16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 26, 1976 Gradua te Mr. and Mrs. E. Rypstra are pleased to announce the gradl- uation of their son William with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from the Unversity of Water- loo. William is now employed by Tri Structures Inc. in Chatham. ELIZABETH VILLE Church services were held as usual. Rev. Bartlett brought us a report on the Bay of Quinte United Church Conference which nie attended last week in, Kingston. Anniversary services will be held here June 6, Garden Hill June 20, and Canton June l3th. The ladies put in another quilt and got it quilted. Our June institute meeting xiii be dune lst at 8 p.m. at Miss E. Carruthers. Mr. A. Carruthers xii show pictures of his trip. Ail are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. -Bob Mercer, Montreal left for home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hodgins spent the weekend with relatives in Stayner. Miss Diane Beatty, Toronto was home over the weekend. .Mn. and Mrs. G. Fowler, Toronto. spent the holiday hene. While here they were with Mr. and Mrs. A. Trew, Cobourg and had them back oni Monday., Mr. and Mrs. John Seven- huvsen, Toronto were with Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Austin, Mr. and L Mrs. J. Yaremo were on a camping trip over the week- end. Mrs. Robt. Westheuser and M\rs. H. Thickson were in Peterborough Sundaty to visit Mr. Thîckson. Hle lhopes to be home in a day or so. M,,rs. B. Wheeler had Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whieeler and Sherry on Sunday celebrating their sixth wedding annivers- ary. YELVERTON Yelverton U.C.W. held their annualbus trip bash this week when some 36 ladies traveiled, by Dorrill-Rohrer bus line to Toronto. F'rst stop was the Ontario Legislature where the ladies toured the parliament buildings and were luncheon guests of our Victoria M.P.P. John Eakins. After- this visit, they spent a couple of hours at the Black Creek Pioneer Village. The next final stop was at the Square One Shopping Centre where they shopped and had their evening meal before returning home. Mrs. Terry Malcolm and Terra Joan returned home from Port Perry Hospital on Friday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gundrie of Barrie were weekend visitors at the Malcolms. Miss Canidy Malcolm is currently visiting friends and relatives in Edmonton, Al- berta. The Lake Scugog Softball Assoc. got underway this week, finally. Yelverton had two gamnes. On Tuesday even- ing they played Scugog at Scugog and won by'a large margin- Donnie Timms won top honours with his pitching and a home run. On Sun. Yelverton won over Port Perry at home, a real squeak- er 4-3 with D. Stenson and D. Timmns sharing the honours on the mound. Port Perry's pitches claimed 12 strike out against the locals - not a very impressive record. Next Sunday. Yelverton meets Utica with a double header at Yelverton com- mnencing at 1 p.m. Sorry were going to miss it. The Velverton girls are scheduled to start this week. Mrs. Hank Boon and Mrs. There are some things we wait ail winter for. uom ana wawermelon Ieasts. Ancd at Dom inion, summer prices CANADA GRADE "A" FROZEN, YOUNG, EVISCERATED 5 TO 12 LB. AVG. TauR KE 1YL àS SePECIAI! c LB. KREAMY, SLICED WHITE BREAD 24 OZ. LOAF IT'S TH E R EAL THI1NG COCA-COLA 40 FI. Oz. Returnable Bottie Limi f 6 Botties Per Fa m ily IT'STH E R EAL THI1NG CO'nCA-COeïLA r Case 24 10Oz.Tins Limit Of 2 Cases Per Famaiy BITVNER'S, COOKED SPECIAL! CORNED BEEF% 4u OZ. G 08C w are so low you can, almost taste the savings. CANADA FANCY, REGULAR OR FRENCH CUT GREEN AND WAX BEANS, PEAS, KERNEL CORN <7 FL. OZ. TIN), PEAS & CARROTS YOuwâRKý% V EGETAB L ES SLEIAL c ASST'D VARIETIES BETTY CROCKER LAYER CAKE MIXES. SPECIAL! FRESH GROUND - ~ < ~ ~ ~ . ..i.J1 L Kj li 5 lb. l-OHMERLY UROUND CHUCK MEDIUM GROUND BEEF MW I5L. IDEAL FOR BARBECUES, BULK BEEF STEAKETTES 405 LB. IMPEIAL MARGARINE 3 LB. PKG. WITH PECTIN & COLOUR ST. WILLIAMS, RASPBEIRRY OR STRAWBERRY JAM 24 FL. OZ. i LBý 24 OZ. CONT. COORSH 9 S HOPSYS, COLE SLAW ORc ýCORNED BEEF ROLLS I .3 POTATO SALAD 88c COORSHLB GOLDEN SKILLET SPECIAL! LB. WAX BOLOGNA 99C CHICKEN CUTLETS 88C AND DUTCH TREAT WIENERS 1 LB. PKG. SPECIAL! 88c SCHNEIDER'S BOLOGNA 1923 BITTNER'S, FRESH TRAY PACK SPECIAL! LB, BRATWURST SAUSAGE 1.58 AbbIlJ )VAFi[EIES I, FROZEN CHUN KING flINNFRS SpECIAA j il OZ. PKG. E A SST'D VARIETIES HAWAIIAN PUNCH FRUIT DRINK sPECtI ! 3 x31/4 OZ.E PKG.6 CRYSTALS ,6C ASS I O VARIETIES, RAGU SPAGHETTI SAUCE 28 FL.,OZ. BTL. 98c CANADA CHOICE, DOMINION CREAM STYLE CORN 1 P CI L 19 FL. OZ. TIN 3 WHIULTED2gA PLAIN OR RIPPLE, JACKS UPIL 1.1 7l9c GO RANG E PEKOE, RIDGWAYS PKG. 0F 120 ~ Oêc POTATO CHIPS TEA BAGSSPCA!19 SU GAR ?U SKIPPY, CREAMY 2 LB« JAR KRAFT, CANADIAN PROCESS 2 LB8PG Limit 0f 2 Bags Per FamiIy PEANUT BUTTER 1.q73 CHEESE SLICES 28 AVAILABLE ONLY UNTIL SAT MAY 29th 1976 PKG - OF12 CAKE DONUTS SEIL 5 1 LB.PKG. AI7 ...,.L. . .-I-m LEMONADE FLAVOUR SWING CRYSTALS SCHNEIDER'S BZPK ITTNER'S, VACUUM PACKED IKTOPLB RE10 kgURPEG. COOKED HAM i * 4 RING BOLOGNA S t1.129 DOG DINNER SPECIAL! 51,59 c'lr Irn C. q AIAr zrz.t'.JaJr%7.cucn ,.IVI-..a....e-- DUTCH, MEAT & OLIVE OR CHîCKEN LOAF COOKED MEATS 6 OZPG 52c MARY MILES SPECIAL! BREAKFAST BACON 1 LB. PKG. 195 8 SCHNEIDER'S 120OZ. PKG S HOPSY'S OLD VI1 E NNA 18 OZ. SI ZE HEADCHEESE SPECIAL! 99c SALAMI CHUBS 1.898 TYNE BRAND MEAT PIES SPECIAL! 155 OZ-fIN 98C PLUMROSE, IMPORTED DANISH CAMEMBERT CHEESE 1.07 FROZN, ONE DE12'/4 FL. OZ. CONT. ORANGE DRINK SPIL!3c DOMINION LIQUID BLEACH DOMiNiON FROZEN CANADA FANCY PEAS & CARROTS MOTHERSREADY CUT MACARONI 64 FL. OZ..CONT. 167C 32 OZ. P KG. 279c SPECIAL! À32 OZ 48c PURINA, CAT F000 MEOW MIX 500 g P KG. 66C 4x3OZ PKG. x399c ASST'D VARIETIES SPECIAL! KERR'S CANDIES 6 OZ. PKG. 49C RICHMELLO COFFEE CREAMER ASST'D COLOUR'S SC011ES PKG. 0F 200 FACIAL TISSUE' SPECIAL!' 54c ASST'D VAR IETI ES SUAVE SHAMPOO SPECIAL! 350 ML69c WHITE, PRINTED OR RAINBOW PKG. 0F 180 K.O40 FAILC NPKNST.T COTTON SWABS SPECIAL' K 0 0 FML AKN118J0-Tips 1.38 ASST D COLOURS SCOTTOWELS SPECIAL'! 2 ROLLKG M9c POWDERED SPECIAL! FAB DETERGENT RAID INSECT STRIP 80 OZ. BOX1 10891 EACH- 2.591 DESENEX' SPECIAL! 60Z-AEROSOLCONT. FOOT SPRAY 1.49 FOR REGULAR OR HARO 13OZ. AEROSOL CONT. To HOLO, HAIR SPRAY ALBERTOVO5SPECIAL! 15 1-AL13ERTOV05 _7 -AL REGULAR OR SUPER SPECIAL! ABSORBENT, BABY SCOTT- flISPORI F flIAPDR- OR SUPER PKG OF 24 ______________________________________________________ e - - - - --- .-I%0*1mm mal~ fVor SuIper OI» da WlI.fI H . LMIO ANI l 0No MAI AMI(Y f(LU 'N ,N IM N Youcan depend on us. 'VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TIME TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1976 w Tempting backyard barbecues. Hotdog and hamburger cook-outs. il OZ JAR 89,C Dominion Instant Chocolate The Latest Addition to our Dominion Branids Family Theres a deliojous new powdered instant chocolate on our shelves. At a deliciaus w price that only dur Privatel3rand can give you. Dominion Instant Chocolate turns mîlk into a tavourite cold drink for kids. And it makes a super hot chocolate too. Try thîs latest taste- treat today and Save! ln FL 07 TIKI -@a â%-» mýý SPF-CIALI 1 1- 1 âàlmhý mm dm 1 e49