved from Port Hope is also PLUMBING &HAEATING anti AIR CONDVIIONING TYRONE, ONTARIO Phone 263-2650 u being dumped Granby site, stressed tbat problem ta prote of Newcastle." He furtber stre fill from Port declared a beaut is now being Newcastle wbere it to be just as healti bazard. 1Coun. Lyall n injunction be so the dumpinga Granby site to bE Coun. Kirk E eventually secor( revised motion sympatby witb intentions but n( town's solicitor bas told council bave tbe autho regard. Coun. EntwisJ( council would ha home witb ourt our legs", if th were thrown outq to a revision of tl Tbe reVised mc Mr. McNeely to to report to coi possibility ofs junction. Coun. Lyall, a]t for tbe motior pleased witi its ç Despite insister Rickard that flie does not bave autbority for Coun. Lyall persi town does bave t He claimedi different tban the an injunctiona pefty matters as of a bouse. He reminded tl "1almost hiad kitt dumping of 0fne load on highway gone ta a lot of ex- Hope;." As fa Coun. concern that thb look bad if fbe tbrown out, Cour gested thaf af would bave faken 0 Dumping at the 'Port step and tbe matter would Coun. Lyall tben "be on the judge's bead". "it is our Witb Coun. Ann Cowman .ect the people absent from Monday's meet- ing, a recorded vote saw tbe ,essed tbat the motion pass witb only Coun. ýtHope was Allin and Tink opposing if. th bazard but Ironically. council, baving dumped in last week turned down an -e he considers opportunity f0 meet with tbe ýs mucb of a Minister of the Environmenf last Friday, bave now re- noved that an scbeduled a meeting with ouiht to force otber ministry staff on Mardi at the Port 30 in Toronto at 10 a.m. )e stopped. In light of the injunction to întwisle, wbo be reported on, Coun. Lyall ided a sligbtly lost an attempt to bave tbe n, expressed meeting with tbe ministry Coun. Lyall's postponed, pending tbe find- oted tbat tbe ings of Mr. McNeely's report. Ed McNeely The only support to the , they do not postponemenf motion came ority in tiat from Coun. Entwisle wbo seconded tbe motion. Le's fear that Tbere was a question of iave ta "come wbat the probable cosf of the tails between injunction will be for tbe bhe injunction municipality to whicb Coun. of court," led Lyall suggested tbe $1,500 te motion, range would be fairly accur- iotion calis for ate. )be requested The result is tbat regardless 4uneil on tbe of tbe report from McNeely sucb an in- tbe town will meet with the ministry staff on Marcb 30 to tbougb voting discuss their concerns over )n, was not Eldorado's Port Granby dump status. site. nce by Mayor emunicipality the proper sucb action, isted thaf the the authority. if to be no ýe town getting against sucli sconstruction tbat Eldorado tens over the ýe goddamned y 2 and bave xpense in Port i.Entwisle's ýe town migit injunction is n. Lyall sug- least council m tbe ultimafe Telephone 668-3346_ TIMOTHY J. 0O9NEILL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 1 Iundas -St. E. P.O. Box 2à WiyOntaric LUN 5R7 ý!M-BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX SERVICE NOW MORE THAN EVER IT'S TIME TO SAVE THOSE HARD-EARNED DOLLARS on your INCOME TAX When you use our PERSONAL TAX S ERVI1C E you're assured of: *Experienced staff *Accurate preparation *Ail1 returns double checked *Confidential Service *Audit assistance *Yeaàr-round personal service MSE E NE y INCMETAX DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 35/2 Simcoe N. Open 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. 723-3113 NORTH OS HAWA 1214 Simcoe N. (Next ta Mothers Pizza) Open 9a.m. ta 9 p.m. 579-8484 BOWMANVILLE 237 King East (Across f rom Beaver Lumber) Open 9 a.m. to 5P.m. 623-9272 OPCý>EN SATURDAYS 9a.m. -5P.m.M Doou - Town Hall (From Page One) be gutted reminding thaf the stairs whicb were tomn out in the remodelling of tbe Day Care Centre were of a better quality tian tbose leading f0 the second story of fie town hall. Coun. Lyall stressed that if is fime council faced the facf that the present building, now some 75 years old, is-finisbed in ifs usef ulness as a town hall, Coun. Ivan Hobbs, however, supported the point expressed by Coun. Entwisle thaf if must be reali zed the present pro- blem is one of working space. Coun. Hobbs added thaf witi the financial situation fhe way if is at present "we can't foss the cost of a new hall at the people righf now," and added that since the beating, etc. on the present upstairs are being paid anyway "we can find a way fa put offices in. As f0 the possible use of a Heritage grant.for any work on the building Mayor Garnet Rickard, noting himself as a "'great one for heritage"i,said be could "not recognize the beritage of this building", believing there are others in Bowmanville and other parts of the Town of -Newcastle more wortby of suci funds being applied fo them. Agreeing ta tbank Leigiton and Kidd for their -letter and advise that tbey bave con- cluded the building is not worfby of complete refurbisb- ing, fie committee adopted a motion by Coun. Entwisle ta bave the firm of Totten, Sims and Hubicki prepare a quick report on the feasibility of providing economical office space in the upstairs of the exisfîng town bail witi an approximate cosf încluded. LosesLCon trol $,500 Dumaoge Thursday evening's snaw sform caused $500 damage f0 one vehicle when if sfruck fthc guide wires an fie eastbound lane of 401 about 10:25 p.m. The misiap involved a 1974 Dafsun driven by Pauline Pigott, age 38, of 12 Quinn Drive, Bowmanvîlle. The driver, wio was naf injured in the incident, is reported fa bave lost contrai due fo packed snow surface, af a slight bend in the road, eigbt-tenths of a mile west of Waverly Road, spinning around and coming ta resf facing southwest,~ wifh fie front bumper tangled in fie wires. Provincial Constable Banb Cowie of the Newcastle OPP defaciment invesfigated fie misbap and after considerable work freeing if from fie guide wires, Brocks Towing iauled away fie wreck. need a BOOKKEEPER on a part-time basis? need expert assistance and advice on TAX matters? need ACCOUNTING assistance of any kind? need a TYPIST for just a few hours, a day, or a week? need help with PAYROLLS?' If So ee e CALL US, wewouldbe happy 10asis you, in al phases of bookkeeping, income tax, accounting and officeprocedures. JOHN MANUE' L, C.G-.A. 67 King St. E., Suite 2, Bowmanville Tel1ephone 623-6555 Guest speaker at the Rotary Club last Thursday was Don Hart (right) fromf the Ontario Society for Crippled, Children headquarters in Toronto. Enid Bartieman, (centre right) a nurse with a Peterborough crippled children's centre was also at the meeting, to hear Mr. Hart. With them are Rotary Club president 'Neale McLean (left) and a director of th e Ontario Society for Crippled Children who is also a member of the Bowmanville Rotary Club, Bill Thiesburger (centre left). -Photo by Sliawn Marshall Register Disapprvlo Pa y*n g for $ 2 50 Cowý%u rse To Upgr Disgust echoed from fie moutbs of Coun. Ken Lyall and Coun. Don Allîn at fhe Mar. 15 session of Newcastle Council in wbich approval was grant- ed fa pay tbe $250 cost of a five-day upgrading course for one of thbe town's building inspec tors. Tic approval for tbe course, fe, be held in Kingston next monti, followed on fie beels of council's decision f0 reduce expenditures of that type by rqquiring ecouncil- members f0 foot fie $30 cosf of attending an upcoming convention from their own pockets. Coun. Allun, following tic approval for fbe building 0IKSewer (From Page One) lisb tie rate advising thaf if could not legally be discussed unf il a previous decision of council for a "Chargeback' sysfem was rescinded. 1The rescinding motion af fiat tîme required a fwo- thirds vote wifh fie il Oshawa votes making thnat action impossible. Council was tien prompted fa change ifs procedural bylaw fa allow a rescinding motion f0 pass on a simple majority of council, 16 votes, providcd prior notice iad been given. Alfiougb tbree Oshawa councillors were absent lasf week, the rescinding motion would bave passed under tbe new policy anyway as if was endorsed by a total of 17 councillors. As he did in December, .Newcastle Coun. Ken Lyall joined forces with the igit Oshawa representafives who were present in opposition f0 fie rescinding motion. Oshawa Mayor Jim Pot fi- cary again fried ta staîl the issue wifi a motion fa table fhe rescinding motion wici, along witi one f0 bave a 10 minute adjournment, was losf. odeInspectors inspectors course fa be paid for, was beard fa comment, "ýwe nof only bave f0 pay fiem, now we must educafe fbem fato" Coun. Lyall, already baving voiced disappraval of fie fown employing fhree building in- spectors, merely groaned in disgust. ORONO Mrs. Wm. Wannon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer and Mr. Roy Mercer visif cd-Mrs. Hilda Holden- also Mr. and Mrs. Jim Holden and daugifer Janie of Tarant o on Sunday affter affending fie Sportsmen Show. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes of Blacksfock visif cd Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton on Safurday evening. Mrs. Douglas Hird of Whifby and ber grandmofher Mrs. A. Harris of Oshawa visifed Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris on Sunday affernoon. Mr. Carlos Tamblyn rcfurn- ed home from fie Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Safurday. Mr. and Mrs. Kennefi Minion of Peterborough, Mrs. George àMorfoin, Mr, and Mrs.. Taxi Rates If council adapfs a commif- tee of fie whole recommenda- tion at fieir nexf meeting an April 5, a bylaw will be passed permitting an increase in taxi fares in Bawmanville. The' Bowmanville Taxi Operafor Tom Vanderende was present at Monday's commit tee ta request a change in fie rates from 10 cents for caci one-sixti mile to 10 cents for eacb one-eighfh mile. Tic standard "drop fee" is 80 cents plus fie mileage rate, no increase in fie 80 cents bcing requesfed by Mr. Van- derende who nated fie drap fee in Oshawa is $1,00. Tie faxi operafor assured fiat fie average trip wifiin fie Bowmanville limîfs would nat cosf muci more witi fie new rates which he claimed Gardon Morton and son Kevin were recent Sunday dinner guesf s of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marton. Mrs. Wm. Robinson is a patient in fie Oshawa General Hospifal as fie resuif of a fal and ber son Mr. Elmer Hogg is also in fie samebospital - been fransferred from fie Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Congrafulations fa Mn. and Mrs. Carman White on their 25fh Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Stapleton and son 'Lee of Oshawa and Mrs. Gea. Morton were Tucsday noon dinner guests of Mrs. John Morris. Mn. Sid Hughes passed away on Safurday af fie Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville after a long illness., Ga0ig Up iad been requestcd mainly for tie longer frips. Tic new rate, wiich re- quires passing of a bylaw, will fake'effecf immediafely wien fie bylaw is approved. May rUse Ous h awa Porocesscing As a resulf of a recent meeting with Treasurers fram Oshawa, Pickering and Whit- by, Newcastle Treasurer Joe Descent requested fie agree- ment of fie Finance Commit- tee Monday fa proceed wifb invest igation of fie possible use by fie town, of fie Wind Dumps Trailer's Contents into Ditch High gusts of wind, prevalent Sunday afternoon, March 21st are blamed for the above scene in the north ditch of 401, just west of the Newtonville interchange. The spilled furniture, contents of the '71 Homemade Fiat Trailer, sustained damage estimated at $700 while only $10 resulted to the trailer and hitch. The high winds apparently caused the trailer to corne off the hitch of a, '75 Buick driven by Juergan Elzner of 161 King East, Cobourg about 2:30 p.m. and flip onto its side spilling the load. Const. Terry Bender investigated. - Photo by Doug Taylor computer data processing facilities in Oshawa. Mr. Descent explained that the system being used by Oshawa is compatible with that of Newcastle and through use has been "debugged" and should work quite well. Mayor Riekard voiced agreement with the idea, suggesting that such service could probably be purchased cheaper than it could be set up "in bouse." Mr. Descent expressed fear that if Newcastle grows at the rates that are being predicted, it could be cauglit without sufficient facilities for the processing of data. Coun. Ken Lyall again provided the opposition to the idea indicating that Oshawa bas merely overbuilt Boy Hurt (From Page One) Doug McFeeters investigated. A second weekend crash bas brougbt a cbarge of failure to report an accident against -Robert Incbe, 34, of 86 Cburch Street. Hits Tree, $700 Damage The Inche vehicle, a 1974 Cbrysler, was southbound on Lambert Street wben it struck a tree on tbe east side about 150 feet soutb of Queen Street (tbe vicinity of tbe ambulance shed), and then lef t tbe scene. The misbap left tbe vebicle involved witb damage of approximately $700 ta the lef t front. Constable Jobn Logan investigated. Es c or te d Tours New York City Easter Weekend April 15 -- 18 WHEELING WEST VIRGINIA SPECIAL JAMBOREE WEEKEND SHOW April 30- May'2 SU NSHUN E PARTY TOURS Cobourg 372-9961 Sewage Plant (Fnom Page One) plant is f00 close fo 401 f o. foresee any expansion. The developmenf consort i- um is off ering fa consfrucf fie plant on land which fiey own near St. Mary's Cement plant and alfiaugi Mr. Ciusid could quofe na firm cost, he suggesf- ed if would be at leasf $1-million. "If a plant is builf there you can use fie exisifing Saper 'Creek plant wifhouf expand- ing and you will tien have capacity for all fie develop- ment fiat could conceivably came," Mr. Chusid suggesfed. "We would like fa get our development going," was fie reason fie lawyer gave for the consortium offering fa build fie plant. However, like the recent .$3-million offer from Milani and Milani Holdings,, fie offer is contingent on fie consortium being granfed ap- proval fa develop their land in stages. Athougi wishing fo bave fie development judged on ifs own menit, Mr. Chusid did suggest thaf "if you don't come acruss witb money or sometbing for fie mun ici- palif y you are naf laoked upon very kindly." He said furfier fiat be feels fie development to fie west- ern side of Bowmanville would prove more economical for the town than to the north or east, He said a four-land arterial road, a trunk sewer and expensive water expansion would be needed for develop- ment to the forth or east. TURNER- At Marnwood Nursing Home, Bowmanville, Wednesday, March 24, 1976. L. Gertrude Turner, aged 82 years, wife of the late Richard John Turner, dear mothei- of Thomas, Lois (Mrs. Robert Morton) and Jean (Mrs. Robert Stevens). Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service and committal in the chapel on Friday at 1:30 p.m. Spring interment Orono Cemetery. Visiting from Thursday at 2 p. M. 12-1 * DRIED FRESH -TROPICAL '%GREEN PLANTS PI STORES; Ffl Highway Na. 2 King St. la., Oshawa ~ imcoe St. N., 0shawa WINTER BREAK Ear Piercing Special Reg. Nw~00 Hooper's Jwel1 le 0rl 29 King St. E. 623-5747 DELOITTE, HASKINS &SELLS Chortered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada Building OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Partners: Josef Adam; B.Sc. (Econ.>, C.A. Gordon F. Sedgewick, C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.C.A. Phone 728-7527- 839-7764 THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, R.SOO, 7 Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Ln IN THE MATTER 0F an application by THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM, for approval ta expropriate a limited interest in lands being the free, uniterrupted, and unobstructed right and easement ta construct, operate and maintain sanitary sewer works incîuding a sanitary sewer pipe and other pccessory works on, in, across, under and through the lands being part of Lot 10, Concession 1lin the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, (formerly in the Town af Bowmanville, in the County of Durham). Together with the right of the Regional Municipality of Durham, its successors, and assigns and its and their servants, agents and workmen with ail necessary equipment ta enter upon the said lands at ail times and ta pass and repass thereon for the purposes of constructing, examining, repairing, renewinq and maintaining the said sanitary sewer works including a sanitary sewer pipe and other accessory works or any part of the sewer system of the Regional Municipality of Durham, whether or not the parts Iaone Sa constructed, repaired, renewed or maintained be situate on the lands above described. And together witli the further right ta restrict or prevent the erection of any building, structure, or obstruction upon any part of the said lands. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application bas been made for appraval ta expropriate a limited interest in the lands described as folîows: NAME 0F OWNER, The Estate of Marion Kostrzewa Helen Higgs Anna Kostrzewa Lucy Kostrzewa William Lewis Lycett Lais Matilda Lycett A copy of the Plan bearing File Number 74035 may be seen in the Office of the Regional Solicitor. Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry intao whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in thle acnievemfens of tne objectives of the expropruatung autharity shah so notify the approvingauthorlty in writing, (a) In the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or when he is served by publication, within thirty days after the f irst publication of the notice. (b) In the case of an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days after the 7 first publication of the notice. The Approving authority is: The Council of The Regiondî Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Road, East, WHITBY, Ontario. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM, "C. W. LUNDYI" C. W.LUNDY, CLERK NOTES: 1. The Expropriations Act, R.S.O., 1970 provides that: (a) Where an inquiry is requested, it shaîl be conducted by an inquiry officer.ý appointed by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General: (b) The inquiry officer, (1> Shaîl give every party of the inquiry an opportunity ta present evidence and argument andti t examine and cross-exa mine, witnesses, either persanally or by his counsel or agent; and (ii) May recommendt t the approving authority that a party ta the inquiry be paid a fixed amount for his costs of the inquiry not ta exceed $200.00 and the approving, authority may in its discretion order the exprapriating authority ta pay such costsý forthwith. 2. "Owner" and "Registered Owner" are defineti in the Act as follows: "Owner" includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, apersan entitled ta a limited estate or interest in land, a committee of the estate of a mentalîy incompetent persan or of a persan incapable of managing his affairs, andi a guardian executor, administralor or trustee in whom landi is vesteti; "Regmstered Owner- means an owner of land whose interest in the land as defineti and whose name is specified in an instrument in the property registry, landi titles or sheriff's office, and includes a persan shown as a tenant of land an the last reviseti assessment raIls; 3. The exprapiating autharity, each owner who notifies the approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect of the lands intended ta be expropriated and any owner added as a Party by the inquiry off icer are parties ta the inquiry. THIS NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE 24th DAY 0F MARCH,, 1976; DATED AT WHITBY THIS lSth DAY 0F MARCH, 1976. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 0F PROPERTY Part of Lot 10, Conc. 1, Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municîpality of Durham, (formerly in the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham) and being more particularly described as Part 1 on a Plan prepared by M. D. Brown, O.L.S., dated February 18th, 1976 and bearing File Number 76035.

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