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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1976, Section 2, p. 3

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1'i -4. "i o o I Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 31, 1976 Red Cmross Canvassers Need Your Help to, Raise ~Their $7,OOO Objective March is once again upon us. Tbis is the montb that has been establishpd as Red Cross mm deserve to pay Iess for car and f ire insu rance They do at Abstainers. Because our- experience has shown that abstainers have fewer accidents, fewer home fires. That's why we can in- sure for Iess. If you're a non-drinker, can Montb througbout Ontario. Many local citizens are participating in the Durham East campaign this yeàr but the support of tbe entire community is required to make the campaign a success. Our aimn in this year's campaign is $7,000 whicb is needed to help meet the varied needs of an ever expanding community. Durbam East Brancb of the Red Cross (serving Bowman- ville and District) supplies sucb local services as Blood transfusion, Fir st Aid in- struction, water safety in- struction, emergency aid for disaster victims, senior citizens programs, Red Cross Scbool programs, home- makers service, sick room Celebrated Firsf Birthdav supply loan and woman's work. We also contribute to International Red Cross De- velopment and disaster relief programs such as, the Gua- temala Relief Program. The Red Cross is vital in this community but it needs your support. We receive no United Way Funds or Government Aid; we rely solely on your support. Our canvassers will be around to visit you, if they miss you, you can send or take your donation to the Treasurer at 32 Queen Street, Bowman- ville. For furtber information about our programs caîl 623-3115. Remember -- "together we can make good things hap- pen."1 Littie Hope For Mini Golf you afford flot to Iook into Te issue of aminiature golf Abstàiners' insurance for your c ourse and driving range at Highway 2 and Maple Grove home and your car? Road appears to have littie Osborne & Shank hope after a report by 1 ns Agncy td. Planning Director George ms. AencyLtd. Howden to, the Committee of 108 Liberty St. N. the Wbole March 22. Bowmanville - 623-2527 Mr. Howden advised that he bas examined the request and ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY finds no alternative method of the only Canadien COmPany Povidinq automobile permitting the desired use and lire ,nsu.rance excus1veIY to abstainers. other than a zoning change r---- ATION A AP P LINCwE S E R VICt E ' REPAIR ESTIMA TES ON:. FRIDGES-FREEZERS-WASHERS I REEDRYERS-RANGES-MICRO OMENSI CALL NOW *728-1132- IOpen six days week - 9o.m fo 8 pm ITHIS AD WORTH_$5.00 ON REPAIRS wbich be understands the owners do not wisb to apply for. The planner reported that the official plan permits "1recreational areas" in tbe agricultural designation but not commerical ventures, other than bigbway com- merical uses wbich serve the travelling public. "Presumably, this is why the zoning bylaw allows golf courses in the agricultural zone but not miniature golf or driving ranges," Mr. Howden suggests. He states further that "the writers of the bylaw must bave considered a golf course to be primarily a 'recreational use' notwitbstanding its com- mercial aspects, whereas a miniature golf-course must have been considered to be primarily a commercial operation." 1Mr. Howden further advises that "if the proposed mini- ature golf is consîdered to be a NOW available in Durham Region 24 HOUR SERV 1ICE by the Durham Home Owners Service 1td. The Com pany was formed by the many yeors combined experience ci respected cnfractors in the Durham arec. Its primary purpose is -to safeguard'members f rom overchargîng and poor workmanship. MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS ".24 Hour Emergency Service " Day or Night Protection " Double Guaontee " Free Estimates " Guaranteed Complefion " Specialized Service " Latest Methods and materials " One Coul Convenience " Credit Convenience " Ali trades avoulable " Convenient central billing " Expert advice Hi there. My name is Carrne Anne Hooper, and this is my big sister Jeanette, helping me to celebrate my f irst birthday March 18, 1976. My proud parents are Ron and Joan Hooper, and my grandparents are Art and Lii ilooper, ail of Bowmanville. -McRobbie Photo Fo llowl by John SquirrelI3 It ail started wben I s to complete my 1975 in tax return. From one( prise or another, it appi that I bad earned $10,432 commercial use rather t I. recreational area' th( wouid r equire an off Îcial amendment as well zoning change" He notes in conclusior "there are a significant ber of bouses in the immc vicinity of the proposed ature golf course and di range, so some oppositi any change of zonings be anticipated." Mayor Rickard advise( * he bad cbecked witb ste the insistence by the brothers that their pro bad been approved by fo building inspector Ch Warren and then rej later by the present Building Inspector, Wight. The mayor said bis fin in the matter are tbe application for the golf c and driving range wa, presented but merelyi quest for an entrance pi wbicb was granted. Coun. Ken Lyall comn, tbat the staff sbould wben and wbat was appi and added that be understands the Reeds been let out of their le& the land by the ownersb bad no firm confirmatf that tact. Mayor Rickard also that be bad taken a look site recently when passin feit that the property wa small for a driving n suggesting that be, as a i couid probably drivea over the nearby bouses. The committee agreed a motion by Coun. Entwisle to advise counc matter can only be settb rezoning, preceded by necessary application I the owners. " your choice of frir e Ir ni w a con binaton of165 *styles, 1 shapes and COIOJrsncldnq ronds " your prescrptio n rwhite, rose or sL.ngldss gr~e eries " one yesr replacement warrar sy aarnst breakage " ynur chnie ofcase frorna w de selection " -z. ntle of eyeqlas cleaninq solutlC< SINGLEExtrenie rnod and rmi lalretyles vfflOFJ fororiy $1 3.OPir I tw qpries orspeý- t ylet f EV ELASSES lensetandI fashinnr s $31.O Other King Optical Stores Iocated in: Toronto (5), Kitchener, Sault Ste. Marie, %., Sudbury, Peterborough, London, Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Orillia, Chatham, Oshawa, Woodstock, Windsor, and in Ottawa - Capital City Optical Co. 23 Bond Street East, Oshawa - 728-1261 Me, l'il Be' the previous year, an am<i etotthat seemed princely to: ocome I bad bad before. Unfortuna ener- ly' after all the calculati p2.74ei were in, 1 discovered toi 3.4inhorror that I was $1,118.50 - debt to the, government than a combined federal and prov îen it cial tax. I bastily. called - E plan bank to inquire aboutj as a balance wbich the teller i told me was $2.34. Obviouç )n that it was time to use a bit tnum- ingenuity. iediate I began to pore over the1 1mini- guide in search of loopholes riving order to get my income do iofl to to the point wbere eitbei sbould owed notbing or, better st got a refund. With a bit d that diligence, I found a number Laff on areas wbere 1 could mi Reed some dlaims for exempt ,oposal and after, several bours, Former finisbed off the form, signe( 'harles ,and sent it off to Ottawa. jected The other day, I receive Chief letter from the Department H.G. National Revenue. It said, part, " ... and your dlaims ndings exemptions under the vani iat an sections of the tax guide course rejected for the followi s flot reasons: a re- No. 4 - Employment1 permit pense Deduction - The f that you bad a flat tire on y( iented way to look for a job doesi know quaiify as a legitimnate1 roved duction and your dlaim for: also for towing is, therefore, bave nied. Your statemnent that ase oni were on your way to Cana but be Manpower is somewhats ion of pect since we do not have office at the BrassR noted Tavern wbere the allegedf at the tire occurred. ng and No. 5 - Other Allowal 7as too Expense -Pawning y( range, camera at a Toronto pa golfer, sbop does not constitute co a bail mission sales and your cia for $47 for meals and refre ýd witb ments at the Brass R Kirk Tavern is, therefore, denieh cil the No. 16 - Undeveloped Lan led by Tbe fact that your back yarx y tbe over-grown witb weeds d( from not qualify it as undevelor land. The amount of $234 il you dlaim in proporti(i taxes and 2-4-D weed killer tberefore, denied. No. 22- Business Use Residence- Accepting te phone messages from book for fourteen people wbop ronize the Brass Rail Tavx does not constitute a telepli answering service and y( dlaim for $72 as a portion your Bell Canada bill therefore, denied. No. 24 - Goodwiii - The f that people think of you a, I'good fellow" and continue borrow money from you dc not qualify as a deducti item under goodwill and y( dlaim for $75 in unrepi personal loans is, therefo denied. No. 27 - Unempioymq Insurance Premiums - I W(l bave tbougbt it was bai, necessary to point out that1 amount paid by you in inco tax for 1974 dîd not go sol for the maintenance of1 unemployed in Canada1 was distributed among1 many agencies of the gove SV41 ment. Your dlaim of $9.22 therefore, denied. No. 31- Union, Professio or Like Dues - Members] Y our Guid )unt fees paid to the Charlie Brown me fan club are not considered to mes be necessary to maintain a late- professional status among lofis tbose of your friends who are my also members of sucb a club Î ini and your dlaim for $20 for a Lini full-length Snoopy portrait is, )vin- therefore, denied. the- No. 32- Tuition Fees - Money my paid to your guru for a course icily in Transcendental Meditation *SlY,' cannot be claimed as tuition fees and your suggestion that I read your return while stand- ing on my bead, bowever well intentioned, will not influence my decision. No. 33 - Cbild Care Expenses - The cost incurred by you of feeding tbree of your daugb- ter's friends at ber pajama party really does not consti- tute a deductible item under child care. Tbis sort of tbing would normally be offset by the cookies and milk received by your own children at similar get-togethers else- where unless they are, like tbis return, completely un- acceptable to sane people. Your dlaim for $3.23 is, OBITUARY HARVEY JOINT Harvey Giles Joint of 156C William St. N., Lindsay pass- ed away suddenly on Feb. 20, 1976, at the Ross Memorial Ho§pital, Lindsay. He was in his 66tb year. Born in Lindsay, be was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Joint. He received bis education in Bowmanville, bad lived in this locality for 22 years and was a butcher. A member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcb, Lind- say, he was Past Master of Jerusalem Masonic Lodge, Bowmanville. Masons mem- bers from Bowmanville beld a service on Sunday nigbt and were joined by Masons from Lindsay and Fenelon Falls. He is survived by bis wife, tbe former Mary.Helen Allan and one son, Stuart Joint. A sister, Editb of Bowman- ville, also survives. Complete funeral seryice was beld on Feb. 23, at 2 p.m. from tbe Mackey Funeral Home, Lindsay. Rev. O.G. Locke conducted tbe service, witb interment at Rîverside Cemetery, Lindsay. therefore, denied. No. 43 - Charitable Dona- tions - A contribution to the Save The Headhunters Fund of Sumatra does not qualify as a chariiable donation and your dlaini fj $2 is, therefore, denied. No. 49 - Gifts to Canada or a Province - Sending birthday greetings and a cake to the Prime Minister is not con- sidered a legitimate deduction under this section and your dlaim for $7.99 is, therefore, denied. And finally, be'îîg born on December 25thi is'flot suf- ficient reason for us to grant you an exemption of $50 to make up for tbe gifts you would otberwise receive if your birth date were to faîl at anotber time of year. Your dlaim is, therefore, denied.' We will expect to receive your cheque in the amount of $1,118.50 within ten days.". Very calmly, I opened tbe telephone book to the yellow pages and ran my finger down tbe list of finance companies. Sales and Service Limited Rent? Buy? Lease? We have the answer We -Service Ail Mokes WE SELL: Fleetwood - Panasonic Microwave Ovens Color Television Sound Componentsý KNOW WHERE WE TOLD FUNK AND' WAGNALL THEY COULD LOOK UT UP? On videotape, of course, in our public Iibrary, We'*ve got 22 video tapes in stock - on fa mi ly care, crafts, wîldlife, money, the creative arts - and much more. BUT ONLY FOR THREE MONTHS AND WE'D LIKE YOUR OPINION We'd like ta know what you think of videotapes - and if they can help you. So corne on over and give them a try - next timne you're in the ibrary. And tell Funk and Wagnall a thing or two. Bowmanville Public Library The Central Ontario" Telephone 623-7322 R.egional Librry Systemn MEMBERSHIP FEE ONLY $25 YEARLYI imâi51mw9ca5070m'm O /

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