Friends extend best wishes for improved health to Mr. George Heaslip who returned from Port Perry Hospital on Friday. Mrs. Delton Fisher, West and Mrs. Barry Fisher, ý.ckstock were mid-week visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fisher, Caesarea. Mr. John Philp, North Bay was a Friday overnight visitor with Mr. and Mrs. George Heaslip. Sunday guests were ICOMME RCIAL PORTRAITS WEDDINGS & SPECIAL OCCASIONS BARRY VIRTUE O o to g k a op h Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heaslip and Marilyn, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nesbitt, R.R. Nestleton, On Sunday Mrs. R.W. Jack- son, Miss Marilyn Jackson and Mr. Alan Jackson were evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jackson and family, Port Perry to honour a couple of birthdays. Mrs. Lorne McKee spent last week in Oshawa. She visited Mrs. Irene Hender- R.R. 1, Orono, Ontario j. LOBîM LOB8 50 416-983-5240 "Flowers with Feeling" For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS CLOSED EASTER MONDAY e, Joreal at 133 Church Street Bowmanville Fresh Flower and Dried Flower Arrangements for FUNERALS - WEDDINGS HOSPITAL and HOME Be sure and take a look at our Bridal Showcase in our window. The captain of a ship once wrote in his log, "Mate was drunk today." When the mate became normal, he was terribly chagrined and angry; he pleaded with the captain to strike out the record; he declared that he had never been drunk before; that he would never drink again. But the captain said, "In this log we write the exact truth." The next week the-'mate kept the log, and in it he wrote, "Captain was sober today." CLOTHES CARE HINT: PERMANENT PLEATS -- The word "Permanent" in this connection is relative. Rarely is there a permanent pleat. BACK A FIGHTER Please Support the Rotary Club's Annual Easter Seal Carnpaign CLEANER Bowmanville Cleaners Ltd. 84 King St. W. 623-5 "We Specialize in Shirt Laundering" shot, Mrs. Fay Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tripp. On Tuesday evening Miss Dorothy Bulmer, Deaconess, spoke to residents of Port Perry Nursing Home. On Thursday afternoon she was the guest speaker at the Women's Missionary Society Thank offering service in Lindsay. Wednesday afternoon visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stinson, Osh- awa; Miss Janice Armstrong, Maple Leaf; Mr. Earl Arm- strong, Fort Stewart. Evening dinner guests to honour them on their fifty-sixth weddiig anniversary were her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black of Courtice and ber brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Dickey, Port Perry. This is the first time for several years that the sisters and their brothers have been together. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stinson and family, Oshawa were also visitors. A special anniver- sary cake added to the festive occasion. Several pictures were taken of the family that they will cherish in future years. Several from Cartwright, attended the Carnival in Port Perry on Saturday night and a number of Cartwright folk have attended the Home Show in the Coliseum, Toronto. Sorry to report that Mrs. Lee Show is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams were Tuesday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Melburne Middleton, Lindsay. Mr. Grahame Fish was the representative from Munici- pality of Scugog at the two day seminar at Guelph University on Thursday and Friday re Field Tile Drainage, also a lecture on Beaver Control. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jacob, Deanne and Rhon- da visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fish to honor Ron's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corby and Paul were Sunday guests. On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jacob and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson Munroe, Sony- ya. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rohrer attended the Snow- mobile Convention in London 5520 on Friday and Saturday as representatives of the Cart- wright- Dynos Club. When enroute home they visited with Warren's uncle Mr. and Hi There! Get Your Bunnyw a Carat for Easter Diamonds April's Birthstone A fine Collection of Diamond Rings and Watches HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. E. 623-5747 Bowmanvil e N ESTLETON Expansion Program Depends Mrs. Morley Long at Walsing- ham. Tuesday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson were Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thompson of Canning- ton. Sunday evening guests were Mrs. Howard Millson and Mrs. John Slemon, Ennis- killen; Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan, Yelverton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn, Orono were Sunday evening visitors with his brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn. On Sunday evening Mrs. Verena Sanderson, Janetville, called on Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Mrs. Sanderson has been attending Portrait Art Classes at Sir Sanford Flem- ing College, Lindsay. She had some excellent pictures of her work that prove the ten weeks' course has been most success- ful. On Saturday evening the dance sponsored by Nestleton Area Recreation Committee was most successful. Mr. Gerald Elliott of Ajax pro- vided excellent music. The door prize was won by Mrs. Wm. Bradley of Bowmanville and Mrs. Olive Archer of Scugog Island won the 50-50 draw. The net proceeds are being given to the Ball Club to assist with flood-lights for the park. Mayor and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm attended the Oddfel- lows' Lodge Fellowship Ban- quet on Tuesday evening in Port Perry High School. Guest speaker, Mr. Mel Smith enter- tained the audience in his inimitable manner telling of his work with retarded child- ren and misguided youths. On Saturday evening, May- or and Mrs. Malcolm were guests of Port Perry Legion Branch 419 for "Old Billi" night banquet and dance. Guest speaker was the Do- minion President of the Royal Canadian Legion, Comrade Bob McChesney, who brought a challenging message in the Golden Anniversary Year. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler attended the Annual Hackney meeting banquet and dance at Hespeler on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard MacKenzie left Claire and Leslie Ann with their grandparents Dr. and Mrs. W.F. MacKenzie, Toron- to and also attended the meeting. Officers were elect- ed and ribbons and trophies were presented. Mrs. Ed Lawson and Mr. Bruce Lawson attended the Horse Show and Auction at Kawartha Sales' Barn, Lind- say on Thursday. Bruce sold one of his valuable Hackneys for a fancy price to go to the Owen Sound area. Sunday Services Presbyterian In the Presbyterian Church the Scripture passage Luke 19:29-42 were read by Miss Dorothy Bulmar, Deaconess. During the service a film was shown entitled "The I and Thou of it" stressing people are thous not its and that your love connects you to God. Will Rogers said, "I never met a man I didn't like." Jesus said, "I never met a man I didn't love". If we have a fellowship of love to God we then automatically reach out to others. This was a family service and favourite hymns were sung. A fellowship hour followed when coffee was served. United Church In the United Church Rever- end Victor Parsons spoke on the theme "Royal Entry" reading Matthew 21:1-11. Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. Jesus came humbly riding on a colt. The multitude followed spreading their clothes and branches of the palm trees in the way. The chief priests and the scribes were angry when they wit- nessed the miracles that Jesus performed. When all was going well for Jesus the disciples were with Jesus but they forsook him when the multitude turned against him. Lt is the same with us to-day. Miss Gail Malcolm sang "Open the Gates of the Temple". Sacrament of Holy Communion was commem- orated. Nestieton Women's Institute On Wednesday afternoon the Nestleton Women's Insti- tute Annual meeting was held in tbe Recreation Centre with Mrs. Ben DeJong, the presi- dent, cbairing tbe meeting. Following the Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect Mrs. DeJong extended a welcome to ail with a special mention to the new members. Minutes of the previous meeting and the correspond- ence were read by the Secretary-Treasurer and finances were reported. Sev- eral "thank you" cards 'were received which included gen- orecast Upon Population Although the Ontario Munic- ville's sewage facilities ipal Board recently approved ham Region has n the expansion of Bowman- reached a decision on w erous donations. Several to expand the existing cards were signed for the ili les or construct another An anniversary card was plant. graciously acknowledged The OMB decision of from Mrs. Mabel Cawker 19 permits the expans Central Ontario Public Rela' the present Soper Creel tions Officer. Hasti-notes and and an outlet sewer int a calendar were received as Ontario at an esti gifts from our sister Women's expenditure of $2,280,O0 Institute, "The Grove" in The proposed exp England. The Achievement would increase the capa Day "Clothes for Leisure" the plant to handle sewa was held Saturday, April 10, at rate of 2,125,000 gallons 1 p.m. at Clarke High School. from the present 1, For 1976 the Department will gallon level. be sponsoring "Training Although the exp Schools (2) Short Courses (3) facility would be able t Food Forums at the County the needs of up to level. Included in the minutes population, Walter E was a splendid report of the design manager of the1 70th Anniversary celebration Works department, a February 6. that the OMB rulinî Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm simply to allow the reî reported in the District Direct- arrange the financi ors meeting, March 23 at Mrs. expansion were approv Ashtons. The District Annual He explained that the will be May 11 commencing at department is waitingf 9:15 a.rn, in Trinity United Durham official planf Church, Bowmanville. ation, to be assured o A "Fun Fair" is being the population of Bowm planned for October 26, from is to be and where it 2-4 to be held in the Nestleton designated before pro hall. definite plans. On motion of Mrs. Milton Mr. Evans expresse Fisher the meeting adjourned that some decision ou and the minutes of the Annual the future of Bowmai meeting in 1975 were read. growth pattern will be Excellent reports were given this year. by the Standing Committee He explained that Convenors and the highlight of region decides to proce the year's activities were the expansion to the given in the Presidents Sum- Creek plant, a third exp mary. She expressed ber stage could be underta appreciation to each member raise the projected 2, for the encouragement, gallon capacity to 3, patience and co-operation she gallons. received. Money was made in The rate of devel a number of projects but most occurring in Bowma of it was given away. Her would determine the ti regrets werevexpressed that such additional expî there had been no bus trip being carried out, Mr. during the past year. Mrs. said. Dedong said thatber term of According to the. office was a learning exper- manager, a major cor ience. She felt relief that the ation affecting the decis new President will be taking any expansion of the p office but sbe, enjoyed tbe plant would be approv work and is pleased that she development of the pr had the honour of being Bowmanville president. She asked that the Community. same co-operation be shown to Mr. Evans couldn't qu the new president. exact price but advised Mrs. Grant Thompson pre- rough "rule-of-thumb' sided for the election of estimate would be $1-r officers and Mrs. Joe Wygerde for ever one-million remained in the chair as capacity. Secretary. The Slate of Off- icers for 1976-1977 was pre- sented by Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Regret was expressed that Mrs. Allan Beacock, convenor of the nominating committee was unable to be present. Mrs. I à Thompson, in her remarks, congratulated the president and the secretary for, their past years of service. She also commended the convenors 1and all th e ïniemb-ers for excellent programmes during the year and asked that the members continue co-opera- tion with the in-coming presi- dent and ber executive. Officers for 1976-1977 are: Past President - Mrs. Ben DeJong, President - Mrs. George Heaslip, First Vice- President - Mrs. William Bolan, Second Vice-President Mrs. Grant Thompson, Secretary-Treasurer - Mrs. Jos. Wygerde, Assistant Sec- retary Treasurer - Mrs. Michael Firlit, District Direct- or - Mrs. Ben DeJong, Alternate District Director - Mrs. George Heaslip, Branch Directors - Mrs. Bruce Hea- slip, Mrs. Grant Thompson; Public Relations - Mrs. Law- rence Malcolm, Standing Committee Convenors - Agri- culture and Canadian Indus- tries - Mrs. Fred Dayes, Citizenship and World Affairs - Mrs. B. Heaslip, Education and Cultural Activities - Mrs. R. Davison, Family and Consumer Affairs - Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, Resolu- tions - Mrs. L. Malcolm, 1973 VEGA Curator - Mrs. Milton Fisher, Automatic ti Group Leaders - Mrs. Charles Earnshaw, Miss Rutb Proutt,194VG Mrs. George Bowers, Mrs. ~ Atmtct Stan McNeely, Social Com- \'% 17 HV mittee - Mrs. F. Dayes, Mrs.Ornewt Ben DeJongAuunsainecCom mittee - Mrs. George Bowers, Mrs. C. Earnshaw, Mrs. L.17 HV Malcolm, Auditors -Mrs. H. ~ V8 uoa McLaughlin, Miss Dorothy 17 HV Bulmar, Pianist -Mrs. L.V8 uoa Malcolm. Following the installation ofOenBIu officers Mrs. DeJong, Pres- ident, Mrs. Grant Thompson showed a most interesting look of the history of the 17 Tbompson family witb photosV8a dating back to 1859. After singing 'O Canada' and W.I. grace Mrs. DeJong and Mrs. Wygerde provided a delicious lunch and Mrs. Milton Fisher expressed the - app1971atHEVR The estimation of cost would, however , not include the cost of the site, con- struction of sewerlines from the old plant to the new one or The Canadian Statesman. B the une thp.t would have to be built to the lake. Ironically, the development consortium involved with the Bowmanvjlle West Corn- munity proposai, having been turned down on a $3-inillion offer by town counci!, recently approached the region with an offer to build a new sewage plant on property they own s, Dur- ot yet whether facilit- * larger March sion of k Plant o Lake mated 00. ansion îacity of age at a s a day 500,000 anded o serve 20,000 Evans, Region advises g was gion to ing if ved. works for the finaliz- f what anville will be ducing d hope itlining nville's made if the ed with Soper ansion ken to 215,000 250,000 opment anville time of ansion Evans design )nsider- sion on present val for roposed West uote an that a cost million gallons "B EES ARE A BUZZIN'. ) the BIRDS ARE A LOVIN' and the EARLY BIRD r GETS THE WORM" Yes ... our new spring styles are arriving daily and are leaving almost as fast as they come. To be sure you select just the perfect style and color combination best suited for you. . . come in soon and choose yours while selections are at their peak. Choose'several... all the early birds do! OSHAWA Bond Towers Shopping Mag 44 Bond St. W. Downtown Oshawa 576-7152 SQUARE Bowmanville, April 14,1976 3 near the St. Marys Cernent plant. About 95 per cent of Ontar- io's homes have television. Power consumed by these sets is more than sufficient to meet the combined needs of Guelph, Stratford and North Bay. b 1 1