FirstR oaryClubBazaar R aises $6,OOO BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. MTAY 12, 1-976 Cakes and pies were big sellers with lady visitors. Mayor -Rickard and Coun. Lyall square off for golf match with Coun. Ann Cowman acting as umpire. Miniature golf course set uD bv AI Strike and crew. Peg Johpson has a hall hanffing out suekers. Visual A"irts booth-attractenideal nee Perey Crapper operates the number of beans in the jar booth. Another view of the eager buyers who filled the BHS gymnasium during the bazaar. $e2 Million Waterworks For N>ewcastle A new water plant for the village of Newcastle could supply water services to an additional five to eightt and Newcastle resid according to Mayor G Rickard. Mayor Rickard said plant which has recenti3 approved by the, Or Municipal board is defir intended for the Villag Newcastle but it may necessariiy be iocated t "They couid expand the. manville plant and runa to Newcastle," the M~ said. He added that expected the plant to located in Newcastle vi]l In the most recent mec of the town council, location of the plant was million dollar question af letter fromn the Ontario1 icipai board was placed b( council.. The letter was froir 0MB to Durham Region, it called for the building 0.9 million gallon per water supply plant, -wý mains and the purchas, land in the Town of Newca Councillor Ann Cowi said the words "in -the tom Newcastle" were too vx and there was a discussic where the proposed plant to be built and fui: discussion on exactiy was being buiit. The respondence- was fin tabled. Village thous- Mayor Rickard said last dents, week that hie didn't tell council ýarnet where the plant was to be because hie didn't have al d the information with him at the y been time. The mayor said that now itarlo the 0MB has given officiai initeiy approval to the waterworks, ige of the engineering for the plant Y not can begin right away. the re. Bow- $2OO eeI apipe$200Ne d /Iayor for C.O.M.R.A. 'o be Representatives of the City lage. of Oshawa Marine Rescue eeting Association (COMRA) will be ,the invited to the next meeting of s a 2.2 the Town of Newcastle Com- fter a mittee of the Whoie on May 10. Mun- COMRA is asking for $2000 efore from the municipality of Newcastle to help keep afloat ii the a rescue boat which lis called iand "The COMRA". gof a The COMRA representa- Sday tîves requested a meeting in a rater- letter to the Newcastle Mun- se of icipality Community Services astie. Committee and Monday's vman meeting of that committee ýwn of agreed to let the COMRA ague representatives corne and ion of mnake a presentation. Council- ýwas lor Ken Lyaii said hie thought rther marine patrol shouid be a what federal responsibility and hie cor- recommended that COMRA's naliy request for the meeting be turned down. He said hie didn't think municipal money should be spent on shore patrol. Mayor Garnet Rickard sai the municipality has a re sponsibiiity for marine safety, especialiy if the municipality ailows marinas to be built along the shore of Lake Ontario. Mayor Rickard add- ed that he wouldn't be in favor of making a contribution to COMRA as large as the one requested from Oshawa. COMRA representatives are asking for a contribution of $2000 each from Oshawa, Pickering and Newcastle. The boat owned by the City of Oshawa Marine Rescue Asso- ciation is manried by volun- teers and it has been patrol- ling the shores of the Durham region during the boating season. Its, jobs include rescuing Lake Ontario boaters who have'engine troubles or find themselves with empty, gas tanks. Council Changing To Roberts Rules A recommendation of the April 26th Committee of the Whole will see Newcastle Council switch to the Roberts Rules of Procedure. Council's present rules of procedure were adopted from those of former Dariington Township which in tura had been previously taken from Bowmanville council. Coun. Ivan Hobbs intro- duced the motion, to change to the'Roberts Rules but Mayor Rickard noted.that it would, A resolutîon that could reduce the financial impact of water and sewage frontage charges for Newcastle home owners was passed at a committee of the whole meet- ing on April 26. The committee moved to ask Durham regional council to approve the resolution allowing home owners to defray the water and sewage frontage charges until they seil their properties. The resolution drafted by Coun. Ann Cowman would assist faillies living on fixed incomes who would find the monthly service charge difficult to pay. Charges for the water and sewage services are made to residents according to the size of their roadside property. The region receives pay- ment for the services it provides by charging resi- dents on a monthly basis, sometimes for as long as 20 years. Ten thousand brochures explaining what local resi- dents can do to protect t 'hem- selves against Culex m-osqui- toes are now available in the municîpality. The Newcastle Town Coun- cil has decided 4to do away with the plan that called for the distribution of 1000 copies of mosquito protection notices. In place of the notices is the brochure entitled: Mosquito not be necessary to follow the entire contents of the large Roberts book. He suggested instead that a smaller version, similar to what council pre- sently has, be adapted from the Roberts rulles. As necessitated by the move, Coun. Hobbs also moved that the former action of council, as to their present rules, be rescinded, a motion which carried 4-3, Entwisle, Rickard and Cowman'holding the opposing votes. East erSealshcl crippled children.r If NeWcastle's resolution was implemented, home own- ers could either pay the charge on a monthly basis or pay it all at once when they seil their property. Coun. Cowman said there were some home, owners living comfortably on fixed incomes who might not be able to continue that way and stili pay the charge. Coun,. Cowman said'that in addition to the, charge of services, residents had to cope with a charge to connect their property to the watermains and sewers. Those charges amount to about $500 for connection to local sewers and betweea $200 and $400 for a connection ta watermains. If a resident can prove that he cannot afford to pay the service charge, current policy allows the region to step in and pay the fees. Con trois Control: What You Can Dýo. LIt is available at the Durham Regional Health Unît on il Lambert St. and it tells just about everything you aiways wanted to know about the Culex Mosquito. Published by the Ontario government, the brochure recommends that property owners eliminate mosquito breeding sites such as stand- ing water in wading pools and clogged drains. Lt suggests that vegetation be reduced by mowing weeds and grass and by trimming hedges. To avoid mosquito bites, you should restrict .outdoor evening activity and wear long-sleeved clothing in places where there a 're' lots of mosquitoes. Light coloured ciothing is less at- tractive to mosquitoes than dark. Culex mosquitoes can spread encephalitis. In 1975 they were partly responsibie for about 70 cases of the disease in parts of Southwest- ern Ontario. The provincial government, however, has said there is no indication at present that encephalitis will spread to areas east of Toronto. Town council, wîl be placing ads on mosquito control in the local newspapers inthe future. Rotary Annes do roaring business with baked goods. Large. crowds gathered early in the afternoon to see the. bargains offered.,