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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1976, p. 1

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Two, Briqod'es Fight $20,000 Kendal Firg Bu r ned The front portion ofd the Jack King residence at-131 Elgin Street was fully involved in flames when Bowmanville fi refighters arrived Sunday afternoon. The 4:13 p.m. blaze sent Eva King to the burn ward of Scarborough General Hospital suffering second and third degree burns f0 her legs, face and chest where she was at last report stili listed in poor condition. Mrs. King suffered the injuries after an explosion which police and fire officiais believe was caused by the ignition of gasoline fumes,,setting the interlor of the home on f ire, Fire Chief Jim Hayman has estimnated the loss at about $12,000 to the building and approximately another $6,000 contents. Condiir Durham Regionalý Police Superintendent John Powell advises that Jack King, the woman's husband, had just pulled into the driveway of the home when he heard an explosion. Mr. King had Ieft to take a drive by the lake and was only qone about a1 haîf-hour, returninq home îusi in time to hear the, explosion. He is presently in the intensivecare unît of Bowmanville Memorial Hospital suffering chesi ýpains but is reported in satisfactory condition by hospîtal ofticials. Chief Hayman and John McKenzîe of the Fire Marshall's Office spent considerable time Monday and Tuesday, (Turn to Page Two) Volume 122 20c Per Copy BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDN NESDAY, APRIL 14, 1976 Hampto nAMa n Dies FWhle n Car HitsBr idge A but m en t Red Cross Fund- The source remains undetermined from a Saturday ev.eniiig blaze which destroyed the unoccupied Jackson estate house at the Newtonville-Kendal road and the 6th concession of Clarke, just south of the Kendal park. The blaze wAhi'ch kept firemen from Orono and Bowmanville on the scene from 9:50 p. m. Satullrday to 2: 10 a.m. Sunday caused an estimated $20,000 to $25,000 loss to the structure. On the job above are Orono firefighters Francis Tennant, Captain SryDuvail and Deputy Chief Jack Mercer. ffa ttAcclaimedN P D Urham niEosCandid t by Shawn arsal in fav-'or of Mr. Moffatt's respe-çt o bahbis own p.arty MPP Do-ug Mo!cfftt (nDP nination. and the two others as uwell. Duram ast wa chsenas The guiest speaker, provin- He also praised the way he tuh D aindiaefrte NPladerStehbas baadled the radiation next rovicialelection with Leis described bîm as apolml otHp i theuanms suý-epportcolhte nmodel member of the jeogis- question-ing ofthb.goverInment ~'~rnp~i~in~ a~aeati. l a lture wbo bas 7won the TmtcaeTa nominaton meeihed last Thursda'y. Al 39ma mersof the assciaionpreseÈa atÉthe meeting elcl latheBo a- ville Hih S hoo irary voted Postal H'I"ours DurnEute 80%of( The annual March cam- paiga for tbeý Durbam' East brancb ofthte Canadian Red Cross Society bas ca me to an end. Due ta the tremendous efforts of many workers, the campaiga is rapidly reacbing its local objective. It is appropriate at this time ta extend a sincere thank you ta ahl tbe canvass' captains, canvassers, and ail others wbp gave so genemously of tbele time. The Brancb would also like ta thank tbe familles of the many scbool children la rural communities wbose contribu- tions tbmougb the penny banks bave assisted tremendousiy la easuring tbe continuation of Red Cross services in this area. The response of the business and industrial community bas also been higbly commend- able. Tbe people wbo bave given sa generouslywhen tbe can- vasser called at their door must also be tbanked ... it is you wbo bave made this campaign a success. The people of'the Town of New- castle bave once again shown thmough their; contributions their sincerIe interest la the well-being of the global cam- Salvage yla eosiee When YordOprtrPoes The usal hiiduuay servic By Doug Taylor will be ln ellect at the Bow- A bylaw being considered by ilmanviîlle Post Office on the council for the regulating of Good Friday Holiday - Fnî- salvage yards in tbe Town of day, April 16th. Newcastle bas been sent back Wicket service - Nil, Let- tor a third reconsideration. ter Carrier Delivery'- Nil, The action follows Monday's RIural R(outes and Parcel Committee of the Wbole Pst Deliver.y - Nil, Lock meeting which was attended Boxes - Nil, Receipts and by several salvage yard ules, atures-Ilday Sprl7hd- representatives, objecting ta Norm, al Opey rails. certain requirements of the Normal OBusainss ile new bylaw. Noral usiesswil be The primary objection resumed on Easter Monday, wich saîx.age yard operators April 19th. bave is the chain link fenAcing Gasoline ExplosionCauc B3owmnanville fireman'George Moore stands in t] damnaged King residence on Elgin Street following t] ,whichheavily gutted the interior, particularly in tf, and screening by trees whicl the new bylaw.would require. Council tabled the bylaw ai their Marcb 1 meeting wher Solicitor J.T, Skells appeared on benaif of Dom's Auto parts, pointing out tbe objections of bis clients to the require- ments. SMr. Skells was preseal again Monday at which time be spoke of the cost that would be involved ta comply witb tbe regulations of the new bylaw. According ta Mr. Skells, quotations whieh Dom's have received for purchases and installation of tbe required eight foot chain Ilink fence would rua tlîem some $74,000 flot including the extra (Tumn ta PageTwo) Busý,y Week for Area sed ireFi*remen The three brigades that form tbe Town ot Newcastle's fime protection bave bad a busy week, inceluding two major building tires, plus several of a mînor nature. A mid-afternoon cail April 5 sent tiremen ta Sturrock Avenue for a grass tire bebind the Bowmanville Foundry. Tbat evening, wbile New- castle Councllors were bard at work in Bowmanville Coun- cil Chambers, firemn r e- sponded ta what was reported as eitbem a bouse or barn on tire on Sauina Road, north ot Higbway 2. On arrivai, the blaze was tound ta be bush wbich a party was burning, apparently witbout a permit. ~Ciet Hayman eminds that even, persans to whom a eF, burning pemmit is issued for disposing of brusb should not do so atter sunset. On Tuesday atternoon, April 6, firemen again responded ta a grass tire on the 8th Concession of Darlington, near Haydon. The watem tanker tramn Bowmanville was also called into action that atternoon when the Newcastle village tire brigade eceived a caîl on tbe Golf Course Road, lot 20. (Turm ta Page Tv:o) DAFFODIL TEA RAISES $600 Approxinîately $600 was raised for the Canadian Cancer Society at a Dallodil Tea beld on Aprfi 7th la the home of Mrs. M. Hubbard. About 230 guests came to the social between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. last Wediesday alter- noon. Funds were raised ,e doorwaý,y of the heavClU througb the selling of he 4:13 p.mi. Sunday blaze flowers and the donations of he front portion. the large aumber of guests.. :)bj*ective To date, the campaign bas reached approximately 80 per cent of the objective of the local committee. The final totals will be reported as soon as ail people involved have completed their returns. If anyone has missed the opportunity to contribute duringMarch due to vacation time or being missed by your canvasser, you may stili coatribute to the Canadian Red Cross Society by sending your donation ta the Cam- paign Chairman, 28 Welling- ton St., Bowmanviile. DAMAGE PAPER BOX Two minor lires required assistance of the Bowman- ville lire department early Tuesday morning on King Street. One blaze d-amaged the Globe and Mi es paper box at Kingaic1Di vision Streets whieaite destroyed the plastic arU age container i frnt ut Arnber Smouke Shop, aboutm1 1:30 a.m. Plce Loo,.1?k D'ivision 1h; omnvle of Durbam Regional Police are looking for another un- known vebicle inivolved in a collision with a hydro pole and a sign about 1: 30 a.rm. Sunday. The vehicle is believed te have beén travelling north on Liberty Street south wben involved in a collision with the pole and a sign la front of lot 147. It is believed a van or truck Noel Clifford Robinson, age 23, of R.1, FHampÉûon died as,ý a resuit of mlileijrisrcevdna singl vehcle rashearly $aturday -iîcrî-ing. The fatal i shap occurre aond6a..onte t concession near cuogR awen the vehicle Robinson was driving eastbeound, eft Phe iroad for unknown reasons an d lldedwitha bridgeabtm n on te norhsid. The ehcle a'73 Dodgeis report,,ed as a $2500wrieof Provincial Constalble George Osrander investigated the mcis-hap in, which Steveà John T're-leaven, age 16,also ofR R. 1 , Hamipton wsin-jured an aent shawcaGerl Hospîtýal by B1owm anvîlle Am-îbu'la nce servicee. The wrecked vhcewsrmvdb o' oig al Grove. beariag either a brown color paint or primer coat, was involved and sbould bave damage to the right front and mirror. BITS &PIECES IT'S EASTER - Unless ,a heavy snowstorm arrives between now and the weekend, it should be ideal weather for cleaning up the yard, removing the storm windows and otherwise taking care of the odd jobs that have piled up over the winter. Special Easter services will be held in area churches and many visitors will be coming to the area. Have a good holiday weekend!1 SPECIAL EVENTS - Bowmanville Kiwanis Club is planning a special Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday afternoon at Memorial Park, starting at 2 p.m. for youngsters from four-years-old to 12 years. See the advertisement in this edition for details. Out Pontypool-Bethany way, on Good Friday, young people will start walking from Pontypool at 7 a.m. landing, they hope, at Bethany about Il a.m. Wonder if they'll be carrying a cross like they did une year. Spec- tators would be welcomed to cheer them un. MISU NDERSTANDING - The item last week about the sale of Yurko's Variety should have mentioned that the Walter Frank Realtor saleslady who completed the deal was Phyllis McRobbie., SIDEWALK SALE - Bowmanville'ls Annual Sidewalk Sale has been scheduled for July 23- 24, and 25. The dates were decided at a break- fast meeting this week, and the organizers in the Retail Division of the Chamber, of Com- merce are hoping to make it even bigger and better than in previous years. Mure details later. CHANGES - Ray Lee, formnerly of Becker's, King St., Bowmanville, has taken over the new Becker s Store in the Waverley Shopping Plaza and Don Lunau of the Orono Becker's Store, is now in charge of the King St. outiet. BOY'S SOFTBALL - Any boys between 7 and 17 years of age who are interested in playing softball this year should contact the Recreation Dept. at 623-3379 and leave their naine, age and phone number, su arrangements can be made to form the leagues.. SOME RESULTS - Recently, a tiny llelp Wanted classified advertisement was înserted in The Statesman, seeking a receptionist. To date, morr than 75 replies have been received and they are sL lu pouring in. Either there are a great many out of work or everybody wants'to be a receptionist. For certain, they are reading the classified advertise- ments. WenîC1 un Cilo rsReus e Action of Monday's finance Council last week approved Wben the school representa- committee meeting bas a motion by Coun. Kirk tives suggested that such caused a loss of respect for Entwisle ta advise tbe board discussion take place at Mon.- council la the minds of several tbat the budget is outrageous day's meeting, Coun. Entwisle Northumberland - Newcastle and request a meeting wîth moved tbat tbe committee Board of Education officials them- ta discuss it. (Turn ta Page Two) and. trustees. Having been requested ta attend in connection with building permit fees being charged on sebool construc- tion, afficials and members of the board felt that wbile they were present, time should be allotted ta also discuss the board's budget. TAKE A GUESS - The Domninion Autonmobile Association has corne through with another of those gloomy holiday predictions for ti week- end. They forecast 40-45 traffic deaths. Let's foui them and corne up with none. We'Il bet their computers would blow their tubes ifthat happened.- Presented with Legion Anniversary Medal J3uring the recent vimy.igft damner at Brancu 178IRoyaî aaaa Legloni, îce P sident Jim Fair, left, presented Presîdent Stan Dunn witlh thLgi 50th Anniversary medal in recognition of his outstanding service to the branch over many years. AlMC JRobiîe jP1h oto 28 Page$, Numher 15 it 1 ,n ýd S, 1 )f it .e lait,/

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