The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, May 19, 1976 Saturday Conference Draws Over 50 Educators On Saturday, May 8th, Unit 1 of the Northumberland-Newcastle Federation of Women Teachers sponsored a very successful conference entitled "Tradition: WhereIs It?" at Bowmanville lligh Sehool. Following an inspiring keynote address by Bayne Logan, six specialists discussed topics ranging from "Individual Development Through Drama" to "Sex Stereotyping in Text Books" at the six hour conference. From lef t to right in the photo are Western Area Superintendent John Gowing, trustee Andrew Thompson; Bonnie McBride, Secretary of Unit 1 of the F.W.T.A.O.; Bayne Logan, Co-ordinator of the Faculty of Education at Ottawa University; Jane Bryant, President of Unit 1 of the F.W.T.A.O. and Dave Patterson, Superintendent of Planning.- Photo by Liz Armstrong Local Guides Receive Ail Round'Cords Three members of the 2nd Bowmanville Guide Company, shown standing in the centre of the photo, were presented with their All Round Cords at a ceremony last Tuesday evening in the Lord Elgin Sehool, auditorium. From left to right are Lieutenant Jean Lambert, Captain Marilyn Acheson, Margaret (MVugs) Ewert, Mitzi Burgess, Daphne Lobb, Commissioner Gloria Nichoils and Deputy Commissioner Sharron Hlitchens. All three winners now hope to complete requirements for their Canada Cord. 66When people are shopping for homeëowners insuranc, fl usualy their ts true, 1 can save a lot of people money on their homeowners insurance. And 1 can aiso assure them of the kind of first-class! service that has made State Farm the Ilargest home- owners insurer in the counfry. Add f0 that aur 1Inf lation Coverage that can automnatically keep your protection up f0 date, and it's no wonder s0 many people stop shopping right here. If you're insurance shopping right now, be sure and check with me. Dirk Brinkmnan R. R. 1, Sc ugog St. BoWmanville, Ont. Phone 623-3621 Like a good neighbor, State Farin is dicte. TE FAAM FIEE AND ÇA AALTY COMPANY Co'mMan der Audrey Bate Re-elected at Zone RaIIv Legion L by Beryl Hughes More than, 195 members of the nine auxiliaries in a wide amea attended the 1976 Zone Fi Rally of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion held in the Legion Hall, Port Perry, on May 5th. Zone Commander Audrey Bate, Bowmanville, was re- elected to ber third term in this high office for whicb President of the Whitby Ladies Legion Auxiliary, Margaret Stanlick, also ran. Provincial Chairman: Maxine Jarsack, Essex, presided during the election. President June Symes, Port Perry, extended a warm adîes Auxilîaries and gracious welcome to the members of the Bowmanville, Oshawa, Witby, Ajax, Bay Ridges, Claremont, Uxbridge and Brooklin Legion Ladies Auxiliaries present. At the bead table were also Provin- cial Chairman Jarsack, Zone Commander Bate, President Nyhl Sheehan, Bowmanville,_ and the presidents of the other Ladies Auxiliaries in Zone Fi. Also two Past Zone-Com- manders,- Comrades Gertrude Willams, Oshawa, and Rose Dickinson, Bowmanville,_ were also at the head table. The spacious hall was most effectively decorated in blue and gold, the Legion's colors, and with sym ibols of the Royal Canadian lýegion's'5Otb An- niversamy. Also, higb over- head there were streamers of small Maple Leaf flags. Two beautiful arrangements of golden yellow chrysanthe- mums and blue cornflowers graced the head table. The long tables were adomned with golden yellow tulips in large crystal vases and single matcbing tulips in tiny pots. At eacb place was a festive bag containing a large collec- tion of useful and attractive souvenirs. President Symes and all the Port Pemry Legion Auxiliary were congratulated for their excellent prepara- tions for one of the most outstandingly. successful and enjoyable Zone Rallies in m-emory. On behaîf of all present the officials of the other eight auxiliaries in Zone Fi thanked President Symes, the general convenor and hem committee composed of Comrades Doreen Hope, Ruby Adderley, Clare Warren, Mary Cannon, Florence Mason, Mary Hawes. Bey Evans, Bemnice Tennyson, May Raby and Gwen Grievensen. President Symes, assisted by Comrade F. Mason, was responsible for the memorable decorations. Comrade C. Warren was the luncheon convenor and Com- rades M. Hawes and M. Rahy were the convenors, for the draw.' Zone-Commander Bate gave ber annual report and the president of each of the nine auxiliaries presented a report on the achievements, work for the Legion, bursaries given, donations to the Royal Canadian Legion and to other good causes during the past year. A zone sports report and a ,sports report for each auxiliary were also given. Provincial Chairman Jar- sack in an inspiring address spoke of the responsibilities, duties and privileges of mem- bership in the Ladies Auxil- iary to the, Royal Canadian Legion. She was thanked by Zone-Commander Audrey Bate and Port Perry Ladies Legion Auxiliary President Symes. BLACK Mrs. Daisy Bell of Bowman- ville and Mrs. Gloria Atkinson spent_ last week at Rug Hooking Camp held at the home of Mrs. Jeanne Field (Hlurst Field Farm), Shel- humr1e. The teacher was Anne Ashiwortb of Vermont. The ~ekof learning was on d1ye-ing and colour planning for oretas Mr. Peter Atkinson of Brampton wvas at the home of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Atkinson on Sunday. Sorry to report Mrs. Ida 1Dempsey is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital, Winmers at the Senior Citi- zens Card larty.on Tuesday evening w'ere: 1 st'- Meta Read 82, 2nd - Retat Hardy 80, 3rd - Freeman McCullough 77, 4th - Bessie McCuillough,77, 5th ý- Ed Harris 75, 6th- Agnes Prescott 75,, Low Mrs, Tennyson Samells. On Saturday, May 8th, Mr. and Mrs . Vern, Asselstine and Teresa attended Sir Sandford Fleming College Convocation, Peterborough,' when their daughter-in-law, Marlene Bray) Asseistine received hem legal Secretarial Certifi- cate. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dowson of Port Elgin spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- low and Mr. and, Mrs. >Harry VanCamp visited their-,bro- ther, Mr. R.H. Heaslip, in Sunnybrook Hospital on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cobble- dick of Leamington are spend- ing a few days with ,Mrs. Gladys Thompson. Recentiy Howard ýBailey, Brad Guernsey, and David Mason- along with 23 -others were confirmed in the Angli- can Church in Port Permy. The Rt. Rev. Allan Read, Bishop of Toronto was present to bestow this honour at that occasion. During the reception in the Parish Hall. after the Confirm- ation Service the Bishop invited the boys'to be his guest in' Toronto to learn how to become Servers in their own Church. This, past weekend How~ard Bailey, Brad Guerni- sey, and David Mason joined 32 other newly-confirmed boys Irom other Churches sur- oundîng and in Toronto. These boys and the Bishop visited Allan Gardens, viewed a film, swam in Toronto University indoor-pool inthe nude, visited St. John's Con- valescent Hospital and enjoy- ed supper there with the Sisters of St. John the Divine on Saturday evýening. They alI islept in sleeping bags in the Parish Hall of St. Pauls ~Aiigican Cathedral. They wý(>sipped there and took esosin how to become a Server. They wvoeeextremely impressed wýith the enormous pipe organ and fine oganist. These boys will now be assisLing Rev lRse in the services beie in Blackstock. Thyail report an interesti ng, u ort hwhile and enjoyable trip. Sunday the Neil Bailey's lhosted a double 25th Anni- versary dinner party in hon- our o)f Neil and Eleanor Werry andJack and Marion Marlow. Present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tbomp- son, Mr-. and Mrs. Rob Mairs and Steven, Larry Werry and Joanne Leduc, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wermy and Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow, John, and friend Jan, Jane and Patricia of Dundas. Karen Powell, J oy Werry and Tara-Lynne Bailey were Saturday afternoon guests of Virginia Frew along with several other fienrds to help celebrate ber 8tb birtbday. Mr. and Mms. Robert Paisley Sm. of Dunnville were weekend guests of Mr. Gordon Paisley, Craig and Cathy. with 15 members present. Jean Ferguson bad an inter- esting devotional on 'Friend- sbip'. A crib quilt bas been embroidered, and quilted by the ladies for the Faim Booth, and was on display. After a, few items of business Flora Samelîs who had the Theme told of tbree very special Cburcb Services she attended in Florida during ber winter, holiday. Uer description and enthusiasm made us feel as, though we had been there as well. There will be no After- noon' Unit meeting in June. The secretary apologizes for includiîng the April meeting a month late but if another group wants an, interesting and informative meeting be sure to remember Miss Dor- othy Bulmer.> kSTOCK Mr. -and Mms. Bob'Bryans and Mr. and Mrs. Roger LaFontaine attended the Tuesday mixed business bowl- ing banquet in Oshawa on Saturday evening. Ethel was on the championship team. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs., Bob Bmyans were Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Tomchishim of Port Perry. Blackstock W.l. At 8 p.m. on Wed., May sth, 18 members met in the Community Hall for the Insti- tute montbly meeting with Mrs. Shortridge presiding. The Ode was sung followed by the Colleet in unison. Roll Caîl - sing, say or pay provided the collection with extra dimes. Treasurer, Mrs. Frank Hoskin, gave the report on the Daffodil Tea, wbich proved to be very successful, financially and socially. Secmetary Mrs. S. VanCamp, reminded the members of the District Annual in Bowmanville on 'Tues., May lltb. Hector Short- ridge bas kindly agreed to be caretaker at the park again, also to get the plants. Conven- ors were asked to have tbeir reports in for programs by May lStb if possible. It was verypleasant and interesting to have Cindy VanCamp present to tel] the story of a Dairy Queen, wbicb she is this year. At the Exhibition she will compete with all the other contestants bo find the lucky girl. A few games of bingo conducted by Mrs. Percy VanCamp was enjoyed. To finish the program, Barry VanCamp favoured with sev- emal musical numbers on the piano. Meeting closed witb lunch provided by the execu- tive and a social time. The Mot ber's Day service in the Anglican Churcb on May 9th was well attended and a goodly number of visitors wer'e present. Among those present were Mr. and Mms. Royal Whittield from St. Catherines. The tlowers on the Communion Table were placed there by tbem in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Teasdale Whitfield. The ser- vice of Holy Baptism was admfinistered to the following: Michael Ian, son of Mr. and Mrs.ý Brian Staniland, and Robert James and Kimberley Ann, children of Mr. and Mrs. K. Umphrey, all of Black- stock. A delightful addition to the service was the presence of Mrs. Erika Kiezebrink with the band from the Cartwright Public School who favoured us, witb solos-, duets and several numbers by the entire band. Mr. Rose cordially thanked MIrs. Kiezebrink. Duiring the service M'I- Riose invited îll tile cliildren present to come forward and recive a rose. The cbildreni then presented their roses; to their own roothers, grandmo 'ther or some other lady present. Twins Celebrate First Birthday Brenda and Bradley May, celebrated their first birthday, April l8th, along with their great grandfather Leland. Payne on April 2th. Proud parents are Karen and Steve, Omemee. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald May, Orono, and Mrs. Kari Bickell, Newtonville. Maranatha Cadets, Take Survival H ike, The Maranatha Calvinist Cadet Club No. 815 went for their 7th annual overnight'survival ike on Good Friday and Saturday. Starting point was north of Port Hope, on the 1Ganaraska trail, a1iproximae;tcIly 30 miles, and finishing in Bethany on Saturday afternoon. Overnight Camp-ing was in the Ganaraska forest, along the trail. 31 Cadets and 8 counsellors took part in this annual event, and 10 recruits went with them part way to Garden Hill. 26"Quatrecolor TV PC-2642. 26" Quatrecolor Console, Measured DiagonalIly, Features 'Contempora ry Styl ing 1' Ultra Pana-Matrix picture tube 100 Per' Cent solid state -IC, (30 KV) mù(dul ar,.ch assis Q-Lock one-button control for color, tint, contrast and brightness Panaîock AFT button Panabrite dial for manual adjustment, of color, brightness and contrast Sharpness control for manual adjustment Speed-O-Vision with vacation switch CAl V-Master antenna connector *Tone control Contemporary styling, in solid wood cabinet, with walnut hard wood veneer -WE GUARANTEE UT FOR 2 YEARS- BY PANASONIC 62'3-2312 The-Lawn und Garden CARNATION Problem jSolvers! FLOWER SHOP AND SEEDS LTD. r 33 Division St. Bowmanville Phone 623-7141 or 623-5577 weed Killers SGREEN \~OPEN MONDAY, MAY 24f h SFOR YOUR CON VENIENCE Reg $899.95 SAVE' $100.00 Now OnIy $799.9 -LOCKE TV (BOWMANVILLE AUDIO VISION LTD.) 20 King St.,W.