16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvile, May 19, 1976 Orono Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stec, (the former Miss Denise Stephens) on, their marriage on Friday evening, May 14th in the Orono United Church. Recep- tion at the I.O.O.F. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Stec will reside on Somerville Street, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail spent Sunday with Mr. Gordon Walker and daughters Gail at Thornhill.1 Mrs. Harvey Ginn is a patient in the Oshawa Hospit- ai. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Harris and their daughter Mrs. Doug Hird of Whitby,- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fuilford and child- ren at Meaford. Mrs. Fred Dayes of Black- stock spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton and enjoyed the special service at the Orono United Church Sunday morning. Rev. Mark Gripp was the guest speaker. Special music by the Oshawa Festival1 Singers under the direction, of Mrs. Elsie Dry- gala of Oshawa. James Laverne Mercer in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W.ý Mercer of Hampton was among the seven children who received Baptism at the Kirby United Church on May 9th. Mr. George W. S. Waddell, age 92 - husband of the late Mrs. Giadys Waddell - (nee Anderson) passed away at the Community Memorial Hospit- al,,Port Perry on Wednesday, May l2th. Funeral Service was at the McDermott - Panabaker Chapel, Port Perry on Satur- day afternoon. Interment in the famiiy plot Orono Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Wilson of Florida are visiting with relatives and friends in the Bowmanville - Orono district. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bail on Mother's Dayi Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Patter- son, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Mercer and three, sons Kennyi, Trevor, and James of Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Les Hrebicek of Toronto. May loth Club 21, met at fhe Community centre, wvith Meta Read acting_ as chairman, for Group 2. We opened with the hymn "Happy the Htome". Then Mrs. Read read a poem, 'Mother's Prayer". Sect. report was read and approv- ed. Treasurer report was given. Mrs. Read- read -a 'Thank You card' moved by Kay Buttery and seconded by Blanche Jones and approved that we sel lunch at Muliroon- ey's Sale, MVay 24th.'lThere wili be a meeting May l7th to stitch pads for the Cancer Society, and discuss and make plans for our July, Salad Supper. We were reminded by our dinner committee, to remember the Bowling Ban- quet date for May 29th and another date to remember is a former neighbour's family dinner on June 6th. Mrs. Glayds Potts întroduc- ed our guest speaker, Charlie Downey who was a marvel- ous teacher, on caning chairs. The ladies asked questions while he showed us the secret of the trade. We hiad an interesting chat at the saine time. Charlie is to return sometime and show us more. as time was getting- late. Group 2 served a delicîous' plate of strawberry shortcake. June meeting in charge of Group 3 on June 7th, Mrs. Blackburn, Mrs. Buttery and Mrs. A. Garrard. John Sutherland won a gold medai for Judo in the 150 pound ciass. He also won the South Eastern Ontario reg- ion's lst prize and on Sunday M.and Mrs. Delbert Potts, having been visiting the J. Potts family have returned to their home in Cornwall. Mr.ý and Mrs. Bill Mason, Brockville, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jones an d family, Scarbor- ough, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and family, Bowman- ville visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones, Sandy and Bob. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- burn and family Orono, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn, Carol, Dale and Neil.' Mrs. Mildred Anderson spent the 'weekend with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson and Billie, Port Hope. MI r. and Mrs. Jack Potts were Sunday vîsitors at Mr. and MIrs. Arthur Trewins. rn q If you're serious about saving money, start your holiday with these special prices from Dormini on. They'l help lower your food bill. WHOLE HAMS' SPECIAL! MAPLE LEAF & FEARMAN'S, FULLY COOKED, PARTLY SKINNED 16 -20 LB. AVO. CANADA GRADE "A" EVISCERATED FROZEN, ONLY AVAILABLE AT DOMINION, DELUXE OIL BASTED TURKEYS SPECIAL! 9 c LB. MAPLE LEAF & FEARMANSLb FULLY COOKED, PARTLY SKINNED SHANK SPECIAL! O PORTION -HAMS C IDEAL FOR PICNICS MARY MILES WIENERS SPECIAL! 1 LB. PKG. DOMINION OR SAICO 61/4 FL. OZ. CONT. FROZEN, PINK OR WHITE LEMONADEm6/9 RICHMELLO0 HOT DOG ROLLS SPECIAL! PKG.OF 8 PLAIN, RIPPLE, BARBECUE OR SALT &VINEGAR HUMPTY DUMPTY 8.8OZ. BA, POTATO G c 'I ________ I *1~ SWIFTS, SLICED SPECIAL! 6 Oz PKGý COOKED HAM 99c BURNSý & DOMINION WIENERS 1 LB..PKG. 78C PREVIOUJSLY FROZEN BEEF LIVER SPECIAL! 38c FREELAND, BON ELESS 'I. 12FL OZ JAR MILD CURED BEEF BRISKET LB. 1.38 HEINZ 'SPECIAL! TOMATO KETCHUP ASSTUDVARIETIES SPECIAL! BICK'S RELISHES ý 20FL. OZ. BTL 68C 49C SHOPSYS, COLE SLAW OR 240Z.CONT. MARYMILES 2 LB. BOX CLUBHOUSE SPECIAL! 12 FL. OZ. JAR POTATO SALAD 84c IHAMBURG PATTIES 15 AAOIE 5 BUTTER BASTED IDEAL FOR DESSERTS COORSH LB. 1.08 SP ECIAL! 13 OZ. CONT 49C MAPLE LEAF 1BREAKFAST STRI PS COORSH WAX BOLOGNA 1 LB. PKG. 1*46 LB LB.c SAUCE OR WITHOUT MEAT LIBBY'S e BEANS 19FL. OZ. TIN 45c: BURNS«, ROY-ALL LUNCHEON PMEAT 12OZ. TIN 77 C COLONIAL CHARCOAL BRIQl'U ETS 10 LB. BAG RITE, RAINBOW OR WHITE SERVIETTES 129 PKG. OF250 'I EACH KRAFT, SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP SPECIAL! 32 FL. OZ. JAR FROZEN LEE > \S LAYER CAKES, c QUIKKI, PLASTIC 'SprIPýKG. 0F 10 H-EAVY DUTY GARBAGEc BAGS 7 PKG. 0F12 A S ST'D CO0LO U RS ?G J-CLOTHS Q7 c DISPOSABLE GENIE LIGHTERS 1.69 MAPLE iLB. PKG. MAPLE LEAF, GOLDEN FRY 1 LB.PGSEIL 6OZBG RYOD PEIL 5 TRLPKG. ASTDAREIE1PG BOLOGA 99c ASG .8 ASST'D VARIETIES FOIL WRAP 2.59 SCOURING PADS 4 MAPL G LEFcIDCRDL MALSLAFBOELESCOKDL B eL BUGE,1 4 IA ROLL PKG -C. G. E. EACH LB A ' ,A S ' O OU SS E I L 60 or 100 WATT n COAG E IDRLSI DI OK HULES9 v BSCISBATHROOM TISSUE O PORCH'N BUG LIGHT LUTA 320Z154 PKGHUDES *9n ICUT UNIVERSAL, DELUXE PIZZA PIES SPECIAL! 24OZ. PKG. 1.'98f MAP LE LEAF, COOKED, BONE IN HAM PORTIONS 1058 DOMINION, FROZEN HASH BROWN POTATOES 45C STORE PACKED SEIL BITTNER'S, SMOKED SPECIAL! LB J CANADAFIN c BEE STA TE 59c PORK SHOULDERS 1.28GjARDEN PEAS 4 VACUUM PACKED SPECIAL! B BITTNER'S, SLICED SPECIAL! 1 LB. PKG. POLISH SAUSAGE 15 BOLOGNA 99C PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. ROMANE LETTUCE. 28C BUNCH PRODUCE 0F SOUTH AFRICA GRANNY SMITH AP PIES 33 C STRAINED EXCEPT MEAT HEINZ BABY FOODS CANADA CHOICE SPECIAL! 1- CONTESSA, DICED OR SEIL SLICED APPLES 4.5 FL. OZ. JAR 21 19 FL. OZ.TN 54M POWDERED SURF DETERGENT 5 LB. BOX ASSTD VARIETIES SPECIAL ! 2 LB. PKG- LANCIA PASTAS75 ASST'D VARI1ETI1ES AIp Fpî Iw=m 230g PKG. AIRWCK TWINS 98 ASST'D COLORS PKG. 0F 100! SYMPHONY SPECIAL! FACIAL210c TISSU E 3/ CAAA CIE, AYLMER 10 FL. OZ. TIN BRAVO, PLAIN 14 FL. OZ. TIN ASSTDVARIETIES SPECIAL! 12 FL OZ CONT. PÂeAS&CARROTS' J SPAGHETTI SAUCE REVLON SHAMPOO V ASST'D VARIETIES SPECIAL! 30ZcARRICHMELLO SPECIAL! PG.F1 FEMNTRMILDMNTSPECIALI CADBURY BARS 39< BUTTER TARTS 9 MacLEANS TOOTPASTE IT'STHE REAL THING SPECIAL! COCA-COLA 319 RICHMELLO, COLOURED MAAARGARINE ASST D VAR lETtES PARTY TYME, INSTANT COCKTAIL MIXEI SPECIAL! iL 3CI 5 OZ. PKG. OR 16ýFL. OZ.BTL. ES m7c E. , ______________________________________________ 2- -- -- -..- --- w - %0a VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TIME TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1976 Plafll bCalSeofthe prices! w v ANTIPERSPIRANT SOFT & DRY SPECIAL! 5 LCN 1.091 iREGULAR OR FRESH HERBAL SPECIAL! VASELINE, LOTION INTENSIVE CARE 470 ML CONT. 1.591 ALL DOMINION S TORES WILL BE, CLOSED VICTORIA DAY MONDAY MAY 24r 197, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS DOMINION STORES LIMITED. Yoica ependon iq -F 1 1 .*. N %RlttMo* IZIP NU %715%