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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1976, p. 8

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8Te Canadian StatsmanBowmanville My12, 1976 FLASHBACK - 25 YEARS AGO - The Goodyear House Hockey League held its first banquet at the Elmhurst Hotel, Newcastle on Saturday. Between courses Plant Superintendent Charles Cattran presented crests to the winning Fan Beit team. Ivan Hobbs presepted a trophy to Captain Lloyd Hamilton on behaif of the fan belt team. About 60 enjoyed a turkey dinner. FLASHBACK - 10 YEARS AGO - The curl- ing rink of Ida Goddard, Skip Freda Kramp, Dot McLellan and Hilda Braden won the Bank of MOntreal trophy. at the Ladies' Bonapiel held at Bowmanville- Country Club last week. LAST YEAR - Fred Kramp, of Kramp Furniture Ltd., who has sponsored teams for many years in Bowmanville, loaned the complete Kramp bal team equipment and now is having trouble locating same. Will anyone who knows where it is please return to Kramp's immediately, or phone any available information to 623-7071. RODEO - the annual Charterways Bus Rodeo will be held on Sunday, May l6th at the South East Parking Lot, Oshawa Centre at 9 a.m. First prize is a color T.V. for the best driver. Corne and support your favorite. UPPER CANADA RIFLES - well-trained drill team will demonstrate their skill in the use of old-time muskets and hand guns on'Sunday, May 16 at Cold Creek Conservation Area, Bolton. NATURE HIKE - on Sunday, May 16 at the Kortright Centre, which is located two miles west of Highway, 400, just south of Major MacKenzie Drive, on Pine Valley Drive, will include highlight visits to the developing wild- life planting demonstration area, lookout site, site for the main building, which will be con- structed soon and maple syrup production area.. DID YOU KNOW? - is a portion of a symposium on Pets and Society and-following are a few of the comments Canadian communities have to face up to the fact that owning a pet is no longer a right but a privilege, to be shared by the rich and poor alike. The reasons include the high cost of animal control, cleaning up after dogs and cats, etc. It is estimated that one out of six people in Canada owns a dog, and one in eight, a cat. At a conservative estimate, then, there are six million dogs and cats in Canada. Where are the six million responsible pet owners? The fecal and urine deposits on our streets can be measured in hundreds of tons and thousands of gallons daily, and is costing a fortune to dlean up. With an estimated dog and cat population of six million, the daily fecal output is at least 600 tons and at least 1 million gallons of urine daily. It has also been found that larvae Toxocara canis (dog roundworm) found in the deposits can cause eye lesion, that 20 per cent of ail eye balîs removed last year ,contained the roundworm. Last year an 18 ~month old Ottawa boy, who had a habit of eating dirt, died from the roundworm even though his parents had neyer owned a dog. Therefore it is suggested "Please, when walking your dog carry a container to dlean up af ter him'and save a life of a chil." CONGRATULATIONS- to Bruce Welsh of Bowmanville, who placed second in the St. Thomas Golf and Country Club Tourney, last Friday, with a 73. Winner was Bob Kennedy with 72. WHITEVALE - Olympics will be held at the Knights of Columbus Park, Ritson Road, Oshawa, on Saturday, June l9th at the annual New Democratic Party regional picnic. In training already are Doug Moffatt (M.P.P. East), Godfrey (M.P.P. West) and Breaugh (M.P.P. Oshawa). Events included on the roster are the Running Broad(bent) Jump, for future leadership hopefuls; Inflation the bubble-blowing contest; Non-Confi- dence the bubbîe-bursting contest;. and Whalen's Yoke - or the egg-throwing bee. Legion Dort League Winne .rs Receive Awards Recently, the Legion Dart League held their annual banquet and trophy presentation at the Legion Hall, Queen St. The above photo shows the Mixed winners, from Ieft to right, Linda Bates, Ron Luxton, Barb Macdonald, Bob Brown, Capt. June Baker and Wayne Paeden. Wayne Paeden, Capt. ot the clart league, the tropny went to this ream, from l Vince Vanstone, Bruce Macdonald and Erie Downey. .Canadian Cars Win In 1Formula Two Canadian-bulit cars lead the Formula 100 stand- ings after the first round in the Bulova Championship. By virtue of his victory Saturday, May 1, John Scratch of Goderich and his Ferrett Mk 4, have 20 points, five more than second place Alec Purdy of Hanover, also driving a Ferrett MK 4. Danny Burritt who won the Bulova Champ- ionship in 1973, is in third place with 12 points, while Kingston's Howard Kelly is fourth, two points behind Burritt. in. the 2.5 litre sedan standings, Paul Lambke of Cambridge driving a Datsun 710 'B' sedan is tied wîth Mike Cleary of Erna, Ont. both with 20 points, Cleary also picked up 20 points because of his GjOLFING Jay Lulge In last weeks column, I talk about the importance of a good address position in developing a proper golf swing. Once a golfer has developed a solid address position he is ready to strike the golfball. Now the single thought in a golfer's mind should be - "Swing throughto the target." A golfer should always'try to make sure the back of the lef t hand is moving toward the target. If you swing to the left of the target (a very common habit), the resulting shot will be an off line golf shot. The swinging of the golf club at the target requires practice and serious concentration but the result- ing improvement can be substantial. 100 0 9 first place finish in 'C' class. George Comacchio of Toronto and Roger Taylor of Bramalea are tied for third place, both with 15 points.' Next round in the Bulova Championshîp is set for the Victoria Day Sprints Week- end, May 21 - 24. Liberty Belles Bowling We have finished our second schedule with Wilma Combes team coming out first. The play-offs were bowled on May 4th, with Coombes and Roberts teams. Wilrna Coombes team came in Ist with Carol Roberts team 2nd. Wilma Coombes team: W. Coombes, B. Lyle, H. Cook, E. Bragg, H. Bickle, J. Rowe, S. Masters. Carol Roberts team: C. Roberts, S. Robinson, I. Davis, M. Colville, F. Dimble- by, H. Moroz, R. Dickinson. Everyone bowled for hidden scores. Winners: A. Meek, B. Lyle, R. Morris, H. Jacob, B. Sierhuis, M. Harrison, M. Pollard, E. Coombes. Congratulations to everyone and hope to see you at the banquet May l8th, 6:30, Port Darlington Marina. DELUXE 21". Model 7260F With Catcher. Exclusive 2-cycle LAWN-BOY engine with finger- tip starting. Simplified carburetor eliminates adjustments. Extra-quiet, under-the-deck muf f 1er. Lightweight deck, easy-roll wheels. Patented safety features. Six-position height adjustment. Grass catcher assembly optional. "We Service What We Seil" Brog:ck's Service Centre Ltd. 20 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5487 Conservation News Rainbows Galore! During recent weeks Lind- say District trout streams flowing 'into Lake. Ontario have been a real "hot bed" of activity. The volume of the annual spring spawning run of migratory rainbow trout from Lake Ontario has Ibis year far exceeded any observed in recent decades. Ganaraska Fishway Establishes New Record In its Ihird year of operation Ihis spring the Ganaraska Fishway at Port Hope has far surpassed ils previous records for numbers of migratory rainbow brout which have been passed upsbream. These impressive game fish on Iheir way from Lake Ontario to the spawning beds of the Upper Ganaraska River have, until 1974, been denied access to many miles of prime spawn- ing and nursery habitat by the physical barrier of the Corbett Dam in Port Hope. The installation and operation of the Ganaraska Fishway sînce that lime has enabled egg- laden female trout 10 deposit their precious "cargo" in habitat, which supports heallhy reproduction upon ferlilization by their male comrpanions. In the first spring of operation of the fishway in 1974, approximately 525 spawning adull rainbow rout- were passed upslream. Six weeks of operation -in the spring of 1975 saw a heallhy 600 rainbows passed. A whopping 1200 rainbow brout have already been pass- ed this spring by the lime of writing and indications are that this number wîill increase substantially before the run is over. Lt book only 10 days of operalion Ibis year to shabter the former record of 600 fish passed. While a number of factors are thought to be contributing- to this years' "population explosion," Nabural Re- sources fisheries managers suspect that reproduction in the Upper Ganaraska River from the 1974 spawning season is now beingreflected in the numbers of adulîs relurning to spawn. Lt is anticipated Ihat analysis of the age distribu- tion of this year's returning adult population monitor6d at the fishway will verify this theory Opening of 1976 Fishing Seasons in the Lindsay District April 24 - Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Brook Trout. May 8'- Yellow Piekerel (Walleye). June 5 - Maskinonge. June 26 - Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass. For detailed information please refer to the 1976 Summary of the Ontario Fishing Regulations. Natural Resources Hosts Interministerial Meeting April 7 the Lindsay District of the Ministry of Natural Resources hosted an intermin- isterial Meeting at the Lind- say Provincial Government Building. Representatives from the Ministries of Agricul- ture and Food, Industry and Tourism, Environment, Housing, Transportation and Communication along with personnel fromn the Trent Canal Authority, and local RADIALS $1 60.00l Per Set of4j 27 Simpson Avenue Conservation Authorities dis- cussed the structure responsi- bilities, programs and con- cerns of their respective organizations, placing par- ticularý emphasis on those areas of potentîally mutual concern. Having taken part in a very full day of discussioý and interaction, participanL. felt the meeting had been a very worthwhile exercise. Ontario Experience '76 A. Kaufman, District Admin- istration Supervisor The "Ontario Youth Secre- taniat" has allotted 33 posi- tions to the Lindsay District. These positions are in the "Ministry of Natural Re- sources" Program 131. Ample applications are on file for this program. Offers of employment to University & Community College students selected will be mailed out within the next few days. Offers to Secondary School students will be made after May 1, 1976. These students will assist in various Ministry Resources Management projects: Hatch- ery, Parks, Thinning planta- tions, inspecting gravel pits TIRE SALE MAG WHEELS $3 5 O Bowmanville Phone 623-4866 Newcastle Department of Parks & Recreation Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Girls Softball Practice: There wiII be a practice for Girls 9 ta 14 years of age at the Central School Grounds on Saturday, May l5th at 9:30 a.m. -Soccer Practice: There w ill be a practice for ail boys who wish ta play Soccer in the Recreation Soccer League. The practice wiII -be held at the Bowmanville Senior Public School on Saturday morning at9:OOa.m. à,Cowan Pont"a Buick brings 0 you Up to, date on small car pricesI I Mth: Fact: malf oreign cars are always Pontiac's new Acadian costs Iess* I I * pred Iower. than many imports * E.G. Stock No. 6231 - Serial No. 504997I 1976 PONTIAC ACADIAN HATCHBACK *FulIy equipped with 97.6 cu. inch engine, 4 speed I whitewall tires, radio, front and rear bumper strips, wheel opening mouldings, rocker panel' mouldings, custom 'exterior package, front disc brakes, front stabilizer bar. RETAIL PRICE $3974.75I à MAY DISCOUNT 124.75 SELLING PRICE $3850.00 plus sales tax and license 1Pontmac Acadian BANK FINANCING AVAILABLEI I F ROM $ E a NOPAYMENTSUNTILJUNE25,1976 * 13.5 PERCENT OVER 48 MONTHS Loani Cost Morithly I $1,000 $ 299.36 $ 27.07 * Sure, small foreign cars used to have the edge in 1,500 449.28 40.61 price. But have you checked around Iately? 2,000 599.20 54.15 * We can offer YOU 4-passenger Acadian Hatchbacks 2,500 749.12 67.69 * costing hundreds of dollars LESS than a '76 VW 3,000 898;56 81.22 I *Rabbit. For example, Acadian is even priced lower 3,500 1,048.48 94.76 than a '76 Beetie. Or a Toyota Corolla 1600, a Fiat 4,000 1,198.40 108.301 128 or a Datsub B210 Hatchback*Come on in. I TodayI Let us help put you into a new North * American car that can cost Iess to buy, less to run.. Laiga~ ~a. eti and is backed by the Iargest dealer service Le sigan oîyCar e al I organization in North America. * Avallable *Corne in to-day and see Cedric Russell - Cliff Moore - Weldon Brown or Stew Prestonl i "Trhe JÉM Home I * of OId-oe I Fas hioneÉ-, * Hospitality" @ Telephone 623-3396 IWHY PAY MORE ... AND BUY FORE IGN? *Based on manufacturers suggested retail price for base vehicles; standard ~ ~ à equipment may vary. Actual retail prices may be lower. (GM Tri Square> SIZ-ES TO FIT MOST CARS Pineridge Tire Sales only wiIl be allowed on the couir. e members welcome. THE FEE SCHEDULE: Juniors - $5.«00 Aduits -$0O Intermediate (15-17) $10.1.0 Couples - $30.00 Family -$00 Send Cheque or Money Order ta: Orono Tennis Club, Box 301 Orono, Ontario. For Further Information Contact: I MICHAEL CARMEN ........983-5953 DAVID GRAY .,.. .......... 983-5015j CAROL BAILEY ........ ...983-5058j THE SPORTU NG GESTURE Introducing - Cresting while you wait. Buy a shirt here ... or bring your own. ALSO ADIDAS CASUAL SHOES MENS & LADIES SWIM WEAR, 67 King Street West, Bowmanvillie Telephone 623-9222 iliculluur> urt. New s-$20.00 Loo r - $40.00 LAWNmBOY

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