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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1976, p. 15

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t4uuutry3 a' INTERESTED IN RETIRING IN FLORIDA? ,'We have a large selection of Luxury Condominiums at Old Port Cave, Palm *Beach Gardens. For Brochures and further information, cali Walter Frank- BOWMANVILLE - NEW SHOPPING CENTRE !./Space available September this year, $7.00 per sq. ff. with ample parking facilities. If you are interested in locating in this convenient Downtown Centre, DYIcaIl Walter Frank for assistance. COMMERCIAL OFFICE BUILDING ~yIn the Heart of Bowmanville. 4,500 sq. ft. 3 stareys high, 13'years aid. Price is $125,000. Cali Walter Frank. SBOWMANVILLE STARTER HOME King size corner lot. Asking only $,40,000. Cali Kay Brown. SEMI-DETACHED - $44,900 Bowmanville - 4 bedrooms, dining raom, carport, Large 93/4 per cent mortgage. 'Cali Bill Turansky. IN-LAW SPECIAL - NEWCASTLE Attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow, finishedbasement, PLUS . separate 2 bedroom aparfment with full basement. Double lot. Price at $67,000. Terms. Cali U4 ACRE BUILDING SITE Just north of Bowmanville, lovely ralling land. Asking $33,000. Cali Ken Brown. 9 ACRES -PONTYPOOL .59,000. White Aluminum 3 bedroom Bungalow on paved road. 1/2 mile ta Highway S115. Cail Bill Turansky. NOW 18 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU! )FRANK 1 PE ALTOR îtTelepihone Smore than , ~SIGN to sel a house~ HEAD takes ... Totalf Exposure and Dedicated People!, D OFFICE: 3 I i 234 King St. East Ci>COswa-7858 Bowmonville Coast to Coast Orano- 983-9547 623-3393 Real Estate Service Toronta - 23-9174 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 14, 1976 15 Standing Room On/y at BHS Auditorium 3% area have already challengeLl m BU à%others in anticipation of the Pazà-rticipaàýtion Ho use teeton T v e e u O Iville, bas challenged the boys match or beat his $25; Mr. and 3upport for the Participa- "challenges" and "advance Ms avnCao a~o --n House Project is growing donations" toward Durham's Acres, challenge ail pure beef in the-region as the date for goal for building a Participa- breeders to match or better their "Parade of Stars" tele- tion, House similar to the $10; Bert Snowden, R.R. 6, has thon comes dloser to air-time project that was buiît in challenged ail members of the on CITY-TV. Markham in 1972. Durham Chapter of the Ontar- The Toronto television sta- The Markham project io Electrical League with a $25 tion has given the project 24 serving 38 fuil-time resîdents donation; the St. John's Angli- hours of air-time from 10 p.m. who are severely handi- can Sunday School in Bow- on April 24tb to the 25th in capped, six on a family-relief manville challenges ail other wbich to hold the telethon to basis and 75 on a daily Sunday scbools to match or raise funds for their projects bussed-in basis. beat their $25; Lake Vista for bandicapped adults across Besides serving as the onîy Park Association has chai- the province. home for severely bandi- lenged ahl other park associa- The 1976, Participation capped aduits in North Amer- tions with $100; Jim Colliss House Telethon on channel 79 ica, the Markham project has challenges ail skiers to match will represent eight districts a workshop, green house, or better $10. from thîs area of the province, involvement centre, hydro -Other challenges have been instead of, 16 which they therapy pool, and provides a issued by Osbawa Coiffure - represented last year. number of tberapy programrs $10; Linda Dionne, Bowman- The centre of activity in for residents. ville, challenges ail wives of Durham region during the Plans for a Participation police officers with $10;, the telethon will be beld in the Bell House in Durham show that, Vander Maale family chai- Canada building in Oshawa, the project would house 18 lenges ahl other Dutch familles wbere donations can be fuli-time residents, six emer- with a $20 donation; 26th phoned in or presented ini gency care, family relief Oshawa Guides'- $10; Margar- person for the project. residents and serve 30 others et Hamilton - ail other nursing Support for the prject has on a daily, bussed in basis. home employees; Mr. and come in the way of "seconds", A number of people i thp, Mrs. Ian Bellingham challen- ges ail credit union members with $10; and the Bowmanville HOPER S TKU PMHY C EN T RE Jaycees challenges ail other service clubs to match or beat TROPHI'IES-AWARD RIBBONS-GIFT AWARDS $5 per member. CLUB BADGES - PLASTIC SIGNS At the present time, Partici- DESKSETS- P WTERMUGS- L PEL INS pation House Telethon organ- DESKSET - P WTE MU S LA EL INS izers would like their contribu- PLAQUES - METAL SIGNS - NAME TAGS tors to know that tbey are the SPECIAL CLUB and SCHOOL DISCOUNTS only campaign raising funds on Trophies and Engraving. for the Participation House in d 4VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Durham region. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED A volunteers night will be SR ON and DAN HOOPER held on April l4th for the 19 King St. E. Phone 416-623-5747 project in the Crippled Chil- Bowmanville dren's Centre in Oshawa at 8 «Ka 0 p.m TH IS IS I l A tt V/0lthr,, 0a ms -âMý that if Man would spend time studying and defending the teachings of the Bible, instead of' the teaching of a church creed,, there would be only one group of Christians here on the earth, instead of over 200 different denominations. That same night the Bowmanville Higb Schooi was used in a way it had neyer been utiized before. As hundreds witnessed a Bible Baptism that was held right there in the auditorium. A portable baptismal pool was used to seal the decision of almost 30 individuals who had requested baptism by im- _'ýmersion. t was an evening that those in attendance will neyer forget. 'l'tis comung 1l"rïcay andt Saturday will be the last two meetings in the auditorium. As a special Easter presenta- tion, Lawton Lowe wîll pre- sent the "Return of the Resurrected Christ", on Fni- day nigbt. He proposes to answer the question "How soon will the return take place". On Saturday night as the last meeting in the higb school, bis topic will be, "How Can I Stay Converted? " Many have remarked tbey have neyer seen s0 many people crowd into that audit- orium night after nigbt for 24 nigbts in the bistory of the school. If you bave not attended any of the lectures thus far, make sure you are there this weekend. The programs are open to ail those of ail faiths and denominations. The meet- ings will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Bowmanviiie High Schooi Auditorium. Plan now to attend. W E S L EY VILL E Too many people put away their winter boots last week, for just to show balmy weather is flot here yet to stay, there were snow flurries on Sunday morning and chilly winds blew, over the fields, white in the early morning. Palm Sunday service was conducted at Welcome United Church by Rev. R. Bartlett assisted by Alain Wilson. During the children'spart of the service and singing of "Children of Jerusalem", Heather,ý McHolm and Brian Beckett stood at the front each holding a branch of a palm. As each child went to Sunday sehool class he or she was presented with a small leaf and shownhw Vit cou1dlC be folded in a cross. The choir's anthem was "Hosanna, King of Kings" with Mrs. Carrol Nichols as organist. Mr. Bartlett's message was based on the topic, "More than Palms" and ushers for the BURKETON Mrs. B. Lee, Oshawa, cailed on Mn. and Mrs. G. Grace and family during the week. Mrs. S. Tabb, Bowmanville, was a Sunday supper guest of Mn. and Mrs. A. Swaîn, family and fiends. Mn. andMrs. D. Gatcheil, Brooklin, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. A.C. Stephenson. Mrs. M. Hottot was a recent visîtor of Mn. and Mns. K. Victony, Zion. The Bible School was held at the home of Mrs. I. VanDamn on Friday evening at 6:30 p. m. with the usual good attend- ance. The Public and High School chiidren enjoyed a week's holidays. Our hopes and wishes go out to those who are stili strug- gling to find good bealth. Mn. and Mrs. E. Barrett and famiiy, Don Milîs, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. morning were Donald Nichols, Alain Wilson, Edward Hender- son and Barry Best. Among the many announcements was word of the Easter sunrise service at Willow Beach at 5:30 a.m. STuesday, April 6 was a busy day on the church calendar, UCW conference met at Lind- say, Cobourg Presbytery was held at Coibonne and Canton UCW held their Easter meet- ing that night. Churcb mem- bers were present at ail of them, witb Mesdames T. Wilson, K. Ashby, C. Irwin, H. Best and Berniece Best at- tending at Canton. On Thursday of last week Mrs. R.J W. Scuithorpe and Mrs. _K. ,Asbbýy-,attended a short meeting of garbage coalition in Hamilton and were shown through the M. & I. plant's detînning process. They watcbed the process and saw the metal compressed in bales for shipment to steel companies. Frank Holroyd and family. Mrs. R. Davey spent Satur- day in Oshawa and had dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Grant and family, Zion. Mr. Arthur Grant, Zion, called on Mrs. R. Davey during the week. ELDAD UCW SOLINA U.C.W. Eidad U.C.W. met at the home of the President Mrs. Lois Yciiowlees wbere she opened the meeting with an Easter reading. Then she asked Mrs. Donna Johnston for the Secretary-Treasurer's report. Mrs. Bruce Tink conducted the worship. This was the Easter service. She called on Mrs. Bernice Watson who conducted an Easter pinylet, some of the ladies present helped with readings. Lunch was served by Mrs. Mary Milison and our hostess. Next meeting May 3. Tbe annual meeting of the Morrish Womnen's Institute was beld at the home of Mrs. Chas. White, Clifton road, Port Hope on Tuesday, April 6. The president and secre- tary-treasurer for the coming year are Mrs. A. Hughes and Mrs. C. Dickinson, respective- ly. The program was on advertising with discussion about the iil-effects of some advertising and ways of com- batingit. There was "a make and bake it" sale at the conclusion of the meeting. Mrs. Reeve returned home last week from a holiday in Williamsbung, Va., where she visited friends, and tells us the flowers were beautiful. HoId GIad- BuIb Sale Some 250 bulbs were offered and the bidding was competi- tive. The Society was pleased to receive such a fine selection of interesting variëties tromi Mr. L. Butt of Huttonville, Mrs. B. Barnes, Mr. F. Samis and Mr. H. Jose, local growers. Winners of potted plants were Mr. and Mrs. Ruth, Cavan; Mrs. Lesnick, New- cas tle; John Killeen and Lyle McMahon, Townu. These prizes had, been donated by B. Barnies and R. Tink. A short business meeting followed with Vice President Don Cameron as chairman in the absence of President Frank Samis. Plans were made for the annual Gladilous and Dahlia Show to be beld in August. 'Serving people is what we do best Irwin Sargent a Lowes Limited Realtor -Millbrook 932-2132 SE E adCOPAR NEW HOMES IN MILLBROOK 1by Marianna Developments - 6 NEW HOMES 111/4%/ to il11/2%/ FINANCING - Prices from $44,900 - $48,900 - Downpayments f rom $2,000 - Low taxes - Quiet Village with ail services available your Hostess Will Be Eileen Powell ONLY 2'5 Minutes from Bowmanville OPEN' HOUSE SATURDAY 2-4 p.m. ata D YKSi RA'S DELICATESSEN FOOD MARKET MAPLE LEAF I TUR KEYS * BUTTER BASTED * or * EGLAR GD RAAfl FULLY COOKED, BONELESS ~ I MAPLE LEAF I A Store By Tt DINNgR HAM Sliced or . 50 le Piece Lb. OLD CANADIAN EXTRA LEAN FRESH TENDER AND JUICY CHEDDAR CHEESE GROUND BEEF RIB STEAKS $1___o79 __$1 *25.Ideal for 9 49 MLE LEAFL. STORE Lb LEDA TR HOT CROSS TOASTMASTER RLIndlessDUNS BROWN & SERVE Breakfast Bacon 6 ROLLS ,59 A6O 1Lb. Pkg. of 6 4 N Doz. BEATRICE DELMONTE ARMOUR F ruit Bottom Yogurt ORANGE JUICE Beef or Irish Stew ASSORTED 2~ 6 Oz. 4 ç48 Oz. 2 z FA 219e Cup ' TinTi FRESH PRODUCE FRESH, CRISP SUNKIST NAVAL ONTARIO No 1I FRESH CALIFORNIA CELERY ORANGES SmaII Potatoes 'ASPARAGUS Size eSz 302 A StaIk 113 7çDoz. 99ç L b. - s9 L A Large Selection of TOASTMASTER WHITE SLICED EASTER BREAD2/9 Chocolate Easter Eggs CHAPMAN'S Chocolate Easter Bunnies .19CEA Easter Bas 1kets etc. 2 Litre Pkg.' 1 73-77 King St. W., Bowmanville THE PLACE WHERE QUALITY AND SERVICE COUNT! IUL ý-wQpy and ~camnpek in tkh Th[VOCU Oý the -Tc[da~~on Introductory Special F1"'RE E Manicure with Each Facial Offer Good Until the End 1of April Phonoe 623-7312 for Appointmen ts GINI'S Hair Fashio ns 103 King Street East Bowmanvillie Standing Roomn Only" was tbe byword when over 600 people crowded into the 'Lt Is Written Series' to hear about the "Mark of the Beast". The Bowmanville High School Auditorium was filled to capacity as the guest speaker, Lawton Lowe, challenged the crowd to choose between worshipping the teachings of God and the traditions of man. A large segment of the audience that evening stood to their feet as an indication that tbey wanted to give Christ and His teacbing first place in their life. Since that overflow evening, Lowe bas kept the crowd returning with fascinating presentations. Saturday night he answered a question that many have asked countless times, "Why So Many Denom- mnations?". Lowe, pointed out,_ 1 1

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