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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1976, p. 5

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BLA CKSTOCK ~Mr. Bruce Mountjoy has Miss Rosi Frey returned home retired as caretaker of Cart- with them and left for Egypt wright Union Cemetery. on Monday for Arehaeological '2ýruce and bis family deserve Excavation experience. -arty thanks for their many Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheel- -Mlours of faithful work during er arrived Friday from Flor- the 19 years be has tended it. ida and spent the weekend On Saturday, il dîrectors and with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie friends staged a successful Swain and family, Mr. and work bee, at the cemetery Mrs. Bob Wbeeler and family, assisting new caretaker Gold- and Miss Diane Wheeler, win Faint in a spring dlean-up. Bowmanville. Merrili VanCamp, current Mr. and Mrs. Ted Legge and chairman of the Cemnetery Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm board 'reminds us to look enjoyed a mixed curling ahead to Decoration Day to be bonspiel at Manitoulin Island beld Sunday, June l3th at 2 last week. p.m. -,Cartwright members of the Recent Sunday visitors of Port -Perry Curling Club Mr. and Mrs. Enri Bradburn enjoyed the mixed bonspiel and Donald were Mr. and Mrs., last week to wind up the Theodore Watson and Vincent, curling season. Norland and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Anne Alstein and Ivan Bradburn, Caesarea. Annetta were Saturday morn- Mr. Dennis McLaugbilin, ing visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Calgary, recently visited at Harold Mcbaughlin. the home of his parents, Mr. Better health is wished for and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin. littie Darren Leach, Mr. Jim Mr. and Mrs. Alan Assel- Trodder, Mr. Henry Aistein, stine and family, Guelph,' ail patients in Oshawa Hospi- were weekend guests of Mr. tai. and Mrs. Vern Asselstine and David Thompson entertain- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frey. ed three littie friends at bis SHE USED HER HEAD TO CHANGE HER SHAPE. What Anti- Fusco-and other Weght WatChers" members-.arc saying about the ncw Personal Action Plan" modules. "The modules help me get through wthout overeatîng.' D"w~I hI £ Anita Fusco Registered Nurse LOST 36 pouiids -ENROLL AT ANY CLASS- En.1at ony closs, Frsi meeting Fee $7. Al other meet legs $3- speciol senior citizen & student raie lrt meeting S4. Althe, meet,ngs $1 50ý FOR CLASS INFORMATION Caoli 275-5222 - Toronto AREA CLASSES BOWMANV ILLE Memorial Hall Liberty St. S. Thursday 1:30 &7:30p.m. OSHAWA Y.W.C.A. 199 Centre St. Tues. 9:30 a. m. Wed. 7:30 p. m. Join us today. We've got 50 much that's new to heip you reach your goal. WEIGJHT WATCHERS* NEW PERSONAL ACTION PLAN"' Wýight wohe,s 1,g'ee ,~i,976 eigbt birthday party on Satur- day. Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mcbaughlin were Mr. and Mrs. John Beacock, Lindsay. Miss Debbie Swain, Toron- to, spent the week end with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ermie Swain. The family of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston present- ed 14 new bymn books to the United Church on Sunday, in memory of their parents., Mr. and Mrs. Keitb John- ston, Belleville, and Mrs. Ferga Avery, Tilbury, and Donna Marie visited friends on Sunday. The Pops Orchestra pre. sented a fabulous concert of music on Sunday evening. The Sweet Charity Singers added greatly to the program. Un- fortunately, there was a very smali attendance to enjoy the evening. Mrs. George Fowler was Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. Jean Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. -Bob Bryans and family were Wednesday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bryans, Courtice. .Patti Bryans and John Lloyd, Purple Hill, spent the weekend visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lloyd and Diane, Willowdale., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larm- er spent Friday witb ber brother, Mr. Avery, Little Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gibson were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp and Mr. Glen VanCamp, visited Mrs. Gladys Suggitt at Lakeview Manor, Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey.,Grabam and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hoskin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcher and family enjoyed a family gathering at Manchester Barbecue on Sun- day. Jamie Malcolm is home from Osbawa Hospital follow- ing surgery. 1Sympathy of the community goes out to the relatives of the late Orr Venning, Coboconk, who passed away this week. Winners a the Senior Citi- zens Card Party with 20 tables were: lst - Betty Ringbam - 88; 2nd - Ruth Wilson - 83; 3rd - Richard Manns - 78; 4th Mary Harrison - 77; 5th - Ella Venning - 76, 6tb - John Griffin - 76. Low prize - Mamie McGill. Women's Institute The April meeting of Black- stock Women's Institute was beld in the Community Hall on April 7. It being the Annual Meeting 19 ladies enjoyed our customary pot luck dinner. Meeting opened in the usual manner,, ode, collect and minutes of the last meeting, correspondene~, and tharik you's. Roll cait was answered by payment of fees for the next year. Reports from the various convenors constituted the business portion of the meeting. An afternoon tea, bake and penny sale, and a flower demonstration is being planned for Wed., April 2lst at 2 p.m. Offîcers for 1976-77 are as follows - President - Mrs. H. Sbortridge, Vice-President - Mrs. E. Skelding, Secretary- Courtice Secondcry Rehecrses South Pacific The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Aprîl 14, 1976 Hike in OHIP Premi*ums Hiïts Workers Hafrdest Lewis Teils by Shawn Marshall could The new provincial budget gress "1contradicts and- contra- incre venes" the pbilosophy of the Th( NDP in almost cvery area, wou.( provincial NDP leader, Ste- legis pben Lewis said in a meeting weel bere on April 8tb. creas Mr. Lewis spoke to mcm- He bers of the Durham East NDP fori riding association after MPP instet Doug Moffatt was nominated whiel as their candidate for the next itemý provincial election wîtb a and1 unanimous 39 votes. M Labelling the increase in actio Ontario Hcaltb Insurance vote Premiums (OHIP) as a- "regressive tax", Mr. Lew'is said the increases which wil mean a $200 fec increase a year to families are "bard to believe. " The govcrnments statement that the burden of the $228 million expected from tbe OHIP hike wouid fali on employers "is disbonest and mislcading," he said. 3 If corporate income taxes bad been increased by one per cent bc said the province would receive $75 million and- From April 2lst to 24th at Bowmanville High Séhool, the Courtice Secondary School Drama Club will present the popular musical "South Pacifie". Here Blain Vaneyk (as Cable) and Sandra Jensen (as Liat) rehearse the song "Vounger Than Springtime". Reserved seats are available by phoning 728-5146 and show time is 8 p.m. -Photos by Liz Armstrong Mrs. S. VanCamp, Treasurer - Mrs. F. Hoskin, Pianist - Mrs. L. Tbompson, District Direct- or - Mrs. P. VanCamp, Public Relations - Mrs. H. Bailey, Fruit and Flower- Mrs. F. Ba'iley, Auditors Mrs. H. VanCamp, Miss Hazel Eng- lisb. Resolutions - Mrs. S. VanCamp, Curator - Mrs. L. McArthur, Branch Directors - Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs. R. Bradburn. Meeting closed. with the singing of O Canada on the new piano. Achievement Day The 4-H Homemaking Club Achievement Day was beld at Clarke High Sebool on April lth with 38 girls and 7 leaders attending. Congratulations to Valerie Bedford and Linda Duivenstyn who received county bonours and Cindy VanCamp for receiving Pro- vincial Honours, havîng com- pleted 12 clubs. The girls modelled their Leisure clothes tbey bad made ili the club. The fali course will be focused on fitness. Men's Curling Banquet Tbe Men's Curling Banquet was well attended on Saturday evening witb 85 at tending. The banquet opened with the singing of 'O Canada'. The dinner was served, by the A.'C.W. ladies, and Merle VanCamp tbanked the ladies for the delicious dinner. First prize was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Suggitt and presented by .,Mr. Merlin Suggitt to Tom Dean, Dave Hudson, Jim Grîeves, Dave Barr. Second prize was pre- sented by Danny Moore to the High Scbool team, Paul Larmer, Jack Gunter, Doug Larmer, Colin Asselstine. Third prize was presented by Jim Gray to Roy McLaughlin, John Turcotte, Dennis Rom- eril, John Wright. The four skips tied for 9tb place received0 cryingr towels that werepreente byMerlin Suggitt to Dainny Moore, Brian Mountjoy, Floyd Argue, Ger- aid Kelly. Men's Bonspiel Trophy presented by Floyd Argue, went to the Higb Scbool, Paul Larmer, Doug Larmer, Jack Gunter, Colin Asselstine. Mixed Bonspiel tropby donated by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and pre- sented by Gerald Kelly, went to the Higb Scbool team, Paul Larmer, Cindy VanCamp, Colin Asselstine, Louise VanCamp. Gerald Kelly thanked Bob' and Betty Strong for a job well dope as caretakers. Cicken Draws were won by Brian Mountjoy, Doug Larmer, Jim Byers, Murray Byers, Neil Werry, Ernie Swain, Dalton Dorreli, Jim Swain, Neil McLaugblin, Paul Larmer, Bob Fletcher. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Roy- McLaugblin - Secretary-Trea- surer. President Ernie Swaîn commented on a good season witb 69 bours of curling. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin. Suggitt provided the entertainment witb their beautiful slides of across Canada. Evening U.C.W. The Evening U.C.W. unit was held at the home of Judi Mountjoy. The general meet- ing to be held Tuesday, April 27tb was discussed. A panel discussion of current topics on teen and aduit interactions will be presented, the young and old are ail encouraged to come to be a part of this entertaining and educational evening. The girls were asked to help witb the Sbortborn Banquet on April 14. Mrs. Gloria Atkinson gave a very interesting taik on rug booking and, everyone was very in- spired witb ber talents. An Easter devotion was given by Joan Tbompson and a deli- clous lunch was served. Present Concert Blackstock Public Scbool 65 Grade 4 pupils presented a concert consisting of the band, music, dancing. etc., under the supervision of Mrs. Gwen Tbompson, and Mrs. Kieze- brink. Parents and friends attended. Also Mr. Munro - director of Education for Durham Region and Mr. Sutton - area superintendent. This was the first event to take place in tbe new gym. Cartwright Higb Scbool "Open House" On Tbursday evening, Cart- wright Higb Scbool bad their annual "Open House" at the Recreation Centre in Black- stock. This is beld upon completion of Nigbt School courses offered tbrougb the Higb Scbool and this year there was a new course offered in Dog Obedience Training wbicb proved to be very popular. There was a demonstration in Dog Obed- ience and a new course to be offered next year, gymnas- tics. Botb were very well done and the large crowd that attended the evening obvious- ly agreed. A lovely Fashion Sbow was put on by the sewing class under the able direction of Mrs. Mappin. Needlecraft, Fabric Art, Macrame, Chair Caning and Upholstery were on display as well as Decou- page, Leatbercraft and Metal Sculpture whicb are new courses being offered next year. There was an excellent exhibit of Student Art as well as a Penny Sale and movies whicb beld the interest of the children that attended.. Everyone seemred very in- tePrested in ahl exhibits and bad the added opportunity to visit with friends and neigbbours. We wisb to thank ahl who helped to make il a mnost enjoyable evening. Supporters id have avoided the re- governm( sive tax imposed wîtb the Butbeg reases in OHIP. party fo -r he NDP leader said that he in the no] Id focus debate in the It was "f isature in the coming history ol ks on the issue of in- that a w] ases in OHIP premiums. voted agî [also criticized the budget Mr. L, its empbasis on money leader Sti ýad of overail economics ly cbang :bh would include such cision to ns as the creation of jobs move af t low income housing. Liberal c r. Lewis aiso defended the majority ins of bis party for their not in f aý e o non-coinfidence in the the nrese &nt on April 5th. criticized the Liberal rfailing to join them )n-confidence motion. he first time in the dthe Commonwealth 7hole party rose and ainst itself," he said. ,ewis said Liberal iart Smith apparent- yed bis original de- )support the NDP ter a meeting of the caucus in which the indicated they were vor of an election at nt time. THE OPTICAL BOUlIonE 0 KING ST. WEST MISS G. ZIEGLER BOWMANVILLE DISPENSING OPTICIANS PHONE 623-4477 ~k- Hair Conditioning Perms to Condition your hair, Ieaving it soft and manageable. STREAKING - COLORING BLOW DRYING Corne in and let us treat you to a Hair Cut designed specif ically for you! REDKEN Authorized Redken Dealer The Style Shoppe < 37 Kirio, St. W.* 623--54â5 Bey Donna- Anne Marie wiII be pleosed to salve your hair problems*~ RI KIN& KIN ALONGý I.G.A. Parking Lot Memorial Park Starts10 a.m. (15 Laps) Sta rts 9:O00a. m. (30 m ile cou rse) SUND11AY, MAY 2ND, 1976 N sICA'SE 0E7,"- RAIN-ALTERNATE DATE WVILL BE MAY 9, 19176 Remem ber ,, , There w'll boa cprize for the school coieteng he ost sponsors@ 30 MILE COURSE FOR Boys' & Geirls' C.C.M. 2 3S PEEDa BICYCLS 2 -1O-SPEEW:D B ICYC"LES Eligible to alpriiat who turn on Sponsor Sheets which are avoulable at ail merchants displing posters. 1

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