Z The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, May 5, 1976 Social Planning Council Making Progress Toward Setting Up ain The- Town -of Newcastle Social Planning Council held its regular meeting April 15, 1976 in Court Rm. 2, Police Building, Bowmanville. Pres- ident Joan Higginson reported that a desk and telephone would be available for the S.P.C. and Big Brothers in about two months time as part of the Social Services Dept. Off ice Here office in the basement of the Edna Thomson Day Care Centre. A desk and chair have been donated, but installation of the telephone is dependent on receipt of a grant fromn the Town. The Finance Commit- tee wil report its decision regarding the grant in 2 weeks time. The Pine Ridge Kinettes are Y'our mother loves you. And show Mom that you love her, too. It's a beautiful bouquet of flowers tucked into an exquisite hand- painted ceramnic vase that she'lI enjoy for years ta l corne. Corne i and DI see it today. ORXATLCFW REACH OUF AND TOUCH HER THE FTD FLORIST WAY See Our "Kiddie Korner"'- for Special ""Specials"', 23 Division St. Bowmanville Telephone 623-7141 or 623-5577 Your Florist for Prompt, Courteous Service Inail Your Flower Needs. Lb. BoxI Fresh & Fancy TORMES ci CADIS 1 14 Oz. Box 1 New,$ 08 Now, very interested 'in helpi, finance a Meals on Whe( programme for Orono. Mi Bradley of the Public Heal Dept. feels that a definite ne exists there. An effort will made to find possible volt teers and the next meeting the S.P.C. will be held Orono Town Hall on May 1976 at 8 p.m. to further ti important project. Other S.P.C. projects di cussed were the setting up of volunteer action centre, stai ing a United Way fundii program for the Town Newcastle, and completion a Social Services Directory fi the Town. Shopping Meeting Seheduled The town of Newcastle hý called a special meeting discuss two seven milli( dollar shopping cenir. planned for southwest Boý manvîlle. The meeting, which will t held May 11, wil] have repr, sentatives from the shoppir. centre developers and Ne' castle's three chambersi commerce. Planning sta have also been invited1 attend. Next Tuesday's'mee ing wilI begin at 8:30 p.m.i the Bowmanvillle Counce chambers Town Hall Top Floor May Change Before even allowing di cussion to commence Apr. I on the matter of renovatin the upstairs of the town ha for additional office spaci Coun. Ann Cowman move that such renovation proceed. Coun. Cowman argued thî if such a motion was nc carried then the discussic might just as well be passe Off and the committee mov on to the next item on th agenda. As- it turned out, Cour Cowman's motion provided base from which an amenc ment resolution was approvei by the committee to have suc] renovations proceed followin receipt of proper estimate: and subject to discussion o the situation with Mr. Hubidk of Totten, Sims, Hubicki cor sultants. Coun. Ken Lyall was agaii the opposition to the idea as h( lias been in the past, suggest RYSTAL JELLIES 12 Oz. Box, Now $1,.13 Just Arrived . from Englond FancyTins Assorted Toffees $1.45 to $5.50' Yardley Colognes, Bath Powders, Cosmetics ALL SPECIALLY PRICED 307% OFF Our Regular Price1 SPECIAL SAVINGS NOWI COLGATE VO-5 GILLETTE Toothpaste Hair Spray Shave Cream 150mrn1 70Oz. 70Oz. ONLY 97c ONLY $1,.27 OL 7 MOMENTS TO REMEMBER! Keep the memory of Mother's Da y on f il m . Bring your film for prompt processing. ... Satisfaction Guaranteed! 67 Ring, St. E. 623-2546 BowmcrnvW.. Ont. ng ýels Irs. ilth ed be un- of in 20, lis d a Lrt- ýng Of of for tas to ýon ,es ýw- be re- ýw- 0f ff to in -i1 Head, Table, Guests at Don Masterson Night On Friday evening, the Legion Hall was packed with Kinsmen and supporters from other clubs plus individuals helping raise funds for Don Masterson's campaign for the national vice presidency of Kinsmen Clubs, There were many draws. an excitin-a auction, of articles donated by businesses, and an interesting address by Argo coach Lamar Leachman. Guests at the head table were ' left to right, Lorne MeQuarrie, Mayor Garnet Rickard, Doug Moffatt, MPP, Lorne Tink,' Mr. Leachman, Don Masterson, Tony Brand, Dudley Deeley and Stan Dunn. No accurate information has been released on the amount of funds raised, but one estimate put it at about $2,000. -McRobbie Photography ing that "spending as much as five cents on the present building would be like putting fine new wine in old botties", and "a waste of taxpayers' money". Coun. Lyall recalled that what littie renovations were made to the town hall when the Town of Newcastle came into existence, cost some $15,000. is 26 Swam ned wil aîl There were several ambit- e, ious parents among the crowd ed of 400 people who showed up at n5 Memorial Park early Sunday at morning for the Bowmanville atKinsmen's Bi-Kin-Along ot Bikathon. in Their objective xvas to finish ýd the 15 mile course around the e town not only once, but ie another time to raise funds for community services and n. cystic fibr'-sis, through the a Kinsmen organization. d- Around 10 arn. a group of ,d children gathered in the IGA ,h parking lot on King St. to holc g9 their own Tri-Km -Along Trik- ýs athon on a course that (f consisted of 15 laps around the ki lot. n- The St. John's Ambulance was ready at various stopping n points along the course to give îe assistance, but only four t- minor scrapes were reported during the event. Ali the participanits had to do to receive the free refresh- ments off1ered [y the Klinismen was to make it back as far as Memorial Park where a stand was set up to quench their thirsts and -give energy for the rest of the trip. Foqur Public Speakers- Win Contestants in the Western Area Public Speaking compe- tition held at the-Pînes Public School on Monday nîght spoke on topics ranging from pet rocks toU IFO's. Four winners were chosen from about 10 finalists at the competition for -both senior and junior divisions, In the junior division, Alison -Reid, a grade six student from Newcastle Public School won with a speech about a bacter- iologist called "Mr. Davis." Grade Five student, Dianne Cornaîl from Enniskiilen Pub- lic School was second with ber speech on "Making Speeches." Andrea Kofalvi, a grade eighit student from M.J. Hobbs Senior Public School won in the senior division with a speech about "Growing Up." Followingclosely behind was a speech on "'UFO's" made by a grade eight student from St. Josepb's Scbool, Perry Riet- muller. Cons ider Coa--t of Arms And Gif t for 'Vis iHors If a resolution of the April 26tb Committee of the Wbole comes to ligbt, the Town of Newcastle may finally see the development of its official "Coat of Arms." Mayor Rickard recom- mended at the meeting that a committee of Coun. Don Allin (committee of the whole chairman), Clerk Joe Mcllroy and Planning Director George Howden be called to consider an appropriate coat of arms for the municipality. The mayor also suggested that the same committee give consideration to an official gift, such as cuffflinks or a pin for women, to be presented to dignitaries visiting New- castle. He noted as an example that when the Day Care Centre was opened a gift bad to be borrowed from the region to present to Mr. Ken Thomson. Such a cufflink, or pin would bear the coat of arms once it Elect 0f ficers for 7976-77 Legi on General Meeting A special meeting of the the Officers for the year re suits of the election: Presi- general membership was held commencing June 1, 1976. dent - Stan L. -Dunn, ist Vice in Branch 178, Royal Canadian Zone Commander Luke Pres. - Irenet Whitney, 2nd Legion on Sunday, May 2nd, White of Oshawa, and Deputyý Vice Pres. - Harold W. Kirtley, 1976 for the purPoseOf electing iZone Comma~nde hp r d, Vii- T,- . Pr,. D-..R.1.iri (in -Along th Entries t- Besides ail thi ,d exercise that the It and tricyclists re( y Kinsmen held a dra e who entered with t' 9 and two. three-sPei as the prizes. h The winners of th e draw for two 10Ospeq It were Debra Ann ,r Orono and David d Bowmanville. e The winners in tf on draw for two speed bikes were ben and Jason Bagn IBowmanville. he healthy e bicyclists ýceived,' the aw for those Lwo 10 speed uld bicycles he Bikathon eed bicycles Murree of Connolly of the Trikath- CCM three Stacy Seb- pell, both of Skelt on,' officiated at the elections, assisted by Legion Padre Bob Hayne and Fra- ternal Affiliate Member Jim Grant. The following list, is the ,5r vie res.- Loniciu K. Pingle, Secretary - Gloria Grant, Treasurer - Clarence'S. Oke, Executive - Bill Rose, Don Cameron, Bill Simpson, Oscar Pingle, Jim Bruton, j akBkrJakMain DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada Building OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Partners: Josef Adam, B.Sc. (Econ.), C.A. Gordon F. Sedgewick, C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.C.A. Phone 728-7527- 839-7764 1 -12 School Gymnasts Comnpete in One hundred and twelve gymnasts from nine schools in the area participated in the annual County Gymnastics Tournament last Wednesday afternoon at Bowmanville High School. It was a very successful event, and follow- ing the completion of' the activities, 25 students were presented with medals' for first, second and third place finishes in four categories. Senior Girls Vaulting: Leslie Stewart, Tina Mulder and Heather Sawyer. Senior Girls Floor Routine: Tara-Lee Allan, Carol Conroy, and Carol Pocock. Junior Girls Vaulting: Megan Hurst, Tracy Reynolds and Kelly Martindale. Junior Girls Floor Routine: Tracy Reynolds, Charmaine Ouellette, Jennifer Walton and Peggy Rutherford (tied for third place). Junior'Boys Vaulting: Willie Ried, Paul King, and Warren Nicolîs.1 Junior Boys Floor Routine: Greg Johnston, Stephen Gra- ham and Chris Langford. Senior Boys Floor Routine: Tim Momstra, Randy Kemp and Paul Norris. FR JKLEA SE Prestige Office Space New 2-Storey Office Building 1011 William -st. W. Cobourg Contact: Riznek Construction Ltd. R.R. 3, Bowmanville Ontario Tel. 728-4841 T ourney Shawn Lane, Frank Lane and Glenn Ferrill. Council agrees (From Page One) Entwisle told council that Eldorado Limited has already acquired rights to about 600 acres of property near its dumping site in Port Granby. The extra acreage is needed because fil1 and refuse from their plant in Port Hope can only be accommodated at the present site for, about one year. Councillor Entwisle said the refuse site would pre- sumably include a buffer zone to keep radioactive waste away from other property. 1Councillor Entwisle also said Eldorado has already been dickering with Hope Township and that two sites for a new plant are being- considered there. One site would be near, the present CPR dump and the second one Councîllor Entwisle described as being "out in the country." Mayor Rickard said a factory could be built on the 600 acre site on which Eldor- ado holds options. The cost of such a "production facility" Get this caefor 1 WhenCyou buy thi-s case forF Gmooâd On ail Our variýetyo lvurs This Thursday through Saturday - fromi the Buy a case of 12 x 30-ounce pop at the regular 6th to 8th Ma y, 1976 -- you ca n be pa y ing less tha n price of $3.19*and you get another case of 12 x 9c a bottie for the 99c case of great-tasting 30-ounce pop for only 99cI< plus redeemable 30-ounce pop. deposit on bottles, cases and tax. 2 15UK ing St. E. Dairy Barn, Bow manville ýCK