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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1976, p. 13

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HANEWICH - Mark and Wendy (nee Marshall) are hap y to announce the arrivai of Michael Edward 5 Ibs. 111/2 ozs. on April 23, 1976. Proud g randparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marshall, 'Bow- manville and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hanewich, Courtice. Many thanks to Drs. Sylvester andJohn Rundle and matern- ity staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 19-1 McCULLOCH - Gord andý Kim are proud t0 ennounce the arrivai of their daughter Shannyn Michelle, 9 lbs. 4 ozs. on May 8, 1976 at Oshawa- General Hospital. First grand- daucihter for Mr. and Mrs. J. Dobson of Oshawa and Mr. <and Mrs. L. McCulloch, of Bowmaville. Special thanks Iýo Dr. Routledge and staff. 19-1 McMILLAN- John and Sandra proudly announce the arrivai of their son Andrew John 4 los. 13 ozs. on April 14, 1976. A wee brother for Andrea. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hooper, Bowmanville and Mrs. Rose McMillan, London, England. Very special thanks to Dr. Howard Rundle and maternity staff at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 11 MOORE - Gordon and Lynn are delighted to announce the birth of Michelle Julie on May 4, 1976 weighing 7 lbs. Sister for Tracy Jennifer. Proud g randparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Moore of Osh- wa and Mr. and Mrs. Peter X__-ayliss of Great Britain. Sincere thanks to Dr. 'A. Westgarth and maternity staff of Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. 1- TURNER- Chris and Sharon (nee Fry) are proud to announce the bi rth of their son Michael Cameron, 6 lbs. 71/4 ozs. at 4:36 a.m. Friday April 16, 1976 at Bowmanville Hos- pital. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner of Bowmanville and, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fry of Tilison- burg. Thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundie and maternity staff. A special thank-you to Dr. W. L. Gilchrist and the Premature Nursery Staff of Oshawa General for the recovery of our son, still in their care. 19 lx VEINOT - Dale 'and Susan are proud to announce the arrivai of their son, Chad Richard, at Memorial Hospi- tai, Wednesday, April 28, 1976, 6 lbs. 51/4 ozs. A baby brother for Tanya. Proud grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Meadows and great grand- mother Mrs. Charles Morris, ail of Bowmanville. Special +hanks to Dr. Hubbard and -' --Iursing staff on maternity. 19-1 x WOOD - Doug and Donna'are proud to announce the arrivai of their first child, Danniel Jason, born Friday, May lth, weighing 7 lbs. 71/2 ozs. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Stewa rt Wood, North Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lewis, Bowmanville. Many speclal thanks to Dr. Sylvester and maternîty staff at Memor- ial Hospital, Bowm anvi le. 19-lx COX, William T. - Suddenly at bis home on Frida yMay 7, 1976, Bill Cox of R. R. Na. 4, Bowmanville, in bis 68th year. Beloved busbançl of I ene Harrison. 'Dear tather of Carole, Robert, Gary and Brian. Rested at the Northcutt, Elliott Funeral Home, Bow- manvilie. Funeral was heid on Monday atternoon. Infrment Bowmanville Cemetery. 19-1 LACEY- Patrick, at Memor- laiHopal Bowmanviiie, on Frida , ay th, 1976, Patrick Lacey, 39 Centre Street, Bowmanviiie, in bis 94th yoar. Beloved husband of Rase Bramble, dear father of Colin, and Mrs. William Starkey, (Gwendolyn). Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. A privato service was held Sunday even i ng. Inter- ment Resthaven Memorial Gardons, Toronto. 19-1 Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Beck- ett wish to announice the forthcomin g marriage of their only daughter Barbara Jean, to William John Milîs, son of Mr. Cecil Milîs, Bowmanville. The marriage will take place Saturday, Jul y 17, 1976 at Maple Grove U nited, Church. 19-1ix Mrs. T. J. Gosson of Kendal is pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of her oldest daughter, Helen Char- leento James Edwin, son of Mo. and Mrs. James Edwin Martin Sr. of Willowdale, Ont. Wedding to take place on June l9th, 1976 at 2 o'clock, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bowmanville, Ont. 19-1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nes- bitt of Newcastle are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daug hter Brenda Ruth to Ronald Gord- on Stainton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stai-nton of Bow- manville. The wedding will take place on June l8th, 1976 at the United Church in Newcastle. 19-1 Mr. and Mrs. George Morris are happy to announce 'the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Karen Irene to John Claire, son of Mr., and Mrs. John Syer, ail of Bowmanville. The marriage to take place, Saturday, June 5, 1976 af 4 o'clock in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, Ont. 19-if Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rahm are proud ta announce the forthcominq marriaqe of their daughter Vicki Bernice to Michael'Anthony Wayburn son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayburn Adams. The marriage to take place June 19, 1976 at the Salvation Army Citadel at 3 o'clock., ,19-1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Rose are pioasedta annaunce the forth- coming marriage of their daugbter Katherine Joyce ta Dom inic Carnova le, son of Mr. and Mr. V. Carnovale, on June 12 at 2 o'clock at St. Joseph's Church, Bowmanvîlle. 19-1 x Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Vance announce the forthcom- ing marriage of their daughter Lynda Cheryl ta Robert Wil- liami Haskill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Haskill, all of - Bawmanvilie. The marriage to take place June 12, 1976 at 3 p.m. in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanvilie. 19 ix BROWN - Suddenly at his home, R.R. 3, Pontypool, Tuesday, May 4, 1976, Alvin Brown in bis 69tb year. Husband of. the late Violet Powers, dear father of Bever- ley, R.R. 2, Orono. Service was held in the Morris, Funerai Chapel, Bowmanviîle on Friday marning. Informent Ponfypool Cemetery. 19-1 CARNATION For Ail Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 tt q $Ince 1912 ~Flowers ~ by JACKMAN ... PHONE 623-3365 162 King St. E., Bowmanville 45-tf VAN BELLE DAILY Dlivery te... Oshawa - Bwmanville Aria Phone 623-4441 43-tff Funeral Home> Illoughtful selection of cemetery sites, for various -reasons a concern te many people . . . often far in advance of need. We have available information on ail local cemoteries, simply on request. This is part of aur service ta the cammunity. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 Durham County's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. The Lord willing, Mr. and Mrs. John DeVries wiII cele- brate their 5th anniversary May 2th. Open House, Satur- day, May 22nd, 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. in Rehoboth Christian Re- formed Church, Scugog Rd., Bowmanville. 19-1 x OPEN HOUSE 25th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Trew (nee Doris Robinson) of Windsor, Ontario, formerly of Oshawa ta be held Sundlay May 23rdl, 1976 2 - 4,p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shaw, Westmore Road, Courtice, R.R. 3, Bowman- ville, Ontario. BESTWISHES ONLY HilMarie, Pan, Bey wauid like triends, neighbors and relatives ta came and help celebrate the 4th wedding anniversary of their parents, Roy and Ethel Porter an Saturday, May 22 at 8:00 p.m. at the Lions Centre, Peterbor- ough. Best wishes only. 19-1ix BEST - In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Bob who passed away May 16, 1965. Beautiful memories are wond- orful things, They last 'tii the longest day, They neyer wear out, they neyer ger aost, And can nover be g iven away. To some you may b e for gotten To others a part of the past, But ta us who laved and aost 1yau, Your memory wili always ast. - Lovingiy remrembered and sadly missed by bis family. 19-1 CARD- In loving memory of a dear husband, John, who passed away, May 14, 1970. You toiled so hard for those you loved You said goodbye to none, Your spirit f lew before I knew Your work on earth was done God's golden gates stood open He saw you needed rest His garden must be beautiful He only takes the bestr - Lovinigly remembered and sadly missed by wife Evelyn. 19-1 x FALLIS -Maxwell H.,(Max) who passed away May 13, 1973. "Loves' greatest gift is Re- m em bran ce." -. Always in our thoughts, Moira and family. 19-1 FI RTH, Margaret- In lovin~ memory of a dear mother an d grandmather who passed away May i,2fb, 1967. We treasure you with love sincere, Our fboughfs of you are still s0 dear, Your memory is bere fa stay, With us forever and a day. - Fondly remembered by son Jim, daugbter-in-law Jean and grandchildren Doug and Te rry - Fl1 RTH - ln loving memary of a dear mother and grand- mother, Margaret, who pas- sed away, May 12, 1967. There is a gift in lite you cannot buy. That is very rare and true, 1it's a gift of wanderful memor ies Like the anes we have of yau. - Ahways remembered by your daughter Winnie and grandaugbfer Peggy. 19-1 MARCHANT - In loving memory of a dear son Richard James Marchant who passed away May 15, 1952. Loved, remembered, treasu red Aiways in aur memory. - By mother and ail the fa mil y. 19-1ix McKNIGHT - In Ioving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Ross, who passed away May 15, 1973. Although we smile and make no fuss, No one misses him more than us, And when aid times we oft recail, That's when we miss him Most of ail. - Loving y remembered by his wifeG race and familv. McKEE - In lovkng memary of a dear brother, Orma Mc Kee, who passed away May eth, 1946. However long aur lives rnay . ast, Whatever lands we view, Whatever jay or grief be ours, We wîlI aIways tlllnK ot yau. - Lavingiy remembered by brathers and sisters. 19-1 RUNDLE - S. Ann. In memory of my mother who passed away May 15, 1954. "Thoughts taday, memories forever,- - Ever remembered, by daughter Mol and san-in-law Jack. 19-1ix RUNDLE - S. Ann. May 15, 1954. 'Till the end of time, dear mother, We wili remember yau. - Daughter Lola Brown, Florida and grandaughter Heather, Illinois. 19-1 x I would like ta express my sincere appreciation and tnanks ta relatives, friends and neig hbors who called, sent cards, t Xwers, treats and gifts during my stay in hospitai and at home. Special thanks ta Rev. Ficko for his calîs. Gardon Kirk 19-1 i wish ta thank mpy relatives, neighbours and friends for visits, flawers, gifts and cards received while a patient in Memariai Hospital. My sin- cere thanks ta nurses and staff on first floor and the physia- therapy department for kind- ness and care, with speciai thanks ta Drs. H.B. Rundle,- John Rundle and A. Clark. Betty Brown 28 Queen Street 19-1 i would like ta t-hank my neighbours, relatives and friends for cards and flawers and for taking my wife to and tram the hospitai. Also special thanks ta first floor nurses and Doctors McKenzie and Clark for their care during my stay in Memorial Haospifal. George J. Stapletan 1 would like to thank Drs. Stevenson, Sylvester, nurses of the Emergency Ward and Floor 1 for their kind care during my recent stay. Sincerely Lillian Lewis 19-1 x 1 wish to thank ail my friends for cards and gifts received while 1 was in hospital, and since coming home. Special thanks fo St. John's Sunday School for the lovely flowers, Terry Daw- son's visit and also Father Tom Gracie, Mrs. Fulton for driving mum up to Toronto. Claire Brownlee 19-1ix 1 wish to thank my family and friends for flowers, cards and visits while in Memorial Hospital. Also nurses on first floor and Dr. Hubbard. Muriel Dunn APPEARING AT The Quepn'-s Motel Newcastle TheCountry St rings May 14 and 15 Dancing 9 -1 19-1 THE CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE are presenting Bonnie Morrison Bowmanvil1le Travel Agency who will be speaking on family vacations by air, train, etc. Evoryone welcome. TUESDAY, MAY leth 8 p.m. in Church Hall 19-1 Sunshine Tours Escorted Victoria Weekend Rochester, May 21 - 24 Nashvil le Grand OIe Opry (no overnight travel) May 21 - 24 Colonial Virginia May 29 - June 5 Niaaara Falls Sunday., May 9 Ottawa Tulip Festival Mayl16e For information phono or write: SUNSMINE PARTY TOURS Box 214, Port Hope, Ontario or Phono 372-9961 17-3 ATTENTION Ail Single, Separated Divorced, Unattached Aduits A super new club forming, offering a dance every Saturday ni ght Weekend bus and Air trips once every manth Farmed soieiy for the enjoymnent 0f single persans We own aur own dance hall and travel agency Membership $5.00 yea rly For information Cali 725-4344 15-8 Enniskillen 5S*S. ANNIVERSARY SERVICE WILL BE HELD Sunday, May 23 2 P. M. Guest speaker Mr. Lloyd, Wilson, Uxbridgo. Annual buf- fet supper, Wednesday, May 26 from 4:30 ta 6:30 p.m. ADULTS $3.50 CHILDREN under 12$1.50 19-2 Swimmning Pool Sacrif ice Leading Manufacturer and distributor bas above ground aluminumn pools left over from 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaran- teed installation and terms. Caîl Credit Manager, colleçt, Mississauga,4 16-625-8819 days or evenings. CARPETS of ail kinds, custamn made drapes and sheers, bard- surface flooring, protessionai- y installed. Free estimates. Yaur one stop shopping. F.A., Kramp, 37-41 King St. E.-, Bowmanville. Furniture, Car- pet a -nd Drapes. 13-tf SWIMMING Pool iess, than one year aid. Fanta Sea above graund redwood 16 x 24, col' $4,500. Must selI imme.diately, will sacrifice - savings of $2,000. Cail Fanta Sea Service Centre at 1-416-625-8817 days or evenings collect. il-tf Spring supper sponsored by Nestleton United Church Women at Nestieton Commun- itv Centre,, Friday, May 21, from 5. (Hot Veqetables). Aduits $3. Under 12 $1. 19-1 X Bowmanville Horticultural Society plant sale May 19, 1976 at the Bowmanville Public Library. Starts at 7 p.m. 19-1 A service of welcome and celebration of our Internation- al Brotherhood in Christ, Orono United Church, May 15th, 7:30 p.m. Come and converse with thetwo Zam- bian Delegates from the international Youth Ex- change. 19-1 Cartwright High Scbaol Annual "At Home" dance, Saturday, May 15, 9 p.m. Recreation Centre, Black- stock. $7.50 per couple. Lunch. Everyone welcome. 19-i Club. Ainrene Dance and Banquet FHall available for yaur group's fund raising activities. Book your next year's dates naw while choice dates are still available. Contact Don Armstrong af 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tf Senior Citizens -Special. Anyone wishing ta go ta Ottawa on a one-day tour, May 24th, phono 623-3265. 19-2 .Bake Sale, Cliffcrest Clean- prs, May 2th from 10 to 12. Sponsored by 1sf Scout Troup. 19-1 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Timne THURSDAY-7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HAWA 50-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -ti UNATTACHED ADULTS CLU B DANCE Club Annrene Scugog Island Every Saturday Night For information Phone 725-4344 Great Canadian Race Contest Submit an essay, drawing, or a smail model of your idea for a method of transportation (land, water or air, motorized or non-motorized) in the Great Canadian Race from Toronto ta Montreal in June 1976. Prizos wiii be awarded on the basis of ingenuity and origin- ality. Contest is open toa[l students, Kindergarten ta Grade 13 in the Town of Newcastle. Deadiine for en- tries is 4 p.m., Saturday, May 29, 1976. For further details contact: Bowmanviile Public Library 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 18-4 Basement Sale - odd dresser, chest drawers, night tables, bods, head boards only, odd dresser mirrors, armiess davenports, swivel rockers, 2 doz. ta choose t ram. One 2-pieco used chostertieid godcondition. Basement, 37 KingSt.E.,Bowma nvi lie. 18-2 Public Information Meeting FRENCH IMMERSION Monday, May 17, 7:30 p.m. ONTARIO STREET SCHOOL Dr. Ian Wilson, Chairman of the French Committee, Northu mber la nd- Newcastle Board of Education will speak and answer questions. 19-1 Art lsf rSae COMPR ESSORS All kinds of machinery. Seli. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933- 1 8-tf Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 Asalesmnan in f Darlington Townsbip. 5t SEED FOR SALE Certif ied Oats, Barley and White Beans. PEDIGREED SEED DOESN'T COST IT PAYS. Ceresmore Farms Lt. 623-3552 or 623-7233 SWIMMING pool for sale: Moving - will sou yaou 16 x 32 above grouýd Modular Red- woad Pool at sacrifice price of $3000. Savings of $2100. 1975 model, call 416-625-2719, days or evenings, caliect. il-tf ""Mag Wheels'" Sizes ta fit most cars. $35. each PINERIDGE TIRE SALES 27 Simpson Ave. Bowmanville Phone 623-4866 TOP soul, Leland Payne, 1-786- 2512. 17-tf ONE new lngli a MIes dryer $200. Phione 623-2672. 19-1 DR ESS ERS, chests of drawers, Hi-fi sets, chrome suites, office chairs, double beds, odd pressed back chairs, chesterfield suites, lazy boy chair, push lawn mower, occasional chairs, baby carri- age and high chairs. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temper-. ance St., Bowmanville. 19-1 FULL BODl ED shortened VW dune buggy saoo or offer. 21 ft centre board, wooden sailboat complete, with sails, student size accordian 120 bass. 65 Buick Riveria, good shape, make an offer. Telephone 623-4654. 19-lx NEW idea, one row corn picker, no. 10. Phone 723-6258. 19-1 ONE Inglis automatic washer- $200. One Frigidaire dryer - $100. Phone 623-2368. 19-1 BOY'S 3 speed hi-rise, one, year oid, like new. $50. Boy's 10 speed, fair condition $30. Phone 623-2650. 19-1 GIRL'S bicycle, suitable for six year aId. Wanted ta buy bicycle for 12 year aid. Phono 623-3075. 19-1ix 1ROQUOIS conquest tent trailer, excellent condition, -8 sîoeps six. Phono 987-4511. 19-1 BU N Kbeds in gaad condition, bookcase headboards. Phone 623-7785. 19-ix ONE 3 wheel dune buggy (Trizoo) $450. Phone 728-2741. 19-1 '74 SUZUKI, 185 cc, good condition. Phone 987-4243. 19-1 FILM f PROCESSING CHIL DR E N'S * PHOTOS Cameras and Photographic Supplies 478 King St. W., Bowynanville 623-2404 10-1< OSHAWA ScREENEO SAND GRAvEL & STONE LIMESTONE PROUCTS AIL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS0 TOPSOIL & IRT FIL. ZTi DELIlVERED OR REMOVEO TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL FLEA Market, open daily on Base Line Road. 21/2 miles Nest of Waverley Road. Tent, camp stove, lantern,, cedar lumber for pole fence, cedar stain, fibregtass ceiling pan- ais, gate valves, steel lawn fencing, Duro pump, tank and stand, fluorescent lights, ad- justable gable vents, arborite ceiling ti le, vinyl floor caver- ing, doors, chain saw, adding machine, antiques, straw- berry plants, rhubarb roots, gladiola corms, perennial phlox, dwarf astors. 623-7490. HOMEMADE box trailer with hardtop. Suitable for camp- ing. $150. Phone 623-2876., 19-1 ELMER'S New and Uâed Furniture and Appliances. We buy contents of homes. Phone Hampton 263-2294. 19-tf FIRE wood, fine quallty apple and pear, split, dried and delîvered. Quantity and price negotiable. Caîl 987-4872. 19-2x CAMPER - trailer, sleeps 5 ta 7, fibreglass body, zip-on add-a-roclm, bulit-in propane stove, table, ideal ta be towed by compact car, asklng $700 or best of fer. Phone 623-4760 or can be seen at 38 Deerpark Cres., Bowmanville. 19-1 WIRE rabbit cages with feeders and one C.C.M. 20?' girls bicycle. Phone 723-6330. 19-1 SWIMMING pool sacrifice. Leading manufacturer and distributpr has aluminum pools ieft over from 1975 season. 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Cali collect days or evenings 1 -416-481-8802. 18Q-tf LIKE NEW 24,000 B.T.U. Westinghouse air-conditioner. Air conditions full size home. Cal 1728-1122. 12-tf BUNK beds, 100 sets, brand new, cheap. Cali Harr 488- 7911, 3368 Yonge Street, Toronto. 16-4x Pioneer & Stewart Seeds We still have some to, performers availabie, for grain orsilage. We aise Ihave- ALFALF A, SORGHUM anld TREFOILin stock. ,-' ail John Baumchen jBLACKSTOCK 986-4774 15-5x SHEEP manure, wel rotted, three bushel $1.00. Haif ton truckload $10.00. Phone 623- 5817. 1- SWIMMING Pool: Doluxe, Redwood, above g round pool. 16 x 24. 1 y r. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. Caîl Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. il-tf ALLIS Chalmers 5' sickle bar. Phone i1-705-2,77-2512. 18-3 USED piano for sale. Best offer. Phone 728-1675. 14-tf TANNED sheepskin rugs tram $15. Natura I wooi color. Phone 623-5817. 18-2 POTATOES, table stock and small for soed or table, Sebagos aýnd smal quantlty of Cobbl ers, excellent quallty. J1oe Boumna 623-2847. 18-2 STRAWBERRY plants red coat, dag bouse large size, Dominion pump organ, anti- ue tedesewing machine. aIl197-4321. 19-lx WESTERN saddle wlth buck stltching, English and West- ern bridiles, one baby carr- age, 3 bar stools. Phono 623-7764. 19-1 FROM Quebec, pure maple syrup. $15 gallon. Cal be- tween 4 and 8 p.m. 623-3113. 19-ix ACORN style fireplace with pipes, like new. Suitable for cottage. $50. Phone 263-2517. 19-1 FERGUSON tractor, $1200., 3 furrow plow, $250,3 point hitch seeder, $50., 3 sections of harrows, $45, 2 traughs, $25. each. Phono 1-983-950.1.. 19-1 1973 SHASTA 24' travel trahi- er. Must sell. Kitchen-living' area, large fridge, aven, furnace, double slnk, bedroom and 4 piece bath. Phono 623-418«ý.. 19-1 MEDIUM size New. Idea manure spreader. Tires and spreader ln excellent condi- tion. $250. Phono 263-2767. 19-lx SANDO-& GRAVEL SUPPLY Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. SOFT-TOP camper, has ice box, sink with hand pump, sleeps six, '76 licenised, good condition, other extras. $500. Caîl Chuck 983-5814. 19-1 1973 IROQUOIS, hard top camper with dinette, alumin- um door, new spare tire and large canopy. Phone 623-4146. 19-1 7 HORSEPOWER, MF, riding tractor, mower, snow blade, chain. Phone 1-786-2441. 19-1 9 x 12 WOOL carpet, 7 piece kitchen set, 2 belted tires (one on rim) 8:55-15, bike rack, girl's bike 24", boy's bike 20", 30" stove (oven at top), fridge, long dress (size 11), 1962 Pontiac, .6 cyl, auto, 4 door, radio, new body and paint job. Phone 987-4778. 19-1 10Ox 10 ROLL-U P garage door, '66 Chrysler, rebuilt, 383 engine, 4 bbl carb. Phone 1-983-5027. 19-1 14 ft. CEDAR strip b oat, fibreglassed bottom, 1958 10 h.p. ohn son mtor with tank bohin good condition. $250 complete. Phone 623-3198. 19-1 TREES, evergreens and shrubs, bagged top soil1. Phone 623-3412. 19-4 Household Sale 1976 sterea console, walnut, AM-FM with record changer and record storage, $185. Gendron stroller, $19.95. M'olY Jumper $6.o0. Ping pong table on casters, $50. 2.zig-zag sewing machines, $49 and $99. Convertible folding baby change table, $29. Several Mopeds at cost, Phone 623-7684 ""RADIALS" Suzes to fit mfost cars. $160. PerSet of 4 PINERIDGE TIRE SALES 27 Simpson Ave. Bowmanville Phone 623-4866 13-tf TEAKWOOID, Scandinavian, Danïsh, bedroom, complete; dinlng room, 9 piece; living room; waIl unit, cottee Tables, new furniture, very reason- able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10-tf GITANE 15 speed bike, one e ear old, excellent condition. hone 623-3687 after 4. Water Delivery For filling swimming pools and wells. PHONE FRED WILLIS 623-2469 19-tf GARAGE SALE Friday-Saturday, May l4th - lSth from 10-5. Cedar' Park Road. Go- north on Liberty Street to f irst road north of Taunton; turn left, follow signs to sale at house north of park. Antiques and other useful items, Bennington Bowl, carnival bowl, depres- sion glass, Lustre glass, occupied Japan, crocks, plant tables, pine cradle, coffee table, end tables, books, baby articles, toys, clothing, two g irl 's bicycles, records, rab- its. 19-1 WHITE'S -T.V. TOWERS j7 Towers, U HF, VH F AerilRtr& Repairs 1ý Apartment &Homes - Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 B0Y'S oyeglasses, dark E. WHITE brown trame, area of Cub tree COIJTICE project pianting site no. 2. COUTIIE Please cali1623-4964. 19-1 -. 30-tf SWIMMING pool wholesaler must dispose of 1975 alumin- um pools i stock, sacrifice prico for desperately needed actory warehouse space. Brand new swimming pools include walk-around deck, fonce, f ilter and warrantee, size 15 x 27, $1088 cash or terms. Caîl Gord collect days or ovonings 1-416-221-4840. 18-tf PADDY'S Market now ha! new furniture, ap pliances; T.V.'s and stereos and aisc used furniture and appliances Will accept trado-ins. Paddy'ý Market, Hampton, phono 263, ?241. 33-f~ LSED Furniture and Appli. ances. Padcoy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 264t,1 ASPARAGUS at Ted Barn- owski Farmis. For pick-up arders phono Newtonvh île 786- 2202. 18-tf 18' WROUGHT iran railing in excellent condition. Phono 623-3435. 19- AQUAR IAN House Antiques 'n' Thlngs Hwy. 115 south of Orono is naw open for busin- ess. 18-2x WIRED haired terrier, maie, curly black hair, answers ta " Rags", Paddys' Market area. Phone 263-2241 anytime. 19-1 WILL the persan seen picking up, the purse on Na. 2 H ighway, one mile west of Bowmanville on Sundav after- noon kindiy return ta Adver- tiser 619, c-a Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ontario. Reward. 19-1 FINE QU'~ LITY MONUME l'4 TSA1D MARK RS $TAF FORD 45E BROS. LD Staffordt Brothers Monuments' LIMITED box 133 318 Dundat St. E. - Whitby Phone Whltby 66L-3552 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Mi TENDERS Tenders wili be received by the undersigned until 2.00 p.m., Wednesday, May 19, 1976, for the following items. Roof Restoration Bowmanvilie Senior Public Schoal, 1-05 Queen Street, BOWMANVI LLE. Courtice North Public Scho, R.R. 3, BOWMANVILLE. Courtice South Public School, R.R. 2, BOWMANVILLE. Lard Elgin Public School, High Street, BOWMANVI LLE. Mitchell's Corners Public Schooi, R.R. 1, HAMPTON. Cook's Public School, R.R. 6, COBOU RG, Cobourg Colle giate West, 135 King Street, C OBOURG. Cramahe South Public School, R.R. 2, COLBORNE. Merryvale Schaoi, 37 Marg- aret Street, CAMPBELL- FORD. Caulking Coiborne Public School, 8 Alfred Street, COLBORNE. Kent Public School, CAMP- BE LL FOR D. Cobourg Colle giate West, 135 King Street, COBOU RG. Coburg Colle giate East, 335 King Street, COBOURG. Burnhamn Public Schoai, Burn- 1hamn Street, COBOURG. -Port Hope High School, PORT 1HOPE.ý Percy Centennial Public School, 129 Church Street, WARKWORTH. East Northumberland Second- ary Schooi, BRIGHTON. Central, Public Schaoo, 39 Pine Street, PORT HOPE. Howard Jordan Public School, Percîval Street, PORT HOPE. Tuckpointing Grant Sine Public Schooi, D'Arcy Street, North, CO- BOU RG. Dr. Powers Public School, 64 Ward Street, PORT HOPE. Newtonvilie Public School, NE WTON VILLE. C.R. Gummow Public School, Gravely Street, COBOURG. Central Public Scbool, 120 Wellinegton Street, BOWMAN- Fenci ng Plainvilie Public School, R.R. 1, GORES LANDING. Specifications may be obtain- ed from the Office of: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educalion Box 470 834 D'Arcy Street, North COBOURG K9A 4L2 19-1 JAN ITORIAL CONTRACTORS For janitfai services for the Ministry of Correctianal Ser- vices at the Pine Ridge Schaol, Bawmanville, Ontario. Con- tract ta be for a .24 month periad. T.O0. 14 SEALED TENDERS wili be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1976. Tender Documents may be abtained tram the Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Office, Room MIl-43A, Macdonald Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, Tele- phone No. (416) 965-1152. NOTE: For further informa- tion regarding this tender, please cail Mr. T.J. Campbell, Ministr of Government Ser- vices, Taronto, Ontario, Tele- p hane No. (416) 965-1152. The aowest or any tender nat necessarily accepted. Min s'ryof (5Dovernment e rvices ONTARIO 119-2 1

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