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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1976, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Marcb 24, 2976 .00M FLASHBACK - 25 YEARS AGO - High 20 averages in the Men's Major Bowling League are T.- Hoar 228, B. Westlake 225, B. Hearle 218, A. Osborne 217, D. Taylor 217, P. Cancilla 217, G. Piper 215, F. Williams 213, R. Bates 213, J. Coole 212. FLASHBACK - 10 YEARS AGO - The Mon- day night Sweepers Lêague of Bowmanville Country Club scored a rare eight ender on Monday evening. Members of the team are Skip Bill Lyle, Lead Mike Heenan, Vice Walter Rutherford and Second Carson Elliott. DUPLICATE- Bridge winners for March 9th were (1) Mollie, and Hugh Nind, (2) Bea and Byron Vanstone. March l6th (1) Evangeline and Howard Rundie (2) Betty and Andy Thornpson. THE KORTRIGHT - Centre for Conservation two miles west of Highway 400, on Pine Valley Drive, will hold a sugaring off, on Saturday, April 3, 1976. Modern evaporator and old- fashioned iron pot methods will be demon- strated along with the collection system with buckets, spiles and plastic tubing. LABATT'S BLUE - 5000 weekend returns June 18-20 to Mosport. Open practice and testingfor the event begins Monday, June 14 and continues thoughout the week. Prizes total $60,000. THE WHITBY WARRIORS - have decided to play ail their games in Thunder Bay against the Thunder Bay Twins in the Senior A Hockey >quarter finals. The Twins defeated the War- riors 9-4 Friday night, in the opening best of three games. Peter Vipond, of Bowmanville Broadloom scored two goals, Ed Taylor and Dave Nicholishen one each for the Warriors. ST MARYS - Cernent Juvenile Hockey team, now in the semi-final series against Streetsville, have a loss and a win record. Third game goes Wednesday in Streetsville. MOSPORT PARK - will host two Grand Prix motorcycle races at the track, June 25, 26, and 27. Sponsored by Labatts' Ontario Breweries, the two races, the Motorcycle Grand Prix of Canada, a road race over Mosports 2.459' on Friday, with off-road bikes competing in the Motocross Grand,Prix of Canada on Saturday, and a World Championship race for 500 ce bikes as the premier event on Sunday. SPORTSMEN SHOW - goes ail th is week at the Exhibition Grounds, Toronto. On Thursday, Don Bishop, plant manager of the Statesman, his wife Betty and son Larry, were guests of the show, prior to the opening on Friday, and report a great time. Don even caught a trout, which attendants cleaned and froze for him. Unfortunately, when he was ready to leave, the freezer was locked up for the night. Anyway it's a terrific, show and a great trip for the winter break. THOMAS ADAMS - Zone Championship Rolloffs were held at Liberty Bowl Sunday, March Zlst and Liberty Bowl Ladies won the right to advance tothe provincial finals to be held April lth or llth. The winning team from 'Bowmanville was Judy Edmondson, Sue Smale, Judy Ferguson, Madeline Martin and Jean Allen. The winners of the Thomas. Adams Gold Stripe Awards for high triple in each Classification were Judy Edmondson, Gail Anderson,, Whitby, Judy Ferguson, Madeline Martin and Bernice Buday. Teams competing were from Ajax, Whitby and lBowmianville. BON GOOD - hit the highest single game in the Men's Major.on Wednesday when he bowled 410. Gooc" s triple was 902.,He now leads the Majors forhgh average 248. Nice bowling effort. Liberty Belles Team Standing Roberts 18686-23/, Combes 18925-23, Nickersoni 18705-19, Partner 18262-181/2, Bons 18262-16, MacDonald 18295- 13/, Forsey 18199-13, Alldread 18710-12, Pearce 18177-12, For- an >18057-10, Spear 17821-9/, Lewis 17477-7. îigh Single - Rita Junkin 332. Higb Double - 523 (298-225) Wilma Combes. , Top 10 Averages M. Pearce 209, C. Roberts 206, May Alldread 204, L. Nicker- son 201, M. Gibson 201, A. Bons 195, P. Forsey 194, J. Phillips 194, E. Dadsoni 193, M. Horstman 193, E. Bragg 193, W. Combes 193. St. Josephs Team Standings Clavton Morgan 56-36466, Bob Brown 51-36323, Gary, Conway 51-35710, Roy Sandison 47- 36487, Rose Marie Conway 46-35825, Marg King 421/- 35796, Art Deboo 401/2-35899, Paul Piels-29-33781. High Triple - Clayton Mor- gan 672, Rose Marie Conway 627. Higb Single - Rose Marie Conway 288, Cînyton Morgan 269. Over 225 Rose Marie Conway 288, Clayton Morgan 269-209, Bob Brown 262, George Gibbs 258, Cory Euls 248, Richard Kilmer 244, Hugh Smith 243-236, Lois Woodcock 231, Jessie Heenan 229. Bowling Teain Standings Joan Sutciffe 20-31026, Mary Gray 20-30872, Diane Howarth 13-30136, NybI Sheehan 13- 29404. Higb Single - Xirginia Fairey 296. High Triple- Virginia Fairey 727. Top 10 Averages Joan Sutciffe 224, Nyhi Sbee- han 214, Virginia Fairey 202, Mary Gray 199, Anne Plazek 198, Diane Howarth 196, Mary Bates 192, Denise Annaert 191, Irene Whitney 185, Berxice Partner 184. BHS -Receives Ne w Car from General Motors This 1576 Snowbird was presented, recently to the Bowmanville High School Automotive Training Course from General Motors of Canada b Oshawa. The car, which was used across the province as a show car for the new mnodel that has just gone into production this year, is in perfect condition. Its metric design will be one of the car's features that will be useful for teaching the new measurement system. Unfortunately, because it was used as a show car- it cannot be certified, and used on the road. Murray 0"Brien (right) from Cowan Pontiac-Buick Ltd. presented the car to the school's principal Earl Wolff and the technical director of the automotive program, Frank Varga. Mary Brown's Novice-Taras Oust Sfouffville in 5 Gomes Meet' Bay Rîdges for Crown On Monday, March lStb, Mary Brown's Novices travel- led to Stouffvîlle for the fourth game of their semi-final playoff round, and were band- ed a 4-2 defeat by a hustling Stouffville club. Early in the opening period, defenceman Lorne Whitmarsh was cross-checked into the boards, injuring bis arm seriously and this seemed to upset the Toros and it was downhill from then on. Stouff- ville struck for a goal with 4:13 remaining in the period. With just over a' minute remaining in the- same period, Tom McLaughlin tied the score for Bowmanville. Stouffvîlle fired two more goals in the middle period, as they checked the Bowmanville players fiercely, breaking up the offensive plays before they could get rolling. In the final period, Bow- manville fired their second goal. Brian Grabko was the marksman on the beautiful passing play from his centre- man Greg Watson. The host club fired their last goal with 2:23 remaining in the game to dlaim a well-deserved victory. Chris Clifton was in goal for the Toros and was bard-pres- sed to keep the score from going eveni higher. On Saturday, March 2th, at home the Toros bounced rigbt back and handed the. Stouff - ville club a 3-0 defeat to eliminate them from the playoffs and send the Toros into the O.M.H.A. Lakeshore Championship Final against Bay Ridges. The first and second periods featured many glorious> scor- ing opportunities for both clubs, particularly the Toros but the goaltenders at eitber end of the rink rose to the occasion ta stymie the shoot- ers. At the 4:17 mark of the final period, Chris Dreossi scored on a beautiful solo effort to send bis team into the lead. At the 6:54 mark, left winger Jeff Dawson garnered the second Bowmanville goal, the assist going to Captain Chris Dreossi. Dreossi, who played a magnificent game,. scored the third Toro goal, assisted on the play by defenceman Brian Heard and Pierre St. Amand. Richard Smith was in goal for Bowmanville and was superb, stopping some shots that seemed sure-fire goals. The Bowmanville téam was witbopt the services of goal- tender Chris Clifton, winger Tom McLaugblin and defence- man Lorne Whitmarsh who is ifinished for the season due to injury. Bowmanville will now meet Bay Ridges for the Champion- shîp of the Lakeshore Novice League. D& R Surprise Franks In 4th Game of Finals by L. Burns D & R Sports came up with their best effort yet, as they defeated W. Frank Real Estate in the fourth game of the finals last Sunday. D & R struck first when Larry Perris took a pass from Barry Oliver and stuffed it in Frank's net with the game only 25 seconds old. Four minutes later Frank's tied the match with a goal from Bryan Hughes with Phil Johnson assisting. D & R took the lead before the first ended when Murray O'Brien tallied from George Sainsbury. The second saw Frank's tie the game again wben Paul Forsey drilled one behind a bewilder- ed Doug Hayes. D & R then took the lead witb only twenty seconds lef t in the period on a goal by Brian Evan with George Sainsbury and Doug Crough assisting. The third period saw only one goal, as D &R won the game 4 to 2, from Mike Corneil with Randy Donoghue and Brian Bradley getting the assists. The fifth game goes next Sunday at 10:30 a.m. as Jim Hogarth, Wayde Pres- ton and Paul Bedard drew assists. Saturday, the Toros went to Whitby and were tied 1-1. Bill Wright and Wayde Preston combined to set up Dean Holmes' with, less than two minutes left in the second. Wbitby tied the game on a power play effort late in the third period. Mike. Paterson played goal for Knapps and made several key saves. This three game stint repre- sents Knapps longest winless streak this season. Two Games Up in Semi-Finals In Bowmanville on Sat. H.L. giving hlm tbe "bat trick".' Rick Simpson assisted by Wood Minor Bantams out- This ended. the scoring with Kevin Noble and Neil Jones. skated and out-scored Milton the final score 8-3. Playing This ended tbe first at 3-0. 8-3 in the first gaine of a best well in Toros net was Mark Milton scored 2 goals in the of five, AIl Ontario Semi-Final Shackelton. last 2 minutes of the second to series. On Sun. H.L. Wood's boys end the period at 3-2. Milton opened the scoring at travelled to Milton to play the the 10 minute mark of the first -second game in this series. In - At the il minute mark of the period. Toros Rick Simpson a penalty filled game our third Milton tied the score at tied the game 1 minute later Toros came out on top by. the 3-3. Twenty-five seconds later with assists to Randy Mac- score of 4-3. Rick Simpson scored what Donald -and Neil Jones. In the Bowmanville opened the turned out to be the winner next 2 -minutes H.L. Wood's scoring getting 3 unanswered with assists to Steve Braun boys got 2 goals. The lst goal goals. Brent Clemnens scored, and Kevin Noble. Playing a scored by Steve Braun assists assists to Rick Simpson and strong game in goal for Toros to Ken Hoy and Stan Greèn- Stan Greenham. Terry Rig- wasJohn Storgaard. ham. Our next goal was gèrs blasted a bard drive from Our next game in this Semi- scored by Brent Clemens from the point for our second goal Final series goes in Hampton Rick Simpson. This ended the assisted by Brent Clemens. Arena on Wed. at 7:30. See you first period at 3-1. /1 Our third goal was scored by in Hampton. Just 26 seconds into the second period Toros Brent T' T Clemens got bis second goal, 'l ia %%s T a assîsted by Kevin Noble and r iis K a psT a Steven Braun. At the 4 minute mark Garf McQuaid scoredWh i T oUn assisted by Stan Greenham Knapps Towîng Major Ban- Holmes drew two assists while and Brent Clemens. Getting tains had the flu bug play Jim Hogarth and Paul Bedard bis second goal of the game bavoc with their line up this assisted once. was Toros Steve Braun assist- week as they tied two and lost In the return engagement ed by Rick Simpson and Neil one in the Lakeshore extended Thursday in Oshawa, Nor- Jones. Milton got 2 goals near series. mans defeated the Toros for the end of the second ending Last Wednesday at the the first time this year by a 5-2 the period at 6-3 for Toros. Darlington Sports Mrena, Osh- score. Bowmanville, bad five On Toros first shift in the awa Normans scored late in players missing from the line third Rick Simpson scored, the third period to gain a 3-3 up and brougbt up Kevin Ward getting bis second goal of the ýdraw with the Toros. Oshawa and Jim Braun from the game assists to Randy Mac- went up by two, but John Bantam no. 2 team. Each Donald'and Stan Greenham. Stewart and Wayde Preston turned in a credible perfor- At the 7 minute mark Brent with a pair in the third put mance. Scoring- for Knapps Clemens scored unassisted, Knapps into the lead. Dean were Ward and Steve Frank GOLFING IN BARBADOS While holidaying in Barba- dos, recently, Seth Hunitand Mult Corson took part in-the Bayley Bowl open two-day golf tournament at the Barba- dos Golf & Country Club. Seth brought in some pictures to prove it, but we couldn't get enough -out of tbem to repro- duce. He didn't mention their scores, but they weren't liste'd among the, winners in the report in the Advocate-News. They did bave a good time and met some interesting people including Sir Garfield Sobers, acknowledged to be the greatest cricket all-round- er the world has ever seen, and also, a great golfer. He was knighted by Queen Eliza- beth during ber visit to Barbados in February of last year. The photos sbowed Seth and Milt standing witb Sir Garfield, golf pro Ken Foster, Commodore Norman Daysh (ret.) and Alfredo La foret. Newt'viIIe Stair'ville Team Standing Sweet Peppers 49, Cabbage Heads 47, Carrot Tops 40, Celery Hearts 26. High Single - Cindy Cowle 295. High Triple- Cindy Cowle 763. Top 10 Averages Cindy Cowle 209, Gail Milison 201, Peggy Milîson 193, Joyce Stacey 193, Marlene Stacey 192, Bernice Henderson 187, Pat Millson 186, Karen Carter 183, Olive Henderson, 179', Sherry Hall 168. Foresters Team Standings Pollard 56, Luffman 51,' Duguay 48, Hall 46, Van Goor 44, Prout 44, Rogers 43, G. Smith 39, Shetler 38, Ward 37, B. Smith 33, Rozema 25. Ladies High Single lVay Alldread........... 323 Mens Higb Single Jim Robinson........... 289 Ladies High Triple' May Alldread........... 760 .Mens Higb Triple Dave Shetler............ 718 * IT Iit Ior' Pottt o Bg 1 Ietrn:PNICýcdaAte I ubid Ietr, Frbid e a Larnin INTO ln aiine Pontac or B76uPncka I lcti Sunbi rd , Ventora, ireirdV-, aLeMa ans mis- s areton, C teinpwratlin , dlParheisienn , radial, Bht atr esha , ra d e sP tekrix a d lBne uvi l, O N COT MO T L bod BUICK Sy lark S yacentry, eS abre,0 26.0 300 FUL*R E nlc gta and iiea).200 52.4z600 Lease a 1976 P ntiL A ,17 Stok N, 619 erial Co. 165073l * , white aIItieadioxrelleat seker, lanaofu seinyl roofcks I *~~~~o boysiemolingsareoaen îies. LOAN cOS MONTHLY FUi PRIa ad eeCEd(icun elalandlienc oe) $2,00Brown 5r20.42 $6001 n * $2500 650.2 $7The $300 Home4S9.0 of 1d ____________________________________________________ $350 91.8n$050 $ 16 .00 mont $4, o sp$1040.4 $12 oi, *ee Ion 2339 HOOPER'STROPHY CENTRE, TROPHIES-AWARD RIBBONS-GIFT AWARDS CLUB BADGES - PLASTIC SIGNS DESK SETS - PEWTER.MUGS - LAPEL PINS PLAQUES - METAL SIGNS - NAME TAGS SPECIAL CLUB and SCHOOL DISCOUNTS ~~ on Trophies and Engraving. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED- SRON and DAN HOOPER 19 King St. E. Phone 416-623-5747 Bowmanville 4th Year of Successful Operations FIVE WWEEOKLY SESSIONS JuIy 26 to August 23 HARMAN PARK ARENA, OSHAWA Learrt from: HAN K NOWAK - Boston Bruins STEVE CARDWELL- Hershey Bears BILL YEO- Columbus OwIs SPECIAL GOALKEEPERS CLASS Power Skating and Fundamentals of Hockey Boys 5 to 17 Years> SPECIAL MEN'S CLASS (One Week) Book early to avoid disappointment. Phone or Write for our Brochure: Box 383, Whitby, Ontario 728-3138 Legion Ladies H .L. Wood Minor Bantams DUR HAM Motorcycle and.,Sport (MANAGER STEVE SALTER) Taunton Rd. E. Oshawa -Phone.576-3150 Dealers for:' HON DA, CAN-AM, SKI1-DOO, NORTON (Sales Parts and Service) Parts and Service HOU RS: Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday 9: 00 a. m. to 6:00o p. m. Thursday - Friday 9 a.m. to09 p.mn. Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. a

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