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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1976, Section 2, p. 2

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*Canadian families wilI change their address, according to Walter Frank, President, W. Frank Real Estate Limited, a member of A. E. LePage Coast to Coast Real Estate Service and Employee Transfer Net- work; Walter Frank stated, "Can- ada's present dwelling stock is an estimated 6.9 million units and by using the current mobility factor as determined by F'amily Allowance statist- ics of 37.1 percent. approxi- mately 2.07 million households relocated in 1975 and about the same mobility -factor can be expected in 1976. (See Chart) The mobility factor range is further supported by, Bell Canada's '29.3 per cent Resi- dential 'Main Inward Move- ment factor for Metro Tor- )nto". This, factor range or per- centage movement is arrived at by dividing the 261,188 residential telephones con- nected (Residential Main In- ward Movement) by Bell Canada in Metro in 1974 by the total approximate dwelling inventory of 889,687 units, and multiplying by one hundred. The 1974 total dwelling invent- ory is achieved by adding housing starts to the 1971 census housing inventory fieures. Walter Frank continued "taking it one step further using the R.M.I.M. formula to include. the provinces of Quebec and Ontario, we have calculated the mobility rate to be about 26.6 per cent." "These national Metropol- itan numbers and mobility percentages can be'applied as well to other large Urban Centres such as Vancouver and Montreal. We can expect a 3 per cent annual increase for the coming year", he added. Another indicator of bouse- hold re-location is seen by the total moves handlled by Can- ada's largest van lines. 300,000 Residences Coast to Coast Real Estate Service estîmates that approximately 30Q,000 single, famhily owned homes, will change hands in 1976. "ICanada's population, is currently 23 million and is projected to be about 24 million by 1979. The mobility rate bas increased from once every five years in 1965, to once every three years in 1975. Population is increasing and people' are moving more frequently". Walter Frank attributes this increased ac- tivity to business growth expansion as well as political, social and economic factors. Some moves are known as corporate transfers by the real estate industry. "The Corporate Transfer, while not new, has become a force in theý last 20 years. Corporations recognize today's situation and have included a variety of -benefits in their Corporate re-location policy. Today's executive must-agree that moves are an intregral part of bis develop- ment and future progress and are in fact, terms of bis employment. Modemn business does flot consider a move as a temporary means to fi a vacancy". Business Activity Softens Cororate expansion bas been balted somewbat over the last 18 months because of future 'business uncertainty. Additîonally, mortgage rates of il13-4 per cent'have further ANTIQUES P.J.ý'S BRIC-A-B RAC 58 Rossland Rd. W. Oshawa Telephone 579-8991 SILVER - PINE - POTTERY GILASSWARE - FURNITURE ETC. Under the same roof as Renita's Hair Styling *TO: ~48WaterStreet* 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanx ille, June 16, 171; n, 'r'v Two Million Canadicin Familles' '76' retarded expansion. t was anticipated that executive transfers would diminish, however, such is not the case. Infact, an increase is evident due to a program of filling vacancies from inside rather than hiring new employees. Some plants and branch officeshave been closed or re-located rather than expanded and this furtber increases the -movement of executives. Social and politic- ai factors have resulted in some Canadian companies re-locating from one province to another. Forecast "1976 is proving to be an interesting and perhaps puzzl- ing year for Canadian people on the move. More mobility is evident with less industrial expansion. Wide market dis- parities in major urban areas with the exception of Toronto and Vancouver, high property prices, shortage of new bous- ing at moderate prices, a good selection of resales at a good price, plenity of funds at a nrire. inntprtain market price levels, demand.pulI-cost pusb inflation factors all combine to make the Purchase and sale of real property more and more complex". "During the next twelve montns, we at W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., forecast that the gap in housing prices between majo r Metropolitan areas wîll narrow, and is in fact already Book "There are too many books I baven't read, too many places I haven't seen ..." (Irwin Shaw 1913 -) A book can take you to places you haven't yet seen as well giving you information which may prove valuable or even vital. Twoe of the books here are in the category as well as two which are "just for fun" . Minimata - Eugene Smith and Aileen M. Smith Miimata is a photographic essay on, the tragedy of mercury poisoning. This was first noticed in the fishing villages of Japan in the early 1950%s nd has now been found in Northern Ontario. This book shows the -horrifying results of this disease and the lack of compassion shown by the large polluting companies. It is a book whicb hopefully may move us to take action in our own country. Bear - Maria n Engel Mqarian Engel is a Canadian writer best known for her short stories but her new book is a full length novel. eear is about a historian who is sent to a remote area of Ontario to do research. The house where she stays bas a tame bear whcq is the "hero" of the story. She grows to understand the bear in many ways until at the end of the summer she bas to return to the south to continue her work there. This is a most. Proba b!y Wl! Re-locafe in Beat unusual story and is not onE whicb will be liked by ail. We almost lost Detroit John G. Fuller Since we are in the same area as botb Pickering and Port Hope perhaps this boo] will be of benefit. This is about nuclear power plants and the serious safety problems they pose. Windscale in Britain had an accident in which people in the area were actually evacu- ated yet the British govern- ment covered up the story. How much have you hear( about the two incidents at Chalk River, Ontario? And how much have you beard of the Fermi plant in Detroit which had to be closed after endangering one of the mosi heavily populated areas in the United States? Government coverups and inherant safety problems are the two main themes in this book which will shock everyone who reads ît. When 1 was Young Raymond Massey Raymond Massey gives us an introduction to -a vanished, elegant past, the era in wbicl he and hîs brother Vincent who later became Governor General, grew up. The Masseys were a priviledged family yet the stories he tells are full of humour and affection and one gets a close look at the early years of a' great actor. *Plase send me your brochure outining the H & R Block Fran~ chise Program. 1 understand there is no obligation on my part' c l ~ a v r ff Name ______ M Address MCty/stite/zip Code Telephone rio. 'M. 17-,-L-P, sD M IL eOD. *Community Centre *Proposed for Orono - -P'Thity members a ors of the Durham Now available in Durham Region 24HOUR SERVC by the Durhamn Home Owners Service Ltd, TeCompany wos formeci by the many yeors combined experiencea :epce contractors in the Durham arec. Ifs primay purpose is ta safeguard members from overcharging ondpo< workmanship. MEMBERSHIP BE NEFITS -.e24 Hour Emergency Service " Day or Night Protection " Double Guarantee " Free Estimates " Guaranteed Complet ion " Speciaiized Service ~, 57,9-5010 " Latest Methods and materials " On e Cail1 Conven ience " Cfredif Convenience " Ail trades avoulable " Convenient centrai billing " Exp ert advice id direct- Agricultural Society voted in Central, favor of a proposed commun- ity centre for Orono ast week. However, the society is not expected to take any action on its decision until the resuits of an amena study involving all of the Town of Newcastle bas been completed, said Jackie Mathwick, secretary treasur- er of the society. The amena study is in accordanice witb provincial regulations that require a check-up for ail amenas in the province every two years. Wbether or not plans to build a new amena go ahead depends partly on the verdict of t h engineers wbo are coming, to look at the old Orono amena. "We've just got *to wait and see," Mrs. Mathwick saîd. She added that if the _study shows the old of Orono amena to be unsatisfact- ory, then steps may be taken to build the new one. or* Mrs. Matbwick noted that the old Orono arena (for wbich the agricultural society is responsible) is old and in need of renovationis. "We realiy do need a bigger one," she said. Mms. Mathwick also said the society would have to get funds together and apply for the necessary gants. According to a feasibility study conducted by the fimm of Totten Sims and Hubicki about one month ago, a new community centre in Orono would cost more than haif a million dollars. The complex proposed in the study would include an ice surface of 85 x 184 feet. It would have a seating capacity of 400 and in addition to tbe rink, theme would be room for community events such as dances. Three sites were consîdered in the study, ail of tbem in the Last week's meeting took answem session. Peter Flem- ing an architect with Totten, Sims and Hubicki was one of the people on hand to answer I questions. ie ie it le ýy d n tt d )f e. Savings Up 0~5O/%0 ff Manufacturer's 'Sugg. List Prices Brand name merchandise. Priced to seil! - ) 1: i i 1 IN'i S AIl items in stock for immediate delivery. Remember, if you 1, haven't talked to Murray, you may have paid too muchlKIl ' h.MERIDIAN ,.KING KOIL .KILGOUR,.FITTON PARKER .SEALY .BRESLIN BON1ANlZ t .SKLAR KROEHLER PHILIPS .PEPP RVITRAVILLE .KN OLSOT MEDIUM FIRM MATTI e AND BOX SPRING SE Smooth top, medium firm rr and box spring ... Twin orf Treat yaurself ta fine comfct f is truly an exceptional matin o~""~ %,~ ~an outstandi ng value -desig - - ~durability and support * /~...Full 54" Size Bath Pieces $88 $66 1- TWIN-SIZE- BOTH PIE 4 PIECE SOFA SET SOFA &MATCHING CHAIR KING KOIL QUILTEDT QSmartly styled sofa with matching love seat, Tradifional sofa and matching chair. Qualify FIRM MATTRESS ANI chair and ottoman in durable Herculon striped fabrics in a wide range of patterns and colars. MATCHING BOX SPRIP fabric. Long-wearing, goad-looking. Sure ta enhance any living roam setting. Twin or full size. Many be quilted covers to choose frair oONLY $429 WHILE PTHEY LAST- $397 te $497 firm mattress with matchir spring will add new camfortt sleighaurs. Also availa SKLAR-MERIDIAN BEDFORD 4 PIECE SOFA AND MATCHING sepn queen size. TRADITIONAL SOFA AND CHESTERFIELD GROUP CHAIR Brocade cover 1 onîy $349 otoman i Sklar- Where Quality 54Quee il Set $18 SUPER SPECIAL S Bu ilt In SKLAR-MERIDIAN HIGH PRICE ONLY $339 contemporary sofa and matching $108 BACK TRADITIONAL SOFA chair. Quality fabrics in a wide WITH MATCHING CHAIR SKLAR-MERIDIAN range of colors. Sure ta enhance TWIN SIZE - BOTH PIE Durable check fabric. CONTEMPORARY SOFA any living raam setting. 2 only at this price $344 AND CHAI,-R $4 WHILE THEY LAST $569 SKLAR CFM MODE RNKIGKL UTETO SKLAR ENGLISH PUB SOFA AND MATCHING FLLKING KOED ETR I QUILTDTOF OSTYLE SOFA AND CHAIR 1 ONLY $599 FULNZEUNKED ETA IRM MATTRE MATCH ING CHAIR 1compiete with mattress and lad- ADMTHIGBXS Long wearing floral COLONIAL STYLE COFFEE Ider. Sarrdy constrfcrian. pattern cover. 1 onîy $499 AND MATCHING END FROM $199 Ifpo you relkin f ba TABLES suppotyaKig wil leindifet O KA OENSF N YOURCHOICE EACH $69 SKLAR- KROEHLER wudepdt a uhm MATCHING CHAIR- BEDFORD this fine mattress and box spr For elegant casual living KROEHLER COLONIAL Assorfed bed chasterfields. One sa act now while this money-5 Suede look Assorted colors to SOFA AND CHAI R SET place. Same with matching chairs. prîice lasts. Also available ir 0 match your decor. $9 Performance tested in Olefin FROM$l197 si ze. tweed caver will look good langer. Ai Lmp ad20NLY-SPECIAL $488 SINGLE SIZE BED' Queen Size Set $198 A ilctures ad0/ MATES BED box spring and mattress $~5 in Stock /0 ~Single bed that answers your WD EETO ULIE-BT I Of f ~maftress and posture board. FO 7 ULSZ OHPE Off ~$173 FO 7 Be Sure and Look Over Our Father's Day 3Specials on Râclilneàr Chairs O ~ §/.3-~9' Open 'tii 9:00 p.m. each evening Monday through Friday FOLLOW THIS MAP Sa turda y 10 a. m. to_ 6: 00 p.mn. TO PICKERING . .. AND SAVINGS Telephone 683'-1061________________ a 401 PWV BAV Pr o 81 IDGES W.E 01 "12 ffl.Soth M fl 4, w m ~NEW BROCK RD EXIT furn tug'e waiehouse R O SERVICE ASK BOUTOURCON VENIENT CREDIT PLANS ""At Murray's MAD means 'Make a Dealý'for Quality Furniture at Lowest Prices!""(1RL Q O O O Q O Q cQ © Q DQ (D beginming to narrow, as indi- cated by our most recent Residential Market Disparity Chart". To arrive at the cost of a similar home in the new point of re-location, line up the two cities to determîne dispar- ity factor and multiply that factor by the current value of your present home. (i.e. Ottawa to Vancouver - 1.31 x Ottawa value of $60,000- $78,600.) To sum up 1976, Walter Frank feels the Canadian mobility rate will increase and by 1980 Caniadian familles will be re-locating once every two-and-a-half years. Coast to Coast Real Estate Service Division is one of Canada's leading transfer agents and provides profes- sional re-location specialists to solve and answer real property problems. The num- ber of corporations using this service has increased ten times during the last 5 years, it is expected that this acceleration wîll continue in the foreseeable future. Specific house price dispar- ity reports, evaluations, man- agement of vacant property, transfer tax information, marketing, legal liason and reporting are a few of the many responsibilities ad- ministered by Coast to Coast Real Estate Service. In addition, the service also provides information to industry such as labour pool, labour quality and cost, trans- portation, schools, shopping, taxes, municipal service, cost of living index, and econom- ical data for almost any Canadian requirement.

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