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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1976, p. 11

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The Canadian'Statesman, Bo IThe Newcastle Independent EdiTtors: Jack and Hazel Crago Tlpoe9740 Newcastle Horticultural Society Holds Spring Flower Show Senior citizens-were guests of the Newcastle Horticultural Society on Thursday when they held their Spring Flower Show in the Community Hall. Here, the judges, Mr. and Mrs. Russell VanHomne of Whitby check over the display of Spring flowers assisted by co-chairmen of the event. Donna Wallace and Narda Hoogkamp. Birthday grcetings to Betty Brown,: Mrs. Howard Aluin, Glenda Jackson, Lois Rowe. Glen Scbmid. wbo is a patient in 'Oshawa General Hospital as the resuit of a lawn wiowcr accident, was able 10 bec home on Sunday for the day. Patients in Bowmanville Hospital include Mrs. Emily Skerratt, Mr. Harvey, Eric Clarke, William Martin, Alex Patterson. Gallers witb Mm. C.A. Gowan on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Butler, Toronto; Mrs. Hcrb Glmer, Bowman- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Cal Daniels, Oshawa. Mms. Jim Stephenson, ac- companied by ber mather, Mrs. R. Campbell and sister Mrs. Truman Young and daughtcm Gonnie, attended gra-dtiation exercises' on, Tbhursday,, May 20 at Waterlo Gollege, wben ber brother John Campbell received bis degree. 1On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spencer entertaincd their sons Ernest and Row- land and is wife Elsie ta dinnçr. To prove that meais don't thave ta be expensive, Mrs. Spencer gave us the menu, Puffballs, Fiddle Heads, Fish Eggs, Creamcd Artichokes, Squash, Mint Salad, Squares and ider. Just go ta the woods for a walk, do:- a littie fishing and freeze the vegebables you grow in your garden! Mr. Arthur Clarke, who spent a holiday wibb bis sisters ID Bf deserve to pay Iess for car and f ire insurance They do at Abstainers'. Because aur experience has, shown tha.t abstainers have fewer accidents, fewer home fi'res. That's why we. can in- sure for Iess. if, you're a non-drinker, can you afford flot ta Iook into Abstainers' insurance for your home and your car? Osborne'& Shank mns. Agency Mt. 108 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville - 623-2527 ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY The only Canadian Company providing automobie and fire insurance exclusively to abstainers, in Belleville, returned home last Tbursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Delvin visited wibb ber sisters Mm. and Mrs. Ghinbon Burley and Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson when they bmought Arthur home. Last Wednesday cvening, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jase, Mrs. Mary Kean, Mrs. Kath- leen Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ailin attcnded the Bay of Quinte Gonference when Rev. David Spivcy was afficially meccived as a minister of bbc United- Church of Canada. Rev. Spivey wilI commence bis' minisbry at Newcastle United'Gbumch in August. Sunday cailers witb Mm. and Mrs. George Kimbaîl werc Mrs. Vance Cooper and Mms. Bob Sheffield, Oshawa. Mrs. Doris White, Toronto, was a wcekend visitor with Mm. and Mrs. George Biickley. Mrs. White and the Buckley's enjoyed visiting fiends in Huntsville and Bmacebridge on Sunday. On Friday evcning, May 2lst, a shower was held at bbc home of Mms. Roger Duval in battour of ber sister, Miss Lynda Shetier. Thase attend- ing from Newcastle weme Mrs. Evelyn Norbhrup, Mrs. Dam- lene Wight, Mms. Judy Flintoff and Mrs. Kay Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell and family visitcd on Satur- day with Mm. and Mrs. Dana Goulter, Jobnny and baby Glen, Beeton. Mm. and Mrs. Harry Wade were in Toronto Saturday wbcn Harry atbended an Advisory Board meeting at bbc Oddfcilows' Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Britton, -Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Trewin, Bawmanvîlle; Mr. and Mms. Neil Britton and family, Belleville and Mr. and Mrs. Hamry Jase werc recent vîsibors with Mm. and Mrs. Harve Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas and Mrs. Neilie Spencer visited an Sunday wibh Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, Omemee. Mm. Donald Rudman, Guelph, visibed on bbc week- end witb bis parents. Mm. and Mrs. Willmer Matbhews, Alan and Darren, Deep River visitcd an Saturday, taking h' em mother, Mrs., Margaret Rudman ta Belleville ta visit bis parents, the Mattbews, 9wbere Mrs. Matbhews is a -patient in hospital. Mm. and Mrs. Lamne Lcgrow, Lomie ',and Steven and Kevin Traill visitcd on Sunday with their gmandmatbcm, Mms. Domothy Harmer.' Mrs. Evelyn Gaîl, Toronto, is spcnding bbc wcck, witb Mr. and Mrs. William Gali. Newcastle relaýtives attend- ing the Thomas Joncs - Diane Sherk wedding in Ridgeway,, included Mm. and Mrs. Donald yParker, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wright and Sherry, Mr. and Mms. Talbot Alldreq(î Mrs. ATTENTION FA RMERSI WHfY PA Y MORE? SAVE ON PREMIUMQUALITY GAS-DIESELFUEL MOTOROIL Prompt Delivery ~~III ~ Please Call Collect - DXOILWIÎIBY 668-3381 1<1ewcast/e) cSocial anc1 £Persona/, Ghuch,, Toronto, for the ally of 90 youth exehange delegates from Hong Kong, Japan, Komea and Zambia. Anglican Gburcb News There arc stili tickets avail- able for St. Georges Anglican Ghumch Salad Supper an Sunday, May 30, at 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. Hlorticultural Society Meeting On Thursday evening, May 20th, the Newcastle Horticul- tural Society held ils annuai spring show, and cntertaincd the Senior Gitizens of the village. Af 1cr a short business pcnîod, two films werc shown - Wildflowers and Four Seasons in the Gatineau His. Prizes wcrc then distributed ta the winncrs, who wcrc as follows: lass 1, Red Tulips, lst Prize Mrs. Whtmec; 2nd Prize, Mrs. Buckley; 3rd, Bertha Gibson; GClass 2, Yellowý Tulips, lst Mrs. Whitmee, 2nd Marg. Freethy, 3rd Mrs. Buckley; Class 3, any other coloured tulips, lst Mrs. Krummenacber, 2nd Lorna Crockett, 3rd Bertha Gibson; Class 4. Double Tulips, ist Mrs. Buckley, 2nd Mrs. Krum- menacher; Class 5, Parrot Tulips, lst Mrs. Buckley, 2nd Narda Hoogkamp,, 3rd Marj Freethy; Class 6, Lily-Flower- ing Tulips, ist Mrs. Buckley, 2nd Mr. Jase, 3rd Carol Mostert; lass 7 Daffodils, lst Marj. Freethy, 2nd Jean Rickard; lass 8, Narcissus, 151 Mrs. Whitmee, 2nd Mrs. Buckley, 3rd Herb Gibson; Class 9, Mantle Arrangement Spring Beauty, Ist Jean Goode, 2nd Lamna Crockett, 3rd Nancy Bassett; las 10, Strange in Paradise, ist Garai Mostert, 2nd Vicki Lesnick, 3rd Herb Gibson; lass 11, Maytime Dining Table Ar- rangement, 151 Bertha Gib- son, 2nd Narda Hoogkamp, 3rd Lama GCrockett; Class 12, House Plant, lst Mrs. Milli- gan, 2nd Berniece Milligan, 3rd Donna Wallis; lass 13, African -Violet, 151 Lena Gra- ham, 2nd Donna Wallis, 3rd May Burley; Class 14, Spring Walk in the Woods, 151 Garai Mostert, 2nd Mrs. Goode, 3rd Marj Freetby. Prizes in the Junior Section were: lass 1, Tulips, lst Janice Munro, 2nd Sheila Munro, 3rd Arnold Mostert; lass 2, Easter Invitation, lst Jessica Mostert, 2nd Wendy Freethy; Class 3, Happy Mothers Day, lst Merridy Stephenson, 2nd Arnold Mos- tert, 3rd Jessica Mostert. President Vicki Lesnick wclcomed everyonc and was very pleased with the number of entries in the show and with the attendance. A deli- cious lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Judges for the Spring Show were Mr. and Mrs. VanHomne .of Whitby. STOP-BOTH DIRECTIONS FOR A SCHOOL BUS Among by John Squirrelly I've spent the past fc weeks looking for an boni man. Not just the type W] doesn't cheat on his incan tax or his girl friend, but really honest man. I didn'tj about it in the same fashion Diogenes who wanderi abroad in a toga and caried lantern 50 he could peer in the eyes of men. My method much more simple and dire I merely approach ece winners of the Olympic a Wintario lotteries anda them if their sudden ric? will produce any signifi-c change in their current mo of living. Strangely, there seems to a curiaus reluctance ont part of the winners, w unexpectedly find themselv richer than their ancestc combined net worth overt last twelve generations, admit that their prese poverty-line existence is likE ta undergo some sligbt m( ification. I decided ta probe t anomaly and submit a repi on what tbey originally si and subsequently did. My first interview was w~ an elderly gentleman of ratf indelerminate age, but whV I would guess tai be about who had taken thet Wintario prize of $100,000. "Well sir," I began, "yaî' just depositcd $100,000 in y( bank account. How does it f ta have that much money? "Oh," he drawled, "I gui itis alright." "'You mean," I said, 'Il yau arent excited about1 prospect of what you cand with ahl thal money?" "Eh, well, 1 suppose I mi fix the pump in the kitcben don't scemata be wiorking good. " "But. you can retire i and live very well. Sur you'rc flot going ta contir working at your age?" He seemed positively nsi cd. ' Im not going to giveu perfectly good jobin the br fâctory. Besides, I've goti mother to support. No, I'1 back on the job Monc mornng."- 1 discovcrcd after check back, that he bad fixed pump, sold his house, quit job and hcadcd 10 Acapulci the company of a young wid of sixty. Apparently they1 the Los ers Were . ta clope because bis mother "Sure l'Il bell you vl few rcfused ta give hem permission going ta do with my n iest for them ta marry. he said. vho The next anc was a factory "I'm bloody wellg ýme womker wba had toiled on the enjoy myscîf. I'm 58 y( ýt a samne production line for 25 and, in my lime, I'vc go years and had reccntly been aboard ocean goingt as honoumcd by the company for fought in Narth Afric 'cd neyer having missed a day in cars, played drums ýd a a quarter century. He also two-bit dance band, Ina won $100,000 in the Wîntario poetry for exotic mai d is draw. t was pointed out ba me an a boatleggingj ~ct. confidentially by another Windsor, and took be cnt cmpioyee that my subjcct's the phone for a bookie. and doggcd debermination bo go ta can afford the finer tI ask work even when he sounded life. And I'm going af tg hes like he bad the beaves, or with the dedicatian tant vaiajus other contaglous cvýangelist." He snaî] oide ailments, bad probabiy cost fingers and a scantilyc the plant a small fortune refilled bis glass. because be passed bis viruses At lasb, 1 thought to be on ta at least twenby men a I've found anc mai the year. And tbey stayed home, dcclared inbentionn vho disrupting production scbed- bis acions, anc man'm Ives ules considcrably. aside bypocribical utt Lors In a bumried interview and followed bis cor. bbc conducted as he was packing good or bad. to bis lunch buckel, be avcmred Unforbunabely, it - cnt that he would probably pub the partcd to me yesterday cly money in trust until bis contributcd: most of hi od- etirement, at which lime he ta the arphanage in w might take a trip ouItat grew up keeping 0n13 tbis western Canada ta sec bis ta support the soup kit port brabher. ruans singlehanded aid I beard somcwhat later tbab, Montrcai's skid mowa after a two day unexplained I guess l'Il neyer ith absence fromn work, he had bonest man. them walked in and punched the --____ îamr foremnan in the nase, poured ' 75, paint aver several of bis ,a top startled fellow workcms and bit fluu the firm's president at least Li've tbme limes witb a barrage of. Miss Heather Ba jaur custard, pies. He then took a plcascd with ber suný feel framcd poster from the wall as Insect Contrai Inspr ý?" wbicb read "Do il NOW!", the Ministry of Agr Liss and fircd il at a tcrrified lime and Food. We cerbair study cicmk, shouting,, "Sue she'll be able ta bell hat me"' He was lasb seen control of the Mosqi the boamding an Air Canada flight ulation. iow, for bbc Riviera witb two Among those frm former Turkishbeblly dancers who toured General ight carrying bis luggage. during their meccc n. ILt My last interview was wibb a House weme Ken Banr Loo anc million dollar winner of John and Stan Lane the Olympic lottery. I was and Vince Bisscbap. now beginning ta wonder what watching for ail tben irelY nonsense I migbt hear from ta appear since they li inue bim until I found that he had some beauties. given.bis small two bedrooma The Shaw's mein ult- bouse 10 a bunch of cocaine Unib 2 of St. Paul's .op a sniffers and moved mbt a attended the Genera] rick penthouse. apartment in bcld abt the churg my Toronto. Tuesday nigbb whcn I I bc I met frima in bis den wbene Womden of the local Ci day he was sipping on a glass of Aid was the guegti French champagne and Hcr very pleasanbmai king smoking an expensive Havana inberesting nemarks the cigar. He wore importcd cned hem audience as b is Engiish flannel slacks, a of hem work as' , in smoking jacket with satin Co-ordînator for thisa Idow lapels and a silk Ascot knotted stressed the greati bad casually about bis neck. valunteers in the N, what I'm rnoney," going to ycars aid Eshipped tankers, ca, sold sfor a 1,wrote agazines, joint in )ets over ..Now, I things of f er them nof an pped his clad girl omyself, m whose matched who cast tterances nscience, was re- âythathle is money vhich he ,enough Jtchen he ,dly in area. find an ýarrie is mmer job pector for griculture Jnly hope lp in the alito pop- ,i Shaw's ilMotors rit Open -e, Wes., ie; Fiena We'll be new cars likely saw ribers of Is U.C.W. iMeeting rch last Mm'rs Lois Children's 1speaker. inner and senlight- is she tbld Volunteer area. She need for Newastle11~ 3owmanvîlle, May 26, 1976 il and Bow manville districts to act as drivers, babysitters and friends to the many distressed families of the area. She urged anyone who has an hour or s0 available each week to caîl her. She also asked those in the audience ta send letters ta their member of Parliament to ask that the government grants be restored, as much of the good work of the Child- ren's Aid Society has been discontinued through lack of funds. This is certainly flot the place for our politicians to save money. A group of- local interested ladies attended the Canadian Antique Dealers Association's seventh annual Antiques Fair at the St. Lawrence Market, Toronto, last Wed. and Thurs. This was a very interesting show but definîtely a dealer's market. Among those who enjoyed the show and the follow-up dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory were Annabelle, Gail and Jean Rickard and EthelWight. TO DISCUSS HEALTII COUNCIL A DistrictHealth Council for the Durham region will be th e subject of discussion at a public meeting in. the Bowmanville Town Hall on June lst at 8 p». The council would be formed to consider the health needs of the region, plan health care programs and to co-operate with groups involved in social development activities. IlT'S THE HUSSANDr'S J0110 TO MAKE MONEY HAND, 'OVER.FIST,&THE WIFE'S . 0T MAKE THE'FIST HAND tER THE MONEY. BYAM PLUMBING &HEATING and AI R CONDITION ING Margaret Pearce, Mrs. Marie Î Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Rowe and Mrs. Marlon Rich- ards, Fenelon Falls. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wood and baby, Bawmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell visited on Sunday with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Alliston - an early birthday celebration for Beth. On Wcdnesday evening'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade attend- cd the Rcbekah Birthday Party in Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Garn- ier, Mississauga, visited on the weckend with Mrs. How- ard Pearce and Ron. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pol- lard and family, Bowmanvillc wcre Monday evcning dinner guests with his grandmotber, Mrs. Rachel Dennis. Mrs. Cyril Quinney spent a few days with hier daughter, Mr. and Mirs. Harvey, Partner, Orono. MIr. and Mrs. George Hendry, Christopher and Matt hew bave returned ta Ottawa after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hendry. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade werc dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis, Markham. Mrs. Rachel Dennis accom- panicd Mrs. Helen Nesitt on Sunday wbcn they visited Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ashton at theircottage in Bobcaygeon. Mrs. Wilfred Wood attendcd a showcr last Wednesday evening, May 17th at thc home, of Mrs. Alan Reid, Osbawa, in hoïnour of Miss Elizabeth Reid, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Naylor visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yurkawski and Penny, Elgin. Mrs. Yurkowski is a patientir Kingston General Hospital. Dr. and Mrs. John Westlake and baby David, Kingston bac dinner on Friday evening with bier aunt, Miss Marjarie CIe- mence on their way to Cambridge for the weekenc and Sunday ail had evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart lemence, Oshawa. On Sunday, May 23rd, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cunning- bam attended the 25th wed- ding anniversary reception foi Mr. and Mrs. Ray Trcw nee Doris Robinson), Windsor, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shaw, Westmame Rd., Gourtice. United Churcb News On Sunday, May 23rdi, at Newcastle United Church, Rev. Thomas Smith and Mr. Harry Jase, who attendcd the Bay of Quinte Gonference at Kingston last wcek, gave reports on their sessions. Mr. Jase stated that the purpose of Ibis conf erence is ta co-ordin- ate ail tbechcurcbes in Eastern Ontario and ta give inspiration and leadership. On Monda' evening, May l7th, eight or 10 superannuating ministers were prcsented with diplamas and small gifts far their long service. Mr. Williams, anc of the theme speakers, told of thb undernourisbed population needing teachers and training ta be able ta produce their own food. Rev. John Pattersor, now in India, is seeking belp in that area. Rcv. Thomas Smith rcported an the Devobianal speakers, especially -Dr. George Morrisan, wba was Secretary of the General Gouncil in Saskatchewan and is now minist er at Timothy Eaton Ghumcb in Toronto. His theme was Means are De straying aur Ends. Rev. Smith closed bis talk by quoting from Matthew, Chapter 6 verse 33, 'Seck ye first the kingdam of God and His righteousness; and ail these tbings shal bc addcd unta yau.' On Sunday night, 12 persan5 cnj<yed the bus trip frorn

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