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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1976, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman,,Bowmanville, June 16, 1976 13 ~ DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED e, 12 noon COWLE - Dan and Darlene (Ergezinger) are pleased to announce the birth 0f their daughter Keri Kristina, 6 Ibs. 14 ozs. at Vegreville, Aberta, on June 2, 1976. Proud g randparents are Mrs. Edna 'r iezinger, Lavoy, Aberta and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowle, Bowmanville. 24-1 MASTERSON - Don, Ginny and Sharri are truly delighted f0 announce the safe arrivai of Timmothy Donald. Timmy weighed 8 Ibs. 4 ozs. when he was born on Wednesday, May 26, 1976 at Memorial Hospita , Bowmanville. Special thanks to Dr. Ewert, Dr. Cunningham and to the terrific staff on maternity. 24-1 MILOSH - John and Donna (nee King) happily announce the bîrth of their first born, a son, Ryan Kristopherl lbliloz. on Monday, June 7, 1976 at 8:52 p.m. at Oshawa General Hospital. First nephew for Aunty jDay le. First g randson for Mrs. Cl ary King, Bowman- ville. Third grandchild for Mr- and Mrs. Rade Milosh, Oshawa. 24-1 x SUMERSFORD -Bill and Sue (Allen) are very proud to announce the arrivai of their first born, a son, William Bradley, weighing 8 lbs. on June 7,, 1976 at, Oshawa General Hosptal. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Allen, Fenelon Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sumersford, Bowmanville. Special thanks to Dr. Spear and the maternity staff.,1 24-1 THOMPSON - Grant and Janie (Oliver) proudly an- nounce the arrivai of a brother for Jef f and Greg, Jason D onald Keith, 7 lbs, 2 ozs. on June 2, 1976 at Oshawa General Hospital.. Proud 9 andparents are Mrs. E.L. liver a nd Mr. and Mrs. .K. Thompson, ail of Bowman- ville. Speciai thanks to Dr. Spear and nurses of 4th and 5th floors. 24-1 Open house wiil be held a Bowmanville Legion Hall, June 26th, 1976 from 2 - 4 p.m. in honor of the 25th Wedding anniversary of Dawson and Muriel Beckett. AIl friends anid relatives are welcome. 24-Ix Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Craig c6trdally invite their rela- tves, friends and neighbors to a fiftieth wedding anniversary reception and tea, to be held at their home on the Manvers Road, on Saturday, June the 26th f rom 2 to 4 and f rom 7 to 9 p.m. Best wishes only, please. 24-1lx In honour of the Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and 'Mrs. M.D. Wyman, their children cordial ly invite you to a reception on S unday, June 20th, 1976 between 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at Zion United Church. Best wishes only. 2- Ross, Laura, Joe, and Paul would like friends, neighbors andi relatives to come and celebrate the 25th Weddîng Anniversary of their parents, Marshall and May Francis, Sunday, June 2th from 7 - 9 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall, Bagot Street, Brookîin, Ontario. 23-2 ADAMS - Eleanore '(Lor- chen) - At Memoial Hospi- taI, Bowmanville on Thurs- day, June 10, 106, Lorchen Reichrath of Newtonville, in her 7lsr.year. Beloved wife of James Adams. Dean mother of Mrs. L. Agostinone (Joyce), John, Gerald, Donald. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Fun- eral Home f nom Friday atter- noon. Funeral service Satur- day morning. Cremation._2- s * BENTHAM - Millie. At Hillsdale Manon, Oshawa on Saturday, June 12,-1976 Millie Cowan, in hen 88th yean. Widow of Deibent Arthur (Bert) Bentham. Mother of Mrs. Melville Baker (Jean), Chula Vista, California. Grandmother of Edwin of Toronto and Mrs. Roger Handwick (Joan) of North Bay, Ontario. Loved by f ive great-grandchildren and sis- fer of Mrs. Ida Townsend of Lonsboroug h, Ont. Rested at the Mcl ntosh-Andenson Funeral Home, 152 King St. E., Oshawa. Service was held in the chapel, Tuesday, June 15, 1976 at 1: 30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 24-1 COOMBS - At Memonial jHospital, Bowmanville, Sat- urday, June 12, 1976, Mabel Mitchell, age 84 yeans. Wife of the late George Coombs, dean mothen of Bill, Bowmanville; Gladys (Mrs. Harold Wood- ward), Toronto; Jack, R.R. 2, rBowmanville. Grandmothen of Jack Woodward, Onono. Service was held in the Morris Funenal Chapel, Bowmanville on Monday atternoon. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 24-1 IMcCULLOUGH -Mary Char- Ilotte (Lottie>. At Port Hope 1and District Hospital, Thuns- 1day. June 10, 1976. Mary 1Charlotte (Lottie) Luxon, wife of the late George McCul- 1lough. Dean mothen of Law- neen (Mns. Ken Whitney), grandmother of Rick, Paf (Mns. Brent Campbell), Lois and Linda. Great grandmoth- en of Bnian Campbell. Service was held at the Ross Funeral Chapel, Pont Hope, Satunday, June 12fh at 2 p.m. Interment Lakeview Cemetery. 24-1 MOUNTENAY - Overton. Suddenly at his home on Monday, June 14, 1976, Oven- ton Mountenay, of Hampton in his 52nd yean, beloved husband of Nina Brenton, dean fathen of Deanna, brother of Mns. W. Redquest (Manjonie), Mns. W. Menzel (Anita), Mns. J. Nedham (Leona), Thomas, Cecil, Edwand, Orloff, Rea, Robent, Hanny and Donald. Resting at the Northcutt Eiiiott Funenal Home. Fun- eral service il o'clock Thuns. morning. Interment Cannying Place Cemetery (Trenton) at îappnoximately 2 o'clock. 24-1 CARNATION~ p- For AIl Your Flower Needs STOP IN AI 'OUR WEEKENI THEY'RE HARE Carnation Flo 33 Divisio 623-714 AL LIN -In loving memory of a dean father and grandfather, Harold who passed away June 17, 1959. Seventeen years have passed, dean Father, Since yuu were called away, How well we do remember That sad and weary day. - Lovingly remembered by daughter Irene and family. 24-1 BEAUPRIE - In Ioving memony of a real dean friend, Irwin, who passed away June, 15, 1975. An understanding heant, An intelligent mmnd, We miss you lnwin, You were one of a kind. - Sadly missed by Ron Etcher and Dave Edmondson. 24-1 x BEECH - n loving memory of Aylmen Beech, dean hus- band and father who passed away June 17, 1954. As time unfolds another year, Memonies keep you ever near, Sulent thoughts of times together, Hold memonies that will last forever. -Lovingly remembered by wife Stella and family. 24-1 GUAY, Susan Lynn - In loving memory of a dean daughten and sisten who passed away June 17, 1954. When to the fIowens 50 beautiful The Fathen gave a name, There came a littie blue-eyed one Ail limidly if came- And standing at the Fathers -feet, And gazing in His face, If said wifh low and timid voice, And yef with gentie grace, "Dean Lord the name thou gavesf me, Alas I have fongot.- The Fathen kindly looked on her, - And said, "Fonget me not." -Always remembered by fathen, mother and sistens. 24-1 MARTIN- In loving memory of a dean qnandma, Inene R., who left u s June 14, 1975. We had a grandma with a heant of gold Who was more to us than weaitth untold, VVi1h no i arewe4i'she fel asleep With only memories for us f0 keep. -Remembered and loved always by hen gnandchiidren. 24 lx ND SEE< D SPECIALS MARTI N -n loving memory D TO BEAT of my dean wife, Inene R., who owerShop passed away June 14, 1975. on S.p One yean has passed1 since that 41d ay, 141 tfThe one I ioved was called - away, God took her home, if was his Since 1912 will, '> But in my heant she liveth stil I. Lovingly remembened and Flowers sadIy rnissed by husband Leonard. JACKMAN ... ...say it best! PHONE 623-3365 162 King St. E., BowmnanviIle 45-tf m' "F owers iSay it iBest- VAN BELLE DAILY Deliveryto ... Oshawa - Bawmanville Arma Phone 623-4441 43-tf RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario L1A3W3 High Quality at Reasonabre Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 WORICMANSI4IP * QUALITY Durham Couty's Qldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION S TREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Da-I or Night Serving this district for 96 years. Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN- SERVICE Thoughtful selection of cemnetery sites, tor vanlous reasons a concern to many people . .. often far in advance of need. We have available information on ail local cemneteries, simply on request.1 This is part of our service to the commurffty. 53 DIVISION STRE ET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 24-lx MARTIN- In loving memory of oun dean mother, Inene R., who passed away June 14, 1975. In our heants youn memony lingers Sweetly, tender, fond and true, Thene is not a day dean mothen Thlaf we do not think of you. -Sadly missed by the famiîy. 24-1 x Mc PH E E- 1n 1ov ing me mory of our \dear littie grand- daughfen, Tanya Manie, who was killed June 21, 1975. A beautiful liffle nosebud Biooming in God's ganden o'en the yeans But ail we have now is her picture Spnayed with a million teans So please dean Godý in heaven - eiabove TelTanya we miss hen and give hen our love Put youn anms anound hen and keep her in youn cane, Make up for ail she suffened and ail that was unfain. - Lovingly remembened by gnandma and grandpa Don- oghue. 24-1 McMAHON - n loving mem- ory of Arthur McMahon, who passed away June 23, 1970 and Gladis McMahon, Juiy 30, 1975. As the rainbow is a promise 0f a new and brighter dawn, 50 has God, aur Fathen, promised Thaf our loved ones will live on n a place of light and beauty Thaf he has set aside, A house of many mansions Whene they wilI evermor.e abide. -Sadly missed by son Wesley and daughter-in-law Jeanne. 24-1 SAMIS - n loving memony of a dean Mother, Ada W. Samis, who passed away June 17, 1972. We otten think of by-gone days when we were ail together The famiiy chaîn is broken now, but memonies live forever. -Ever, nemembened and sadly missed by daughten Pearl and family. 1 24-1 We would like to thank friends, neighbours and rel- atives who cailed on Sunday afternoon, aiso for the many cards, gifts, flowers and best wishes received on our 40th wedding anniversary. You made our day a very happy occasion. Ruth and Charles Betties 24-1 x The famiiy of the late Doris Stainton, wish f0 express their sincere fhanks and apprecia- tion fo relatives. friends and neighbors for the floral tri- butes, donations to the Cnip- Y ed Children's School and reatment Centre, The Heant and Cancer Funds. The cards of condolence received during our bereavement, in the loss of a much loved daughter. Spe- cial fhanks to Rev. L. Big by, the palîbearers and Morris Funeral Chapel for their help and kindness f0 us, the "Drapers" next door, Mrs. E. Wright and the Ladies of Enniskillen communify for supplying and serving the lunch. Sincereiy, Mn. and Mrs. L. Stainton 24-1 x The famiîy of the late Emerson Fisher wish to thank thein relatives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tributes, donations, cards and the many kind expressions of sympathy dur- ing the necent beneavement 0f' a dean husband and fathen. Speciai thanks f0 Rev. T. H. Smith, United Chunch Women and Morris Funenal Chapel. Bertha Fisher and family. 24-1 We would like fo thank all oun friends, relatives and neighbors for helping us to celebrate oun -25th Wedding Annivensany, and thank everyon'e for the beautiful gifts, flowens and cards. Harry and Florence Wienstna 24-1 John King and his family -would like to express thein appreciation f0 oun dean friends and neighbors for thein help and sympathy during a time when it was most needed. Thanks to Doctors Rundie and Long, the Legion, Rebekahs, Salvation Anmy, St. John's Women's Auxiiiany and Christian Reform Church. A special thanks f0 Rev. Gracie and Mns. Fonsey. 24-ix i would like to express my thanks and appreciation to Drs. Ferguson, Singal, Long and Clarke, third floon staff, therapy depf. onganizations, my family, relatives, neigh- bons and friends for visits, cards, flowers, treats, etc. which 'made my sfay in hospital pass more quickly and since nefunning home. Auna His 24-1 The family of the late Mabel Coombs wish to thank thein relatives, friends and neigh- bons for the beautiful floral tnibutes, donations, cards and the many kind expressions duning thein necent beneave- ment of a dean mothen and gnandmothen. Also Morris Funenal Chapel, Rev. Gracie, Base LUne Community and Roy Nichois Mofons, Countice. 24-1 i want tosincenely thank all my friends and relatives for thein cards, gifts, flowens and visits to me while i was in hospital. A specialthanks to Drs. H. B. RurYdie, John Rundie and Singal. Also thanks f0 the nurses and staff of sungical floor for thein tender Ioving cane. Sincenely, Jean Firth 24-lx Jim Adams and family of the late Lonchen (Eleanore) Adams wish f0 extend oun sincene thanks and appreci- ation f0 ail the many friends who gave thein support during the loss of oun dean wife and mothen and grandmothen. To the people of Newtonvilie that donated f lowens. To Dr. Mik- os, Dr. Singal, and Dr. Long, ail the nurses and staff of Intensive Cane at Memorial Hospital, BowmanvilIe. To Rev. G. Montgomery for his support and the beautiful service. To Nothcutt ElIiott Funenal Home. Thank you. A special thanks to the ladies of the U*C.W.' and WlI. of Newtonville who supplied the lovely lunch and tea. Thank you f0 ail the relatives, friends and neighbons who lent thein support and the many kind expressions of sympathy and the many donations. 24-1 x My sincere thanks f0 the doctors, nurses and staff of Memonial Hospital, the best hospital V've even been in, for their kindness and friendly help during my recent stay with them. H.W. 'Herb' Knapp 24-1 I would like to fhank ail mv friends, relatives, Onono Re- bekah Lodge, Shiloh U.CW. for gifts, flowens, cards and visits. A special thanks fo Dr. McKenzie and Dr. Long, nurses and staff of 3rd floon for being s0 good to me while a patient in Memonial Hospital, Bowmanviile. Bennice Stark (Pete) 24-1 Mn. and Mrs.-Grant Wil- liams R.R.2 Port Penny wish f0 announce the forthcomino marniage of their daughtei Shelley Jean to Walter Ran- do'ph Geldant Oshawa, Ont. Wedding to take place Sat. July 24, 1976 in Port Penny United Church at 4 p.m. 24-1 Ham pton W. 1. Strawberry - Dessert Tea, June 24. C.E. w ing 1:30 - 4:30. Pnizes. Adm ission $1.00. Children under 6 f ree. 23-2x Prout Family Picnic, June 20, at Haydon Community Centre at 4 p.m. Pot Iuck lunch. Hot waten available. Come nain or shine. 23-2x MONSTER BINGO New StartingTime THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50 tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA, 21 -tf Fine Free Week June 2lst - June 26th, 1976 BOWMAN VILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance Street 623-7322> 24-2 Summer Loan at the Library Beginning Monday, June 21sf, 1976 ail books can be signed ouf for 4 weeks. On September 7th, 1976 we will neturnf0 oun negulan boan period of 3 weeks. BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance Street 623-7322 24-3 SUMMER AT THE LIBRARY CRAF-TS- .Age 6 and up please. Mondays - 2 p.m. MOVIES Wednesdays - 2 p.m. Pnognams begin Monday July Sfh, 1976 and run until the end of August 1976. -Free of Charge.- BOWMA NVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance Street 623-7322 GARAGE SALE ORONO, NORTH Goodies Galore Across from Durham Farmers County Co-op June 23, 1976 9 a.m. 24-1 JOLLY CLUB (Senion Citizens) BAZAAR Baked goods, home made articles. SATURDAY, JUNE 26 At 2 p.m. 2-4 Nelson Street Fathen's Day Suppen, St. John's Anglican Chunch, Blackstock, Safunday, June 19 beginning at 5:30 p.m. Aduits $300, chiidnen unden twelve $1.25. Pne-school free. 24-1 Haydon Annual Sa lad Supper WiI11 be heid at the Community Centre (school) Thunsday, JuIy 1sf. Senving fnom,4:30 - 6:30 p.m. "Comne and enjoy oun homemade goodies". Admission: Aduîts $3.50 Chîdren 12 and under $1,50 Pre Schoolers - free. 24-2 Garage ta Ganret Sale! Home Baking!, Keep the date in mmýd. Af St. Andrews Pnesbyterîan Chunch on Wed. p.m., Sept. 29. 24-1 'the Wood Famniîy pi cnic will be held at Thistie Valley Park, Bowmanvilîe, Sunday, June 27th, 1976. Supper at 4 o'clock. Sports at 2.24-2 BINGO NEWCASTLE ,COMMUN ITY HALL Tuesday, June 22nd Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Pnizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 22-1 MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHURCH Sunday School Anniversa ry Sun., J une 20 2: 30 p. m. Guest Speaker MR. NORMAN WYMAN of the Open Air Campaigners Ventriloquism Giant Sketch Board heand Gospel Magic TeGospel presented in a different way. 23-2 Club Annrene Dance and Banquet Hall available for your gnoup's fund naising activities. Book youn nexf year's dates now while choice dates are stili available. Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 on 576-6599. 48-ff PLAN TO ATTEND, Strathaven Nursing Home (264 King Street East) TEA & BAZAAR Wednesday, June 23, 1976 2 p.m. - 4p.m. Arts and crafts by the residents. 23-2 Waverley Community Association JUNE DANCE To be Held in Newcastle Communify Hall King Street, Newcastle' ON SATURDAY, JUNE l9th, 1976 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets: $5.00 per couple for members $7.00 per couple for non-members FOR TICKETS PLEASE CALL 623-4307 or 623-3638 or 623-30Ô80 23- Waverley Community Association GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Wednesday, June 23rd, 1976 COUNCIL CHAMBERS (Fire Hall at Chunch Street) ate8:00p.m. Sharp Corne nd tellI the executive what you want them to do for your community. 23-2 Fish and Chips ail you can eat, every Safurday $1.49. Antiques bought and sold. Open eveny Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Acres Restau- rant, Taunton Road. 21-4x Decoration Day Service at Orono Cemetery, Sunday, June 27 af 2 p.m. 24-1 Father's Day Craft FRIDAY, JUNE 18 4 p.m. Bowmanviîîe Public Library 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 24-1 ESCORTED TOURS Niacaara Falls and Marine Land Sunday, June 20th Dominion Long Weekend Featuring North Bay, Sudburv. French River Cruise and Tobermory June 30th - JUlY 4th, For information phone or write: SUNSHINE PARTY TOURS 36 King St., Cobourg 372-9961 or 885-2200 24-1 Nestieton Anea Recreation Club are sponsoring a cam- paign for Park Flood Lights. Commencing Satunday, June 19, canvassers wili caîl for donations to assist with this pnoject. 24-ix The Town of Newcastle Social Planning Council will hold ifs June meeting in the Newcastle Village Town Hall CouncilChambers on Thurs- day, June 17 at 8 p.m. The guesf speaker is from the Oshawa-Whitby United Way program. Ail weicome. 24-1 FRONT door unit 78" w x 8412" h, oak silI, 18" side lights, 34" cedar panel door, baked enamel storm-screen insul glass. Compiete hard- ware. Phone 623-5061. 24-4 9 x 12 LA1JRENTIAN tent, sleeps 6 fo 8, excellent condition. $125. Cali 579-2095. 24-1 THOR countertop stove and built-in oven unit, good condi- tion $.100. Caîl 623-2624. 24-1 10 x 10 DINING tent, cataiytic heater. Phone 623-5215. 24-1 WEED sprayer, 3 1pt. for grain. Newcastle 987-4243. 24-1 STRAW. Phone 263-2795. ONE Fender Telecaster, eîec- tric guitar, excellent condi- tion. Fender carrying case included. Asking $450. or best offer. Cali 728-2122 atter 6 p.m. 24-1 3 ACRES of standing hay, 45 cents a bale. Phone 987-4406. 24-1 MASSEY Ferguson 10 h.p. tractor with 36" mower. Phone 987-4931. 24-1 1967 HARLEY Davidson 250 Sprint, low miles, needs work. Phone 987-4931. 24-1 MANWS three speed bicycle, good condition, asking $45. Woman's night-handed golf set, like new, asking $40. Phone 623-2757. 24-1 ONE Meyers hay conditioner and one hammermili. Phone 623-5079. 24-1 F RAME for canvas awning, 18' wide, Statesman'Office, 66 King St. West, 623-3303. 24-1 '76 TRAVEL traîler 25' self contained, fuIl rear bedroom, $6495. Aiso 35 x 8 park model trailer, year' round living. Apply Waltona Park, Mill St. S., Newcastle. 24-1 x ONE canvas two man tent, poles on outside. $20. firm. Phone 623-32,78. 24-1ix CARTRIDGE filter, suitable for pool up tp 3500 gallons, $45. new. Phone 623-2658. 24-1 GARAGE sale, 64 Ontario Street, Saturday, June 19 at 10 a.m. 24-1 24'- 1973 STARCRAFT Cruis- er, 30 original hours, 165 H. P. inboard-outboard, C.B. radio, compass, fridge, stove, head, many extras, immaculate condition, $11,500. 623-7598. 24-ix INTERNATIONAL 46 baler,, good working condition. $400. or best off er. Phone 263-8878. 24-1 4 816-5 tires, wide ovaîs, new._ '69 Ford car for parts. Phone 263-8191. 24-1 ONE pile shavings manure, free just pay for ad. Phone 263-8191. 24-1 TWO pair of pine shutters $25. One artificial Christmas tree with ten boxes of decorations. $20. Phone 263-2248. 24-1 WOODS, soft top.tent trailer, plus extras, sleeps 6. $425. Phone 797-2110 Bewdley after 6 p. m. 24-1 HOUSE trailer, 13 ft., good condition. Best offer. Phone 1-983-5289. 24-1 ONE chesterfield suite, in good condition. One stove suitable for cottage. One bumper trailer hitch to fit 1973-76 full size Ford. 3 wooden barrels. Phone 623-2867. 24-1 NEW, Hoiland baler with motor. Sam Turner, 623-5069. 24-1 TWO wheeI farm trai ler made from rear of truck, $40. Phone Pontypool 705-277-2480. 24-1 BICYCLE, girl's 20", hkýrise, 3 speed, in new condition. $35. Phone 623-7809. 24-1 ENGLISH hay tedder, like new. Phone 987-4772. 24-2x 3 POINT hitch. International C-28, $350., also no. 450 New Holland three point with crimper attachment' $450. Phone 723-1379. USED EQU IPMENT 22 Massey tracton $800. Farmal H tractor with loader $800. 30 Massey tracton $650. 47 International bailer $2000. C-32 International Mowen $600, 100 Int. side mounted mowen $250. Case model T-A semi-mounted mower $400. Case side deliveny nake $600. C-28 Int. mounted mowen $495. AIlied auto stooker with moton $800. New Equipment SPECIALS. 1100 Trailing mower 7' cut $1295. Robinson and Kitchen Farm Equipment Limited LINDSAY, ONTARIO 705-324-6136 1/2 mile east, junction 7 and 35 highways south of Lindsay. 24-1 APPLES Apple sauce loyers, here's your Iast chance to get your Iast Mac apples. $1.50 bushel. Limited su ppiy. Phone Wil- liam Fecide ma 263-2074. N'o Sunday Sales. 24-1 Pineridge Tire Sales TIRES AND WHEELS To fit your car or truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMAN VILLE 23-tf CEDAR fence rails at Burke- ton Garage. Phone 263-2311.' 22-4x Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 Asa lesman in Darlington Township.,_ éOSHAWA SAND -& GRAVEL SUPPLY SCREENEO SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUcTS AIL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS ~ Ž TOPSOIL & OIRT FILI. DELIVERFO OR REMOVED 1 TRUCK<S & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. -2 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. with mattresses, Lazy boy chair, bookcase. Call 623-3832. 24-1 Dl NI NGROOM table, (4 leaf), chesterfield suites, glass door bookcase, treadle sewina machines, buffets, cedar chest, variety of chairs and tables, chrome suites, stroller, car bed, car seat, roof rack, tennis table, china, glassware,, cookware, pocket novels. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bowman- ville. 24-1 ONE International baler, model 45. Phone 263-2936 after 5 p.m. 24-1ix 30 ACRES good standing hay. Phone 987-4655 Newcastle. R. LeGresley. 24-1 LARGE baby 's crib, 36" single bed with mattress and box springs. Like new. Phone 623-4798. 24-1 WICKER rockin g chair, dres- sers wicker bar stools, record cabinet, dressing table, bar, recliners, exercise bike, rad- ios, portable sewing machine, hall tree, above items have been reduced in price. "The onice ooes down in Towne". Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bowman- ville. '24-1 CHROME dinette suite, china cabinets, occasional chairs, rockers, round oak table, pressed back chairs, corner cabinet, bicycles, carnival C lss and much more. Dad's sed Furniture and Antiques, Newtonville 786-2509. 124-1 GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 19 9a.m. 125 Scugog St., Bowmanville Quantity of furniture, clothîng and hundreds of other household articles. 24-i1x 1973 IROQUOIS hardtop cam- per with add-a-room, sleeps 6. Phone 623-7138. 24-1 x COME IN AND SEE R.K.S. HOMES LIMITED Your Pyramid Sectional Home Dealer LINDSAY, ONTARIO -705-324-6136 After Hours Cali: Laverne Chapman 705-324-9438 24-1 Phone 576-5606 E. WHITE 30-tf CAR PETS of ai l kinds,customn made drapes and sheers, ha rd-. surface fiooring, prof essionalI- ly installed. Free estimates. Your one stop shopping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanville.> Furniture, Car- pet and Drapes. 13-ff SWIMMING pool wholesaier must dispose of 1975 alumîn- umn pools in stock, sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space. Brand new swimming pools include walk-around deck, fence, filter and warrantee, size 15 x 27, $1088 cash or terms. Cali Gord collect days or evenings 1-416-221-4840. 18-tf Water Delivery For filling swimming pools and wells. PHONE FRED'WILLIS 623-2469 19-tf Sw imming Pool Sacrifice Leadling manufacturer and distributor has above ground aluminumn pools Ieft over from 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaran- teed installation and terms. CallCredit Manager, coîlect« Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 1 5-f ALUMINUM truck cap, 30" high, 8 ft. long, blue with brown sides, roof racks, sliding front window, panelîed with 2" insulation. Il ft.ý camper for à4 ton truck, with furnace, follet, fridge, stove Plus -two water tanks. 72 Dodge V-8, power steering and brakes. 'Contact 1-983-9435. 24-1 CUB, Scout and judo outfits. Ladies pant suit, brown panits, maternity outfit, size 12, play pants. SmalI pool, Phone 263-8889. 24-I UPHOLSTERY remnants for sale. Whyte's Upholstery, 9 ulvision 5t. 24-1 BOX trailer, 4'h x 4'w x 8'l, new iast year. $200 or best offer. Phone 623-4322. 24-1 SIX acres of mixed haV, standing. Phone 263-8194. 2- COMPR ESSORS AIl kinds of machinery. SelI. Buy. Trade. Rent. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9-6 Ace Machinery 859A Nelson Street Oshawa, Ontario 723-0933 18-tf BABY Furniture: YeIlow Lepine crib, matching 5-drawver chest; Kantwet mat- tress, bumper pads; change table-with bath; Colonial hlgh chair'; mesh playpen; 6 x 9 ovai, yellow rug, washable. 623-7142 after 6 p.m. 24-1 FISH'tank, 100 gallons, com- plete with stand, canopy, p umps, gravel and fish $150. Phone 623-7461. 24-1 50 GALLON fish tank, com- plete with stand, canopy, pumps, fish etc. $70 or best offer. Phone 623-7461. by

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