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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1976, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. dune 16, 1976 NEWTONVI LL Mr. Stan Bowen of Bowman- vile spent a few days here last week with his daughter, Mrs. Acey Farrow, whose husband, Clinton, has been a patient in Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Kathleen Clarke spent an afternoon last week with Mrs. Agnes Burley and other callers with the latter were Mr. Reg. Bee and son, of Port Hope. Our belated congratulations to Mr. Wilfred Paeden whose birthday was celebrated re- cently (his 39th, of course!). Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer were among those attending the Kendal .- Port Hope E..satisf y.. YOU Mec AUTO AIR-CONDITION ING AUTO SALES AND SERVICE Taunton Rd. and Liberty St. Bowma nvilIle Phone 263-8373 Mon. - Sat. 8a. m.- 6p. m. basebaîl game in the latter's park, last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Elliott were visiting friends in Gana- noque la st week. Local ladies attending the -Lucky Luncheon" held at Shiloh Church last Thursday afternoon included Mrs. Bea Jones, Mrs. Iva Farrow, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Queenie Fletcher, Mrs. Acey Farrow, Mrs. R. Virtue and Mrs. Mary Worrall. Mrs. Mary Wade was down last week from Barrie getting her former home ready for the new tenants, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hughes. who will be moving in this week. Our. District Cub Packs spent the weekend at Mary- dale Park holding their Annual Cubaree and Athletic Day. We hope to have more details later. Dr. Dorothy Hill of Toronto was a weekend guest with. Mrs. Acey Farrow and we are glad to hear the latter's husband, Clinton, was able to return home Saturday from Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane of, Owen Sound were weekend vîsitors with Mrs. Leone Lane. Our little community was the scene of no less than two funerals, Saturday; that of Mrs. Lorchen Adams from the Northcutt-Elliott Funeral Home, Bowmanville in the morning and in the afternoon, that of Mrs. Lottie McCul- DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants L OFFICES.IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada Bu ilding OSHAWA, CENTRE, OSHAWA Partners. Josef Adam, B.Sc. (Econ.), C.A. -Gardon F. Sedgewick, C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.C.A. Phone 728-7527 839-7764 f ~ Dar rduction Newcastle Big Brother Association Seeks Volunteers If youre an aault male, eitner single or married, and would like to lend a hand to a fatherless boy, then the Big Brother Association of Newcastle needs you. After receiving its charter in March, the group elected a 17 member board of 'directors, and is 110w in the process of recruiting aduit volunteers. These four members of the Newcastle Big Brother executive helped get the campaign off the ground last week. From lef t to righ t they are 2nd Vice President Kay Lycett, Orono, lst Vice President John Dobroshinsky, Newcastle, President Lionel Parker, Bowmanville and Secretary-Treasurer Jack Munday, Bowmanville. The Big Brother Association serves the entire municipality of Newcastle, and the number to call for further information is 623-6646. lough, from the Ross Funeral Home, Port Hope. Rev. Gor- don Montgomery officiated at both services. Sympathy of the community is expressed to the relatives of both these highly respected ladies. .Greeting the congregation at our church door Sunday morning were Meda, and Hugh Stapleton and our minister's theme was "The- Portable Sacrament". The, choir sang 'The Valley of Pence" and after the sermon, the Sacra- ment of Holy Communion was administered with Elders Amelia, Lancaster, Bea Jones, Jack Kimbaîl and Sidney Lancaster assisting the min- ister. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton and Mr. Wm. Stapleton at- tended the Twenty-Fifth Wed- ding Anniversary celebration in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Butler held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Murphy. Bowmanville, on Sunday afternoon. Also, on Sunday afternoon, the Fiftieth Wedding Anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Elliott of Newtonville was celebrated at Greenwood Towers, Port Hope, with about 50 relatives attending the dinner there. Our congratula- tions to alI! A family gathering was held on the lawn, Sunday, at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster, when the following guests attended: Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lockhart, Niagara Falls, NY.; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Matthews, Mrs. Joanne Anderson, of Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Munday, Mark, Ian, Neil, and Janet, of Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buttery, Oshawa; Mrs. Doris Craig and Paul, Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs. Mike' Kirkton, Scott, Timmy and Tommy of Bowmanville; Mrs. Nancy Schneider and Baby Marsha, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wlsh, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard, Johnna and Delann, Newcastle. Everyone enjoyed the fellowship and the bountiful' table, the hîghlight being a lovely family-tree decorated cake dessert. Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle included Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, New- castle; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer, Cameron; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best, Wesleyville. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer were Sundlay af ternioon callers with Mr." and Mrs. AIf. Graham,, Newcastle, as were also, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones entertained inembers of the Lane family, Sunday, those present beîng: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce, Lenty, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lenty and family, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Owen Sound, Mrs. Leone Lane; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lane and girls, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray and girls, Orono; Mr. and Mrs.. Ted Lane and boys, Orono; Mrs. Barry.,Lane andi chilçlren, Peterb)oroqgh; Mvr. Nd rs. Rae Stewart of Toronto. Next Sunday, June 20, Rev. Roland Hopkins of Bowman- ville will be taking the morning service here at Newtonville, and later at Kendal, as Rev. and Mrs. Montgomery will be in Que- bec. Immediately after our service, the Sunday School picnic will be held on the church grounds. On Wed., June 23, o.ir U.C.W. will meet in the Sunday School hall at 8 p.mn. Marlene Stacey and her unit will be in charge of Devotional and program. Rev. Montg- gomery will show sldes, depicting the church history of this charge. If you are travelling this summer or faîl by AIR or RAIL, give us a catI. Marilyn, Brianor Bonniecan makeyour reservations with ANY AIRLINE or CN and CP RAIL and also have your tickets ready when you want them. BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL CENTRE is a fully appointed and licensed travel agency for ALL AIRLINES, CHARTER COMPANIES, CRUISE LINES and COACH OPERATORS. If you have your own reservations with any airline we can stili do yo ur ticket here in townand at THE SAME PRICE as the airlines. Airport Limousine Service is also available through our office and is operated by Trentway Bus Uines. Do yourself a favor, save some timeand possibly some money, contact: Bow nnille tâTrave'l Centre S623-3182 47 king St. W. 623-3182 -",YOU RG UID ETO TRAV EL" BETHA NY Track and Field - Grandview With flags of -the represent- ed countries flying, the athletes marched past the dignitaries while the official Olympic anthemf was played. The scene of these Olympics was Grandview Public School and the countries represented, were-Russia, Czechoslovakia,' United States of America and Canada. The dignîtaries were Mr. Arthur Brown,' vice- chairman of the Victoria County School Board, Mrs. Carew, also a member of the school board, Mr. John Bates, Superintendent of schools in Victoria County, and Mr. George Neals, Reeve of Man- vers Township. The athletes were led in the Olympic Oath by Mr. Frank Nester and the Olympie Flame was lit by Canada's Jim Bragg after'the torch had been carried around the oval track by runners, Terry Spearing, U.S.A.; Janis Ubanic, Russia; and Danny Mitchell, Czechoslovakia. During, the two day event there were mnan'y winners of the various contests but win- n ers of the gold, silver and bronze medals on their red white and blue ribbons are as follows: Girls> - 9 years old; lst - Rhonda Preston, Cz.; 2nd- Brenda Combden, R; 3rd- Jean Rose , R. Boys - 9 years old: lst - J.D. Urbanic, R; 2nd - Grant Burns, Cz; 3rd7 David Cosgrave, R. Girls .- 10 years: lst - Lissy Werk, U.S.A.; 2nd - Lavern Marchant, R; 3rd - Jef f Mitchell, U.S.A. Boys - 10 years: lst - David Groskopf, C; 2nd Lavern Marchant, R; 3rd - Jeff Mitchell, U.S.A. Girls - il years: lst - Jenny Loates, U.S.A.; 2nd- Lynn Pickering, R; 3rd- Karen Neals, Cz. Boys - il years: 1sf - Robbie Cosgrave, Cz; 2nd- Randy Finney, C; 3rd- Rodney Armstrong, R. Girls - 12 years: lst - Christina Craig, R; 2nd - Carol Musson, Cz; 3rd - Janice Urbanic, R. Boys - 12 years: ist - Rodney Wood, Cz; 2nd - Gordon Everding, R; 3rd - Paul Fisher Cz. Girls - 13* years: lst - Joanne Finney, Cz, 2nd- Sheila Carron, Cz; 3rd- Alice Anderson, U.S.A. Boys - 13 years: lst - Terry Spearing, U.S.A.; 2nd- Mike Jordan, U.S.A.; 3rd- Todd Miller, C. Girls - 14 years: lst - Wendy Cashen,,R; 2nd - Kelly Ashby, U.S.A.; 3rd- Kathy Porter, Cz. Boys - 14 years: 1st - Derrick Shkuratoff, Cz; 2nd - Stirling Mitchell, Cz; 3rd - Glen Wright, R.' IAs the medals were present- ed the antherns from the winning country were played. At the end of all the competi- tions and presentations to the athletes the Olympic Flame was put out by athlete Jim Bragg, Canada, and the athletes left the playground to the strains of ýthe Olympic anthemn played via the record player. ,Senior Citizens July and August will be quiet months for the Golden Star Senior Citizens until September the eighth when they will meet again în the faîl. Affer a social afternoon of euchre, the members journey- ed to St. Mary's Garden e party and partook of the: usual delicious supper of goodies. Birthdays and anniversaries were recognized for June, July and August and special good wîshes go to Mr. and Mrs. Jakeman on their 68th anniversary and ta Mr. and Mrs. Harry Preston on thei r 6Oth. hoped when the. president, Mrs. Belle Smith and Marg- aret Wright attend the Con- vention in St. Catharines on August lOth and llth, they will bring back some new ideas. A bazaar is being planned for the faîl, so members, "filI in your spare moments with crafts this summer". Mrs. Violet Carr spent many hours on the history of the Golden Stars and passages from it were read at the meeting. We realized what a busy but enjoyable time we have had thus far, and we will be glad to welcome any new members in the faîl if they would like to join our happy group. An invitation to Millbrook Strawberry Social was extend- ed from St. Andrew's Church for dune 24th. Members plan on attending the Crusade in Millbrook on dune llth. Euchre prizes were won by, Mrs. Lillian Fallis and Mrs. Alice Mantle. Senior Citizens take note of the membership meeting in the f aîl - September ath ut 1: 30 in Bethany Parish Hall. HydroMeetings Planned Ontario Hydro is planning to take place in two information hold day-long information centres in the Town of sessions for people who own Newcastle. They are the old property on or near the town hall in Newcastle village Lennox - Oshawa transmission and the former Darlington Uine. township office in Hampton. Notices about'the meetings The Newcastle village meet- have already been sent to the ings are scheduled for July 8, property owners affected by from 2 p.m. until 10 p.m. The the line. The meetings will Hampton meeting will take1 place at the same time, but one week later, on July 13. The Ontario Government gave Ontario Hydro approval to build a transmission route as approved in the Solandt Commission, last January. The approval followed an independent hea ring and oti' studies. According to Hydro offi- ciais, the exact locations of hydro towers have not yet been approved. KRAMP'S SAYS: "DOWN WITH FATHERI" Sit him down 1 Slow him down! Calm him down! 1with a throne Recliners with ai vinyl covering~ '~ and some with combinat'ion vinyl and nylon covering Starting as Iow as $ 139900 We also have a good selection of Rocker Recliners with Herculon covers. F. A.- Kramp Furniture Ltd. 37 - 41 King St. E.1 623-7071 Bowmanville's Headquarters for Furniture -,,Carpets - Drapes REDDI.CHEF *-REDDI-CiIEF* REDDI-CHEF * REDOI-CHEF* REDDI-CHEF s REODI-CHEF 'J Kentucky 92 Style C hi cke n M.te Announing.. the opening of z Bowmanville's newest and most complete Take-Out Restaurant M serving the community by offering a variety * Of Home-Ciooked Food. Kentucky Style Chicken - Spore Ribs - Pizza Hamburgers - Hot Dogs - Onion Ringsr sL French Fries (Home Mode) - Shrimps 5 ... and our famous Wedges w ~Try Our Gay Lea Fruit, Drinks and Desserts! THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1 Chicken Dinner Box Plus 1 Cheese Cake Free (Reg. 40C) Pick Up Our Menu and Sample Our Coffee at No Charge. POEAHEAD FOR FAST PICK-UP I~REDI122F Waverly Road BowmanvilleRED.HF REDDI-CHEF eREDDI-CHEF e REDDI.CHEF s ED-E REDDICHEF e REDDICHEF is a great business ... Just ask us girls...' Take, t from us, we truly enjoy our work. 0f course, we eat on ly the besti n da ir feed from VANSTONE'S which keeps us contented and happy,giving usa great feeling ofproductivity. What more cotild we ask? VANSTONE'S for the finest in commercial feed, for the dairy cattie in - j7 7 d'ustry. 'V&A NSTON E'S, Flour& Feed Milli 116 King St. West Bowmanville 1 Chicken Snack $.40 Plus 1 Fruit Drink (Reg. 20c) 1 - 9, Pcr. Plus $1.00 Worth of Wedges or, French Fries Free! Phone 623-577i

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