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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1976, Section 2, p. 3

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Sugarîng Off Underway at Kortright Centre Office, 234 King St. Ê., Bowmanville, Ont. Tuesday, April 6, 1976 Land- scape gardening, 8:00 p-m., Agricultural Office. Wednesday, April 7, 1976 Verterinary Club, 8:00 p.m., Agricultural Office. Thursday, April 8, 1976 Sheep and Goat Club, 8:00 p.m., Agriculturni Office. Monday, April 12, -1976 Rabbit Club, 8:00 p.m., Agri- cultural Office. Tuesday, April 13, 1976 Beef Club, 8:00,p.m., Agricultural Office. 1Wednesday, April 14, 1976 Dairy Club, 8:00 p.m., Agri- cultural Office. Mondny, April 19, 1976 Field Crops, 8: 00 p. m., Agricultural Office. Tuesday, April 20, 1976 Small Engines, 8:00 p.m., Agricultural Office. Wednesday, April 21, 1976 Hope Caîf Club, 8:00 p.m., Welcome United Church. Monday, April 26, 1976 Conservation, 8:00 p.m., Agri- cultural Office. Wednesday, April 28, 1976 Potato, 8:00p. m., Bill Olan. R. R. 2, Millbrook, (1-705-932-2133 for Directions). Red ross AwaýýrdsNi Honors The Durham East Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society held their Annual Awards Nîght honouring their volunteer workers and donors last Wednesday night in the IMemorial Park Clubhouse. Chief Inspector Fred Blucher, Director of the Com- munity Services Branch of Ontarîo Provincial Police and 2nd Vice President of the Ontario Division of the Red Cross spoke to about 50 people who attended the Awards Night and Open flouse. Early in the evening's program, Mrs. J. Sutherland presented a $200 cheque to the local branch from the New- castle Busy B's to go toward buying a film for Red Cross first aid training.. Among the award recîpients were three surprised husbands who were given citations for continued support of the Bowmanville and theiïr Vlner district Red Cross branch. Mr. Blucher made the presentations of Fred Grif fin and George Forsey and a third to Roy Spry for giving time, energy and talent to the local branch and commended them for "longsuffering" as hus- bands of devoted Red Cross workers. A fourth certificate of menit was given to Mrs. C. Scott for "loutstanding voluntary service" in the East Durham Brarlch. Blood donor citations were also presented to Mr. Lavernie Martin and Mrs. L. Van- haverbeke for their continued support of the socîety. A slide presentation was gýiven& by Nick Ruiter, Ontario Division of Red Cross Youth outlining the various services of the Red Cross Society. Coun. Ivan Hobbs thanked the society on behaif of the Town of Newcastle Council for the services they provide to the community and Inter in the evening MPP Doug Mof- fatt gave a few words of encouraizement to the Branch. The awards night endecl with Mr. Blucher presenting to President Pat Griffin the new officiai charter for the Durham East Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society. West Durham District W. I. The Executive of West Durham District Wl,. held their annual planning meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Ashton, Solina on Tues. March 23rd. The meeting opened at 1:30 p.m. with Mrs. R. Fraser. -President presiding and Mrs. in Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 7, 1976 3 t kshtrn, Seet. Treas., in ing delegates to the F,W.I.C. hrgofteoksThMay Convention held in Charlotte- Stewart Collect was read. tôwn, P.E.l. in June. Each Representatives were there branch is asked to donate a $1 from Bowmanville, Maple a member towards this as it Grove, .iHampton, Solina, had already been decided to Blnckstock and Nestleton send a delegate to our last branches. year's District Annual, 0 After the reading of the As our District funds are n minutes and treasurers report low, we hope to arrange for were given, plans were made another, Fun Fair scheduled ýffor the District Annual. This is for October at Nestieton. We 1.to be held in Trinity Church hope members will corne up Bowmanville on May llth. with some fresh ideas to make d The Nomainating Committee this really popular. 9 for the District Officers will be The president, Mrs. Fraser eDistrict Directors from New- adjourned the meeting. Mrs. etonville, Solina, Blackstock. Ashton with a,,,few helpers e Discussion followed on send- served a delicious lunch. NEWHOUSES, HILTS Chartered Accou ntants J. C. Newhouses, C.A. -G. A. HiIts, B.A. C.A. 187 King St. East Oshawa, Ont. 728-9448 Ken Strass er, Supervisor of The Kortright Centre for Conservation, demonstrates the: old method of makîng maple syrup. Visitors to The Kortright Centre can see demonstrations of the old and new methocis of making maple syrup from now to April il,, on weekends and holidays, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Kortright Centre lis located two miles west of lighway 400, just south of Major MacKenzie Drive on Pine Valley Drive. PALANDA Manidarin 1lOFI 9fl O ra ngues TINLJ FLAVORED' POLY BAG 0F Tang Orange CrystaIs')PKGS.1109 CATELLI READT COT Macaroni or Spaghetti 2oLx'63(: ASSORTEO VARIETIES Hiamburger BToB'. Helper BOX HIGHLINER FROZEN STICKS 09 FILLETS INOIVIDUALL Boston 1Bluefish wRAP'DP KGI14ÔZ79e REGULAR PROCESS CANADIAN Kraft Cheese Slices 16 Dz. $1f PKG. , .2 "'HE WORKS FOR THE INSURANCE COMPANY?"j A captive agent is an employ- ee of the insurance company. An independent insurance agent, such as James Insur- ance Agency Limited repre- sents you, the insured in qetting prompt and full settie- nent of your Ioss'cdaims. WiI -you insure with a captive or an independent insurance agent? Jaes Il5rance Agencu Limited DOUGLAS S.' JAMES 24 KING ST. E., BOX 100 BOWMANVILLE,' ONT. OFFICE 623-4406 I1 RES. 623-5023 - April 6 &7 - Egg Producers Annual Meeting - Inn on the Park, Toronto. April 7 - 10:00 a in. - Corn Stover Conference - Holiday Inn Hespeler. Apnil 9 - Eiastern Breeders' Beef Day - Kemptville College - 9:30 arn. Regional Milk Commnittees Meeting at the Rockhaven Motel, in Peterborough. April 10 - Central Ontario Rabbit Breeders Show - Lack- han Centre - Port Perry. - Aberdeen Angus Assoc. Cen- tennial Seminar - Animal Science Building - University of Guelph.' - Junior Farmer Bowling in Port Hope. Sat. April 17,18 - Millbrook Lions Club Pancake Festival - Russell Kennedy's Bush, in Millbrook. Ap'il' 20 & 21 Canada Grains Councîl Annual Meet- ing - Winnipeg, Manitoba. April 21 - 6:30 p rn. Durham Central Agricultural Society Banquet - Orono United Church - L. G. Brown, will be the guest speaker. April 21 - 23 - Cheddar Cheese Course - University of Guelph. April 22 - 7:30 Station Tested Boar Sale - New Hamburg. April 26 & 30 - Bulk Milk and Plant Milk Graders' Course - University of Guelph. April 27 - 8:30 Federation of Agriculture Meeting - Brock Township Hall, Sunderland. 1Saturday, May 1 - 9: 00 p.m. - Juni or Farmers Zone 2 Annual and STOVE OIL BOWMAN'VILý'LE CUSTOMERS CALI COLLECT CALL US TODAY FO R OMT,.UTEU Do You Need Money ? ine $2,OOO0 - $50OOO' - lst, 2nd or 3rd Mortgages - Cut Your Payments in Hai1f - Consolidate Ail Your Loans - Pay Off an Existing Morigage - Combine 2 Mortgages into One' - Purchase or Improve Property Any Worthwhile Purpose .rms-Commercîal - Resîdential M k e Co u g hli.1'ýn Tel. 705-743-2501 (GreaLtNorthern Financi*al Corp. -SAME DAY APPROVALS - Spring Formai Dance, Co- bourg Legion Hall. Durham County 4-11 Club OrgapizationaI meetings Monday, April 5, 1976 Swine Club, 8:00 p.m.. Agricultural Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accounitant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmaniville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 6234597 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 HAAR, CHAPMAN & FLETT Chartered Accountants Suite 202, 54 Centre St. N., Oshawa, 728-7363 133 Church St., Bowmanville 62"1-M1tS8 Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Ch 1ropra cti c 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc:Chiropractor 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store> Office Hours: 9: 30 a.mn. to 9 p. m. incîuding Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional BIdg. Office Hours: Weekdays 9-5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D. D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bwmanville Office Hours: Open 8:30.m. to5: 00p. m, WEEKDAYS DR. W. M. RUDELL, 0.D.S. 75 King St.* E., Bowmanville Office Hurs: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 9 ttiî 5 Wednesdlay - 9 'tii 2 Friday - 9 'tiI 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Off ice Phone 623-5790 PATRICK G. oELGAN, D.T. Denture Therapy Cinic 33 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8: 30 'tii15: 00 Wednesday 8:30 'ti 112: 00 Saturday - By appointmnent only. Phone 623-4473 IN TOMATO SAUCE WITH PORI< OR HeiQnz, Beans HEINZ CREAM OF Mushroom Soup at tell ars~ Mo. ..ad Oad an..Idn*t y-..e 1... aaa Canada a hast hockayneltools A chance to Set expert nstuct . o le , paîss...na., te. -ncuVe ece t anal .4titacIunlud nqSmmmnP-1 ,nnas..ai. .q .a.h td t .n. ilnoata no.p ... n- nluyin tields ..d gfitt ooste os 1.ath. mas op-t.-date hacher ; te teaet s n-k.d.s H. eeld h. ana atth. 16 tachyheoyIl-naàfabnlous week t the Sily Harrs OD-.X-eonInn oHochey Sahool atSt dem CT. ,n.Y naENTER YOIJR add.l.sond ph- -.ha,tte n DUE 2 OMOE th. hb..nt.1ny BOA label, îta.-O sirnide o, cash ,l"s'nttape and d.pnsit in a bel"t bc at .ny OA batte, ynuthanc- et boys (ag.. 7 ta 17 a bcd .aaah ..ak tat 4 Oesw.anng a sbll ;: toesong qa.st.onn +lV thebo by dl et the sahoff est. 1C R EGOLARI. DRY OR LIONT POWOER Fresh Deodorant AER. CAN 9 9-VOLT TRANSISTOR EACH Oh CARDO0F 2* O CELI.FLASHLIGHT. C" CELI. TRANSISTOR OR "D CELL TRANSISTOR EACH ,fl Eveready Batteries CARO 89l DUPES WOODEN Spring Clothes Pins FROZEFI CONCEPITRATEO WeIch'ý Grape Juice FROZEN- BEEF, TORVEY, CIICItAN OR UEEF KIONEY Savarin Meat Pies PKG 0 600 9 12-FL. z TiN 67e "Z~ 3 FOR $ 1 POWDERED Sunlight Detergent CHIPS AHOY OR OREO Christies Biscuits 14-FL oz. TIN lotiL Dz. TiN 80 OZ , KING SIZE$ BOX 1.99 24 TO' PKG , V, MORE FREE - Dove Lquid Detergent 3L'ASBL9 IGA Apple Pie 20 OZ,~ SI 2E FACH 7 ' REGULAR, OlP, SALT & VINEIjAR25 OR BARBECUE FLAVORES 5 Hostess Potato ChýIPS 7PKG 79 McCORMICI< S Peqppermint Patties 'P 65. Stayfree Maxipads 4K%*0F 2379 Stayfree Mini Pads PKG8 ' 119 PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRUJ SAT. APR. 7-10. WE RESERVE THE RIGHTS TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Al PRO DUCE 0F U.S.A. FLORIDA MR EDESRDO HT IEf GrapefruitFOR PRODUCE 0F U SA SUNKIST Nave Ornge PRODUCE DF u.sA., CANADA NO. 1 GRADE 0%~ E - PRODUCE OF USýA SIZE 113's DUZ S C 2rsl! Fffl Staks EACH - Avocadoes 3'991 CANADA FANCY GRADE, CONTROLLES ATMOSPHEBE CANADA NO, GRADE Deiicious CloL An B&CRED ORU~ artLB ~~pieGOLDEN B ~I ~Issu 1 I 77~, KgStreet as AgriultralCalendar MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUEL WL FUEL OIL GRADE A BEEF SIDES 8c LB GRADE A BEEF CHUCKS 2L B CUT AND WRAPPED SILVERWOODS CHOC. FUDGE - MAPLE ICE CREAý,,-M PINTS 1/2 GALS. Bowmanville 8 . 1 Il am 9,0% m É%ý% .

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