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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1976, Section 2, p. 9

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Residents Would Like More Hamiet Growth Hampton, Solina, anc Mitcbells Corners should nol develop outside of existing facilities, according to region- I planner, Brian O'Donoghue, What Mr. O'Donoghue tolda gatbering of about 35 in thE Hampton Municipal Building last Wednesday evening is5i accordance with policies sel forth in a working copy of thE Durham Region Draft Officia] Plan. The plan is scheduled to be presented to regional council dune 29, but on dune 18, the Town of Newcastle Council will meet with the Region t( make their last contributions before the plan is finished. In the meantime, the Town of Newcastle is holding four meetings to get input from the public on bow they wouldlike to see hamlets develop. The Wednesday meeing in Hamp- ton was round one of the hamlet meetings. Hamiet Palicy Two pages of information prînted fromn a section of the Region's Draft Official Plar surfaced at the Hampton meeting.' Tbey were distri- buted to the public. The pages revealed that out of a baker's dozen Newcastle hamiets identified on a region- al planning map, only one was recommended for growth of up ta 150 residential units. That Hamlet is Burketon Station. As for the other 12 villages, growth would be limited ta sometbîng called "minor in- CATCH TED WATSON'S STRAWBERRY EXPRESS PICK VOUR OWN I.' Expected -* Start FROM JUNE 2th to 23rd Mon. - Fni. 9:00 a.m. - 8:,30 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. Sunday il1 1:a.mn. - 8:30 p.m. NEW CROP REPORTS phone 623-7252 24 hrs. a day and get a prerecorded crop starting date and picking conditions, plus other crop information ALL TO SERVE YOU BETTER! FREE WAGON RIDES We have arranged ta have wagon rides whenever Possible for convenience aýdienjoyment. ,__S PLAYGROUND We have a playground just for the kids so bring themn along for some fun. OUAIYFR FRESH PRO2LJCE R R 2, Bow,,-,ile, ta,,o LC 3K3 Te46)623-7252 dternal infilling". In other )twords, a small number of ghomes could be built on vacant ilots within a village, but anytbing along the lines of a alarge- scale subdivision would enot be recommended. g The 12 bamlets recommend- ned for infilling are as follows: ýtEnfield, Enniskillen, Hamp- eton, Haydon, Kirby, Kendal, ilLeskard, Mitchell's Corners, Newtonville, Orono, Solina eand Tyrone. il Moving outside of New- ecastle, but still within the ilDurham Region, the fallowing ohamlets are recommended for sgrawth of up ta 150 dwelling units: Greenbank, Manchest- ner and Seagrave in the rtownship of Scugog; Leask- edale, Sanford and Zephyr in ethe township of Uxbridge. e District Plan According ta Regional policy as sketched out in the section of the draft official plan made available last jweek, planning in the Durham aRegion would came in two parts. First of all, there would be the Region's Official Plan. But within that plan, there would tbe district plans worked out by the municipalities. Mayor Garnet Rickard campared the 3system ta an apartment build- fing pro ject in whicb the region could be compared ta the building and the municipality would be compared ta mndi- vidual apartments withîn the building. Wbile the municipality would bave responsibility for the building as a whole, it >would be up ta -the municipal- ity ta decide what is ta be done witb the individual apart- ments. Can't Get Bigger Accarding ta Mr. O'Don- oghue, Hampton, with a pop- ulation of 600, cannot afford ta get mucb bigger. He said that ta expand Hampton outside of its current borders wauld mean mare expense ta the region and eventually mare taxes. He did say that Hampton is capable of large development witbin its own boundaries. Mr. O'Donoghue also said that the protection of agricul- tural land is an important goal for regional planners. He said that the expansion of Sauina would interfere with that policy. Information on Mitcbell's Corners bas nat yet been compiled. Not Enough Input Councillor Ken Lyall said at the Hampton meeting that there is stili not enougb public input, in spite of the meetings. He added that it isn't really necessary ta finish the officiai plan until the end of the year. Mayor Garnet Rickard said that the regianal planning and development cammittee has ,already listened ta about,300 briefs -- all of them dealing witb what certain people would like ta see in the officiaI plan. He told the Hampton graup that if anyone tbaugbt he wasn't given the oppartunity ta express bis opinion, he would like ta hear about it. Blackstock On Sunday, dune l3th, in the St. John's Cburch, Blackstock, three Religion in Life Certifi- cates and Badges were pre- sented ta Brawnie Tara-Lynne Bailey and Cubs Paul Green and Robert Green. Akela Ruby VanCamp was present ta belp Rev. Rase make the presentatians. Rev. Victor Parsons had taught the three recipients the required course alang wîtb several other United Cburch Brownies and Cubs. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey jained the Ridgeway Senior Public Sehoal staff and enjoy- ed an evening of races and dinner in the club bouse at l2wthn )xn Miss Angela Traves enter- tained several guests on Friday, dune lltb ta help celebrate ber 8th birthday. The grade 6 class of Miss Raymond and the grade 5 and 6 class of Mr. Ross and Mrs. Lusb journeyed by buis ta Peterborough on Tues., dune 8tb. While there they visited the zoo, Centenr.al Museum and the Lift Locks. Mrs. A. Bartley, Mrs. L. Totb, Mrs. B. Halliday and Mrs. N. Bailey were four parents wba enjay- ed the day along witb the twa classes. On Wed. evening, dune 9th, the Women's Institute met in the Community Hall. Seven- teen members and several visitors replied to the roll eall - Name a nutritious food begin- ning with your initial. Mrs. Percy VanCamp reported the highlights of the District Annual in Bowmianville. The members who took advantagc of danetville's invitation to visit the Erland Lee Home during Institute week reported an enjoyable outing at the bouse. There were other bus loads and ail enjoyed lunch together. Mrs. Shortridge ex- tended the invitation frpm Nestleton ladies to attend the duly meeting whicb will be held at Mrs. Donnerall's Wed., July 7th in the afternoon.ý Blackstock will not have meetings in duly or August. Mrs. Skelding - convenor of Family Affairs took charge of the following program: Motto - Be content witb your lot especially if it bas a home and a garden with it. Piano solo was given by bornie Bailey. Mrs. Walter Wright assisted by Elaine gave a talk accom- panied by slides showing us a bit of wbat Lorna did while in Tbailand. She is at present in Indonesia teaching pilots the English language. She also had articles Lorna bad sent home from Thailand whicb were most interesting. Janet Weir played a piano solo. These two girls are pupils of Gladys Thompson. Meeting closed with O Canada. Wbile lunch was being, prepared, Mrs. Shortridge conducted a good contest - twenty quest- ions - names of com-mon weeds. The June -meeting of the O.NO. *as held at the home of Aileen VanCamp. As enter- tainment for the evening the members played miniature golf in Oshawa and everyane bad a most enjoyable time. On returning to Aileen 's the meeting was opened by Tena VanRyswyck and the May minutes and correspond -ence were read. The swimming program is ready to begîn, with ail registration in to Uxpool and the bus hired. The bus is to, leave the Public Sehool on July 5tb at 8:00 a.m. and is returning at 10:45 a.m. Uxpool has already set the classes and cannot take any others during that hour of swimming lessons. Following the treasurer's report the business on hand was discuss-, ed. The Blackstock signs and posts are presently being refinished and re-painted. The Graduation Banquet is being catered on Thursday, dune 24th. Roll cail for the evening was to tell an unfulfilled ambition. Aileen and ber group served a delicious lunch. ,Little Darren Leach is coming along fine after having bis tonsils removed last week. Linda Kyte beld ber 3rd successful recital at the Blackstock United Church on Thursday evening: - Mr. and Mrs. Mike Polacb of Sheffield were Saturday visît- ors of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell. Congratulations to Heather Dorrell who -graduated on dune 8th from the University of Western Ontario on the Dean Honor list with the Bachelor of Education. Heather will be teacbing at Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larm- er were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Say- well, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kemp and Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey, Mr. Jack VanCamp were Sunday sup- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp., Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gibson were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Larmer. Larry and Beth Schryburt and children and Anita Alstein spent the weekend in Davison, Michigan wbere on Sunday they attended the open bouse celebration for a niece and nephew of Beth Scbryburt's. unýýter -and-fa-mily "of New Mlarket, YeII to us for help WATER SAFETY _________________________________Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. .lune 16, 1976 9 The Corporation of the Townof NewIVca.-stle AUDITOR'S REPORT and FINANCIA L STATEMENTS' for the year ending December 31 1975 To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle: We have examined the following combined financial statements 'of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and its library and museum boards as at December 31, 1975 and for the year then ended: Statement of Revenue and Expenditure Statement of Capital Fund Operations Balance Sheet Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we cansidered necessary in the cirçumstances. In aur opinion tiiese combined financiai statements préent fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and its library and Museum boards as at December 31, 1975 and the resuits of their operations for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles generaîly accepted for Ontario municipalities applied, after giving retroactive effect ta the changes referred ta in Note 1 (b) ta the f inancial statemnents, on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Cha rtered Accountants., Oshawa, Ontario March 26, 1976. Licence No. 255. STATEMENTOF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE for the'year ended December 31, 1975 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the beginning of the year (Note 1 (b))... Expenditure General municipal purposes General government ............... Protection ta persons and property. Transportation services ............ Environmental services............ Health services ..................... Social and family services ........... Recreatian and cultural services... Planning and development ........... Regional tewer and water... ... Reg ion or caunty purposes .....-........ Schaol board purposes............... Total expenditure...................... Revenue General municipal purposes Taxation ....................... Payments in lieu of taxes............. Ontario grants ...................... Other..................... ...... Reg ion or caunty purpos es Taxation ............. Payments in lieu of taxes ............. Ontario grants ...................... School board purposes Taxation ..-................. Payments in lieu 0f taxes............. Total revenue................ ......... AccumnuIated net revenue (deficit) at the end of the year (Note 1(b))........... Analysed as tollaws: General revenue.............. Special areas............. ...... Regional sewer and water (Note 7) Reg ion or county,..................... Schoal boards ........................ Local boards........................ 11975 Budget $1 ,70,159 1975 Actual 165,266 366,510 398,183 303,365 '297,535 1,431,220 1,428,878 173,635 190,828 13,635 14,460 - 400 708,172 725,280 174,575 324,513 3,1ý71,1 12 3,=380,07 1,364,728 3,056,842 7,592,682 1,839,957 38,993 707,963 14,039 3,100,952 1231,724 1,430,285 3,106,507 8,148,593 1,846,655 44,288 990,572 507,574 3,389,089 892,64 1 946,979 4,476 6,313 467.,612 482,552 1,364,729 1,435,844 3,047,611 3,081,681 9,231 1,6 7,522,523 '7,921,381 232,592 (6,266) (326,624) 15,023 (438) - .23,767 (61,946) 1974 Actual 653320 734,430 289,298 1,219,932 147,811 12,518 400 445,260 103,619 2,953,268 94,900 1,103,247 2,514,384 6,665,799 1,502,894 49,575 612,779 382,909 2548,157 705,413 3,729 403,569 1,112,711 2,509, 185 7,692 25 16,7 7 6,177,745 221,983 (17,556) (94,900) 9,464 9,621 316,654 STATEMENÎTOýF-CiTAL FUNDOPERTIONS for the year ended Decem ber 31, 1975 Unfinanced capital- 1autlay (unexpended capital financing) at the beginning of the year ........:..................... Capital expenditure General gavernment ................. Protection ta persansand property... Transportation services ............... Environmental services ............... Recreatian and cultural services ....... Planning and development............. 0fher.............................. Total expenditure ..................... Capital financing Contributions f rom the revenue fund.. Cpntributions f rom reserve funds and reserves ...................... Long term 1liabilities incurred .......... Ontario grants ...................... Other...................... Total capital financing.................. Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) attheendof theyear .. Current Assets BALANCE SHEET as at December 31,1975 ASSETS Cash.................................. Accounts receivable.................. .. Taxes receivable ....................... Other current assets .................... Capital outlay ta be recovered in future years (Note 4).................... Other long term assets................... LIABI LITIES Current liabilities Temporary loans ..................... Accounts payable and accrued Sliabilities.......................... Other current liabîlities ................ Net long term hiabilitiez (Note 5)...... .... Reserves and reserve f unds (Note 6)... Accumulated net revenue (defricit) and unapplied capital receipts ............ 1975 Actual 1974 Actual -804,204 37,636 3,809 136,265 538,694 6,390 332,619 23,522 70199 269,698 34,849 366,382 353,168 68,182 11092 279 4,444 31,165 497,085 16,435 793,150 9,000 213,725 9,924 14,966 327,096 9,000 5174,711 753,224 8A4124 1975 166,532 570,903 820,975 9,243 1,5&7,653 1974 189,635 525,567 664,301 9,684 1,389,187 2,289,578 2,146,482 39,525 117,420 .~1I ~ M33,8 700,000 462,756 25,648 1,188,404 1,516,354 1,253,944 (61,946) 465,763 761,929 un11,32 1 1,239,013. 1,322,278 926,532 165,266 3,653,089 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended December 31, 1975, 1. Summary of sionificant accountina orÎnçiples (a) Basis of nresentation- The statement of revenue and expenditure of the r evenue fund and the statement of capital fund operations include the accounts of the municIpality and the Public Library and Museum-Boards. The balance sheet reflects the combined assets and liabilities of the funds and local boards referred ta above. Not included in the aforementioned financial statements are the accounts of the Public UtIlities Commissions, Cemneteries and Game Commission which are municipal enterprises. (b) Changes in accounting principles and repôrtina practices The Ministry of Treasury, Economics and lntergovernMental Affairs has made a number of changes in the 1975 financiai reportlng requirements forOntario municipalities. These changes are: (1) Inclusion of local boards other than joint boards and municipal enterprises. (2) Inclusion of under and over levies for Region and School Board purpases as part of accumulated net revenue. (3) Some, revisions ta the classification of revenue and expenditure. The 1974 comparative figures have been reclassifled ta conform ta the changes in the classification of revenue and expenditure and have been retroactively adlusted to give effect to the inclusion 0f the Library and Museum Boards and over and under levies for Region and School Board purposes as follows: As Prevlously Accumulated net revenue at Decemiber 31, 1973 ............... 2,3 Expenditure .....................5~,2 Revenue.................. ......,121,067 AdCIutmnent for Inclusion of Library and Museum Boards and Over and Under Levies As Restated L29,332 $ 653 320 J6,78 6,17759 Accumulated net revenue at December 31,i1974................ $ 109,527 $55,739 81_65,266 (c) Fixed assets No value is attached ta f ixed assets for municipal reportlng purposes. Expenditures on f ixed assets are charged agalnst current revenues unless the expenditures are f inanced out of long-term debt. Debt retirement costs are charged against current revenues in the periads In which they are paid. (d) Charges for net lonq-term liabilities Charges for net long-term liabilities include principal and Inte ltrest charges are not accrued for the periods f rom the dates of the latest payments to the end of the fiscal year. 2. Charges for net long-term liabilities Total charges for net long-term liabilities were as fol lows: Principal payments........................................8113,918 lnterest ...................................................-90,165 Of the total charges shown above $187,809 was paid fram the revenue of the municipality and is included in expenditure, classified under the appropriate functional headings, and 816,274 was recovered from the municipal enterprises for which the related net long-term liabiliýties were incurred. Total charges on long-term liabilities lncurred by the municipality .................. ....................... 612,150 0fthe charges for long-termn liabilities incurred by the municipality, ottieis haVe as~Sured the eesponsibility for the principal and interest charges which amnount ta .............. 408,067 Charges for net-long term liabilities.......................... 3I0 3. Provision for reserves A provision of $44,847 for equipment replacement reserve is included ln expenditure under the appropriate functional heading. 4. Capital outiay ta be recovered in future vears Some capital outlay does not represent a burden on general municipal revenues, as it is ta be recovered in future years from other sources: 11 Special charges on benef iting landowners . .............236,460 Municipal enterprises ........................ ...... ...... . 160,888 Reserve funds.............................................. 13,528 MjL86 5. Net lonq-term liabilities Total long-term liabilities incurred by the municipat.ty, and outstanding at the end of the year amounted to ................. 3,839,832 In addition, the municipality has assumed responsiblity for the payment of principal and interest charges on certain long-term liabilities issued by other. municipalities. At the end of the year the principal amount of this Iliability was ...................................................... 457,346 0f the long-term liabilities shown above, the responsibiilty, for payment of principal and interest charges has been assumed by others for a principle amount of............... ...2,76,824) 1,536,354 Long-term liabilities issued by the municipality and/ held by reserve funds as investments amounted ta................. 1....... 20,00 Net long-term liabilities at the end of the year..................$1563 lnciuded in net long-term liabilities is an amount of $290,984 payable ln United States' dollars and translated into Canadian dollars at the exchange rate prevailing at the time the liability was incurred. If the liability was translated into Canadian dollars at the exchange rate prevail lng at December 31, 1975 the liability would be decreased by approxlmately $9,200. 6. Revenue of rserve f unds The revenue for the year of reserve funds* i ncludes the foliowing which were credited directly ta the reserve funds: Incomeïfrom investments ............... ................. $ 35,540 Land salesý ............................................... 288,345 Parki!Ing revenue .........,....................... ........... 21,805 Lot levies......................... ............... 80,374 $426,064 7. Régional sewer and water dficits The 1974 and 1975 sewage and water déficits incurred by the Région of Durham and charged back ta the Town of Newcastle have been recorded and charged ta the special1 def icit account. This def icit wilI b. recovered- from users by means of a surcharge over the five-year perlod ta 1980. in 1976 and future years the cost of sewage and water will be recovered by the Region by means of a regional rate. 8. Liability for vested sick leave benefits Under thesick leave benefit plan unused sick leave can accumulate and employees may become entltled ta a cash payment when they leave the municipality's employment. The liability for these accumulated days, ta the extent that they have vested and could be taken in cash by an employée on terminatlng, amounted ta $85,307, at the end of th4 year. No provision has been made for this liabillty. 9.Leaacin (a) The Regional Municipality of Durham has requested a hearing before the Ontario Municipal'Board ta determine what portion, If any, of certain development charge levies and reserve flunds callected by* the Town of Newcastle are vested in the Regional Corporation under the Regional Municipality of Durham Act. (b) There are a number of actions autstandlng against the Corporation, the outcome of which wilI not be known for some time. At December 31, 1975 the total actions outstanding amounted ta $55,500. l0. Contractual bigations At December 31, 1975 the Corporation had contracted for debentures issued by the Regilona l'Mun icipal ity of Durham ln the amount of $1,168,765. The proceeds of these debentures were received by instalments ln January and March of 1976. Since the sale of these debentures was not completed in 1975, this liability is not included in the accounts at the year-end. M I3

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