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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1976, p. 14

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DEADLINE Tl1FOR j CLASSIl FI ED Tues. 12oon iRELIA8LE aduits would like country house ta rent. Within commuting distance of Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121. 23-8x YOUNG couple require one bedroom aparfment by JuIy or August. Phone 623-5491. 23-1 x COUPLE (abstainers) 'and one child would like 2 or 3 bedroom apartment or house n Bowmanville, with use of yard. References availabie. Phone 623-4398. * 23-1 Clean apartment needed, mother and one child. Very reasonable rent. Phone Pat Bofhwell 623-2125 after 5. 23-1 x Widow, living alone seeks a one or two bedroom apart- ment or flat by July 31. Phone 623-7895 or 623-7037. 23-3x 1974 PONTIAC Catalina 4-door hardtop. Fire-coral bronze with russet vinyl, top. 400 4-BBL with power steering. Power brakes, Power win- dows. Loaded wifh options inside and ouf. Price for fasf cash sale. $3795. May be seen af 200,King.h St. East., Bow- manville. hone 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. af 623-3345, ask for Clair. Affer 630 p.m. phone Orono 983-9472. 23-lx 1971 RENAULT 12, good condition. Will show repair bis for over $400. 5 near new radiais,, reclining buckefs, rear window defroster,, new brakes and exhaust sysfem. A real g as saver. Asking $450. O.N .0. 786-2551. 23-1 '67 ACADIAN, 2 door, 4 barrel, 4 speed, 283, certified. Cal after 6, 623-2161. 23-2x '67 "98" OLDS, 4 door sedan. Ail power. Good running condition and good body. Best offer, as is. Phone 623-2234. 23-1ix '71 MERCURY Marquis, al power, good condition, will cerf if y. $1350. Phone 987-4341. 23-1 1975 CHEVROLET iLmpala,2 door custom, 12,000 mles, one driver, GM supervisor. Phone 728-8775 affer 5 pan. $4100. 23-1 '64 CH EV 1/2 ton, good running and body condition. Besf offer. Phone 623-4569 affer six. 23-ix 1969 AUSTIN America, 4 cyl., 4 speed, front wheel drive, needs body work but is certified. $300 or best. Phone 623-2271. 23-1 '62 PONTIAC convertible, six cylînder, in excellent shape. Phone 623-6010. 23-1 '74 ASTRE hatchback, 4 speed transmission, low mileage. Phone 263-2589. 23-1 '71 DODGE, new brakes and tires, certified, lady owner, 31,000 miles. $1595. Phone 623-4145. 23-1 1975 BUICK Skylark hatch- back, power steering, power brakes, radio, 15,000 miles, excellent condition, $4,595. Phone 623-3225 or 1-668-5767. 23-1 x '66 PONTIAC, $200, 623-6025. 23-1 x 1975 PONTIAC Parisienne 4 door sedan, 350 2 barrel engine, vinyl top, undercoaf- ed, good condition. Phone 623-3445 affer 5. 23 -1 '72 FORD Econoline Van, Pannelled and wîred, ready f0 finish, new radiais on mags, will cerfify, best offer. Phone 987-511i3. 23-2 '65 CHEV.ý S.S. Malibu conver- tible, good condition, as is. $450. Ph one 263-2216. 23-1 '66 CH EV. 283 Sedan, body needs repair, engine good, tires good, best offer. 623-7896. 22-tf '69 BUICK LeSabre, 2 door hardtop, excellent condition, certif ied, power brakes, power steering, aufomafic, vinyl roof, $1350 firm. Phone 987- 403 after 6. 23-1 75 CHEVELLE Malibu, 8 cylinder, power brakes, power steering, radio, w-w tires. Low mileage, driven onIy as se- cond car. Phone 623-4802. 22-2 '68 OLDS. Cufiass 4-door, sedan, 350 engine, mechanli- cally good, needs some body work. Caîl 1-983-5490. 22-2x FREE removal of fresh, dead or disabied animais. Cali Margwiii Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721. We now service ail areas. 20-tf Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Sidi ng - Sof f if - Facer Eavestrough -Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate HELPi lm falenfed and looking for work. Experience: drywaiiing, housepainting, papering, window washing, gardening, lawnmowing, re- tail sales, hospitai patient care, childcare, -posters, poems, ail-pencil portraits, etc. Reasonable rates. 623- 2687. 23-3 J. A. HAYES (SMOKEY) MEATS Custom Cutting 12 Cents Lb. FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phone 579-8011 or 623-7056 14-tf Ref rigeration and AppIlance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .........623-5774 Mights .........623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2t IJSE1j- Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf CASH .for gold, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jewellery, dis' es, furniture, crocks, paint. i ngs, sealers, appliances. F riendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-tf GCOOD used furniture, china, baby articles, other items. Phone Towne Used Furnifure 623-4681 Bowmanville. 22-4 Yai Re. Durham Masonry Ail-Type Contractors Ltd. Painting& Bricks - Logs Roofing Specializing in Fireoiaces. Phone 576-0230 17-tf PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 705-277-2261 29-tf CUSTCjM upholstering,' recov- ering,'r-styling, very reason- aework guaranteed, 20 years experience. Free estimates. PI ease cal! collect 1-986-5072. 26-tf 0 1 Filmn éProcessi ng t CHILDREN'S PHOTOS- Cameras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 23-10 Monte Henness) Carpenfry - Renovafinç Fencing,-AIl Types Floor Sanding, Concrete V Farm Buildings and Maintenance Phone 579-5957 ALLIN COL E'S MOBI LE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE' MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups - Brakes - Etc.) AI l work done by Licensed Class "A" Mechanic At your home or place of business. AI I parts and labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowma nvillie, ;y ig PJrk 52-f TOP CASH PAID for USED PIANOS Player Piano Lots of used pianos in stock, org ans fo! OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE' 16 Simcoe N. (af King) 728-1675 - 22-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERý ird -6355 sidence -621-7112 45-tf SALES PEOPLE -Canvassing in the Durham Region. - FuIl or part -fime. Advertising supplied. Cali 579-5070 8-tf UXPERTrnairdresser wanted. Good guaranteed wages, plus 55 per cent commission for the right person, steady job and good working conditions, 725-8710. 23-2 PART-TIME typist. Speed' and accuracy essential. 3 days weekly. Write Advertiser 623, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190,'Bowmanville, Ontario. 23-2 TEACHER For Bowmanville Nursery School, Four, haif days weekly, Sept- ember 20 to June 16. Appiy in wrifing-giving qualifications, experience and references to: A. M. Thompson il Concession St. W. Bowmanville.LiC 1Y6 HOUSEKEEPER for elderly gentleman, cen ,tral, bunga- low. Phone 623-3727. 22-2 Class"A Mechanic with somne experience in wheel alignment and front end work. 5 day week including Satur- days. Fiat rate shop. Full benefit plan including drug plan, life insurance, medical insurance, dental plan and refirement insurance plan through profit sharing. For interview phone 623-2518. CANADIAN TIRE 160 Church Street Bowmanville 23-2 CONTRACTORS Generai contractors quired in Durham Regi Roofers, pavers, piumbe general etc. Must be in pendent businesses- CaîIl 579-5070 re - ion. ers, ýnde- 9-t Malor 011 Companye * REQUIRES *Gasoline and Fuel OH Distributor fore 0 Bowmanville - Newcastle e Port Perry Area * - HIGH EARNING POTENTIAL - *Experience in the foliowing or reîafed areas an asset: Plumbing and Heafung Burner Service Mechanicse * .Tank Truck Drivers * .Contractors * .Building Suppîy e RepJy in Confidence ta Adverfiser 624, c-o Canadman *Statesmnan, Box 190, Bowmanviile, Ontario. LiC 3K9 Flats, tar and gravel, metal, cold process, leaks, repairs, shingies, interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. P HON E 623-5038 19-ff FOR aIl1 your building require- ments, new kitchens, replace windows wifh heaf saving Thermapane glass. Phone 623- 7363. 22-ff JOMESTIC &COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES .;ALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises 1PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-tf DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 - 1 45-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating Ail General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-'FURNACES CL EAN ED PLUMBING REPAIRS 16-ff PHONE HAMPTON 1263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Sysfems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Calti 623-2641' 33-ff VIKING Plumbing and Heaf- ing. Planning on remodeling or building a new home, call today for free estimate. 24- hour service. Cail 263-2981. 22-5 Peter Sutherland Alumlinum Prod. Siding - Soffif - Facer Eavestrough - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate 22-ff Female student would like sommer empioyment, Willing ta do any type of work. Phone 623-2683. 23-2x Bil's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanviîle Ontario. Phone 621-5187 Sheef and Floaf Glass Sealed Units- Strmn Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Coiored Glass and Giazing. 17 tf WVATER Wells bored, 30" file. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Represenfa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-ff D. Beers & Sons SCONSTRUCTION NewiHomes - Renovaf-ihg Rec Rooms Repairs of al types. P HO N E 623-2263 20-ff Lawn and Garden Ca re Grass cutfing, roto tilling and lawn roîiing wifh a commer- cial machine. Seedinca down new lawns and old, tree cutfing, painting, and odd lobs cleaning up. 500 lbs. pressure washing for farm equipmenf trucks, etc. Robert Jones 987-5222 C & CJAN ITOR -f SERVICE -Carpet - Upholstery Professiona lly Cîeaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVI LLE Ma pie Grove SmalI Engine Dr. A.F. McKenzie will be on holîdays and the office will be clased June il f0 June 20 inclusive. 22-3 Attention Senior Cifizens: Mondav. Tuesdav and Wed- nesday only, 10Oper cent off ai hair services. Open 6 days a week,,Thursday and Friday evening by appoinfment. Caîl 623-5019 or stop at Kuf 'n' Kuri Beauty Shop, 71 King Sf. E., Bowmanville. 21-3 The June meeting of the BowmanviIle Canadian, Can- cer Society is cancelled. Next monthiy meeting will be held in September. 23-1 PALOMINO colored 3-year- aid geiding, 14 hands, quiet. 300 bushels mixed grain. Phone 263-2544. 23-1 PUREBRED Yorkshire boars and gilfs R.O.P. fested. Tom Pleasance R.R. 5,î Bowman- ville. Phone 263-2719. 22-2 TH RE E sheep, 2 ewes and one ram. Phone 1-786-2441. 22-2 R EG'D. quarter horse, mare, 4 years, chesfnuf, stockings and stripe, English or Western, ideal games or trail prospect. 1-985-7881 or 1-640-4136 affer 6. 23-2 HALF regisfered Arab geld- ing,' chestnut, good pleasure horse or show, 16.1 hands. $600. Phone 263-2356. 23-1 1/2 ARAB - Connemara ponies, one-year-old gray filly by Ga-Tyn, 3-year-old chestnut gelding by Ga-Tyn. Other horses and ponies. Orono 983-5137. 23-2 EQU ESTR 'AN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDING instruction in Equitation J u Mpi 9 Dressage Schooling of Huntecs & Jumpers Hunter-, & Jumpers Bought & Soid RR 3 BowmAN viLLE 623-7336 tf Imm THREE bedroom apartmenf, separate entrance, electric heat, 11/2 years oid, broadloom throughout, no pets, aduifs preferred. Firsf and last month's rent in advance. Phone 623-7574 affer 6 p.m. 23-1 Furnished Bedrooms' by month,, week or day, shower and bath, icenced premises, reasonable rates. CASTLE HOTEL Bowmanville 623-7072 1 -tf PORT Hope, three Ledroom house, appliances, fireplace, garage, vacant, $260. monthiv. Pho ne 1-266-7945 Scarborough. NEW apts. Port Hope, f rom $190., l and 2 bedrooms. Sauna, recreafion, children's room, many feafures. Cal 885-6500. 15-12x mm Police Auction DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE to be held at 25 Division Station 962 Kingston Road Pickering, Ontario on Saturday, l2th June, 1976 Sale Starts at 10:00 a.m. Whereas no dlaims 'have been made by the owner of the property in possession of the Durham Regional Police Force, by reason of having been stolen from its owner, or by reason of having been found abandoned in a public place and the Force is unable ta ascertain ifs rightful owner. Further thaf these articles have been held more than the 3 months required. TERMS CASH Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police. Lawplý z d G ll rd e uipen Auction Sale, Saturday, Lawn nd Grden quipentJune 12 at 1: 15,af Bannisfer's, 579-2001 14-ff new auction hall, beside of: marbie top wàshstanc dinfing roam chairs, chesfs of Lloyd Barnes drawers, press back chairs, Plumnbing display case, tables, ail Iamps,, Carpentry, Renovafing frames, arm chairs, carpefs, AIl General Repairs smaii appliances, and other REASONABLE RATES items still being cansigned. Rager Bannister, auctioneer. 263-2288 23-1 Safurday, June 19, 1976 4 Auction Rings Shop Equipmenf af9:30 a.m. Furniture at 11:O00a.m. The property of Robert Mi lier in Brougham on No. 7 Hwy. 9 miles easf of Markham. Sale will include: Machine and Wood Shop Equipmnent: tire changer, weling accessories, quanfify of pipe and iran, vises, gas engines, B & D valve grinder, lumber, steel plywood shelv- ing, 1/2 hp 3 phase 550 voit elecfric mator, Cowan sash and door clamp, Cowan hori- zontal marfiser, arm sander, wrip saws, cut off saw,' 2 fable saws, variefy wrip saw (20" biade), 30" post model band saw, 14" double end, power emery, jacks, Royersfard 21" drill press (power feed), pipe dies, large quantity 0f hand tools, Beaver hand saw filing machine, 20' dirt conveyor, steel work benches, electric mofors (71/2 hp, 2 hp, 3- 5 hp, 10 hp, 2 - 3 hp, 1 hp, ail single phase 220 volt). Seed Cleaning Plant Equip- ment: One man bag hoider, misceilaneous spouting and baggers, 2 wooden cone hop- pers, liquid seed treater and bagger, Clipper No.- 16 power seed cleaner (60 screens), 2 steel bag carts, 2500 lb. floor scales, veivef roill miii, 2 carter disc separators, Franks timothy bumper, beif and buckle elevator straps, 2 Forano buffers. Antique Machinery: caver- ed buggy, wire wheeled show buggy, 3 cutters, waiking plow, team sieighs, sfeam engine oilers, old wooden planes, drip oilers, magneto's, 2 Landis 12 Model F leather stitchers, 1 Champion Model 77 leather stitcher, shoe but- fing machine, tank for steam engine, 6 H.P. Fairbanks - Morris gasoline engine, biack- smith steel tire machines. ,Furniture and Antiques: Quantify of pine furniture (3 flafback cupboards, 3 harvest tables, bianket boxes, chesfs, etc.), wicker fea wagon, fables, 6 -oak chairs, piano stool wifh back, crocks, gram- aphone, Boston rocker, 3 Victorian chairs, 2 spool beds, 10 antique dlocks, Uxbridge organ, box stove, scales, dishes, plus quanfify of other furnit.ure and antiques. This is only a partial lisf on ail types of items. Over 2000 items. The book "The Ontario Village of Brougham" written by Robert Miller and the, C[aremiont Story "I be on- sale. Terms, Cash. No Reserve. Auctioneers: John Annis, Ted Lyon, Henry Kahn. For further details contact John Annis 1-416-985-3477. 2;3-i Wednesda y evening, June l6fh- Twilig ht Auct ion Sale of Real Estate, Household Fur- niture and Antiq ues. The properfy of the i ate Meta Sanderson, 32 Victoria Ave., S., Lindsay, Ont. Real Estafe - 5 room 1 storey brick house - 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, bafhroom, kitchen wifh porch and car garage. New ail furnace. Lot size approx. 132' x 61'. Real estate wiii be offered for sale af 7:30 p.m. subject f0 low reserve bid. Terms on properfy 10 per cent down day of sale, remainder in 30 days. For inquiries or appoinfmenftat view house contact J.J. Graham, Execu- for 705-324-3009. Beatty up- right combinafion deep freeze and refrigerator, Moffatt heavy dufy stove, 9 piece mahogany dining room suife 50 yrs. oid, 12 place setting Limoges, dishes, chandelier, hall tree, chrome table, antique wooden rocker, swivei rocker, wicker chair, recliner, chesferfieid and chair, lyre back chair, iamps, pictures, mirrors, cedar chest, beds, dressers, chest of drawers, wash stand, paine quilt box, book case, 2 freadie sewing machines, small elecfric appliances, small tables, fiat irons, garden tools, iawn chairs, lustre ware, tea service, bedding, linen, full contents of home. Terms Cash. No Reserves. Note: Sale af 6:00 p.m. Sharp. Real Estate at 7:30 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Rea- boro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 22-2 1876 - 1976 *wiil seil af 3 p.m. Terms Cash. NO RESERVE. Lunch avail- able. Properfy sold. Two Aufcfion rings. Sale conducted by Liptayý Auctioneers Lfd., Bowmanviiie, 416-263-2117. 22-2 Safurday, June 12 - 10Oa.m. Furniture & Antiques Large inferestinq auction sale of furnifure and antiques including 3 flatback cup- boards, pine corner cupboard, bookcase with glass doors, copper boliers, large iron bell, antique settee, dlocks, spin- ning wheel, pressback chairs, pressback rocker, wicker rocker, Boston rocker, cup- boards, guns, rocking chairs, pine blankef box, coal ail lamps, lanfernis, Gone with the Wind Iamp, belis, iron pots, large iran kettie, chests of drawers, toilef sets, purpie insulators, cracks and jugs, antique tins, iron and brass beds, antique wooden beds, plus hundreds of other pieces. Don't miss this sale.. The property of Mrs. Tom Davis, R.R. 2, Claremont, 2 miles south of, Claremont and 1 mile east on Con. 7 then 1/2 mile north beside Cherry Downs Golf Course. Lunch available. Lloyd Wison, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. Note: This is a larg inferesting sale which wllI compiete the sales of the collection of the late Tam Davis. 23-1 Wednesday, June 16 -6 p.m. Furnifure and Antiques Auction sale including round oak table and chairs and buffet (excellent condition), antique parlour table, antique setee - f lowered satin button u pholstery with 2 matching cirs, smali walnut settee, Gibson 2 door refrigerator, Findiay 4 burner gas stave, bedroom suite with fwin beds, dresser and 2 cane bottom chairs, small wainuf desk, dlover leaf table, top part of rail top desk, antique walnut hall rack, 4 speed record player in walnut cabinet, drafting tilt top table, office swivel chair, oak bookcase, 2 oak arm chairs, washing machine, anfique pictures and trames, mirrors, mapie work bench with drawers, fools and vise, grinder, aluminum ex- tension ladder, 4 antique buck saws, antique scale beam. large qu. of scrap - mofors and, generafars, etc. The properfy of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lindsay, 544 Simcoe St., in Prince Albert (south of Port Perry). Sale af 6 p.m. Lloyd Wilson and W. D. Afkinson, Sale Managers and Auctioneers, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 23-1 Safurday, June l9th, Farm Soid,Auio Sale~ of farmr machinery, furniture and antiques. The praperty, of Owen and Del berf Carr, Lot 16 and 17 Con. A, Murray Twp. 5 miles east of Brighton, on Hwy. 2 f0 English Settiement Road, 1/2 mile south and 1/2 mile east or 3 miles wesf of Trenton on Hwy. 2 ta En glish Settiement Road. 1974 A- C 220 diesel tractor 1100 hrs. - 135 HP, set of snap-an duals 20-8-38. 1973 A-C 220 diesel tractor wifh cab 1100 hrs., fully equipped. 1956 and 1954 John Deere 60 tractors, 1974 Gleaner self prapelied com- bine - air - cab- excellent, 1975 Ford F100 Super Cab truck 26,000 miles, Ranger series, fully equipped, cerfified. 1969 Fargo 1 ton truck, dual tires, stock racks, certified. 1968 Bush Hog 10' tandem disc. Dale grain moisturizer meter, irrigation system, Hercules motor, Sigmund pump, 6" Ramn Bird heads, 300' of primary 3", 200' of secondary 2". 1975 Int. tandem 480 disc - 231/2' with wings, 1974 Int. 181/2' verbra shank cultivator with muichers, full wings. 1974 Int. 710 6-18%s spring reset piough. New Idea 51' hay-grain ele- vafor, 3 Turnco grain boxes 180' x 150'. 1974 1Int. Cyl1co (a ir) row corn planter, fulli une of outstanding farm machinery. See posters for cçmpIete listing. Wardrobe, cupboards, wash stand, antique rocker, fable and chairs, smali pool fable, chest of drawers, fur- nace. Many other articles. Terms:, Cash. No reserve. Furniture sale at 12:30 p.m. Machine sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Rea- boro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 23-2 Selling at Pethick's Auctian Barn, Hydon, one mile east of Eniniskillen on Sat. evening, June 12, large quantity of Auction Sale on Wednesdlay, June 9 at 6:30 p.m. at Kirby United Church, 11/2 miles north of Orono on Highway 35. Piano and stool, antique cioth and lamp bench and numerous oCher articles.1 22-2x Grist Mill Auction Barn Newfonville, June Illh., Friday - 7: 00 p.m. Washer spin dryer, small portable dryer (green), ieafh- erette chesterfie id bed, birds- eye chest, chests of drawers, beds, feiler's money, drawer, golf clubs, mavie screen, round table, patio chairs (wood), portable T.V., fridge, stove, glass, dishes, hutch and cupbaard, set 4 mafching chairs (Bowmanvilie style), upright propane tanks, piston pump, sump pump, bikes, mower, hardware, pany sad- die, mini bike, etc. Terms: Cash. Auctioneers: Stapieton Bros. 786-2244. 23-1T Grist Mill Auct ion Barn Newtonville - June 9fh Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Selling ail new ciathing for ail occasions for the whole family, indluding a large selection of summer clathes for chiidren. Don't miss this one. Local store drapping clothing uine. Terms: Cash.- Auctioneers: Stapleton Bras. 786-2244. 23-1 Saturday, June 12fh 12 p.m. Sharp The praperty of Mrs. Florence McCalium, 521 Rossland Rd., West, Oshawa. Corner of Rossland and Stevenson's Road. Kitchen table - -four chairs, stove, pots, panfs, towels, chesterfield, chair, entrance table, coffee fables, lamps, mirrors, 25" Zenith color T.V., (nearly new), T.V. frays, 2 air conditioners, bedroom suife, roiaway bed, aid trtýadle sewing machine, platfarm rocker, set of dishes, glass, china, walnut 9 piece dining room suite, ginger bread dlock, camphor glass, Gone wifh Wind lamp, walnut Victarina sofa, carved back, halfmoon end table, blankets, linen, manfle dlock, oak desk and chair, knee hale desk, aid typewrifer, hall tree, chesf of drawers, old chairs, wringer washer, press back rocker, caned platfarm rocker, hall stand, drap leaf table, pine flour b in, old trunk, 2 step ladders, garden tools. Many mare articles too numerous fa mention. Auctioneers Note: This sale is of top quaIity merchandise. Plan f0 attend. Terms cash. Lunch bar. Auctioneers: Ted Lyon, John Annis. Phone 725-1613. 23-lx Saturday, June l2th -Aoc- f ion Sale of Farmn Machinery and Household Furniture. The property of the late William A. Nesbitf, Lot 20, Con. 1,, Fenelon Twp., 6 miles norfh of Cambray and 1/2 mile west or 12 mile easf of Glenarm on Counfy Road No. 8. M.H. 30 fractor, good. M. H. 20 tractor, New Holiand side'rake, New Hoiland 404 hay condifioner PTO, New Holland 66 baler wifh motor, Malco 36 hay elevafor, Dion fhreshing machine on rubber, A-C heavy duty cultivafor snap hitch, A-C 3-12's plough snap hitch;', Woods electric oat rouler, Kongskilde drag cuitivator 3 pf., wagon, set of sleighs, full line of machinery. Deep freeze, heavy duty electric stove, 2 antique wood stoves, Singer sewing machine, chesfefield and chair, 2 buf- fets, wash stand, dishes, dressers, many other items. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale af 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 22-2 Thursday evening, June 17,, at 6:00 p.m. Clearing auctian of household effects, camping goods, iawn equipment, tools, tractors, car, etc. Thefproper- ty of Mrs. 1. Sa unders - located 2 miles west of Brooklin on Coronafion Rd., 3/4 mile norfh of No. 7 highway. Partial lîsf includes: 1972 Rambler trailer (17') with equalizers, 4 stands and mirrar; 1970 Pontiac Tempest car, riding lawn mower, 5 h.p.; rotary lawn mower, 9 x 9 Woods tent, 8 x 12 dining tent, elecfric organ and stool, 3 sets of tables and chairs, occ. chairs, aid dress- ers, twin beds, desk, book rack, lamps, odd dishes, pots and pans, Roy fridge (13 cubic ff.), propane gas, range, duo- mafic washer and dryer, Hoover vacuum, humidifier, hanging lamp, ail lamps, Bavarian china, silverware, camplefe lune of electrical appliances. This is a large interesfing estate sale. Plan ta attend. Terms cash. Myles King auctianer, 725-7511 or 723-0501. 23-1 Antiques Coliectors items. Household effecfs will be sold by public auction on Thursday, June 17. at 6 p.m., sharp on the properfy of K. Nicks (known as Redgate Stables) situated 1/2 mile narth of Taunton Road on the new road 57 (new middle road). Included are items such as Mahogany Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table and four chairs fo match with petti- point tops, gingerbread dlock, Wedgewood tea set, early Edwardian sideboard circa 1800, Iowback and oak carved chairs, assortment of depres- sion, glass, English china, small iron school bell, old church windows with ieaded glass approx. 100 years old, old oak and pine furniture, old rifle and brass 1powder holder, swords (English marine cuf- lass dated 1803), old pictures and frames, prints, small assortment of tools, nuts, boîts, approximafely 1 ton of lawn fertilizer in 100 IL bags and many more items of interest. '23-2 Tuesdlay, June 15 Auction sale of household furniture, antiques and real estafe, the property of the late Miss Giadys Cory, wiil be heid in the village of Oakwood (north of four corners) . Good cheer cook stove (goad), antique kitchen cabinet, fiat back cupboard (excellent condition), 2 glass doors, ornate top. Captain chair (very old, in good condition), 6 ?ood press back chairs matching), antique boston rocker, nursing rocker, eIec- fric stove (4 burner), Frigi- daire refrig., china cabinet (good), several good pieces of depression glass, several love- ly pieces of pressed glass, incIuding fruit bowl and nap- pies, vinegar lugw creamn pitcher, 2 sugar bois, anid covered butter dish, and many mare, several other antique dishes, f lowered base lamp (antique), 12 pc. set of old dishes, matching leather rock- ing and armn chairs. Hall tree, antique dining room table (extension), Lewyt vacuum cleaner (good), picture f rames, antique dresser, wash stands, and beds,- 2 sewinq machines (freadie type), chesf of drawers (antique), old church collection plates, bed- ding, linens, severai fern stands, and many other articles aiso offered for sale subjecf f0 reserve bld (if not sol d before sale date), a 6 roomn frame house with aiuminum siding, neariy new, bath, furnace, and cupboards, large lot, good garden, ferms on property. 10 per cent da y af sale with a cerfified cheque. Balance in 30 days. Terms an furniture cash, sale at 12:30. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers, phone (705) 357- 3270. Auctioneers or execufors wiiI nof be responsibie for any accidents. 23-1 OSHAWA Owner wiII hold a 1sf mort- gage at 10 per cent with only $12,000.00 clown on TfluS 4 bedroomn brick home with fieldstone fireplace in Rec. room. Patio doors ta backyard 275 feef deep with creek. 5 minute walk ta sports corn- plex, high, public and separ- ate schools. City bus 5 doors away. Asking only $63,900.00. Don't put off caîling. J. B. McMullan Real Estate Limit- ed, Realtor, 725-3557 or after 8 p.m. 725-9750 or 723-3568. 23-2 BAY RIDGES, Own your own home with only a 10 minute walk ta the GO Train, no need for a -second car with this semi-detached, 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Ask- ing only $51,900.00 and open ta offers as ownershave bau ght and must seIl. J. B. McMul Ian Real Estate Limited, Realtor, Oshawa 725-3557 or after 8 p.m. 725-9750 or 723-3568. 23-2, BOWMAN VILLE Custom built, ail brick, 2 storey semi-detached home in quiet aider part of -town, Finished Rec. room, top quaMlity broadloonMplaster -Mn.

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