16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmai-,' lie, Ma, 12, i1976 ORONO NEWS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. David Hugli Ross - the former Dianne Marian Part- ridge on their marriage on Saturday, May 8th in the Orono Unit ed Church. Rev. Basil E. Long officiated. Reception and wedding dance was in the I.O.O.F. Hall. Mt. and Mrs. Ross will reside in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris spent Sunday evening with Mrs. George Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ferrier and children of Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown and daughters of Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Suther- land and daughter of Bow- manville Miss Wanda Stew- art, Barry Challice and Kerry Challice of Pontypool. Mr. Donald Challice of Oshawa were Mother Day Sunday dinrer guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Challice and Denise, of Main Street South. Mrs. Fed Lycett spent the weekend with hier son> Mr. Douglas Lycett, Toronto. SAt the Orono United Church on Sunday, May 9th, there was the baptism of: Shawn Paul Barclay son of John Paul Barclay and Sharon Ann Alun, Jennifer Lindsey Suzanne Bruton daughter of Vincent Bruton, Heather Sheilagh Wallace, godparents - John and Judy Hunt, Brian Ronald Goddson of Ronald Franklin Good, Marilyn Elizabeth Webb, Murray Edward HÔgg, son of Larry Edward Hogg, Ronda Lynn Tennant, John Paul Quantrili, son of Allan Ross Quantrill,. Joan Beatty, goidparents - Peggy and Bob Post,, Thomas Frederick Tamblyn, son of William Stark Tamblyn, Marie Loitise Kent, Mark Andrew Weir son of Brian George Weir and Meda June -Massey. The Social evening sponsor- ed by the Kînsmen of the Great Pine Ridge on Monday evening for the Senior Citizens of Orono,' Newcastle area at the St. George's Anglican Church Parish Hall Newcastle was well attended and enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Gordoni Power were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.-John Conforzi and son John of Toronto. Mr. John McRae is a patient in the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. St. Saviours held a pot luck supper recently to say good- bye to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spry and family who have taken up residence in, Cobourg where Roy is now employed. As a parting gift Roy and Betty were presented with a silver tray with a suitable inscrip- tion. Master Stephen Chriso- mialis presented Betty wîth flowers and Mr. and Mrs. Don Tansley presented them with a gingerbread church, a replica of St. Saviours. Rev. Hayne gave a few remarks on Betty, and Roy's faithful service to St. Saviours. Betty and Roy will surely be missed in the Church and commumity. H A YDON Mr. and Mrs. Micheal Strenge, Mississauga spent the weekend with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ashton, Oshawa were Saturday supper guests with the Ross Ashton family. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dud- ley and Neil, Sarnia, visited Mrs. Dudley's mother, Mrs. Read on the weekend. A family cdnner was held at the Marina on Sunday, Mother's Day. Those attending were Mrs. A. Read, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read and family, Mr. andMrs. Gordon Dudley and Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family. Mark, Bowmanville, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewins. Miss Janet Anderson spent Thursday and Friday wîth the Ted Buttery's. Mother's Day visitors with the Ted Buttery's were, Mrs. T. Buttery, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Yeo and family Bowman- ville. .Mrs. Irene Tabb spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. StanCowling, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray were Sumday (Mother's Day) dinner guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Linda and Janet Enniskillen. M1r. and Mrs. Roy Graham, Mr. and. Mrs. Raymond Cameron took Mrs. Leslie Graham out to dinner on Mother's Day at the Red Carpet Inn, Lindsay. SPECIAL! 10 OZ. PKG. ASST'D VARIETIES 3 OZ. PKG, ASST'DVARIE TIES RICHMELLO ROYAL SPECIAL! 1FROZEN SHORTCAKE Al JELLY MOC SAVARIN LAYER i GPOWDERS 19 DINNERS RICHMELLO SPECIAL! 19OZ. PKG. SPICE BAR 79C 26 FL. OZ. BTL. PLUS DEPOSIT PEPSI-COLA PRE-PRICED- 22 ORIANGE PEKOE SPECIAL'1 20OZ, PKG. OFi180 TETLEY TEA BAGS 2.59 ALL PURPOSE GRIND SEIA!16OZ. BAG CHASE & SANBORN 14 JOHNONSSPECAL!12.3 FL. OZ. CONT. BABY SHAMPOO 1.69 ASST'DCOLOURS ~~ It~PKG OF 200 KLEENEX, 2PLY SEIL FACIAL TISSUE,5 FIRMEXTRA FIRM OR 15 OZ. AEROSOL CONT. SOFT LADY PATRICIA HAIR SPRAY SPECIAL! 1 .09 JOHNSONS SPECIAL !255 g CONT. BABY POWDER 99C TWINKLE, LIQUIO SPECIAL!900,mi CONT. BUBBLE BATH 9 ZESTY RED SEIL70ml BTL. MOUTHWASH &GARGLE PCAIO COLGATE 100 1*29 ASST'D COLORS SPCILII PKG. N IC E &EASY PCA-.8m HAIR COLQU RING 1.-69 ASST'D VAR IETIES SPECIAL! CASE 0F 24 CARBONATED, ZIP TOP TINS 10 FL. OZ. TINS GRAND PRIX BEVERAGES2.,98"' SCHWARTZ SPECIAL' Iy PEANUT BUTTER 1.78.1 A SST'D VARIETIES SPECIAL! 2 LB.PG PRIMO PASTAS, 68C 14 FL. OZ TIN PRIMO, PLAIN 1J SPAGHETTI SAUCEê7 100 FT. ROLL PKG. PLASTIC F000 WRAP STRETCH'NSEAL 9 c PKG.OF40 KLEENEXc DINNER NAPKINS 7 BOUTIQUE SPECIAL! 2 ROLL PKG. KLEENEX TOWELS 901 128 FL. OZ. CONT KLEEN-BRITE FABRIC SOFTENER 1.45 IVORY SPECIAL! 32 OZ. CONT. LIQUID DETERGENT, 1.19 SAVEX, 1DOW30 MOTOR OIL 1 OT CONT 89C WOOLITE 22 OZ. AEROSDL CONT. SPRAY & VACUUM RUG CLEANER 1.97 ROYAL CH INET, 83/41,'GO2 LUNCH PLATES e 110OZ PKG. 2 LB. BOX CUT FROM CAN ADA GR 1ADEW"BEEF LB. SPECIAL! FEARMANS, FROZEN' MEATY, EASY TO CARVE, BÔNE IN 58c EEF mM8RUMP SPECIAL!" 5 8AKETES1.38 ROAST 1.q36bj PLAIN OR COLOURED PKG.0F 20 ROBINSON J ICE CREAM CONES 53 14OZ» PKG. WHOLE WHEAT BISCUIT muo ,WEETABIX CEREAL M 12 OZ. JAR CHOCOLATE OR PLAIN OVALTINE DRINK 1.15 REALWHIPPEDCREAM 7 FL. OZ. CON T. REDDI WIP SPECIAL! 75C SPICED OR PLAIN 10 OZ. PKG. PRODUCE 0F HOLLAND - BABY GOUDA CHEESE 1 .37 ASST'DVARIETIES, PILLSBURY 7 OZ. CONT. REFRIGERATED MIXA c WIENER WRAP L5 CANADA lst- GRADE 5 LB. PKG. MAGIC, INSTANT 0 SKIM MILK POWDER 3.4 48 FL DOZ.BTL. PLANTER'S -1 PEANUT OIL 2M7 WITH PECTIN & COLDUR 24 FL. DZ .JAR VACHON, RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRYJAM 1.33 24 FL. OZ. TIý REALEMONc LEMONJUICE 83~ 2 kg PKG MASTER PREMIUM DOG DINNER 1.42 RICHMELLO 8 OZ. PKG. 100%CORNOIL 2 LB. PKG. OR DOMINION SPECIAL! COLOURED SPECIAL! MILD INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED PROCESS - gc FLEISCHMANN'S _________ vc 40MARGARINE I.5 UNSEASONEDORSEASONED SPECA 35OZ. CONT. ADOLPH'S CA MEAT TENDERIZER '49c HARRY HORNES1FLDBT BARBECUE SAUCE - 12 FL. OZ. JAR ASST'D VARIETIES HEINZ RELISHES ___59__ BOVRIL 10ZTc LUNCHEON MEAT 8 HIGH LINER, FROZEN 24 DZ. PKG. BOSTON BLUEFISHi FISH STICKS 1.68 SHOPSYSOLOVIENNA 0SPECIAL!18ZIE SALAMI CHUBS 1.99 COORSFA 13 DZ. SIZE IDEAL FOR DESSERTS S pECIAL! 4 c 4 x2 DZ.PG SHOPSY'S, PASTRAMI OR ~~ram~ CORNED BEEF OrECIAL UUI COORSH 24 OZ. CONT COLE SLAW . 88~ MAPLELEAF1 LB. PKG. BOLOGNA 99c- MAPLELEAF1 LB. PKG. SAUSAGE MEAT 78c CANADA FANCY DOMINION, FROZEN MIXED SPECIAL! VEGETABLES You can depend on us. WE3EFSERVE THE RIGHT TOLIM TQO ANT TIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES ,LIMITED. FRESH GROUNO PCA! L FORME RLY G DU ND CH UCK SEIL MEDIUM GROUND BEEF 84c PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SLICED SPECIAL! LB3- BEEF LIVER 38C BITTNERSCURED VACUUM PACKED à%LB. BEEF TONGUIESPECIAL! 99C BITTNER'S, FINE: & COARSE SPECIAL! LB. LIVER SAUISAGE 1.e33_ BITTNERS, FINE 4OZ. PKG. MEAT LOAF SPECIAL! 49C 1 LB. PKG. WIENERS SPECIAL! 78c SWI FT'S LAZY MAPLE 1 LB. PKG. SAUSAGE 1.38 FEARMAN'S, MAC & CHEESE OR 6 OZ. PKGý CHICKEN LOAF 98c F EARMANSMINCEO HAM OR 16 OZ.PKG. VARIETY LOAF 1 à18 FEARMAN S, CANADIAN OUEEN LB. SMALL LINK SAUISAGE q99c BURNS'TASTYBY THE PIECE L HEAD CHEESE SPECIAL! 99Y 2 LB. PKG. 'ASST'D FLAVOURS HI-C 6 ~ FRUIT SPECIAL! 6!t;DRINKS 48FL. OZ. TIN 48C VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSINO TIME TUESDAY, MAT 18, 1976 DOMINION