lhe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 31, 1976 Section Two Celebrotes Her, First Birthday s quare feet or traction tnereoî of gross floor area. Newcastle Councillors made no change Monday in the town's demolition fees which presently stand a t $6 or $3 per thousand square feet of floor area, whichever is the great- er. Coun. Ken Lyall objected Monday to the increases, reiterating his previous stand that the staff of the building inspection department should be decreased first. He said that "common sense tells me to leave the permit-- alone and cut staff." Mayor Rickard, however, suggested that such actions as the increase in fees are intended to "make the depart- ments self sufficient". The Mayor did not however get support to the suggestion that the permit fees should be on a "sliding scale" which would see the charge reduced as the cost went up. He thought that would be an encouragement to industry in the area but the remainder of the committee supported the stand that the industries are the ones that can af ford to pay rather than burdening the present residents of the town with increased taxes. The mayor then objected to the feeling of the committee that, school construction should be excluded from building permit charges but Rî%efreshm ont V May Face Nlew by Doug Taylor resident compltaineýd about the Refreshment vehicles oper- operation of the burger bus. ating in the Town of Newcastle The new bylaw will require May soon face stiffer controls any person operating a vehi- and a new licencing fee rate if dle, from which refreshments council adopts a bylaw recom- are sold for consumption by mended by Committee of the the public, to obtain a "re- Whole March 22. freshment vehicle licence" Up to this time, such valid only for the current vehiclesas the Burger Bus, calendaryear. Mary's Chip Truck and the After some amendments to various mobile food services the bylaw as drawn up by have been licenced by the Clerk Joe McIlroy and Bylaw town under the hawkers and Enforcement Officer Horace pedlars licence. Best, Coun. Bruce Tink and The question of a more Coun. Kirk Entwisle moved its specific bylaw has been adoption by the committee. thought desireable for some t was explained to the time and was brought to a commîttee- that both the head late last year when one health deDartment and the fire kept under the watchful eye of the town's building inspectors. Mayor Rickard pointed out that the town is the loser in such action as 70 per cent of the permit cost cornes from the province and approxi- mately 70 per cent of the remainder cornes fromn the Northumberland part of the school district. Decision on that idea was therefore tabled to have a school board representatîve meet with council to discuss it. department had advised it would prove much easier to clontrol the operation of such food outiets by the new bylaw as a licence would not be issued until the requirements of both departments were met. The bylaw was felt neces- sary as those vehicles, such as the burger bus, which are parked, but capable of mov- ing, presently pay no business tax, only rent to the proprietor of the property on which they are located. rehi'cles Bylaw The bylaw calis for payment of a fee for a refreshment vehicle of $200 for the first vehicle and $100 for each subsequent vehicle. Under its requirements, such vehicles shaîl not vend goods within 200 feet of any public park or withîn 200 feet of any eating establishment. Mayor Rickard questioned what degree of enforcement would be made to a part of the bylaw requiring the vehicle to comply with all zoning bylaws of the municipality. The mayor feared that such restrictions would not' legally allow the catering trucks to enter, a residential area to dispense food at a house or apartment building construc- tion site. The committee was in agreement that exception to the rule for such a situation should be written into the bylaw. The licence, once issued, may be revoked by council with notice of seven days to the licencee, if breach of any of its provisions is proved. Any person found to be in contravention of the bylaw's provisions shail be guilty of an offence and hiable upon con- viction to a penalty of not less than $25 and not more than, $300. 1The bylaw, to become effective on the date passed, will repeal ail former sections of bylaws from the former municipalities of Darlington and Clarke townships and the town of Bowmanville, which are inconsistent wîth it. Coun. Ken Lyall did not appear to agree with the bylaw, suggesting that council should either ban such vehi- dles completeiy or let them go rather then "trying to split nairs" as a resuit of the burger bus issue. Outstanding Holstein Werrcroft Model Bud, a purebred Holstein cow bred by Harold A. Werr'y and Son, Oshawa, Ontario and now classified Good Plus. I owned by Werrcroft Farms Ltd., Oshawa, Ontario has an outstanding 8-year-old record. In 305 days she yielded' 19,887 lbs. milk, testing 4.72 per cent for 939 lbs. fat or BCA indices of 164 per cent for milk and,212 per cent for fat. She achieved Superior Production in 365 days producing 22,456 lbs. milk, 1,064 lbs. fat with a 4.74 per cent test. She went on to complete her lactation in 382 days with 22,913 lbs. miik, testing 4.74 per cent for 1,086 lbs. fat. Bud received a Blue Seal Lîfetime Production Award for a total of 7 lactations, yielding 127,617 lbs. milk, testing 4.60 per cent for 5,871 lbs. fat. Bud is sired by Roybrook Telstar, classified Excellent and Class Extra. Her dam is Werrcroft Corinne Cherry, NEWHOUSES, HILTS Charterrd Accounr+nf.z J. C. Newhouses, C.A. G. A. Hilits, B.A. C.A. u 9 1 9e,. u i II5 187 King St. East Oshawa, Ont. - 728-9448 I Hi! My name is Melinda Susan Broome and I wiIl be one-year-old on March 3th. My Daddy and Mommy are Rick and Cindy Broome of R.R. 4, Bowmanville. My grandparents are Jerry and Jean Morrison and John Broome of B3owmanville. My great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns, Mrs. Katherine Morrison of Bowmanville and Mrs. Sue Boutillier of Sydney, Nova Scotia. PutBulingFesU MAa y Excl1uade ScWhool% s ""THE FI RST FLOWERS 0F SPRING!"â WeiII it be a new camper - a motorboat, or saiîboat - a new car this spring? Protect it with complete insurance from James Insurance Agency Ltd. Jlames In5urance Aqe-niguLimited DOUGLAS S. JAMES 24 KING ST. E., BOX 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONT OFFICE 623-4406 ~ a RES. 623-5023 I There's an increase coming in the fee for issuance of building permits when council approves a recommendation of the March 22 Finance Committee_. The committee was in receipt of a report fromn Chief Building Inspector H.G. Wight which uutlined his findîngs after examining the fees of Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa. Cierk Joe Mllroy advised that the present fees in Newcastle are $6 for the first $1,00 in building value and $3 for each additional $1,000 -value. The recommendation, adopted by the committee, is to increase the additional fee to $5 and leave the initial charge for the first $1,000 at $6. At present, the fee, in Oshawa is a straight $4 per $1,000 construction cost while an increase to $5 per $1,000 cost is being proposed. Whitby charges a rate of $10 for construction of not more than $2,0O value, while con- struction of more than $2,000 but under $200,000 is charged the basic $10 plus $3 for each $1,000 in excess, of $2,000. Construction of over $200.000 must pay $6 plus $3 for every $1,000 over the $200,000 value. Whitby is also proposing increases to $5 for the addi- tional fees in both cases, leavi.ng the basic charges as they presently stand. With no increase planned, Ajax is reported to be charg- îng $5 for the first $1,000 value DX PREMIUM FUEL WL FUEL OI andi STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALI COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-,3381 or DMal 1-668-3381 CAIL USDXFEOI TODAYFUL0L FOR PROMeePT, COU RTEOUS SERVICE [Do You Need Money? $2,OOO - $509OOO - st, 2nd or 3rd Mortgages -Cut Your Payments in Hait -Consolidate Ail Your Loans -Pay Off an Existing Mortgage - Combine 2 Mortgages into One - Purchase or Improve Property Any Worthwhile Purpose Farms- Commercial - Residenial Mike Coughilin Tel. 705-743-2501 Great Northern Financial Corp. -SAME DAY APPROVALS- plus a mere $2.50 for each additional $1,000. Mr. Wight reported that, in addition, Whitby is also plan- ningan increase in demnolition permit fees from a flat rate of $10 to $10 plus $5 for each 1.000 Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South BoWmnanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-4597 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 HAAR, CHAPMAN & FLETT Chartered Accountants Suite 202, 54 Centre St. N., Oshawa, 728-7363 133 Church St., Bowmanville Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chîropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanviîîe (near Domýinion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional BIdg. Office Hours: Weekdays 9- 5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy- 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S. 222 King St.-E., Suife 106 Professional BIdg. Bowmanville Office Hours: 'CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFT E RNOON DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E.e Bowmanviîîe Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 9 'tii 5 Wednesday -9'fi 12 Friday - 9 "til 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Phone 623-5790 PATRICK G. DEEGAN, Di-. Denture Therapy Cinic 33 King St. E' Bowmanvileé Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30 'til 5:00 Wednesday 8:30 'til 12:00 Saturdlay -By appointment only. Phone 623-4473 4~UNSWEETENED (FROM CONCENTRATE) BLENDED, GRAPEFRUIT OR ORANGE Fruit 48-F1A Drinks TIN 4 Sunny Morn Tea Bags OF ( I P IN K LO TIO N 50L. P AS I Liquid DetergentBT SASSORTED (WITH PECTIN) Jams & % Jellies 2 9F 0OGIIOU5E Dog Food or FISH FLAVOREDL5Z< TINS IGA Cat Food6 FO (IN TOMATO SAUCE) 19 FL. Beans with Pork TIN 37 CofeeWhtenr A 691 Orange PL A Cryst I s PK, z 9 e1) 6 Lucky By will win awek 4 at the BiUly Harrîs ~ Dave Keon Hockey Sehool Mom adO ad, w de tyourso, love a week eton aof Cana.d.a sts hoc key schools? A chance lv gel ePe"' instruct inoesonnaîs 10tuseauparla .ecea ona..1l lia le nc d ng son mon fl Pool, qymnasia, sq uashannd tannscourts, expansve pîayin fi elds and games ,ooms, la use the mon, ce 10 date hockey lac les;lo meelcneindcsn .dhM, elhl Incky boy, 1w -.a1ahlos .we ithe B iIy Haris- Dace Keon. 1 ceeihH oc key Schno aIetSi. Aedrews To enerec nmply prini your came, ETRYU address and ph one numbe, on BOYS NAME the back Ia-y IrSA label, lac- NOW I sîmîle or cash negisie, 'aP. and deposit in .abhaloi boc anao113.A eeas olean y-u wsh. I8emebe, Ie ole.elees yn.have, ihe beitte, Your chance nf onleeuno F.., lucho bohs (a9qs 7 l. 17 velyl vvilÏ he selecled ach meek for 4 sekuAllr a.c.c testli.9 queltion the bey onli ai the schnnî Taesportatîon .e nl îded. AI-Purpose Flour BG 5 e) PLASTIC lb5il Garbage 26"X 3 Bags PK 1 O (f)FIIlM OR EXTRA FIIlM 10-FL0 Hairspray AEROT 391~ 551 (100%i VEGETABLE 011) IGA PARC iINT .PKG. PKGS. Margarine 3 FOR '~PRODUCE OF USA,CANADA NO. 1GRADE SZ 1IZE 79e Cauliflower FOR Dz TIN 891 Broccoli s v-e OA OL RCS IL RNP 8ozý PRODUCE 0F US.A. SIZE 1000S PRODUCE 0F US.A. Ces lcsPKG.59 Florida Oranges .......DOZ. 69e Bunch Cai ROYAL GOLO MILO, MEDIUM OR OLO COLORROPOUEOFS.CNDAN ,RD PRODUCE OF USA& Cheddar Cheese WE $122 Cabbage ........ ... 3 FOR99 Green Oni, PRODUCE 0F O.S.A. CANADA FANCY GRADE HIOLIDAY FARMS FROZEN 2L no e r .... 9 Cabbage Rolîs PKG, 1.89 AluPasL 9 WE RESERVE THE RIGHTS TO LIMIT QuANTITIES, , PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. INRU SAT., MAR. 31 -APRIL 3 irrots ons n jàýý 3 B UNCEs87e 2 BUNCRES 29ul 77 King St., East Bo wmanville MONEY ON QUALITY m