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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1976, p. 15

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a .- e -E Jeannette Nugent Real Estate, Realtor 579-4900, 59 Concession Street West, Bowmanviîlie Sunday 9th May, 1976 - 2 p.m. to 5p.m. Older home with character, centre hall plan, 2 storey brick. Fireplace in the large living room, separate dîning -raom, 4 bedrooms, Stone patio and separate garage. Must be sold, just reduced ta $52,900.00. Located on a quiet sf reet in Bowmanvi île. 10 Chapel Street, Bowmanville Must be sold, neat as a pin. Custom built brick twin home, fully broadloomed. Come and see the value at only $46,900.00. 18-1 3 Bedroom Semi - back split, family room, large kitchen, paved drive, fenced rear yard. $43,900. A. Banner Passant Real Estate (Broker) TEL EPHONE 623-6121 R EALTOR 623-2503 New Country Bungalow - that overiooks miles of picturesque countryside, a good lot for a pool. 3 bedroom ail eiecfric, ail plastered home with con- struction features onîy found in custom built hauses. Only $56,000. Orono - Attractive 4 bedroom bungalow. Separate dining room, large kitchen, 2-4 pc. bathrooms, finished rec room also Sth bedroam in basement. Asking $57,900. Builder's Home - finest ma- teniais, pride of workmanship and the latest ideas went into the construction of this 5 bedroom .split level home. Broadîoomn throughout, family room with fireplace and patio doors ta sundeck. Games room finished in natural krtofty pine. Double garage and many other features. Cali to see. $5,000. Dowri - 3 apartments, an excellent apportunify for a y oung couple ta invest in good ivi ng accommodations plus an, income. Close ta shopping and schools. One mortgage. Market Gardening Farm - 74 acres. New double garage with work area and loft. New implement shed. Four bed- room home. Pear orchard and nursery stock. Frantîng on two roads and hwy. 401. Asking $125,000. Smnall Business Location-Bow- manvilie, King St. E. Store area -1,000 sq. ft., plus smaii apartment. Lot 50' x 165'. Call for details. Country Lots - in Manvers Twp. 7 acres with pine bush. 4 acres with mixed bush. Call for details. 18-1 Oses a URIS. NEWTONVILLE _____The speaker for our coming Weicome. The President ex- Anniversary wiI be Mrsý pressed thanks to ail whQ Amacher of Bowmanviile and* belped with the Good Friday R. "BUD iitiîe specialinmusic wili be provided service and a donation of $10 R. BU " ~II UL~ bv the Beatty family of was voted toward-the World REALTOR29 Silver St. Bowmanville 337 King Street W. Oshawa 576-3333 TEN ACRE hobby farm Taunton Village, features a 4 bedroom, brick ranch bunga- low with double garage and cîrcular drive. 50' x 60' barn, feedinq storage, tool shed and 3 good wells. NEWCASTLE - extra large customn buiîf bungalow, lovely bright living and dining rooms, eat-in kitchen, full fin ished basement with rec room and third bedroom, on lot 60 x 160 ff. ROOM TO SPARE! ýn this new century home with natur- ai character. A challenge for the handyman. 5 bedrooms, fireplace in dining room, large kitchen, are you the one? $42,500. CUTE AS A BUTTONI 3 bedroom customn built brick bungalow with 3 levels, and walkout basement. Large liv- ing room, L-shaped dining room, large ultra-modemn kit- chen, 4 pce. and 2,pce. baths. Owner leaving area and wants action. Don't miss out on this fine property. Freezer includ- ed. 93/ PER CENT financing on this 2 yr. 2 storey, featuring 4 bedrooms, separate dining room, sliding glass doors for the large kitchen, attached garage, extra 2 pce. wash- room. 160 FT. FRONTAGE on main road, enjoy country living, near the Cream of Barley park, rusfic older home in need of, repair, lots of good fruit trees, only asking $43,900. N AS H RD. offers you ¾ 4acres, nafural spring well, mature trees, enjoy country living af ifs best, in the 1 2 storey home with 4 bedrooms, newly decor- afed kitchen and eating area. Many extra. CENTURY HOME sound and sol id, 2 sforey, on large lot 60 x 180' in north central area, five good bedrooms, 2 bafhs, single garage. BEAUTIFULLY renovated school house, in Burketon Village, 2200 sq. ff. of living area, separate dining ýroom, brand new interior, beautiful carpeting, eat in kif chen, 132 x 160 ft. lot. Commuter train f0 Union Station. ONE ACRE surrounds this home with renfing apf., 4 rooms and natural fireplace .for owperplus 3room qpf. jusf West 0f Bowmanville. 50 ACRES Solina Village, good gardening soil. great vîew of Lake Ontario. 41 ACRES Kendal area, good ravine site, excellent recre- afional property. Ruby Ingleton 623-2627 Valerie Butt 985-2122 Janice Corley 576-6857 Joe Longo 723-6735 Bruce Scarlett 576-7593 Tom Milîs 579-3323 Earle Allen 725-7782 Kathleen Twiates 723-2008 Fred Best 576-4178 Herta Kuleshnyk 683-8245 George Twaites 723-2008 Maureen Harris 725-1394 Susan Riznek 725-8631 Douglas Trivett 723-7390 Answering Service 18-1 ORONO Church St. and Station St. Off number 35 and 115 Hwy. and Taunton Road. 2 new houses on 76 x 166' lot. Close ta everything. 3 bed- roomn bungalow and 4 bedroom sidesplit. PHONE BUILDER 1-983-5709 Bowmanville 2 year aid, 3 bedroom, 2 starey home. Features attached gar- age, 2 baths, one ensuite, diningroam, roughed in fire- piace in basement. Large frontage. Immediate posses- sion, home vacant. Trade ca 'nsidered. Asking $56,900. Nestleton North of Bowmanville, 3 bedraom bungalow with double garage and workshop. Steel barn 32 x 36. Vendor wiii hald the mortgage. Passible to separate a lot. Asking $47,500. Tyrone Traditianal farm home an large lot in village. 5 bedroam, large livingroom and dining- room, f ireplace, walkouf base- ment and other extras. Asking $55,900. Act fast as this praperty is priced ta seil. Announcemient Bud Virtue, Real Estate Broker, would like ta announce the opening of his office at 29 SilIver St. He weîcomnes ail hie aid friends and business acquaintances todrap in and say "Hello"l.1- 1066 Simcoe St. North Oshawa 728-7328 41/2 ACRES - north end of Bowmanville,' abutting sub- division wifh 2 storey home. Idealiînvestment possibilities. Priced ta seil at $96,000. CONCESSION ST. BOWMAN- VILLE - $63,900 - stately 2 storey, 8 spaciaus roams, gleaming pine floors, brass accents and stained glass Windows, an antique collect- or's dream. LITTLE AVE. BEAUTY backsplit twin on iovely lot, electrically heated home, with superiar extras in every room, 20 x 12 master bedraom, sensational rec roam and much mare. $52,900 SCUGOG ST. BOW- -MANVI LLE - large 2 storey, 4 bedrooms, fireplace, large barn on praperty, ideal for handyman. Allan Werry 263-8190 'Allan Glaspeil 723-7618 William Ratcliff 655-4457 Louis Vaîf 728-7068 Rorie 0' Boyle 576-1224 Lee Rocchetta 576-8179 Earl Hannan 728-1770 Joe Leclerc 725-7976 Ed Varga 728-6322 Nelson Burshaw 728-8266 Shirley Clancy 725-6616 Linda Lang 987-5035 Mil Ibrook 705-932-2132 Ready ta Start- 2 new homes nof vet under construction, an ideai time to have littie changes of design made to order. Nice residential section of Miilbrook. Cali soon fo see the Plans and make your changes. Eileen Powell, 705- 93.2-2132 anytime. Income Properties - one wit h four apartments, fuily reno- vated, alilieased with approx. 1,200 square feet of commer- cial on main flbar. Easy terms. One wifh seven units and room for four more, fuliy renfed, bath units located in downtown Miiibrook and are solid brick construction. Ted Storey, 705-932-2132 or affer f ive 705-743-6786. Open House- Edgewood Park - 2-4 p.m. Saturday. Just west of Peterborough is this beauti- fui elevated Engiish Tudor bungalow with splif level entrance on lot 150 x 100, well landscaped, double paved drive, fenced on two sides, immaculate condition, excel- lend financing at 101/2 per cent. Your host- Ted Storey 705-932-2132 or after f ive 705-743-6786. 18-1 v 0Ri m nt Delicatessen Food Market GROUND CHUCK 9 C Ideal for B.B.Q. EN Lb. SIMON DE GROOT'S DUTCH STYLE Spiced Hum Rolil 2 b Il PRODUCE FEATURES FRESH, CRISP Heaid Lettuce 39Ech SIZE 24, CHEESE 0F German Edam (SIiCed or by the Piece CUCUMBERS' 19 THE WEEK $M *29 $)1 Lb. rSWI FT PREMI UM Snack Foods by Christie I$FT P KORKERS AND FLINGS BACO Plain, Cheese or Onion IAONFlavoured Lb. I~69~ DEL MONTE PIN EAPPLE & GRAPEFRUIT 4AO.finc ROSE SWEET MIX c PICKLES 32 Oz. Jar 8 t REYNOLDS 18" DIAL "NEW" BATH Foil Wrap SIZE.Deodorant $189 oll I 35C Bar McCAIN'S RIS E'N BAKE FROZEN 8 c BreaidDough 3 Loa Pkg.9;, IMONARCH 100 PER CENT VEG. OIL Mà MARGARINE Y___ L__. CHAPMAN'S TOASTMASTER $ itre BREAD Assorted Flavours 2j7 2 z DYKSTRA'"S Delicatessen Food Market 73-77 King St. W., Bowmanviîîe Free ustoerParking off Queen St. THIS IS FRANK COUNTRY Janetville Hbby farm, 50 acres of S level, fertile soul. 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom ..-'-~..'. . . . . . . .~'~'. home. Barn can house hses or cattie. Com- ptely fenced, good well. AIl in a very attractive setting. Ask- ing $82,500. Cali Jan Oudshoorn. Bowmanville Country Living 2 storey À bedroom home with fi!replace, 11/2 baths, 100 x 150 fenced and landscaped lot. Onl1y $58,900. Terms. Caîl Phyllis McRobbie. Priced to Seli Owner transferred. Spot Iess 3 bedroom ranch stylIe bungalow in Orona. Sparate dining roam, finished recrea- tion room. Garage. Oniy $52,900. Terms. Cali Phyllis McRabbie. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 5, 1976 15 Day of Prayer, as the regular service which was ta have been held at Kendai was canceiied. A motion 'was passed to donate $25 from the Speciai Account toward the purchase of the desk for the manse study, the other $50 wil be paid from the proceeds of the bus trip. The Sunshine Committee reported sending Easter cards to shut-ins, plants to th e sick and a baby gift. Volunteers were requested to assist with the window cleaning, here in the church and severai offered their services, this coming week., A motion, was passed to donate $20 from the Good Friday service toward "Par- ticipation House," the new homne for the crippied and elderiy. Unit Leader Mary Jones presented the Worship Period, assisted by her group, Bernice Milligan, Dorothy Stapleton and Leta Samis. An enjoyabie duet "Don't Crucify Him Again," was sung by Mary Vinkie and Marlene Stacey. After that Jessie Best wenýt up to play the piano and ail joined in sînging "Happy Birthday" in honor of Violet Gilmer, whose natal day it happened ta be. She also IUL neceived a nice gift, a memen- to from New Zeaiand, the compliments of the local traveilers who recently re- turned from there! After she had recovered fnom the shock, she expresse d her apprecia- tion toalai Mn. Melville Jones showed a senies of veny intenestîng pictunes'taken in Australia, New Zeaiand, Fijii, etc. on their remeit tour, and these wene enjoyed by everyone. Leta Samis presented him with a gift as a token of thanks. Luncheon was served by the gnoup ta the 35 in attendance. Serving people is what we do best lrwin Sargent & Lowes Limited Realtor MmL LBhR K0 9 32-21.32 Now available at ail aur ISI Offices. A comprehensive tabloid newspaper of properties listed for sale with ISL. Drap in or phone the ISL Office nearest you. SEE nd OMPARE NEW HOMES IN MILLBROOK by Marianna Developme'nts -6 NEW HOMES 111/4%/ to 111/2%/ FINANCING -Prices tram $44,900 - $48,900< -Down payments from $2,000 -Low taxes -Quiet Village with ail services available Sa les person on site. ONLY 25 Minutes from Bowmonville OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 2i-4elm IMMACULATE - BOWMANVILLE CUSTOM-BUILTe 21/2 year oId 3 bedroomn backsplit. Nicely decorated throughout. Family room on ground level complete with fireplace. Separate dining room, fenced yard. Truîy a delight ta show. $62,900. Terms, Caîl Phyllis McRobbie for appoîntment. NEWCASTLE -SUPERB 7 ROOM HOME On King size 198 x 132 lot close ta Marina. Perfect location for boating enthusiasts. $64,900. Caîl Ken Brown. RAVINE LOT - BOWMANVILLE 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Fenced yard. 25 year 81/4 per cent mortgage on this 2 storey semi. Asking $46,000. Caîl John Pritchard. CEDAR PANABODE HOME IN CAVAN VILLAGE Scenic 7 acres bordering stream. House has bright kitchen, 3 bedrooms, garage ançd is located on good road. Country living at its best! Asking $64,900. Td rms. CallBihl Turansky. JUST LISW ED - $41,500 Bowmanvilîle super semi with 8¾/ per cent mortgage. This terrific valu£ home has bedrooms, 11/2 baths and much more. Caîl Ken Brown foday. This one won't last. GREEN FINGERS? THIS IS FOR YOUI Bowmanville - 4 bedroom 11/2 storey aluminum-sided home on large lot. Excellent ýgarden complete with privacy hedge. Move in and sfart planfing. Asking only $44,900 . Caîl E Ifie Jost. COUNTRY HOME - ELIZABETHVILLE Located in a very scenic area, this 3 bedroom 2 storey home on 104 x 132 lot has a barn, gaad road and school.bus stops at the door. Asking $35,900. Caîl Bill Turansky. BOWMANVILLE - OWNERS ARE MOVING Must seil this Iovely 11/2 year aid new 3 bedraom brick bungalow lacated in nice area close ta bus and shopping. Asking $52,900. Assume 9 sevon-eighths per cent mortgage. CalI Elfie Jast. BOWMANY ILLE BUNGALOW With attached garage. Only 2 years old and lacated in gaad area. Asking $51,500. Ca Il Ken Brown. OVERLOOKING GOLF COURSE 1/2 acre lot' !wth attractive 3 bedroomn bungalow. Large, bright kitchen, partly fini hed basement and locafed 114 mile from Hwy. 2 near Newcastle. Asking $49,900. Terms. Caîl Bill Turansky. F RAN K REALTOR Tephn 623-3393 Wve have 18 offices to serve you. Coast to Coast Real Estate Service HEAD OFFICE: 234 King St. E., Bowmanville - Telephone 623-3393 Oshawa Orono Toronto 728-7518 983-9547, 923-9174 "Real1 Estate is sti the Best 1Investmnent on Earth" ~1 I MILLBROOI( e i- - ' Bowmanvi lie FRANCHISE NOW AVAILABLE Get into business with a proven Hannigans franchise. No restaurant experience necessary. We will train you înd work with, you through the life of your franchise to aake your business profitable. Low investment -required. Excellent locations available. Enjoy the satisfaction and financial independence of owning your own business. Apply giviiwg full particulars and we wilI send you aur brochure. HBK Food Systems (Ontario) LM. Suite 200, 200 Consumers Road Willowdale, Ontario M2J 4R4 Telephone (416) 494-5919

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