The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 9" 1976 9 Smashîng Evenfs Enjoyed By Ail af Westgate Races by D. Nesbitt On Saturday evening, rac- ing fans at Westgate Speed- way enjoyed a real smashing program which includedthe accidents in both Feature races and the gigantie Demo- lition Derby. In the Street Stock Feature three cars abreast tried to come around number three corner but found there just wasn't room for such shenan- nigans and such developed into a crashup. In the Late Model division, Car No. 43 driven by Jack Yelland took number 3 corner a little high and lost control of his car which took a flying leap into the bush and landed on its roof. Luckily, Jack escaped any injuries and informed us that the corn in the field out there is not ripe yet. Ron Robinson of Oshawa won the Demo Derby in which there was over 20 cars. Ron's car was still going strong at the end of the race. These races are really exciting and it sure is nice to know that there is one every other week on the program. One minute of silence was observed by the pit members and the spectators in the memory of Stu Hunter and Jim Vykteel of Barrie who had been killed in a highway accident on Wednesday, June 2nd. Stu and Jim had both competed at Westgate and Stu had held the 1974 Late Model Division Championship. A fund had been started by Caryl Fuller's wife in which both spectators and drivers could contribute to such. Stu left a wife and one son, and Jim a wife and three children. The total amount raised is not known but will be announced later., Street Stock Results lst Heat - 1. Ed Nesbitt, Newcastle; 2. Glen Burton, Lindsay; 3. Lee Terrion, Peterborough. 2nd Heat - 1. Lee Terrion, 2. Glen Burton, 3. Ed Nesbitt. Trophy Dash - 1. Peter Van Eindenhoven, Peterborough; 2. Glen Burton, 3. Ed Nesbitt. Feature - 1. Ed Nesbitt, 2. Gary Downer, Peterborough; 3. Glen Burton. Late Model Division Results lst Heat - 1. Al Thomson, Markham; 2. Roy Gaynor, Pontypool; 3. Caryl Fuller, Whitby. 2nd Heat - 1. Gord Wallace, Peterborough; 2. Roy Gaynor, 3. AI Thomson. Trophy Dash - 1. Al Thom- son, 2. Roy Gaynor, 3. Caryl Fuller. Feature - 1. Kim Wallace, Peterborough; 2. Gord Wal- lace, 3. Caryl Fuller. Next week on the program, besides the usual night of exciting racing is a motor- cycle daredevil who will be making a thrilling leap. Make sure and come to see another first for Westgate. Legion Bantanms Top Port Hope by Don Fraser The Legion sponsored Ban- tams travelled to Port Hope for their opening game of the season and came out on the long end of a 9-5 score. The game was called at the end of six innings due to darkness. Dean Holmes went the distance on the mound for Bowmanville and looked impressive in his first start as he gave up only three singles while striking out nirne Port Hope batters. Greg Brunt led the nine hit Legion attack as he collected two doubles. Paul Reid with two singles, Paul Lavigne, Dean Holmes with doubles, Brook Cole, Ross Reid and Jim Hogarth with singles rounded out the Bowmanville hitting. The Legionnaire's scored Tyrone's Soccer, Baseball and Lob-Ball Teams Outfitted with New Uniforms Members of the Tyrone's nine soccer, baseball and lob-bail worth $3000. The new equipment was given to the Tyrone teams had a chance to try their new uniforms on for the first Athletic Association because of a grant from the Tyrone time Sunday afternoon at the Tyrone Community Centre. Community Centre. It is estimated that well over 100 are This year, the teams have received uniforms, bats and balls involved in community sports in the hamlet. Mixed Major Bowlers Hold Annual Banquet four runs in the second two in the fourth, one in the fifth and two more in the sixth. Port Hope scored one in the third and four in the sixth. Last Thursday at Soper Creek Park with Port Hope being the opposition, the Bantams won 4-2. Holmes was again on the mound for Bowmanville and although giving up eight hits, was in control of the game for the complete nine innings. He had eight strikeouts. Jody Ross and Paul Reid with triples, Paul Lavigne with a double and Greg Brunt with a single collected the five Legion hits. Their next home games are Thursday, June 10 against Whitby and Monday, June 14 against Oshawa. The games are played at Soper Creek Park at 6:30 p.m. Lets get out and give them your support. Waverley Group Wants Shrubs A Waverly Gardens group suggested to council Monday that shrubs and greenery be planted between semi-detach- ed homes on Alonna St. and townliouses which are abut- ting the back yards of the Alonna St. homes. Eric Gareau, a resident of 63 Alonna St., said he represents 14 other residents on the west end of the street who are affected by the townhouses next door. He said the residents would prefer the shrubs to a fence. The shrubs would provide privacy for Alonna street residents. According to one man who lives on the street, the semi-detached homes are literally in the shadow of a townhouse development now being built. "They do have a problem down there," said Councillor Ken Lyall, who looked over the Alonna St. predicament. He said the townhouses are 10 to 15 feet from the back yard fence of the Alonna St. homes. The Councillor added, how- ever, that he would like to hear the developer's side of the story too. Council decided to invite the town's engineering and works departments as well as Clarion Investments, the townhouse developer, to a meeting of the town's works committee.- The Alonna St. problems will be discussed then. After the Alonna St. delega- tion had been before council, Dennis Sadler, who lives on the street, said that zoning by-laws state the minimum size of a rear yard must be 35 feet. Even though the yards of the townhouses behind his house are under 35 feet from the back yards of the Alonna St. dwellings, Mr. Sadler said the townhouses are built legally because their yards are not considered to be backyards but sideyards. Sideyards are not covered in the 35 foot bylaw. Another Waverly Gardens resident at the meeting said the townhouse yards may be On Saturday evening at Centennial Hall, the Mixed Major Bowling League held their annual banquet and awards presentation. Members of the top team, shown here, received the Selby Grant trophy, held by George Bebee who made the presentation. Members of the team, from left to right, Jim Murphy, Wendy Killens and Lola Wright; absent, Capt. Nyhl Sheehan and John Stainton. The Mixed Bowling League high triple of 899 for 2nd cliffe, Ian and Jackie Welton within the letter of the law, held their year end banquet at schedule. and John Wilson. but they were certainly not the I.O.O.F. Hall on Saturday, The 300 Club members of 18 The Secretary-Treasurer, within the spirit of the law. June 5th, 1976. lst Vice ladies and 20 men with Glenn Joan Sutcliffe gave her report. According to Mr. Sadler, President, Jack McNulty, Killens and Virginia Fairey The nominations and elections some residents living on welcomed all bowlers and presenting the awards. were conducted by Maurice Alonna Street can take four guests, Glenn Killens led Winners were Bey Alldread, Annaert and 1976-77 executive steps due north around six everyone in Grace. A delicious Denise Annaert, Pat Bagnell, is President: Jack McNulty, o'clock in the evening and find roast beef dinner with straw- Shirley Bickell, Bernice 1st Vice-President: Ian Welt- themselves in the shadow of berry shortcake dessert was Buday, Vi Coole, Linda on. 2nd Vice President: Gord the townhouses. He said this served. Ron Haynes express- Crossey, Virginia Fairey, Pat Simpson, Secretary - Treasur- means that back yard barbe- ed appreciation to the conven- Forsey, Barb Gilkes, Peggy er: Joan Sutcliffe, Averages: ques have to be early in order ors. Haynes, Eleanor Hilts, Irene John Wilson and Lola Wright, to take advantage of the sun. The program started with Hulme, Doris Joll, Maria Absentees: Peggy Haynes, According to Mr. Sadler, the pin money being distribut- Opoka, Nyhl Sheehan, Joan Replacements: Doris Joll and housing sales staff told him ed by Secretary-Treasurer, Sutcliffe, Jackie Welton, Social Convenor: Maurice three years ago when he Joan Sutcliffe and team Maurice Annaert, Don Annaert. bought his house that the land awards presented. The win- Bagnell, Jim Bruton, Vern behind his property would be ning team won the Selby- Connors, Don Ellis, Larry used either for a separate Grant Trophy, presented by Forsey, Ross Hall, Don Ham-- raw school or a park. George Beebe with individual ilton, Ron Haynes, Glenn He said that if he were to team awards presented by Killens, John Luffman, Jim I buy a new house again, he Eleanor Hilts. The runner-up Murphy, Ernie Perfect, Larry would check the zoning of team members received the Piper, Albert Saman, Gord The nurses of the Bowman- nearby land very carefully. Molson Trophy presented by Simpson, Ron Sutcliffe, Bill ville office of the Durham Maurice Annaert, and thev Tendam, Ian Welton and Ross Regional Health Unit would - D were Helen Dunn, Captain, Wright like the community to know Larry Piper, Susan Rutty, Under 100 Club members that they will be protesting the Roy Sandiso 1, Marie Brooks are Bertha Wilson with 97 enforced shut-out of the nurses and Wayne Hicks, Peggy Carol Russell with 99, Barb of the Haliburton Kawartha Haynes presenting individual Gilkes with 88 and Jackie Pine Ridge District Health trophies. The low team for the Welton with 85. Their-awards Unit, along with the other 26 Sst schedule was Pat Bagnell, were presented by Ron Health Units in the province. Captain, Maurice Annaert, Haynes If vouwish to lend support to Shirley Bickell, Ross Hall, Our last night of bowling the nurses' action, contact Bertha Wilson and Sonny was for hidden scores, the your local Board of Health Sheehan, presented with last prizes were given by Joan member, re the right to place certificates by Jack Sutcliffe. The most improved arbitration, so that the present McNulty. 2nd Schedule was bowler award went to a situation will not re-occur. da r d Fea tures Maria Opoka. CaDtain. Vern husband and wife team of we regret we will not be on Connors, Barb Gilkes, Ross Terry and Anne Emmett. duty the week of June 14 - 18th, Hall, Jackie Welton and Mack Anne started with a 145 1976. Wilson, their certificates were average and. finished with 183 presented by Ron Haynes. and Terry started with 153 and ette.a.nd a.fu Jack McNulty presented finished with 183. Joan Sutcliffe with a trophy Lawn chairs were presented A hitchhiker from Frank- for 1st schedule high average to all bowlers who had Perfect ford, Ontario was robbed of of 236, high single of 350 and Attendance for two complete $50 yesterday at the New- a Speca high triple of 874. The 2nd schedules, and included Bev castle interchange along the schedule winners were high Alldread, Denîse and Maurice 401 highway. average of 240, Peggy Annaert, Pat and Don Haynes; high single of 329, Bagnell, Jim Burton, Bernice Donald Fielding, R.R.1, Bernice Buday and high triple Buday, Flo Draper, Helen Frankford was travelling with of 816, Doris Joll. The three Dunn, Don Ellis, Anne and a male driver and female sisters were presented prizes Terry Emmett, Virginia Fair- passenger when his wallet was by Maurice Annaert. Peggy ey, Pat and Larry Forsey, taken and thrown out of the Haynes presented the men Barb Gilkes, Ross Hall, Don car window after the $50 was wnners, 1st schedule high Hamilton, Peggy Haynes, stolen. average of 248, 2nd schedule Eleanor and Norm Hilts, The 22-year-old hitchhiker gh average of 252 and lst Doris Joîl, Wendy Killens, told Ontario Provincial Police schedule bigh single of 373 John Luffman, Debbie officers in Newcastle that bis were all won by Larry Piper. Luxton, Jack McNulty, Jim money was stolen after an Ross Wright won high single of Murphy, Maria Opoka, La argument of some kind with S369 for 2nd schedule, John Piper, Nyhl Sheehan, Hilda the driver and the other Luffmn with high triple of 881 Simnick Gord Simpson John passenger. lst. schedule and Ian Welton Stainton, Joan and Ron Sut- psegr Snowden Picnic On Sunday afternoon, June 6th 1976, Solina Community Hall was the meeting place for the annual Snowden picnic. Eighty-seven members of the clan found it convenient to attend, some coming from as far away as Manotick and Hamilton. Beautiful sunny skies helped make the day a successful one. After some visiting, there were sports for young and old under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Randy Snowden and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Snowden. Race Results 4 years and under - Jeffery Walters, Michael Good- murphy. 5 to 7 years - Nancy Pleasance, Chris Baker. 8 to 14 years - Sack Race - John Snowden, Diane Goodmurphy, Diane Brownell. Wheelbarrow Under 15 years - Donald Snowden and Kenneth Down. John Snowden and Jeffrey Down. 15 years and over - David Snowden and Bruce Snowden, John Snowden and Scott Down. Ladies Shoe Kick Betty Snowden, Susan Pleasance, Margaret Good- murphy. Men's Shoe Kick Gary Snowden, Bruce Snow- den, TomPleasance. Egg Throw John Snowden and Scott Down. A candv toss concluded the sports events just at 5 o'clock, when we filed into the hall for supper. Grace was said and everyone helped themselves to the--deliclous food that had been set out in buffet style. After the bounteous meal, Vice President Joe Snowden acted in place of President Edgar Werry and welcomed everyone. The minutes of the 1975 picnic and the treasurer's report were read and approv- ed and it was decided to hold the picnic in 1977, again at Solina Hall on the first Sunday of June. Joyce Brownell had brought along with her, a large portrait of the couple responsible for the Snowden Picnic, her great grandfather and great grandmother, Mr. Samuel Snowden and Mrs. Sarah Grace (Belett) Snow- den. A count was then taken of the descendants present from each of the six branches of the orginal family tree, and the Snowden Crest was won again for the second year and presented to Mr. Ron Snow- den. A prize was presented to Lola Freeman as the senior woman present (in her 90th year) and to Lloyd Snowden as senior man at the picnic (in his 80th year). Another prize went to the youngest member, four month old Terri-Anne Snowden. youngest member, four month old Terri-Anne Snowden. Sam VanCamp was the lucky winner of the jar of peppermints for his very close guess. At the end of the business, a moment's silence was held for those of our clan who had passed away during the past year. Many willing hands made short work of the dishes, and soon good-byes were being said and everyone departed in their varjous ways toward home. May 8, 1976 is World Red Cross Day. Lt honours the birth of Henry Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross. This year's slogan is RED CROSS IS YOUNG. It reminds us that Red Cross is a dynamic organization capable of arous- ing the interest and enthus- iasm of youth and offers them, opportunities for service throughout the world. Av HEN WE GET PICTURE OTELEPHNES,WE'RE SURE GOING TO GET A LOT OF FUN OUT OF CALLING WRONG NUM. LBERS. IBYAM PLUMBING &HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING TYRONE, ONTARIO Phone 263-2650 LAWN-MBOY S Believe in it., Deluxe 21" Auto-Mower Model 8253 No more raking, no more pushing, effortless finger-tip starting and convenient controls. Proven gear-driven self-propelled mech- anism totally enclosed for safety. Just push handle forward to go, pull back to stop. Safety interlock prevents accidental start- ing when in drive. Grasscatcher assembly included. "We Service What We Sell" Brock's Service Centre Ltd. 20 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5487 * i GlfClub Speciaul ee for Father's Day!e *È *e * * * * ee * * e *.*e R s. e s a e e * e * ee * e * *e * * .- * e * * e9 * ee e N. er e * * *e Pro-Bing t Mo.e -8 23-3 21t ) w o wmanville-) *e (Priee s ee ien eeo eeeeee ffec Jun let toelth e