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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1976, Section 2, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Mav 5, 1976 Section AgriultralNews by Rod Stork Dairy Program - 1976-'77 Agricultural Minister, Mr. Eugene Whelan, recently an- nounced the Federal Dairy Program for 1976-'77. Effect- ive. April 13, 1976, the target returns level has been raised to $ 11.45 per hundredweight on industrial milk (3.5 per cent) butterfat. From the 1975-'76 level of $1102. The new target returns level is determined in accordance with long term dairy policy which was an- nounced in 1975, which pro- vides for adjustments equal to increased production costs. Retroactive to April 1, the Federal Subsidy paid to in- dustrial milk and cream producers will be $2.66 per cwt. of milk - unchanged from last year. The decision by the Federal Government to main- tain the subsidy at a rate of $266 means that the increase in product prices will be held to a minimum. In making the announce- ment, Mr. Whelan recalled that when he announced the long-term dairy policy in 1975, he -made it clear to the dairy industry that, production would have to be controlled to prevent unmanageable and costly surpluses. Sufficient control on production was not exercised in 1975-76. The dairy industry has no choice but to bring down production in 1976-77 dairy year, and the provinces and the producer organizations, whose cooper- ation is essential have recog- nized and agreed to this. t is estimnated that for the dairy year 1976-77, the domestic market requirements for in- dustrial milk are 95,000,000 cwt. This is the maximum volume that will be eligible for the direct subsîdy of $2.66 per cwt. and payments to each producer during the year will be made on up to 94.5 per cent of his deliveries within market share quota. The Canadian dairy com- mission, the provinces and representatives of the dairy "FOR OUR VACATION?"f A new camper - sali or motorboat - station wagIon? Be sure to have it adequately insured, incîuding liability insurance for possible iniury te others, which can be the greatest financial risk cf ail. James hIflurince, Age-ncu sLimited DOUGLAS S. JAMES 24 KING ST. E,BOX 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. OFFICE 623-4406 (~~ RES. 623-5023 I farmers are asking producers to sbarply cuf-back from the 111,00,000 cwts. that were shipped in 1975-76. According- ly, the total market share quota has been set at 100.5 million hundredweigbfs, which provincial marketing boards will allocafe among producers. This is expecfed f0 resuit in~ actual production of 95 million cwfs. Producers will have f0, pay a levy of $8.60 per cwt. for production over Iheir share of the 95 million cwts. Ln making the announcement of the Federal Dairy Policy for the upcoming year, Mr. Wbelan empbasized thaf good supply management is the key f0 confonued prosperify of the Canadian Dairy Indusfry. t remains the policy of the government fo ensure thaf efficient producers of milk and, cream are given the opportunity to earn reason- able returns. In keeping witb Ibis Policy, the government will be paying subsidies of $253,000,000 directly f0 pro- ducers and 24 million dollars for marketing costs. Immediate 15 per cent Cutback in Market Share Quota If wasannounced today by George McLaugblin, Chair- man of the Ontario Milk Marketing Board that Markef Sbe re Quofta sbipments in Ontario during January, Feb- ruary, Marcb of .1976 in- creased by 30 per cent over the samne three montbs of 1975. This trend must be reversed now. If market share ship- ments confinue at the current level during April, May and June, the extent of the cufback for the balance of the 1976-77 dairy year, thaf will be required f0 avoid over-quota levy of $860 per cwt. will amount f0 30 per cent. Likewise, if the current level of Markef Share Quota sbip- menfs prevailed until the end of Sepfember, 1976, the extent of the cutback for the balance of the year would have f0 be around 60 per cent. Decreased shipments of this size later in the dairy year would confront producers with a next f0 impossible situation. The board, therefore, strongly urges milk producers f0 cul.- back on theor production and marketings immediately. Ln tis connection, if sbouid be noted that there is a definite seasonal pattern fo cow prices. They are igber in the spring and summer and lower in the autuma, when beef cows normally come f0 market. In keeping witb the Federal Minisfer's announcement and fo ensure producers eut back their shipments early in the dairy year, the Milk Market- ing Board is putting int o effecf, a sysfemn of monthly allocations of Market Share Quota. These monfhly, allo- cations based on the pattern of Market Share Quota Ship- ments in the 1975-76 dairy year are as follows: April, 1976 - 8 per cent; May - 10 per cent; June - 11 per cent; July 10 per cent; August - 10 per cent; Sept ember and October - 8 per cent; November, December - 7 per cent and January, February and March of 1977 - 7 per cent each month. Because of the lateness in the announcement of National Dairy Policy, the Board bas decided f0 combine the monfh- ly allocations for April and May. This means that if a producer sbips more than 18 per cent of the MSQ allocated 10 bim for the 2-month period, there will be a deduct ion of the over-quota levy of $860 per cwt. on the sbipments in DX PREMIUM WL FUEL 011 and STOVE 011 BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALI, COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 >or Dia[ 1-668-3381 CAL1 Us DXBuEnKr.LO FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS I SERVICE Do You Need Money? $2,OOO - $50MOOO -lst, 2nd or 3rd Mortgages -Cut Your Payments in Half -Consolidate AIl Your Loans -Pay Off an Existing Mortgage - Combine 2 Mortgages int One - Purchase or Improve Property Any Worthwhile Purpose Farms-Commercial - Residential -Mi*ke Coughlin Tel. 705-743-2501 Great Northerfl Financial Corp. -SÂME DAY APPROVL~S- iTwo excess of this percentage. Af ter May 3lst, the over -quota levy will be applied on any shipments of the individual producer that are in excess of the cumulative MSQ monthly allotments. t should be noted that the over-quota -levy will be refunded to a producer in subsequent months wbenever bis MSQ shipmients are brought into line witb the cumulative percentage. MSQ for transfer :is in extremely short supply. t is, unlikely, therefore, tht very many producers can rely on pur- chasing MSQ to avoid the application of the over-quota levy. Culling cows is the quickest and surest way of avoiding serious problems later in the year. In his announcement, Mr. McLaughlin stated that the MSQ entitlement of the 1976-77 dairy year will be mailed to each milk producer in Onfario during the first week of May. In the meantime, the Board urges producers to examine their own situation and to take steps at once to avoid ex- periencing the severe, over- quota levy that the Board is obliged to apply on any over-quota shipments in excess of the cumulative monthly percentages. A reminder to producers that if you are wondering what to do, witb regards to Quota or your production levels, you can get in touch with the Agricultural Office or Wally Cavanagh of the Milk Market- ing Board Fieldman. Wally will be in the Agricultural Office on Thursday, May lStb for any producers who would like to set up an appointment with bim, or you can phone hlm directly at his office. Phone (705) 292-8856. Control Crabgrass Now, Crabgrass is a problem that can spoil a good home lawn by smotherîng out better grasses during the hot summer months. Crabgrass is a warm weather annual grasswhicb grows from seed eacb spring. t can be found in areas of brigbt sunlight wherever turf is thin. By using one of the pre-emergent crabgrass killers before the seed is ready to germinate and grow. Almost 100 per cent control can be attained. Gardeners can obtain a brand of crab- grass killer from a' local garden centre. They, are available in both liquid and Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanvi I Ie Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SN0DDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-4597 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 HAAR, CHAPMAN & FLETT Chartered Accountants Suite 202, 54 Centre St. N., Oshawa, 728-7363 133 Church St., Bowmanville 69?-'4RAB Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Ch iropra cti c 270 King St. East Bowmanvi le Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. - -omanville Office Hours: Open 8:30 a.m.ro 5:00 p.m. WEEKDAYS DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., arnd Thurs., 9 fil 5 Wednesdlay - 9 'tii12 Friday - 9 'tii 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Off ice Phone 623-5790 PATRICK G. DEEGAN, D.T. Denture Therapy Clin ic 33 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: Ma 1., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30 'tiI 5:00 Wednesday 8:30 'tii 12:00 Saturday - By appointment only. Phone 623-4473 granular formulations. Most ef fective controls are obtained by following the rate recom- mended by the manufacturer. Cultural methods that ensure strong and healthy turf will also help discourage crab- grass. Adequate soul moisture and regular use of fertilîzer will keep lawns thick and lush, providing sufficient competi- tion to smother crabgrass. A lawn should flot be cut 50 closely that it will be weaken- ed. Mowers set at 112 to 2 inches'cutting height is a good recommendation. By keeping your lawn in good growing condition and using crabgrass killer when needed, you can avoid that crabgrass purpie haze on your lawn in August. NEW V.P. FOR CLARKE HIGH At last Thursday's meeting. of the Northumberland and Newcastleý Board of Educa- tion, Mr. A.R. Dormer was appointed vice-principal of Clarke High School. Ris new posting is effective in Septem- ber. The present vice-principal, Mr. John Sylvestervich, will be taking over duties as vice-principal of Courtice Secondary School effective September lst. IGA FANCY Peach Halves IN TOMATO SAUCE Libby's Spaghetti Provincial Court April 27, 1976 Judge R. B. Baxter presided with Assistant Crown Attorn- ey N. McCrank and duty counsel M. Walters. Bench warrant f0 be issued for Joseph, Toma. Bencb warrants in discretion for May 25 for Donald McDonald and Erie Andrews. Kenneth D. W. Wilson, 25, 666 Simcoe S. Oshawa was charged March 11, 'did wil- fully obstruct P. C. Kozak. 11e pleaded 'guilty'. Consts. Kozak and McDonald attend- ed aI a residence in Orono when they were looking for the brother of the above person. Mr. Wilson interfered. H1e was placed in the celîs at New- castle where he was quife noisy. To discourage others who might interfere witb justice, the fine was -$200. and costs, in default 15 days. H1e was given 4 weeks topay. .Peter E. Robinson, 16, 1425 Evangeline Dr., Oshawa, pleaded 'guilty' 10 driving affer consuming over .08 on April 3. 11e was observed in Oshawa, sfopped 20 feef froma stop sig n and si ayed longer than be should bave. Tests were .16 and .17. The fine was $50 and cosfs, in default 5 days. H1e was probibifed from driving for 3 mhonfbs. Harold Bruce Amos, 23, 1.RJ., Blackstock was charg- ed March 14 'did have in bis possession marijuana'. H1e pleaded 'guilty'. It was fond in a bedroom occupied by Amos and some plants were growing. Federal Crown Pros- ecutor E. R. Lovekin said if was a small amount. The fine was $100. and costs in default 10 days., Normand Renald Vachon, 23, 1.1.3, Bowmanville, was charged by Federal Crown Prosecutor E. R. Lovekin, wifb having marijuana in his possession on March 16. H1e pleaded 'guilty'. His residence was searcbed and il found in bis room. H1e was put, on probation for one year f0 be followed by a conditional discharge. Seigfrid Ullrich, Solina Rd., was charged in absenfia, 'did unlawfully failtof file income fax returns on two dates in, March'. A plea of 'not guilty' was entered. R.C.M.P. Const. Whie laid Ithe charge. Docu- ments from the departmenf were used as exhibifs. He was found 'guilty' as cbarged. The fine was $25. and costs on eacb charge, in default 7 days in jail. Jamnes Laverne McGill, 20, 1.112, Orono, cbarged wifh 49, 14 FL. oz.~f2 TIN29 ARKELL CHOICE 1-L Z Whole Tommtes 2 FOR89 MGA -PEG. 0F 6U Orange Pekoe Tea 9agsý IGA Long Grain Rice 791~ BAG 65e HUMPTY DUMPT- SALT & VINEGAR, REGULAR, RIPPLE OR BARBECUE FLAVORED Potato Chips 8PK Gz79 GAY LEA French Mnon Dip lii45c FAMILY SIZE (JAR -100 ., TUBE --100 .1 , OR LOTION -175 mi1 Head & Shoulders ShaIpooEACH1. 49 EIEGULAR Dad's Oatmeal Cookies 8PK0Gz. 45e ASSORTED VARIETIES DareCandes T 0 Il 2.4O Dare CandiBONUS. 0F GREEN GlANT FANCY FROZEN Corn Niblets 35120z 'k e ~dPR0DUCE 0F U.S.A.. CALIFORNIA 11,'eStrawberries PNTp PRODUCE OF USA. PRODUCE 0F USA, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Broccoli EACH 39 abbage SIZE 22S 3FO 99,~ Navel Oranges Doz.3 89e CANADA FANCY GRADE, CONTRDLLED ATMDSPNERE Mrintn-ch ftnnles &'-59 Packham Pears L 49, fO THER SDAY FLOWERS AllAH I DrF1 IN MOT STOFlD two counts of theft in January not exceeding $200, pleaded guilty' p.m. April 13. The offense occurred at a -service station on highway 35. An attendant at the station said he had been hanging around. H1e and another were involved. H1e has a previous record on similar charges which came up last faîl in Whitby. H1e was put on 2 year probation at the time. T1he crown commented he had no sympafhy wben he could get in trouble again 50 soon and asked for a sub- stantial fine. Judge Baxter placed bim on probation, for 2 years, to report to probation officer once a month. During the first six montbs. he will remain at home at ail times except wben going to and from bis place of employment. If for any reason you bave to go ouf, 'you are fo be accompan- led by eitber parent.' The judge warned 'if found af any other place at any other fime, that will be a violation and a charge will be laid and you will be sentenced.' Restitution in the amount of $113. is f0 be made wifbin 3 montbs. Barry L. Witeman, 28, Bowmanville, pleaded 'guilty' to a March 27 charge of driving while disqualified.11e was observed by Const. Vandyk. H1e was suspended Marcb 15 at Oshawa. A fine of $150 and costs was levied, in default 10 days, in order f0 impress others this cannof be done. H1e was given a further suspension of 6 months. Given 2 weeks to pay. Harvey A. Hall, Hampton and now of Toronto, pleaded guilty' March 2, to a charge laid in October of having in bis possession rifles and shotguns knowing they were ubtained by an indictable offense. A store in Oshawa reported a break-in. 19 sbotguns and 3 motorcycle helmets were re- moved by another party and transferred to Hiall's car. They were hidden in a remote area. Two previous records were read out. He was represented by P. Fletcher. Two guns and a helmet have been returned. One gun was. slightly dam- aged. He was put on suspend-, ed sentence for two years, to report to officer once a month. You will be jointly and severally hiable wifh John Koczulab in the amounf of $2,596. and put into cou, before the end of yo\..., probation. You are f0 remaîn separate and aparf from John Koczulab during probaftion. Advertisin helps, gont"od thing hapn Durham East Proqiressive Conservative Association Annual Meetingz Wednesday, May i 9th 8:00 p.m. Bowmanville High School Guest Speaker: TERRY JOHNS, M.P.P. Mississauga North Parliamentary Assistant to Provincial Secretary for Social Development Everyone Welcome Help u celebrate by DEMPSTERS (4c OFF LABEL) Italian Rolis P8 0F69e BLUE BONNET REGOLAi SLEEVE PACKC OR WIIIPPED Soft Margarine 63e JEANNIE ONE SIZE (BEIGE, SPICE OR TAUPE> FITS 90-160LIRS, Stretch Panty Hose 2 F.Gs 69e Plastic Garbage Bags PKG OF 89e 77 Kinc Street East FROZEN -BEEF, PRIED CHICKEN. TUREEY. 9.a 16 ,..,.,.,,.~I I r SALISBRYA STEAK DR MEAT LOAF .r Banquet Dinners ý"Koz 75e PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. TH RU SAT.. MAY 5-8. WE RESERVE THE RIGHTS TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Bowrnanvi lie joining us for Free, Coffee and i Cookies, S FOR THE NEXI 4 WEEKS! MONEY ON QUALITY IR D À A i -, 1 ý AFZ-Iqkw M- %à lýo 3

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