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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1976, p. 3

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N EWTON VI LLE Mrs. Bea Jones, with Mrs. Madeline Buckley of New- ,astle attended the Retired achers' Annual Meeting 'ýid Dinner at Brooklyn, last Tuesday. Mrs. Lena Graham and Mrs. Kay Kimbaîl of New- castle, were Tuesday after- noon visitors,. here, with Mrs. Leone Lane and Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer. The Official Board of the Newtonville Pastoral Charge met in the Sunday School hall on Monday evening, May 3rd at 8 o'clock. Rev. John Hili, representative from the Os hawa Presbytery, was pre- sent, and there was a good attendance from each church. The atteildance and financial arrangments were discussed and the Treasurers gave satisfactory reports from each charge. Rev. Hill thanked everyone for coming and a cup of tea and social haîf hour was much appreciated. Mrs. Leone Lane with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton were among those attending the Anglican Church Supper in Orono, Tuesday night. Wednesday afternoon, the Executive of the Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Amelia Lancaster to plan the year's program, the Roll- Calîs, Mottos, etc. Eight ladies were present, and a cup of tea and social time was enjoyed at thev close. Residents of this area are becoming very perturbed (and flot without good reason),, regarding the sale of land, near by. to the Eldorado Co. of Port Hope, for garbage dump- ing. This is a very critical issue for ail of us, so let us exert ourselves to the utmost,, to support those figbting this action, and turn out to local meetings cominïg up and make ourselves heard. Local mem- bers of this committee are Mrs. Boisvert, Mrs. Dora Nichols and Mrs. Mary Mur- ray, and we understand a Petition is being circulated, so be sure to sign! Congratulations to K. Ser- geant, of this village, winning $50 in the last Legion Draw and to Sid Brown, $5, for selling him the lucky ticket. It is interesting to note that 15 per cent of the proceeds from t he monthly Legion Draw goes to the Building Fund, and the remainder is used for dona- tions to Youth Groups or other worthy causes. Our local Cub group have asked for a dlonation of $100, as their inumbers have increased con- siderably and their Secretary, Doris Chrysler, has volunteer- èd to assist with the sale of monthiy tickets. Three years ago, the Legion donated $300 to our Cub group, and they have always donated flags and poles for our. Ceniotaph to replace the ones destroyed by our local vandals and hood- lums. The Newtonviiie - Starkville Bowling League ended their "Flowers with Feeling" For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS BeL/j JIo'ial ,A4t 133 Church Street Bowmanvillie Fresh Flower and Dried Flower Arrangements for FUNERALS - WEDDINGS HOSPITAL and HOME Be sure and take a look at our Bridai Showcase n our window. CUqJefte the <negt i tght THE OPTICAL BOUIQUE 30 KING ST. WEST MISS G. ZIEGLER BOWMANVILLE DISPENSING OPTICIANS PHON E 623-4477 INFORMATIOÉN O4N SBEDWETTING Many procedures such as restricting iquids and taking children on a schedule to the bathroom do flot usually end bedwetting. We are a total Canadian organization and wiII answer many questions on this problemr. Equally successful with Aduits. NAME ADDRESS______________ CI TY PHONE CHILD'S AGE (4 years minimum age) Canadiaon Enuresis P.O. Box 7402, Ottawa, Ont. Ki L 8 E4 1-(613) 749-1066 season with a turkey banquet at the Flying Dutchman, Bowmanville, on Thursday, May 6th. After the meal, a business meeting followed, the same officers being rieturned to Office - President - Peggy Milison, Treasurer- Joyce Stacey, Secretary- Olive Henderson, Captains- Mary Topple, Sandra Mclnnes, Doris Chrysier and Donna Morris. The following trophies were presented: lst place team for the year - Doris Chrysler's team, 2nd place - Mary Topple's team, 3rd place - Donna Morris, Last - Sandra Mclnnes. Low scorer - Pat Osborne. 300 or over games were bowled by Joyce Stacey with 2, Donna Morris and Peggy Milison. The total pin play-off was won by Mary Topple's team. High average - Cindy Cowle. High triple - Joyce Stacey. High single - Peggy Milison. The evening was spent playing progressive Euchre. The bologna prize was won by Doris Chrysier.' High Prize - Gail Milîson and Anne Todd. Low - Sandra Mclnnes and Joyce Carroll. Most lone hands - Joyce Stacey. Door Prize - Evelyne Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Elliott of Oshawa, Mrs. Winnifred Elliott and Mr. Raymond Bruce attended a Twenty- Fifth Wedding Anniversary and "Going-Away" party forý Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Elliott at Musselman's Lake, on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lane of Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lane of Orono were visitors through the week with Mrs. Leone Lane. An eveniing of Bridge was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Bea Jones, on Saturday, with Mr. and Mrs. John Carlaw of Warkworth carrying home both prizes. Lunch included a delicious cake with ahl but the Gilmers singing "Happy Birthday"!_ Neediess to say, this was much appreciated by Frank and Violet. While we are on the subject of birthdays, let us wish Mrs. Bougerie in "Hillsdale Man- or" many happy returns on her 93rd, on Monday. Also Mrs. McHolm in "Hope Haven", Port Hope, the same, on Friday, May 14, for her 100th birthday. The new Play-Ground ad- ditions are expected to be al completed by May 15 at Newtonville Sclbool. On May 27 there will be *a bus trip to Toronto Zoo for Grades 1, 2 and 3.« One week later, Grades 4, 5 and 6 will take a bus trip to the W&rsaw Caves. Air. and Mrs. Sid Brown attended a wedding dance at Bowmanvilie's Lion Centre on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stapleton of Toronto were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton. Sunday morning Greeters at our church door were Melville Jones and Sid Brown. The Sacrament of Baptism was administered by Rev. Mont- gomery, assisted by Mrs. Bea Jones, to the following: David Robert Arnold, Mrs. Debbie Langstaff and Dawn Miriam Langstaff, Jennifer Lee Starzyniski. Mrs. Syd. Arn- old's membership was also transferred to this church. Our Minister's Mother's Day Message was "The Measure of a Home", and the choir's selection - "Count Your Bless- ings" with the minister and congregation joining in on the chorus. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Elliott were supper guests Sunday with Mrs. Winnie Elliott. Celebrcfes'His First Birthday Hi, my name is Scott Edward Lyndon White. I will be one-year-old on- 1976. My mommy and daddy are Sandy and Dave White. My grandparents are Mrs. Pauline Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon White Bowmanville. Forthcoming Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. McNaught of Bolton, Ontario are happy to announce the forthcoming, marriage of their daughter, Susan Pamela, to Douglas Alfred Perrin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Perrin of Newcastle, Ontario. The marriage to take place in-Bolton on May 3th, at 3:30 p.m. 'n Christ Church (Anglican). Mrs. Bea Jones with Mr., and Mrs. M. Jones had supper at the Coach and Four, Orono, on Sunday. Mrs. Leone Lane was a supperguest, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray and girls, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. PJ. Rowe, View- lake. The TROPICAL RQOM to -be u tify your home and gorden. Corne in. today andbrowse oround. ~ood Teaîtag ail <(/çeggohlec and ,ýpûg 90à 9JOufr NOW AT Bu ckingham Mark ce t RR. 2 Oshawa Taunton Rood at Townline Phono 576-7702 1Callers with Mrs. Agnes Burley, Sunday, included Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, New- castle, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bunley and Adam, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burley and Steven, ail of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley and Douglas, and friend Ricky Cavenaugh of Bridgenorth. Supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. Mc- Ewen of Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle. Mrs. Burley also received a lovely Azalea from son Keith in Waterloo and a nîce message from daughter Audrey in Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton visited Mrs. Wm. Stapleton at Strathaven Sunday afternoon, and were supper guests in Port Hope with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Donnelly. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. James lImlach and Dale, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Imlach were supper guests, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. David Imlach. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wagg of Mitchell were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown, Mrs. Marie Trim and Mrs. Olive Henderson were all Sunday afternoon callers with Mr. and Mrs. Clint Brown, Newcastle. There was a fairly good turn out, Sunday night, at the Congregational meeting in Newtonville Church, with members present from ahl three charges. Presbytery DRINKING DRIVING DOGN'T MI X Sale driving is a family affair. Representatives wer Victor Parson of B12 and Rev. Jack Loug Oshawa. An "Officm was prepared to Rev. M. Tizzard of Diepf Brunswick, and sigrn Pastoral Represen' after the voting wý cluded. The meeting ad. shortly after 9 p.m. ville Women's Instit meet at the home Amelia Lancaster o May 19, at 2:30 p-m., welcome. STARKCI L'ie "Opportufiity Sale" in the Church Basement brought a good crowd out on Wednes- day. The U.C.W. made $95.00 in proceeds. Mother's Day Service was held on March 2nid at Shiloh United. The Message was "The Measure of the Home". Two children, Jodie Grace and Heather Ann, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Souch were baptized and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lynn were tralisferred to Shiloh United Church. The Sunday School children were the choir for Mother's Day service. Friday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch and family were Mr. and Mrs. John Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Therteil. Little Miss Lesiey West- heuser was a patient in Bowmanviile Hospital coming home Sunday afternoon. After the christenîng May 2nd, the foilowing people were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch, they are Mrs. Alvin Souch's grand- mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Maynard and family, Miss ý Leeanne Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Broome and family, Mrs. Dave Maynard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Souch and famiiy ahl of B owmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Van Drunen and family, Newcastle and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch and boys, Stark- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hailowell. Mrs. Llew Hallowell attend- ed a shower for Miss Wendy Falls of Oakville, held at the home of Mrs. Bob Williams of Bowmanville on Sunday after- noon. Supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair and famîly on Sunday were Mr. iMay 6, and Mrs. Joe Brown, Mr. and proud Mrs. Carl Todd and Anne and ai fMr. Bill Bickle. e, al of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Casweli, Les and Jeff, Mr. and Mrs. ____ Llew Hallowell and Mr. Jim ýre Rev. Hallowell were Sunday supper lackstock guests with Misses Beulah ýheed of and Norma Hallowell of Bow- ia Caîl" manville. 7Aubrey A Surprise Birthday Party ne. New was held for Mr. Jim Souch, ;d by the ntatives, vas con- ljourned Newton- ltute wilI of Mrs. on Wed., A11l ladies T] Mi Mi Mi vil He The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile, May 12, 1976 3 Solomon, Mr. and Mrs. Jean V ILLESub of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Reid of Courtice, at., evenîng at his home. Mr. and Mrs. John Cart- riose present were Mr. and wright, Mr. and Mrs. Ron rs. John Walkey, Mr."and Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Larry rs. Dave Green, Mr. and Sinclair of Starkville and Mr. Irs. Alvin Souch of Bowman- and Mrs. Andy Van Drunen of lie, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. [oward. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bruce Therteli of Orono. COMMERCIAL PORTRAITS SPECIAL OCCASICI [BARRY VIRTUE Càetctive T9k4oghac >NS R. R. 1, Orono, On ta rio LOB IMO 416-983-5240 olphly An indignant mother asked her young son: "Why didn't you tell me you wanted to g o fishing?" "Because I wanted to go fishing," answered the son. CLOTHES CARE HINT: A WELL DRESSED PERSON is one whose garments are cleaned regularly. THE SALVAT ION ARMY BOWMANVILLE BLITZ Starting Monday, May 10, 1976 Thanks to the advances Bow manvill made possible by cancer research work, over haîf the cases of cancer diagnosed are G a e sL d now being cured. o ClcaorstLtd butios to he Ca\diWE GET' 84 King St. W. 623-5520 Cancer Society make the hope --CLOTHIS "We Specialize in Shirt of cure even greater by E aneig supporting cancer research.Y LU RLudrn' 1973 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4-DOOR SEDAN V-8, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof, AM-FM stereo, cruise control, remote mirror. Lic. E ZC780 ONL LV$2625.00 1973 BUICK LESABRE 4-DOOR V-8, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof, radio, electric defroster, whitewalls. Lic. EBB006$37 0 ON LV 3750 1974 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DOOR 400 V-8, automatic transmission,1 power steering, power brakes, radio, vinyl roof, defogger, remote mirror. Lic. H RC046 ONL LV$4075.00 1972 CHEVROLET BEL AIR STATION WAGON V-8, automnatic transmission, power steering, power brakes. Lic. EBD786 ONL LV$2795.00' 1973 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 4-DOOR SEDAN This is a one owner automobile equipped with V-8, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, defogger. Lic. HDC862 $29 0 ONL $2950 fMO0TO0R S LT D BQWMANVILLE COURTICE ",COURTESY FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY" 1

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