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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1976, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 12, 1976 BHS Thesnians Last Tuesday and Wednesday evening, the students at Bowmanville High School presented three one-act plays in the lower half of the auditorium. "Cleft For Me", above, finds Tim Weekes appealing to T.V. announcer Esther McEwen on behalf of a man trapped behind a large rock in a cave. The play was directed and produced by Michael Lindop and Carla Homan. - Photo by Liz Armstrong Joan Hamilton, Sue King, Paul Sheridan and Chris Locke take an automobile ride to Camden, New Jersey in "The Happy Journey" which was directed and produced by John Sheridan. Both performances were well attended by appreciative audiences. Photo by Liz Armstrong Philip Tielemans and Lorie Rutherford watch while the infamous Roman emperor Nero spouts off. According to the play, his secret plan to burn Rome was one of the worst kept secrets in ancient history. In producing and directing "Nero Fiddles", Bob Sheridan made use of unusual lighting techniques. -- Photo by Liz Armstrong E T E ~Stanley Malcolm on his eighty- third birthday. Present for the noccasion were Mr. and Mrs. On Thursday Mr. anci Mrs. Douglas Davîson, Scott and Stanley Malcolm, Mr. and Richard Davison were enter- Neil of Bridgenorth, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Mary bou tained at noon dinner with Mr. Mrs. George Dent of Lindsay, and James Malcolm, Miss andMrs. W.J. Dickinson, Port also visited in the afternoon. Jennifer Sweetman, Miss Hope, celebrated a belated Mr Barry Malcolm spent Arléne Alun and Miss Joanne birthday with Dick's sister the weekend at bis home. He Wolters. and also their wedding anni- has accepted a position with Following the baptismal versary. Mrs. Frank Gardiner the Farm Credit Corporation service in the United Church of Garden Hill, their niece, at Walkerton. Ontario. on Sunday, dînner guests with was also present. The Lawrence Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. WayneMinshll Sunday visitors with the family hosted a dinner party and family were Mr. and Mrs. Davisons were M1r. and Mrs on Sunday honouring Mr. Ken Minshail, Miss borri Turner, Blackstock; Ron Min- shall, Nestleton; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewell, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bickle and Karen, Bowmanville; Miss Angela Bedford, Nestle- ton; Betty, Anita and Wm. Collins of Havelock, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Mor- ris, Donna and Ronnie, Toron- to, had Sunday evening dinner with her mother, Mrs. Law- rence Cooledge. Mrs. Cool- edge returned home with them and will visit with her sister, Mrs. Florence Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son joined with other mem- bers of the family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry, Blackstock, for Sunday lunch- eon following the baptismal of their great grandson, Steven James Mairs. Last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ames moved to their recently purchased home at Picton. Thursday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Abernethy, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bowers, John and Brian, Oshawa, were Mother's Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowers. Mr. Ralph Bowers, Tyrone, was also a Sunday visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vivian were Mother's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Groves, Roseneath and also called on Mr. Fred Gordon at Balti- more. Mother's Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee and Clifford were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lee and family the Neil Lees, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Weston and family, Burketon and the Wm. Weston family, Enniskillen. On Saturday Mrs. Arnold Williams and Mrs. G. Bowers attended a bridal shower at the home of Mrs. Allan Beacock, Blackstock, to hon- our bride-elect Miss Vickie Rahme, fiancee of Mrs. Bea- cock's nephew, Michael Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Bowers'had Mother's Day dinner on Satur- day at Haugen's Restaurant, Port Perry. In the evening they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Elford. Following the baptismal service for their grand- daughter, Rhonda Viola Jacob, Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish were Mr. and Mrs.'Ron Jacob, Deanna and Rhonda, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corby and Paul, R.R. Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fish, Osh- awa; Great Grandmother, Mrs. Jacob of Coboconk, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith and Penny, Hampton. In the afternoon Mrs. Jacob accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Fish to her home at Coboconk. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Fish had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Corby. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ban- nister and family, Lindsay, were dinner guests on Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Fish. Carol Vivian, Nestleton and Carolyn Scanlon, Blackstock, attended the meeting of Cop- per Craft at the Skyline Towers, Toronto, -Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs and Dianne attended the Baptismal Service at the United Church, Blackstock, on Sunday when their grandson, Steven Mairs, was welcomed into the church family. Fol- lowing the service they were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry. During the week Miss Doro- thy Bulmer attended the Presbyterian Men's Mothers' Day dinner at Ashburn where she was guest speaker and showed pictures of Nigeria. On Thursday night Miss Bulmer attended the social evening and euchre sponsored by the Young People of Sonya Presbyterian Church. Miss Mgbeke Okorie, Toron- to, spent the weekend with Miss Bulmer. Mother's Day evening din- ner guests with Mrs. Larmen Hyland were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samells and Wendy, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMullen, Pontypool. In the afternoon they visited Mr. Hyland in the Community Nursing Home, Port Perry. Mrs. Ed Lawson and Bruce had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fallis and family, Bowmanville, were Mother's Day visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams. Court Lady Snowbird On Wednesday evening Sis- ter Carol Doyle presided for the May meeting of Court Lady Snowbird held at the Nestleton Recreation Centre. Sister Marg Lee read the minutes and reported on finances. Sister Helen Twining, Bow- manville, presented the group with the Clarke Acitivity Trophy. This is awarded on the years work. The Nestleton group has received the trophy four times and have been organized for ten years. Con- gratulations, ladies! The June wedding was discussed. Plans were made for the bus trip May 29 to see the Bobby Vinton Show on Channel 9. This is for mem- bers and their families. On June 3, there will also be a bus trip to C.F.T.O. Toronto to see Comedienne, Dave Sheridan. Those wishing tickets for this phone the president. The meeting closed accord- ing to ritual and Sister Shirley Jackson and Sister Judy Shephard served refresh- ments and a social time followed. Women's Institute The. regular meeting of Nestleton Women's Institute was held on Wednesday after- noon, May 5, at the Commun- ity Centre. Following the opening "Ode" and "Mary Stewart Collect", our new president, Mrs. George Heaslip, wel- comed all, in her gracious manner. She also told us the story of "Pennies for Friend- ship" as it appeared in the "Home and Country". Mrs. Jos. Wygerde rend the min- utes of the April meeting and gave the financial report. Several "thank you" cards were received. A letter from the Provincial President, Mrs. Herb Maluske was rend. Women's Institute Week is May 30 to June 4. An invitation was received from Janetville W. I. who are plan- ning to visit the Erland Lee home and other points of interest on June 2. The District Annual is in Trinity United Churchi, Bow. manville, on Tuesday, May 11. Delegates from Nestleton are: Mrs. Ben DeJong, Mrs. George Heaslip, Mrs. Fred Dayes and Mrs. Richard Davison. Nestleton will not be represented at Officers' Con- ference this year. A discussion regarding the July meeting followed. Lt is to be held in Mr. and Mrs. George Donneral's lovely gar- den. Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, Mrs. Bruce Heaslip and Mrs. Malcolm in charge. An invita- tion is to be extended to Blackstock W.I. The roll call was "Tips on Home Freezing" proved most informative. 22 ladies were present. Several paid mem- bership fees. For several years the Plant Auction held at the May meeting has been a highlight. This year was no exception. The wide variety of garden and bouse plants made an attractive display. With Mrs. Grace Jackson, the jolly, capable auctioneer and Mrs. Grant Thompson, as clerk,' a total of $28.00 was realized. The meeting concluded with 'O Canada" and the Institute Grace. A delicious lunch was served by the officers and a social hour enjoyed. Mrs. L. Malcolm extended the appre- ciation to all who had helped to make the afternoon such a splendid success. Sunday Services Presbyterian In the Presoyerian Church on Sunday morning Miss Dorothy Bulmer, Deaconess, read the Scripture Passage Galatians 6:1-7. Miss Mgbeke Okorie, the guest speaker, was introduced by Miss Bulmer. Miss Okorie, a native of Africa, was a teacher there. She has been sponsored by the Presbyterian Church and is now a Deaconess. At present she is attending the University of Toronto for her Bachelor of Arts Degree. When she grad- uates she will return home to teach in advanced learning. Miss Okorie was most inter- esting and showed pictures of Nigeria. United Church In the United Church Rever- end Victor Parsons spoke on the topic "Where Love Is" reading 1 Corinthians:4-8, Matthew 19:4-6. Mrs. McKinstry, Oshawa, in well chosen words presented a Baptismal Font, on behalf of the Marlow family, in mem- ory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.W. (Ted) Marlow. In a solemn service this was dedi- cated by Mr. Parsons. Two service books in memory of Mrs. Oscar McQuade were also dedicated. Welcomed into the church family by Baptism were Rhonda Viola Jacob, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jacob, R.R. Blackstock; John David Marlow, Kelly Marie Marlow, Gergory Weldon Marlow, children of Mr. and Mrs. George Marlow, Oshawa and Bradley Richard Kenneth Minshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Minshall, R.R. Nestle- ton. The choir sang "Great is Thy Faithfulness. 4H Swine Club The second meeting of Durham 4-H Swine Club was held at Ceresmore Farms on Wed., May 5. Jim Rickard led us on a tour of the barns and explained his operation to us. He showed us the liquid manure tank, and described the system and explained how the manure is spread. He explained his feeding system and the ventilation and how the fan jet circulates the air all through the barn. Follow- ing that we had a quiz on different breeds of pigs and their history. At the finish of the meeting we had a discus- sion on our next meetings. Next meeting will be held at MALTHEB FARMS - Terry Malcolm, No. 1, Janetville, on Jun Q BET H Mr. and Mrs. George David- son of Ottawa were recent visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sisson. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson have now departed on a three week vacation in Scotland and England. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sand- ercock of Trenton were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank White. The Bethany Athletic Asso- ciation held their annual Fireworks Dance on Saturday evening. The music for the evening was by Country Fever, who will also be playing for the dance on the big weekend coming up. The door prize was won by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bowin of Cavan. Senior Citizens Eighty-seven Golden Star Senior Citizens sat down to a delicious pot luck supper at St. Paul's Parish Hall, Bethany- on Wed., April 28th, when first the theme song and the Grace were sung. After everyone's appetite was amply satisfied, the president, Mrs. Belle Smith thanked the convenor, Mrs. Lucy Borrow and her group for arranging the supper and the program. Business relating to the trip to Blackstock on May 19 was discussed and it was decided to hire a bus. It will leave Bethany at 7:30 p.m. The regular meeting for the Gold- en Stars will be cancelled in lieu of the invitation to Blackstock. Fifty-two names were sign- ed in favor of hiring a bus to attend the Kawartha Downs ANY NEWS horse races one Thursday evening in June. The Senior Citizens Bowling banquet will be held at the Bon Fire in Lindsay on May 11, and later to come back to the hall for entertainment. Sending a delegate to the Senior Citizens convention in St. Catherines for August 10 and il was discussed but held over for the next meeting. Birthdays were recognized and a particular "happy birthday" was sung for Mrs. V. Strong who celebrated her ninety-second birthday the day before. She graciously thanked the members. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Porter gave a special invitation to the group to attend -their fortieth anniversary on May 22 at the Lion's Centre in Peterbor- ough. Since this was the annual meeting, reports were read by the secretary Mrs. Winnifred Strong, the treasurer, Mrs. Iva Porteous, the get-well and sympathy convenor, Mrs. Irene MacDonald, the trans- portation convenor, Mrs. Florrie Driver, the craft instructor, Mrs. Jean Cape- ling, and the presidents' report, Mrs. Belle Smith. All offices were then de- clared vacant and Mrs. Violet Carr conducted the election of officers. The nominating com- mittee presented the same slate of officers as the former year with the addition of vice-president - Mr. Jerry Staples, phone convenor - Mrs. Vera Smith, Mrs. Ina Palmer, Mrs. Alice Mantle, Mrs. Rhea Jordan, Mrs. Mildred Braith- waite, Mrs. Mary Morton, Mrs. Florence McPherson and Mrs. Margaret Wright. Assist- ant sec. is Mrs. Violet Carr and assistant treasurer is Mrs. Lucy Borrow. Pianists are Mrs. Lillian Fallis and Mrs. Violet Carr. Public relations for Cavan is Mr. Chas. Smith; for Bethany is Mr. Pete Borrow; and for Ballyduff is Mr. Pete Rowett. Mr. Will Capeling spoke kind words of greeting and invited the Senior Citizens to become involved in the school activities by being willing to read to or listen to reading by the small children who need extra attention. Mrs. Belle Smith thanked the members for their excel- lent co-operation throughout the year, for the splendid reports given, and for all those who so faithfully work behind the scenes in so many helpful ways, and hoped the next year will be as enjoyable as the past. The vice-president Mr. Jerry Staples; the past-presi- dent, Mr. Pete Rowett; and the reeve, Mr. George Neals, spoke a few words of encour- agement for the Senior Citi- zens. While tables were cleared and dishes washed by willing hands, the card tables were readily assembled, and thir- teen tables of euchre were enjoyed and a friendly spirit of fellowship was revealed by the chatter and laughter of the group. Winners for the even- ing were Mrs. Margaret Wright and Mr. Les Challice.

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